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November 06, 2006

One Of His Best Columns Yet

Today's Mark Steyn, linked here in JWR, is definitely a masterpiece!

Right now the Democratic Party needs the senator to move. Preferably to the South Sandwich Islands, until Tuesday evening, or better still, early 2009.

He won't, of course. A vain thin-skinned condescending blueblood with no sense of his own ridiculousness, Senator Nuancy Boy is secure in little else except his belief in his indispensability. We've all heard the famous "joke" now: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." (Rimshot!) Yet, tempting as it is to enjoy his we-support-our-dumb-troops moment as merely the umpteenth confirmation of the senator's unerring ability to SwiftBoat himself, it belongs in a slightly different category of Kerry gaffe than, say, the time they went into Wendy's and Teresa didn't know what chili was.

Heh, heh. You must read the entire column...

Posted by Seth at November 6, 2006 05:33 AM


Ah, I have a crush on Mark Steyn...

Brilliant article, as always. Can't believe the arrogance Kerry showed when he needed the old coots to move. What a pompous ass.

Posted by: atheling2 at November 6, 2006 09:34 AM

Atheling2 --

Mark Steyn is one of my top 5 favorite columnists, and by no means the 5th.

It would have been great if one of the old guys turned out to control 3 or 4 thousand votes and have a big check in his pocket for the Kerry campaign, told Kerry what he'd just blown and walked out.

I had a friend back in the 1970s who had long hair, a long beard and dressed like a hippie. He was actually a successful architect. He and another friend were building a house on 36 acres they'd chipped in on in upstate California, and he was living there while he worked on the house. Matt was also president of the local school board, a voluntary position.

He once went into the place where the county bought their school buses and talked to a sales rep who didn't know him, saying he needed to buy 50 school buses. The guy judged him by the way he looked and gave him a bunch of BS.

On his way out, Matt said, "Whenever your boss returns, let him know that I was here (handing the guy his card) and explain to him that your ill manners just cost him all future business from the local school board."

Heh heh!

Posted by: Seth at November 6, 2006 09:45 AM

I bet that guy's face turned red!

One of the things I find so strange is how IMPOLITIC John Kerry is. The man seems to possess absolutely no political acumen whatsoever. How the hell did he manage to make it to Senator with such little talent? Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe that having a shiny veneer is all that it takes to succeed in politics, but one does have to have some polish to one's approach. Look at Howard Dean. They had to muzzle him.

Ironically, the man they all love to paint as "stupid" - the President - has not made any gaffes as blundering as Kerry or Dean or Durbin, etc... "Islamofascist" raised some eyebrows, but the wisdom of using that term is hotly debatable. I for one approve of it.

Posted by: atheling2 at November 6, 2006 09:58 AM

Atheling2 --

Liberals have a tendency to blurt whatever they think needs to be said without first thinking about it. The result is a lot of farfetched and/or blatantly moronic innuendo that seems perfectly okay to them at the time, even though to any sane and thinking person it sounds exactly like what it is.

Afterwards, even realizing how stupid their remarks were after the fact, they will defend them unto death, or, like Kerry, stumble through lame excuses and blame others (usually Bush) for their statements.

Kerry is the "big shot" in the Democratic Party, the one they chose to run for President in the last go-round, so everything he says receives a lot of attention. I am perfectly content to watch him run his mouth and help sink the Dems right before election day, LOL. They created their own saboteur.

Bush has a lot of class, and he speaks maturely without losing control of his emotions like many Democrats do.

Most Republican politicians have polish, so to speak, and show restraint and maturity. Dems fly off the handle and show Americans what kind of leaders they would be, and that's why we're doing so well in election numbers. Voters don't want to be led by some guy who waves his arms around and rants like a maniac, or flings outrageous accusations all over the place.

Posted by: Seth at November 6, 2006 10:38 AM

If the GOP holds its majority in both houses, or maybe even just the Senate, I will send the good Senator from Mass a thank you note. I will thank him for possibly saving us from a total debacle.

Posted by: Shoprat at November 6, 2006 07:08 PM

Shoprat --

Kerry is a great asset to this year's GOP election campaign. We should all send him thank-you notes.

Posted by: Seth at November 6, 2006 07:24 PM

Kerry's timing on this was perfect, as usual, and really brought out the yellow color of the dem skin. I really hope, and pray, that the GOP takes it tomorrow, and wish all you the best of luck.

Posted by: ABF at November 6, 2006 08:21 PM

ABF --

Thanks, I expect that while we may lose seats in the House, we'll still hang onto the majority there, and ditto the Senate.

The Dems can keep telling themselves that if they continue repeating the "it was just a botched joke" line, someone will begin to believe it -- that just shows that they really do think their fellow Americans are as dumb as we now know they think our military people are.

Many Americans will go to the polls tomorrow with Kerry's "botched joke" fresh in their minds.

Posted by: Seth at November 6, 2006 08:36 PM

Mark Steyn is a regular guest on Hugh Hewitt, and I'm a regular listener. He's nothing short of excellent!

Posted by: wordsmith at November 6, 2006 10:52 PM

Wordsmith --

I've never heard Steyn talk before, but I would like to. I will have to start tuning in more to HH.

Posted by: Seth at November 7, 2006 07:24 AM

It's so funny to watch you guys get your jockies in knots over John Kerry's joke gone sideways and nary a peep about George Allen's racist gaffes.

Oh well.

Guess the average Virginian & Mass. voter knows the difference.

Posted by: Arthur Stone at November 10, 2006 11:18 AM

Arthur --

I'm not going to repeat what I've already said on the subject. If you're too obtuse to connect Kerry's past slandering of our troops with this latest incident, well.........

You be a liberal.

Posted by: Seth at November 10, 2006 01:26 PM