December 31, 2005

Best Of The Blogosphere 2005

Stop The ACLU is hosting Best Of The Blogoshere 2005, in which bloggers have submitted posts they consider their best for the year, linked to from the Stop The ACLU site.

While Jay invited me to submit a post and I would have genuinely enjoyed doing so, I've been so swamped with the details of a major move, buying and organizing myriad logistics for my new house and existing of late in a one man state of mass pandemonium that I wouldn't know where to begin looking for the post that fits the bill.

By this time next year, I will have been long settled in my new home and be in a "state of mind", LOL, that will render me truly able to participate.

Nonetheless, I'm completely supportive of Best Of The Blogosphere 2005, there are some truly excellent posts by some truly excellent bloggers, well worth taking the time to read and enjoy.

That said, I'll see you next year, and


Posted by Seth at 05:33 AM | Comments (2) |