October 12, 2006

MM on the MSM

Talk about timing, it had suddenly occurred to me that I’d been neglecting to comment on one of the prime reasons I originally started blogging, that being the disappointment known as the MSM (mainstream media), and just when I was contemplating a post on those blackguards, along came the venerable Michelle Malkin with an OpEd that is far better than any effort I might have produced.

by @ 11:32 pm. Filed under Great Commentary

Omaha Steaks

I recently received an introductory shipment from Omaha Steaks — it was a highly discounted assortment of stuff intended — successfully in my case, I might add — to promote their products. They now have a new customer.

I received fillet mignons, top sirloins, Italian style meatballs (pre-cooked), potatoes au gratin, burgers, boneless pork loin chops, gourmet hot dogs and stuffed soles.

First off, though, I gave the soles to a friend who isn’t as anal about seafood as I am; I have a thing about only eating locally — wherever I happen to be — caught fish {the exceptions being salmon in various forms, mussels and clams}. Everything has been excellent.

I had a couple of friends over and barbecued the top sirloins and the filets over mesquite and they were awesome, especially with the burgundy, olive oil and shaved garlic marinade I used. The hot dogs were fat and contained no fillers to speak of, also something I’ll order again and the potatoes au gratin were an excellent side dish. The two pork chops I’ve inhaled so far were another thing I’ll order again.

Moving on to the meatballs, there were two 1 lb. packages in the shipment — the first pound went to meatball subs I made with marinara sauce. The remaining 16 oz went into last night’s dinner, and munchies for the next couple or so days >>>> I made a pound and a half of spaghetti and a garlicky red sauce containing a generous quantity of ground mild Italian sausage, added the meatballs, swamped it in shredded mozzarella and baked it. Mmmmmm!!!! I ate part of it last night and accompanied it with my own garlic bread and about half a bottle of 2 year old Bell’agio chiante (a dollop of that went into the sauce before the fact). A feast!

So, yeah, though they’re just a bit on the pricey side, I’d go with Omaha Steaks anytime. Prior to receiving the promotional deal and with it a catalog of all their products, I had no idea how many different items they sell, but there are a lot. In fact, before they sent me the offer for the promo deal, I thought they only sold steaks….

Anyway, I just thought I’d give a brief review of a good thing, as promised in an earlier comment thread.

by @ 10:51 pm. Filed under Recommended

October 9, 2006

Islam And Reality

My last post referred to the stoning of a young Muslim schoolgirl in France by other children because she was having a snack during the day instead of fasting for Ramadan. There was an indication that she may have had a medical condition that, according to the laws of Islam, qualifies for exception to the impositions of the fast. According to an Islamic authority in France, students aren’t adequately taught Islamic law in French schools and therefore might not have realized that the girl was exempt.

Oh, okay, fine. The schools in that western country are at fault for not including more thorough Islamic instruction in their schools, otherwise those little monsters would have realized they shouldn’t have stoned her. Boy, is that ever a relief, knowing the French are to blame for an oversight(man, how I hate taking sides with the French!), and not the children who did the stoning, their parents for raising them to stone other children for religious infractions nor, of course, the tenets of Islam, thank Allah!

I’m glad we got that bit straightened out, now it all makes perfect sense.

Funnily enough, when I was a school kid in New York, we weren’t taught the fine points of Christianity or Judaism in school; for that, we attended classes at our churches and synagogues, ie Sunday School or Hebrew School. Those Muslims are so special, they even feel the non-Muslim taxpayer should be required to pay for their child’s Islamic education.

Then again, Islam neither respects nor condones the existence of any other religions, nor does it respect the sovereignty of any non-Islamic nations, nor the right of those nations to allow freedom of non-Islamic worship or even exist under any but Sharia law, so they see nothing wrong with emigrating to a non-Islamic country and, rather than respecting that country’s beliefs and customs, demand that the country change to suit their Islamic beliefs.

In some circles, that might be called chutzpah.

But that’s not the sum total of what I’m posting about here, merely yet another chapter in the story of Islam’s modern day western migration.

I won’t even go into 9/11, the bombings in recent years in England and Spain or the aborted airplane bombing plot brought to light even more recently. No, forget those. They were the work of organized Islamic terrorist groups.

Instead, let’s look at the “small stuff”. The rioting in France several months ago, wherein Muslims burned hundreds of other people’s cars, committed untold property damage and assaulted people who had never borne them any ill will. The demonstrations on which we’ve seen photos, in which people held signs bearing such legends as “Behead those who insult Islam” and “Europe, your holocaust is coming”, worldwide rioting, property destruction and violence over a few cartoons of Mohammed and Muslims’ debacle over the Pope’s recent speech.

And the Muslim-on-Muslim stoning of that poor little girl by children who could only have been responding to their upbringings by parents who would undoubtedly have endorsed their “proper” Islamic actions.

The only response Muslims ever have to anything they feel insults their religion or its sick, twisted founder, Mohammed the Pedophile, is insane violence. Destruction, murder, threats of beheading….

Yet, despite these repeated occurrences, in their uniformity, intensity of violence and the disproportionately picayune events that provoke them, our western media and our western politicians continue to accept Islam as “the religion of peace” and make accommodations accordingly, welcoming this abomination into our midst and extending it significantly more respect than they accord our own customs and religions.

An American public school will suspend or even expel your child for attempting to spread a Judeo-Christian message among his or her fellow pupils under the auspices of liberals’ exaggerated “Separation of Church and State” bull droppings, yet will have no qualms about requiring the same pupils to take classes on Islamic scripture or religious customs, or to participate in simulations of Ramadan, act out the Pilgrimage of Haj or recite the Five Pillars of Islam, all on the overwhelmingly Judeo-Christian taxpayer’s dime.

Under the dubious “merits” of political correctness and multiculturalism, a couple more liberal contributions to the current state of affairs, Muslims are somehow a protected species – terrorism is merely the work of “radical extremists” and their violent, homicidal, destructive, mindless riots are invariably the fault of whichever western government and society happens to be hosting the perpetrators.

Organizations like CAIR {Council on American-Islamic Relations}, which is nothing more than a propaganda and litigation instrument for the Islamic infiltration of the United States, wage their campaigns to silence dissent and smother the truth as a way of running interference for the U.S. front of the global jihad now in progress, always right on top of any truth that rears its head that might in any way expose the invasive intentions of Islam for America, and they are backed up by leftist organizations like the ACLU, which was founded with an eye toward transforming this country into a totalitarian enterprise. Ironically enough, should the Islamic revolution succeed, the Marxists of the ACLU would be given short shrift by the Muslims with whom they have allied themselves – they are, after all, infidels like the rest of us and as such have less than no standing as human beings within the framework of Muslim beliefs.

And thanks almost entirely to the hacks that comprise today’s liberal dominated media and to politicians for whom being politically correct in order to gain votes is the order of the day, the majority of Americans are kept completely in the dark while Islam gradually establishes a powerful market share in the west.

Witness goings-on in France. Look at the way British society labors vigorously to accommodate Muslims by changing their traditions. What’s really disheartening and not a little frightening, is the fact that while the French, past masters of surrender and certainly not any kind of ally of America for over two centuries, resist change until they’ve been hammered enough by applied Islam, the British, historically a nation of great backbone, strength and fighting spirit, have been giving in to the demands of Islam before any Muslims even venture any. Britain has long been one of our truest allies.

“What—” as they say, “—‘sup with that?”

To cut to the chase, Islam is not the peaceful religion its marketing folks have apparently convinced the media and the leaders of the free world that it is. Islam is totally incompatible with the west, it is a religion based upon slavery and murder. It is a 7th Century cult that treats its women like dog doo and mutilates or butchers anyone who doesn’t go with the program. Its mandate is a planet dominated by Muslims.

Once this goal has been reached, the violence will not be completed – the next phase will be its various sects warring upon each other, the same horrors enacted until one sect – Sunni, Shiite, whichever – rules the roost. The various sects of Islam are already, and have long been, killing each other off and will do so even more vigorously once all infidels have been eliminated from the equation – converted, killed or enslaved as dhimmis.

Britain and France have about run out of time – the only way they will still be free countries ten years from now will be to employ brutally extreme corrective measures that will be fought by all but the most hardened hearts. The United States still has time to exercise options that, while in many ways distasteful, could save the republic.

Our leaders, those folks whom we have elected to defend us, need to wake up really fast……

by @ 7:24 pm. Filed under Islam In Action

Is This Really What We Need In The West?

Here is yet another example of the consequences of allowing animals who observe a barbaric, “theology”-based culture from the dark ages to immigrate to, live and multiply in civilized countries among civilized people.

Major Hat Tip to Always On Watch

by @ 3:46 pm. Filed under Islam In Action

Chickens Come Home To Roost

While this situation is pretty screwed up, I find it more than a little amusing, as I always do when I see businesses of any size finding illegal practices, whether for “cost efficiency” or corner cutting purposes, coming back to bite them on the derriere.

Illegal immigrants who worked at Café Express in Houston and two other cities in Texas have sued the chain and Houston law firm Boyar & Miller P.C. for negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud and other allegations related to the filing of employment certification paperwork.

According to the lawsuit, filed in Dallas Country District Court, Boyar & Miller and Café Express, a unit of Wendy’s International Inc., missed a 2001 deadline to file paperwork that could have allowed the illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens. Wendy’s was also named in the suit.

First, the Wendy’s subsidiary had criminal aliens working on their payroll before some dimwit politicians tampered with our immigration laws to begin with, setting a filing deadline to grant legal status to illegal immigrants — basically trespassers, if you want to get technical — based on employer sponsorship.

Second, they subtracted money from these criminal aliens’ paychecks every week to cover the necessary representation by an American law firm.

Third, the law firm screwed the pooch by failing to file the documentation they were required by their clients to file by the deadline.

Fourth, even after the legal eagles missed the deadline, their paychecks continued to be debited for the representation they weren’t receiving.

Fifth, the Wendy’s unit, Cafe Express, took what they saw to be their only recourse and fired the criminal aliens involved.

My own feelings are mixed, here:

A) I don’t believe that people who aren’t even in this country, let alone working, legally should be entitled to sue in our courts, but,

B) Seeing as Cafe Express, and by extension Wendy’s, had these illegals on their payroll prior to any sponsorship filing legislation, knowing that doing so violated federal law, and

C) Failed to meet obligations for which they’d been taking these peoples’ money every week,

I believe that both Cafe Express and Wendy’s should get it up the kazoo, big time — there need to be both heavy monetary penalties and the folks who knowingly hired the criminal aliens need to go to jail, but at the same time I see no reason to allow the aliens involved to sue in our court system. I believe the law firm that shirked their obligations needs to pay some kind of price for failing to discharge duties for which they were, while not producing, continuing to accept fees, and that the criminal aliens involved need to be sent packing. After all, at the end of the day, the fact remains that they knew up front that they were here illegally.

Basically, that whole sorry lot needs a good, solid slapping down.

It will be both interesting and, to me, highly entertaining to see how this mess develops….

by @ 1:59 pm. Filed under Just Editorializing

Briefly, On NK, Nukes and Diplomacy

I rarely have anything to say about this topic, because I perceive only profound stupidity in the entire quagmire of so-called “diplomatic relations” between Kim Jong Il and the rest of the world.

Here we have a tinpot communist dictator who starves his people and contributes absolutely nothing to the rest of the world other than malevolence and blackmail-based demands for aid he wouldn’t need if he didn’t isolate his country from the rest of the world in order to run his pitiful little “kingdom” unimpeded.

Here we have a whole bunch of stupid diplomats and politicians, including our own, who continue this idiotic pavane with that insane little shit, who has already demonstrated that he’s about as contemptuous of diplomatic overtures as are most Arab leaders, only potentially more dangerous than most of those — here’s an Asian Ahmadmanjihad who doesn’t even bother to employ pseudo-theological motives in his reasoning, he actually hasn’t a leg to stand on in support of his maniacy. He just yips and yaps like an attention starved chihuahua, and all the great powers of the world and all the world’s media shower him with the attention he craves, plead with him almost to the point of licking his backside, to accept bribes to stand down his nuclear weapons programs.

Here we have his latest nuke test, and the U.S. proposing sanctions in the event the little shit doesn’t want to re-enter talks already proven a useless waste of time.

I don’t generally waste bandwidth blogging about this situation because it’s simply too assinine to bother. We, and at least five other countries that could be injured by the irresponsible whims of Kim Jong Illness, could more than handily wipe him off the face of the earth once and for all, eliminating the problem, and use the freed-up diplomatic assets to address issues that require infinitely more consideration involving nations whose very existences are of far more import to the rest of the world.

by @ 12:36 pm. Filed under Asian Affairs

October 5, 2006

R Is For Repatriation

In the comment thread of my previous post, we were introduced to blogger Mark Alexander. I went over to his site and did some reading, and he is most definitely spot-on. His site, A New Dark Age Is Dawning, will be the newest addition to my blogroll.

In his latest post, he both defines the threat posed by Islam and suggests what is probably the only solution, though the lemming-like forces of political correctness would no doubt fight its implementation tooth and nail.

The post is here.

by @ 11:32 am. Filed under Great Commentary

October 4, 2006

I Hate To Be A Pessimist, But….

… as events have unfolded since 11 September 2001, while I still look at a bottle as half full rather than half empty, I cannot apply the same attitude toward the most likely state of things in America a few short years from now, if not sooner.

You’d have to be pretty damned optimistic to doubt that there is WMD in the hands of Islamic terrorists, and further, to think that there is enough aggregate humanity in that community to provoke even a second’s hesitation to use said weapons when they feel the time is most advantageous to do so.

The United States and Israel would be the primary targets, that’s a given. Israel has the edge there, even most of their liberals, because of the Jewish State’s short and violent history, know that the War on Terror is not a game and that security is a serious, vital and yes, as often as not invasive business in many ways. As such, the Israeli government approaches security seriously and is less impeded by idiots playing politics with human lives than our own government is here in the U.S. We’re surrounded by two oceans, Canada and Mexico, they’re surrounded by countries whose strictly adhered-to religion endorses wiping Israel off the map.

The U.S. has more border and coast to secure against illegal entry and a whole hell of a lot more land area to patrol. We have cities with multimillion population figures like New York and Los Angeles that would give a nuclear terrorist more bang for the radiation buck and at the same time be extremely easy to disappear into and within which to maintain operational security while preparing a horrendous tragedy.

Islamic terrorists are patient people, they have world class strategists among their leadership and their veritable legions of foot soldiers are people who crave death in the course of an act of murdering non-Muslims, as dying in the course of pursuing jihad is what they believe to be their path to eternal paradise. Their scriptures compel them to kill, convert or subject nonbelievers. There is no place anywhere on top of this earth that is exempt, the holy war will not be over until Islam rules the entire planet. They have no interest in compromise, respect no treaties or other agreements with non-Muslims and are brutally single minded in their resolve. They care nothing about killing fellow Muslims in the course of their terrorism, no collateral damage of any kind is of any consequence in planning their operations. Their religion permits them to violate its commandments in order to blend in among the “infidel” enemy – us.

Europe, shockingly enough including England, is well into a phased surrender to Islam, so there would be little strategic sense in wasting a perfectly good suitcase nuke on that quarter, but thanks to the love of liberty and the independent spirit of most right-thinking Americans, the United States is a strong pocket of resistance on top of being the epitome of everything Islam considers incompatible with its very existence.

We are the prime target for any nuclear terrorist attack. Count on it.

The left apparently believes that we can go to a street fight with a book of Queensbury Rules in our back pocket and return with no broken bones, if we return at all. They are evidently incapable of perceiving that at the end of the day, no brilliant diplomacy, no nice gestures, no compromise, no appeasement, no humane, moral or in any way decent concessions will earn us anything other than contempt and more vigorous and ruthless attacks from this implacable, malevolent enemy.

The Democrats labor under the impression that, for purely political reasons, they can oppose the Bush Administration’s attempts to protect the nation against terrorism at every turn with an end toward making the President fail and still see America come out of the deal with a whole skin.

While Bush is waging war to protect America and Americans, the Democrats are waging war against Bush.

They spin high tech eavesdropping on known suspected terrorists and terrorist connections into the NSA listening in on Rhoda’s arrangements for her son Irving’s Bar Mitzvah, Joe’s organizing of the Friday night card game and booze fest with Tony, Alfie and Moose and Janet’s personal conversation with her gynecologist, and protest these invasions of privacy.

They spin the Bush Administration’s monitoring terrorist financing bank accounts as “spying on” the money little Tommy has deposited in savings from his paper route or the balance Jimmy and Jane maintain in checking to keep their household finances on point.

They spin the Bush Administration’s radiation monitoring of suspect Muslim mosques as ethnic or religious discrimination…. Despite the fact that storing a nuke in a mosque is completely acceptable in Islam, as the stored contraband item will be used to murder infidels.

They…. Well, that’s not actually the subject of this post, it’s just getting my usual digressions out of the way in advance while also setting the stage….

…. For what I’m actually posting about, and that is a scenario of sorts that I’m about 250% sure will manifest itself in years to come – and I’m not necessarily talking a decade, or half a decade.

So, let’s get started.

The Democrats have a majority on the Hill and a Democrat sits in the Oval Office.

A suitcase nuke goes off in downtown Manhattan in the middle of a business day. Bye- bye NYSE, COMEX, NASDAQ, etc, the Federal Reserve and some of the world’s largest banks, the U.N. (bummer, heh) and at least five million human beings. The radiation takes care of folks in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island, as well as Nassau and Suffolk counties over a day’s time, Westchester and Putnam Counties, to add a few more million.

The blow to our economy is incalculable. The death toll is beyond reason.

You think some Arabic 7-11 owners being beaten up after 9/11 was pretty bad, huh? There will be shootings and hangings and so forth, Americans will go berserk. There will be unrest, all directed toward Muslim communities.

The so-called “peaceful” Muslims, the ones who had previously kept their traps shut, rather than protest the terrorist act, will riot, demonstrate and protest the “racism” they are encountering. There will be pandemonium, firefights on the streets and tons of National Guard activity.

The government will be in a position where the only logical action will be declaring martial law, but they won’t do so because they are Democrats and that would infringe on citizens’ “rights”.

A second nuke detonates in L.A., followed by a third in Chicago. Now our markets have ceased to exist to all intents and purposes, we no longer have an economy and millions more are dead. Rioting and looting have become the norm.

The Democrat President and the left hand side of Congress blame former President George W. Bush for not conducting adequate surveillance and monitoring operations, the same ones they themselves had deep-sixed, and all the former Bush bashers agree.

Meanwhile, the pandemonium continues.

And another suitcase nuke goes off in Baltimore….

by @ 5:03 pm. Filed under Global War On Terror

October 2, 2006

Democrats — The “Brown Party”

In a very well written post, Thespis at Thespis Journal talks about another lefty member of Congress, Ohio’s “The Dishonorable” Sherrod Brown, and his blatant self exposure as a bald-faced liar.

I mean it when I say that Democrats have a recent years’ record of voting irresponsibly, because a) they don’t take the trouble to learn exactly who and what they’re voting for, b) they are profoundly gullible, or c) they prefer to be represented in Congress or have in the White House adulterers, cheats, liars, traitors, whores and pimps.

Hell, if you contributed enough to Bill Clinton’s campaign, you were permitted to punch notches in the Lincoln Bedroom. On the streets a structure that affords that sort of arrangement is called a “trick pad”.

by @ 3:24 pm. Filed under The Left vs The Truth

October 1, 2006

Hizzoner Speaks

Yeah, he’s a Democrat, but he’s right up there in my esteem with former Republican mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani as one of the two best mayors of Gotham in my lifetime — Ed Koch, who stands behind President Bush’s leadership in the Global War On Terror and even voted for Dubya in the 2004 election — I guess he never saw any merit in joining the angry left in their attacks on the President or in their dedication to bringing down the greatest country in the world, ostensibly because unlike most of that crowd over there on the left, he is a patriot.

He has penned a new OpEd about a guest sermon he gave at a Rosh Hashanah(Jewish New Year) service eight days ago, worth the read for sure.

In a fatuous editorial, The Times lectured the Pope. It stated: “A doctrinal conservative, his greatest fear appears to be the loss of a uniform Catholic identity, not exactly the best jumping-off point for tolerance or interfaith dialogue. The world listens carefully to the words of any pope. And it is tragic and dangerous when one sows pain, either deliberately or carelessly. He needs to offer a deep and persuasive apology, demonstrating that words can also heal.”

What wrong did the Pope commit? Quoting a 14th-century emperor? Condemning violence as a religious tactic and urging a dialogue? We should be applauding the Pope for his bravery and supporting his call for dialogue. Has The Times ever acknowledged that we are now engaged in a war with Islamic terrorists worldwide who have clearly stated that their desire is to convert or kill the infidels who they believe we are?

To Truncate,

Now let’s turn to the United Nations and what took place when Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez addressed the General Assembly. He vilified President Bush, referring to him as “the devil,” and stated that he could still smell the scent of sulfur on the speaker’s podium from President Bush’s earlier address to the Assembly. He mockingly crossed himself for protection and went on at length with his vilification of President Bush and the United States.

What offended me even more than Chavez’s ludicrous remarks were the responses of the U.N. delegates. No one stood up and told Chavez that he was out of order and demanded that he stop or sit down. They should have told him he was a disgrace to the U.N. Instead they are reported to have applauded this monster and laughed with him, instead of at him. The Times reported: “So while there was official outrage over Mr. Chavez calling Mr. Bush ‘the devil,’ there was also a lot of applause and giggling, from dignitaries including the president of the General Assembly herself, Haya Rashed al-Khalifa of Bahrain, who was caught chuckling from her seat on the dais behind Mr. Chavez.”

Where was the official outrage, and why was Chavez not rebuked while he held the platform? Many of the countries whose delegates were amused by his vitriol receive their sustenance from the U.S. We feed their people and provide much of their medical care. Many expect the U.S. to protect them from attacks from other countries, and some of them are even formal allies. Yet none of them walked out to show solidarity with us. The two nations not in the chamber when Chavez took the dais were the U.S. and Israel. We should forever remember the craven behavior of those who stayed and cheered.

Hizzoner speaks his mind….

Read the entire column here.

by @ 3:19 pm. Filed under Great Commentary