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November 03, 2005

Why Didn't They Think Of This Sooner?

The Transportation Security Administration{TSA}has come up with a plan that will definitely eliminate a lot of hassle for travellers when they pass through airport security checkpoints.

WASHINGTON -- The government wants to offer airline passengers the chance to avoid extra security checks.

The Transportation Security Administration plans to make a "registered traveler" program available nationwide, agency chief Kip Hawley said Thursday in prepared testimony to Congress. The initial rollout is scheduled for June 20.

The program, which was tested at five airports, allows people to avoid random pat-downs if they pay a fee, clear a voluntary background check and provide some form of biometric identification, like a fingerprint. It's designed to let people who travel often avoid delays and to free up screeners to focus on other travelers.

"We believe that a nationwide registered traveler program can provide expedited screening for many travelers and enhance aviation security as well," Hawley told the House Homeland Security subcommittee on economic security.

Hawley said the TSA is considering adding benefits to the program, such as letting registered travelers keep their shoes and their jackets on, or setting up special screening lanes.


Posted by Seth at November 3, 2005 11:35 AM


they probably thought this a long while ago but it never made it through the system. but now people are probably trying to realize that this is a good thing

Posted by: background checks at November 4, 2005 11:17 AM

Oh, yeah!

I recently went on a multi-city trip back east that involved a whole bunch of airports and the security therein, and it does tend to become a little tiring, as here:


Thanks for stopping by, B.C.

Posted by: Seth at November 4, 2005 02:13 PM