December 24, 2010
Tis The Season
Chuck here.
I can’t believe it’s been a month since our last post here at Hard Astarboard, but I’ve been pretty swamped trying to cope with my not altogether wanted, but unfortunately needed by close and therefore important friends, sojourn in New York, minding the store while Seth and Wolf are off doing what they’ve gotta do.
Having said that, and sorry to be missing those guys this time of year, knowing that they’re foregoing any kind of seasonal festivity to get done what needs doing, to our Christian friends, on behalf of Seth, Wolf and Yours Truly,
December 26, 2007
Yeah, yeah, I know…
… I’m a good Jewish kid, but…
My current playlist includes such items as Sleighride (Boston Pops), Christmas Wrapping (the Waitresses), I Believe In Father Christmas (Emerson, Lake & Palmer) and Do You Hear What I Hear (Andy Williams).
I love Christmas music!
My favorite Christmas classic is the Andy Williams song mentioned above.
And my playlist goes on…
December 24, 2007
December 20, 2007
Still Lower Lows Reached…
…in liberals’ war on Christianity,
( - With Dec. 25 only days away, a central image in the celebration of Christmas — the manger scene featuring replicas of Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus — has become the focus of attacks by vandals and leaders of “the secular Left,” Christian groups charged on Wednesday.
Okay, so how far do some of these G-dless folks take this? What’s all the hubbub about? Well, here’s one example:
While the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights was erecting a nativity scene in New York City’s Central Park, the group issued a news release condemning three dozen instances in which manger scenes were vandalized or stolen from Antioch, Calif., to Leesburg, Va., this Christmas season.
“In perhaps the sickest incident, a public school coach in Marietta, Ga., drove students around the area in his pickup truck, instructing them to thrash Christmas displays after dark,” League said.
During their Dec. 8 vandalism spree, 46-year-old John Hayes and several middle school students damaged a number of Christmas displays, let the air out of inflatable figures and rearranged plastic reindeer into X-rated sexual positions.
According to the WGCL TV, Hayes has been charged with trespassing, contributing to the delinquency of minors and reckless conduct.
(above emphasis mine)
So this Hayes fellow is one of those modern, “progressive” school faculty members to whom parents entrust their children and the minds of said children for several hours a day, five days a week. Now isn’t that special…
In addition to physical attacks, nativity scenes are “part of a larger war that the secular Left is waging on all things Christian,” said Gary McCaleb, senior counsel with the conservative Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) - which describes itself as “a legal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the Truth through strategy, training, funding, and litigation” - in a news release.
During the past week, ADF attorneys have offered to defend free of charge two cities in Wisconsin that faced legal action from the secularist Freedom from Religion Foundation (FRF) if those governments did not remove nativity scenes from their public holiday displays.
Thank G-d that there are some people like those at the Alliance Defense Fund out there to counter satanic wingnuts like FRF.
Face it, these self appointed grinches fall into two and two categories only:
1) Socialists with communistic leanings who understand that as long as the majority among the masses are united by common religious beliefs, these beliefs will stand between the people and total government control of hearts and minds, and
2) Spiritually empty pond scum who feel it is their duty to force their atheism on the rest of us. The mutts described in “1)” do all they can to encourage these soulless losers to do whatever it takes to dumb down Christian religious expression, and Christmas is the most accessable target because being the holiest, it invokes the most outright public symbolism of any Christian holiday.
The claim by liberals (liberals, atheists, same thing) that Nativity scenes on public property constitute the ironclad merging of church and state is pure fallacy, another piece of lying propaganda by a segment of our society that has been eroding the core values of our nation, principally through left leaning courts and portside politicians, for the last three decades, increasingly gaining momentum along the way.
The linked article, in its entirety, can be read here.
December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas, ACLU
The illustrious Jay, at Stop The ACLU, wishes the ACLU a merry Christmas with a post titled Operation Nativity.
If you take a look to the left and right on my blog, you will see that I have already started decorating for the Christmas season. We all know how the ACLU hates nativity scenes, so we thought we’d put one up. We also put up the Homeland Holiday Advisory System, so we can inform you with colorful alerts throughout the holidays. What got me in this festive mood? This article.
Dr. Charles Nestor, director of The Truth Matters, is announcing a project called “Operation Nativity” with the goal of having Christians across the country set up nativity scenes on their own property.
Nestor states, “It’s that time of year again. We’re not even out of October and already the forces are aligning to prohibit the public celebration of the birth of Jesus.
“December 25 is the day in our culture that is set aside to acknowledge and to celebrate that Jesus of Nazareth was born. For Christians it is more than a day of feasting and the exchange of gifts, it is a holy and solemn time to join our voices in unison as the angels proclaimed on the hillside to the shepherds, ‘Glory to God in the highest.’
“I am calling for Christians everywhere to join me in Operation Nativity. While we continue to support the public displays, let’s flood the country with nativity scenes on our own properties!
“Think with me what could happen if on lawns in every community, on business property, on church lawns, at Christian schools, on empty land, and literally everywhere you looked, there was the depiction of the scene that recognizes the birth of Jesus.
“Simple cutouts are available. Many already own lighted sets. It could be a family project, filled with opportunities to teach children about the events surrounding the birth of the Savior.Source
We are all for this, and encourage everyone to join in this expression of Christmas. And we want to take this idea and run with it! Decorate your blog for Christmas with a nativity scene, in support of religious expression, and as a sign of your support for stopping the ACLU. The ACLU will be busy this Christmas season, lets be prepared.
Please download the pics, and host them yourself…I can not afford the bandwidth of hotlinking. If you want to put the nativity scene pic in support of Stop The ACLU, and to decorate your blog for the Christmas season, copy the code below, and replace the URL of the pics with the downloaded pic that you host. Also, if you haven’t done so, add a link to our blog, or bookmark us for a daily read. Get involved with our grassroots movement. We need all the support we can get.
There’s more at the linked site(Stop The ACLU) than I’m able, via outsourced hotel Internet access, to publish, but it’s all available here
December 23, 2005
The Carnival Of Christmas
No matter what, point your sleigh over to Adam’s Blog for a gander at The Carnival Of Christmas.
Ho-Ho-Hat Tip to my friend Romeokat, of Cathouse Chat, for the heads up!
December 16, 2005
Putting The Oy Back In Joy
Jewish Comedian Jackie Mason, speaking for me and for millions of other American Jews, says it best.
We have the right to pornography. Erections are allowed to be mentioned every day!
“But you can’t say, ‘Merry Christmas!’”
Merry Christmas to all my Christian friends, and take a hike to all my fellow Jews who shame us by aligning themselves with the Marxist shmutz of the ACLU.