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October 20, 2005

Move America Forward

This is the latest email announcement from Move America Forward:

Fellow Move America Forward Supporters,

I'm Sal Russo, Chief Strategist for Move America Forward.

I am sending you this short update to pass on some very good news.

The Chairman of our group, Melanie Morgan, has joined World Net Daily
as a weekly columnist.

You can read the scoop on this development here:

I know that many Americans will enjoy the opportunity to read Melanie's
conservative wit and wisdom each week. This is in addition to
Melanie's daily co-host duties on "The Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Show" on
KSFO 560 AM.

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Also, we are pleased to announce that Move America Forward will be
conducting a "Support Our Troops This Holiday Season" national radio ad

We're in the process of producing radio ads that urge Americans not to
turn their backs on our troops this holiday season.

The news media continues to celebrate only the negative news in Iraq,
while ignoring the progress our troops are making. This is a subject
that will be the centerpiece of Melanie's first column at World Net
Daily, and it will also be the central focus of our radio ad campaign.

We'll have more on this program in a few days. But for now, I'll give
you one piece of news on the program that I really like:

* We will base the broadcast of these ads based on where we receive the
financial support to air them.

Our accounting team will be tracking ALL online and mailed
contributions. We will then allocate the money to each radio market and begin
broadcasting the ads in that city/market once we've reached $500 for any

Once we've reached the $500 in a market we'll post on our website which
radio station we will start running the ads on, so you'll be able to
tune in and listen.

The point of all of this is to let you have the power to help advance
the Move America Forward message in YOUR area based on YOUR financial

We think this is a fair and effective way to help spread the pro-troop
message during this crucial holiday season.

Now, this will mark your first chance to contribute to the campaign.

Or mail in a contribution:

Move America Forward
ATTN: Holiday Pro Troop Ads
P.O. Box 1497
Sacramento, CA 95812

Next week Melanie will have more information about the ads, when the
campaign will go live, etc...

Thank you for reading my update.

Sincerely Yours,

Sal Russo
Chief Strategist, Move America Forward

Posted by Seth at October 20, 2005 09:56 PM