April 25, 2013

In the Blatant Outrage Department…

Now THIS is just plain CRIMINAL!

From Human Events


Is anyone truly surprised by this news, outside of a few dead-end Obama voters? There’s no way Congress was going to be part of the “train wreck” it inflicted upon the rest of America, to borrow retiring Democrat senator (and ObamaCare author) Max Baucus’ memorable phrase. The most urgent item on the American agenda is the full repeal of ObamaCare, but the political class is more interested in repealing it for themselves, as reported by Politico:

Congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, sources in both parties said.

The talks — which involve Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Obama administration and other top lawmakers — are extraordinarily sensitive, with both sides acutely aware of the potential for political fallout from giving carve-outs from the hugely controversial law to 535 lawmakers and thousands of their aides. Discussions have stretched out for months, sources said.

As has been suggested here before, perhaps it really is time a bill was passed to start stringing these Capital Hill sleazeballs up from the lampposts! Unlike their predecessors of yore, these filthy creatures don’t give a damn about the country they have been elected to serve, not at all; These corrupt lowlifes are only in it for themselves, and to hell with we, the people.

The whole story is here.

April 21, 2013

A Long Way To Go, Indeed

This is too true.

From PJTV (Pajamas Media) and AlfonZo Rachel:

Way to go, AlfonZo!

by @ 11:16 am. Filed under Liberal Agendas, The First Lady, The President, The Race Card, Weasels

April 4, 2013

The usual suspects target the usual target

In this case, the usual suspects are the liberal-owned Democrats and the usual target is our nation’s ability to defend itself.

Several weeks ago we resolved to try and get away from politics for awhile, since it’s all pretty much the same thing every day now, the leftists on their side of the aisle leading Republican politicians, and America, down the road to hell by the nose, but it’s just so difficult not to comment when one feels offended, as an American and a patriot, by what some of those we’ve elected to govern us are doing and what, just as important, others are not doing to prevent it!


Either the GOP has few genuine conservatives in it anymore, or those it does contain are so spineless or corrupt that all they do is take up space that might be better used by men and women with the guts and resolve to embrace the conservative cause.

Patriots who are willing and able to place America before their self seeking need to be reelected.

Well, here are the usual suspects on the left side in action.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Wednesday said no budget cuts will be off-limits as the Pentagon looks to tighten its belt.

“We need to challenge all past assumptions, and we need to put everything on the table,” Hagel said in his first major policy address, according to prepared remarks.

In other words…

Speaking at National Defense University at Fort McNair, Hagel defended his review of the military’s strategy, which he ordered shortly after taking over at the Pentagon.

He said the military must look at change “that involves not just tweaking or chipping away at existing structures and practices but, where necessary, fashioning entirely new ones that are better suited to 21st century realities and challenges.”

…fashioning entirely new ones that are better suited to 21st century realities and challenges.

That, as we’ve learned over the past 4 years, 2 1/2 months, is, in Obama Administration speak, synonymous with dismantling, to the fullest extent possible, yet another institution that has kept America safe and strong, dragging us still further down to defenseless, third world s–thole status.

They (no, LOL, not as in “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you” they, but they as in the far left wingers now inhabiting the Democratic party and their most efficient tool to date, President B. Hussein Obama) have eroded our economy in every sector, plunging the nation into debt, attacked American morality on all levels from the sanctity of marriage to institutions like the Boy Scouts, the Ten Commandments and the freedom for religious medical venues to reject treating or funding abortion and other abominations that go against their beliefs and now they’re attacking our very rights via an assault on the Second Amendment.

So yes, we should all be just a little worried when a left wing Obama stooge like Hagel uses his status as Defense Secretary to fashion entirely new anythings that are “better suited to 21st century realities and challenges”.

Yeah, yeah, call me a skeptic, but what else could anyone with any common sense be after seeing Obama Administration “have to read between the lines to get to the truth” shenanigans for more than a full term?

At any rate, the entire article can be read here.

November 23, 2012

The Turtle Bay Peanut Gallery Strikes Again

There they go again, those power hungry socialist stool samples at the U.N., trying tostick their noses in our business.

While Hard Astarboard is not an advocacy for the smoking of marijuana or the use of drugs in general, it is not too far off the mark to observe that we are somewhat fanatical about the letter of the U.S. Constitution, as they say, “in for a penny, in for a pound”.

According to the Tenth Amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

That means whatever is not included below:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Having said all that, we have this, from Freedom Outpost.

A top official at the United Nations has called upon the Obama administration to illegally quash the recent initiatives in Washington State and Colorado where voters approved of legalization of the use of the plant. The vote, in essence, nullified unconstitutional federal statutes and the UN’s on narcotics agreement.

The President of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), Raymond Yans, voiced concerns in a press statement over the non-medical use of cannabis in both Colorado and Washington, as well as, cities such as Michigan and Vermont. Yans stated,

“these developments are in violation of the international drug control treaties, and pose a great threat to public health and the well-being of society far beyond those states”.

Yans also went on to state, “Legalization of cannabis within these states would send wrong and confusing signals to youth and society in general, giving the false impression that drug abuse might be considered normal and even, most disturbingly, safe. Such a development could result in the expansion of drug abuse, especially among young people, and we must remember that all young people have a right to be protected from drug abuse and drug dependency.”

While he stressed the dangers of a plant that grows naturally and was put here on the earth by God in the Creation week (Genesis 1), he must be aware of the poppy fields our soldiers protect in Afghanistan. Yet, he says nothing about that. In fact, it seems he is noticeably quiet about it.

One hundred eight-five states agreed to the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which decided to put cannabis under control and limit its use to medical purposes.

Yans press release claimed that he recognized the commitment of the federal government of the United States to resolve issues between the federal and state levels, but insists that the U.S. must meet its obligations under the drug control convention and he requested that the feds “take necessary measures to ensure full compliance with the international drug control treaties within the entire territory of the United States.” Of course, he said this would be for the “health and well-being of its citizens.”

Now, look, I realize that many in my audience don’t think marijuana should be legal and that it will lead to all sorts of abuse. Well, too late for that. People abuse it now and it’s illegal, so the legality of that is not an issue. The purpose of the article is not geared toward that either. However, what should concern everyone is the fact that the UN is attempting to force our federal government to be heavy handed, which it is all happy to do anyway, with what is clearly a state’s rights issue under the Tenth Amendment. The United Nations has no jurisdiction in this matter at all.

I highly, no pun intended, recommend you read Alex Newman’s fantastic article on this subject at The New American.

The United Nations has long been a thorn in our side and now they are demonstrating just why we need to eliminate any and all support of them. They should have absolutely no sway over our federal government nor the rights of the states in our country. The federal government should have no say so in this matter if states determine to legalize marijuana and the United Nations definitely has no say so in the matter. Sadly, we as a people have given both the proverbial inch and for decades they have been taking miles. This needs to stop.

It is long past the time that America pull her funding of the UN and kick it and its global cronies out of our country.

Above emphasis mine, and Amen to that!

The U.N. came to monitor our recent elections (hmmmm, there’s still that question of rigged polls lingering about), they’re trying to have our Second Amendment rights tampered with, now this.

Those people just can’t stand the concept of a member state having any kind of sovereignty, can they? Just look to the E.U. for a few prime examples of what happens when you’re willing to give up your sovereignty to a larger body of countries.

The issue here is not about marijuana, it’s about the Constitution and the right of our individual states and the communities therein to self determination.

In the early days of Hard Astarboard, namely nearly 7 1/2 years ago (does time fly, or what?) Seth did a post on DEA interference in California’s right to a medical marijuana program and that interference’s support by the liberal justices of the Supreme Court, with the conservatives dissenting. Go figure.

So, with our own internal organs having already had a go at it (California’s program is still in place, and other states have been adopting it as well), do we really need those outsider busybodies from the U.N. sticking their proboscises wher they don’t belong?

by @ 12:36 pm. Filed under The U.S. Constitution, The United Nations, Weasels

November 19, 2012

Something guaranteed to get Seth steamed up…

From Freedom Outpost:

On November 9, 2012 the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) issued a press release indicating that “Workers at the Transportation Security Administration made history today when they voted to ratify the first-ever collective bargaining agreement at the agency. The agreement between the American Federation of Government Employees and TSA was ratified with a vote of 17,326-1,774.”

The AFGE represents over 650,000 employees of the federal government. It is the largest union for non-postal federal employees and the largest union for D.C. workers who report directly to the mayor.

Brian Koenig writes that the AFGE “coerces members to fork over between $14 and $16 out of each paycheck, providing the organization with up to $16 million more in revenue per year. Portions of this influx of money will go to subsidizing Democratic election campaigns and funding a number of liberal agendas.”

Koenig went on to claim that the “union doled out $2 million on lobbying to the government largely to guarantee that federal employees get paid more to work less.”

A unionized TSA, gee whiz!

How does THIS grab you?

The Washington Times reported on the contract:

Under the new TSA contract, employees will win annual leave based not on their performance, but how long they’ve held on to the job. They’ll also be able to wear shorts when it’s hot, with the tab for the new wardrobe picked up by the taxpayers. House Transportation Committee Chairman John L. Mica, Florida Republican, blasted the deal for focusing on “tie tacks and tattoos” instead of issues that actually matter. Those tie tacks can’t exceed 1/2-inch in diameter and must be gold or silver in color. Tattoos must be covered by a sports sleeve or band that does not detract from the uniform. TSA must also provide office space for designated TSA union officials to work on union business at taxpayer expense.

Tie Tacks & Terrorists…

by @ 9:42 am. Filed under Government Stupidity, Homeland Security, TSA Concerns, Weasels

October 25, 2012

U.N. Keep Out!

It’s so amusing as to border on the pitiful that the Democrats, for whom every kind of election fraud from bundling and registering dead people to slipping illegal aliens into the polls should be “up in arms” over some highly unlikely theory that the Republicans are the ones engaging in election cheating.

They’ve actually invited the kommie and terrorist championing United Nations, that corrupt body of left wing global weaselhood, in to monitor our elections to ensure that the GOP doesn’t cheat.

From The Hill:

United Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a United Nations partner on democratization and human rights projects, will deploy 44 observers from its human rights office around the country on Election Day to monitor an array of activities, including potential disputes at polling places. It’s part of a broader observation mission that will send out an additional 80 to 90 members of parliament from nearly 30 countries.

Liberal-leaning civil rights groups met with representatives from the OSCE this week to raise their fears about what they say are systematic efforts to suppress minority voters likely to vote for President Obama.

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the NAACP and the ACLU, among other groups, warned this month in a letter to Daan Everts, a senior official with OSCE, of “a coordinated political effort to disenfranchise millions of Americans — particularly traditionally disenfranchised groups like minorities.”

What a bunch of….

Well, however,

The request for foreign monitoring of election sites drew a strong rebuke from Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of True the Vote, a conservative-leaning group seeking to crack down on election fraud.

“These activist groups sought assistance not from American sources, but from the United Nations,” she said in a statement to The Hill. “The United Nations has no jurisdiction over American elections.”

Neil Simon, director of communications for the OSCE’s parliamentary assembly, agreed the U.N. does not have jurisdiction over U.S. elections but noted all OSCE member counties, which include the United States, have committed since 1990 to hold free and democratic elections and to allow one another to observe their elections.

The observers, from countries such as Germany, France, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, will observe voting at polling places and other political activity.

The entire article is here.

Apparently, being a state full of people who have some spine, Texas spoke their peace on the matter.

Like they say, (Yeeeee Hawwww!) Don’t Mess With Texas! :-)

by @ 12:45 pm. Filed under Election 2012, Liberal Agendas, The United Nations, Weasels

October 16, 2012

America Haters, the Information Challenged and Entitlement Parasites

Those are the only three kinds of people who could possibly want to vote for Barack Hussein Obama’s reelection.

America haters, obviously. Information challenged… these are the idjits who listen to all the lefty hyperbole and think CNN, the NYT, MSN and the rest of that ilk are honest, fair or even remotely patriotic disseminators of current events. Entitlement parasites; these are largely people (apartment dwellers, according to the new liberal interpretation) who grew up in welfare families and who believe a hard day’s work is sitting in social services offices all day vying for free housing and monthly checks, both on the backs of the taxpayer, who do not believe they should have to work like most people.

So the above will have no problem voting for a “progressive” whose greatest skill is lying.

And the lies that prompted the above video were only a few among many.

Obama Was Golfing While Bin Laden Plan Unfolded Without Him

The Obama Administration has repeatedly spiked the football on President Obama’s “brave call” to order the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Given the Administration’s policy of placating enemies, it was the one event that stood out as demonstrating something like an American backbone.

According to a new report, however, the White House’s version of how it all happened is a lie.

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely has produced a report citing an insider intelligence source that claims the mission to kill bin Laden was hatched and given the go-ahead by Intelligence Director Leon Panetta and other White House staffers who deliberately kept the president out of the loop until the last minute.

According to the report, the reason Panetta, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Adm. Bill Mullen and Gen. David Petraeus went behind the president’s back is because Obama had rejected three previous kill missions on bin Laden earlier in the year.

Panetta was the leader of the subversives and signed off on the final “go” order. Only after the SEALs were committed did anyone go find Obama on the golf course and clue him in.

Obama “did not know of the raid in Abbottabad to kill Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011, until after the helicopters with SEAL Team 6 had crossed into Pakistani airspace,” Vallely wrote.

And the Godfather Politics article migrates into still darker territory:

According to the book “Leading From Behind,” Obama’s chief adviser Valerie Jarrett was the person who convinced Obama to reject previous plans to get bin Laden.

The Iranian-born Jarrett is the power behind the throne in the White House. Although her religious affiliation is unknown (the media apparently forgot to ask), she was named Iranian of the Day in 2008 by Iranian.com, and she is the Administration’s voice in meetings with Muslim activists.

By all accounts, Obama doesn’t make a move without Jarrett’s advice. So Jarrett was the primary roadblock to taking out bin Laden, and it was to get around her that Panetta and company kept Obama in the dark.

Given the recent Libya coverup and allegations of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the Administration, it’s reasonable to ask if Jarrett might not be the Brotherhood’s connection to Obama’s leash.

Whether she is or not, one of Obama’s most trumpeted accomplishments, the killing of bin Laden, apparently is just another Administration lie.

Which may well explain this:

As the Obama Administration Wants To Transfer $400 million To The Muslim Brotherhood

During the course of the national elections in Egypt the Obama Administration actively supported the Muslim Brotherhood. Secular and Christian Egyptians could not believe that the United States ignored them to support the militant Brotherhood. As we know, the Brotherhood took control of Egypt’s political system.

A few weeks ago, the Obama Administration and Bill Clinton used the opening of the UN’s General Assembly to put a civilized face on the Brotherhood by escorting Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi. Bill Clinton gave Morsi a prominent role in his Global forum.

This week, the spiritual guide for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood called for Jihad to take back Jerusalem. In his diatribe he said that negotiations will not work only Jihad.

This is President Morsi’s spiritual guide speaking and it is in line with statements made by Morsi. You can check out Morsi’s anti-Semitic ravings in Secure America Now’s exclusive Morsi File.

This is the man the United States government helped get into power and now they want to give them over $400 million in aid paid for American taxpayers.

Oh, yes, and remember the “Stimulus” Bill?

With little notice, inspectors generals across federal agencies are piecing together criminal and civil cases into stimulus money that was misspent, wasted or defrauded.

The government’s chief spending watchdogs have already secured nearly 600 convictions and judgments against people and companies accused of misusing stimulus funds and have a whopping 1,900 investigations currently open into possible wrongdoing, officials say.

The wave of scrutiny more than three years after the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was passed by Congress early in the Obama administration means the question of how money was managed early in the program is certain to extend well into the next year as many of the current investigations come to conclusion.

The Recovery Board charged with coordinating efforts among than inspectors generals at more than two dozen federal agencies that distributed stimulus money posted an item on its official blog last month claiming the total amount of money lost to fraud from the $840 billion stimulus program was a miniscule $11.1 million so far.

Vice President Joe Biden even made reference to the figure as he defended the stimulus program from attacks from Republican Rep. Paul Ryan during the vice presidential debate last Thursday. But that number only identifies money that is considered lost to fraud and does not include funds still under investigation or those recommended for reimbursement after audits identified misspending, officials said.

And a senior official familiar with the ongoing investigations by inspectors generals at federal agencies told the Washington Guardian the government expects the loss figure to balloon in coming months.

“These cases often take months or years, and we’ve got hundreds open right now across the government so that number is going to go up, probably by a large amount over the next 18 months,” the official said, speaking only on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak to the media.

Since the blog post a month ago that released the $11 million figure, several inspectors generals have announced new convictions, prosecutions or audits, a sign that some of the investigations are growing near decisions and actions.


For instance, the Energy Department inspector general reported last week it discovered the California energy commission collected two duplicate payments under a stimulus program that costs taxpayers $678,000 and and it recommended the money be repaid.

The Health and Human Services inspector general reported recently that a Louisiana group that received stimulus funds for Head Start programs for children had inappropriately spent nearly $1.2 million in federal funds to construct a new building that wasn’t approved by federal officials. The group is contesting the finding.

The Energy Department inspector general also warns in its most recent semiannual report that the Western Area Power Administration, which received $3.25 billion in borrowing authority to help build transmission lines under the stimulus law, is at risk of losing significant money on a transmission project for wind power in Montana that it funded.

“WAPA has significant financial exposure on the project … encountering significant delays and cost overruns,” the IG warned.

There’s more in the linked article, but even if there wasn’t, how much is too much?

We simply can’t afford this president any longer. Not his lies, his tragic economic policies nor his pandering to and encouragement of our enemies.

by @ 10:18 am. Filed under Election 2012, The President, Weasels

September 17, 2012

The Democrats Have Sure “Gone” A Long Way

I say “gone” because “come a long way” depicts a positive, and where the Democrats have gone is anything but positive from any viewpoint invoking love of country, honesty or, for that matter, honor.

The corruption within the ranks of the Democrats can probably be laid at the feet of the liberals who bought out their party in the last two decades or so, but still, the deeds that can be attributable to these people are anything but acceptable in America, where we’re supposed to be a nation of laws.

“Sure,” some will argue, there are crooked Republicans, but for every one of those there seem to be fifty bent Democrats.

New York, a Democrat run state, is teeming with corrupt politicians, but other states wherein Democrats are prominent have their own share of criminal Democrats as well.

From JP Attitude:

On Monday, Trenton Mayor Tony Mack was arrested by the FBI for corruption. Tony Mack represents the blight that has destroyed the great cities of America, the blight of crooked Democrat mayors who have systematically raped and pillaged the cities they were elected to lead.

If you don’t live in a major urban area, you don’t know how bad it is. Travel across America and you will find city after city with the same feature: a rotten core of disintegrating infrastructure, dysfunctional schools, and violent crime. Detroit looks worse than Kabul or Baghdad, recent war zones. East St. Louis sends kids to school in buildings where sewage is backed up in the hallways. Vast areas of Los Angeles are run by gangs playacting like feudal lords from the Middle Ages. Chicago had 52 shootings over Memorial Day weekend, ten of them fatal – you’re safer walking around Baghdad with a big silver cross than walking around in Chicago.

What do all of those cities have in common? Decades of Democrat mayors.

If you think Tony Mack is an exception, maybe I should list other examples. What do you think? Can I list ten examples of corrupt Democrat mayors since the year 2000?

Read on…

What about honesty in elections, wherein eligible American citizens get to choose our leaders?

From Godfather Politics:

As we draw closer to the elections in November, we are learning there are numerous ways to win an election other than by the ballots cast by legal registered voters.

In several state primaries, it was discovered that dead people and non-U.S. citizens had voted. In some states, there are still thousands of dead people and non-citizens on the voter registration rolls. Why, we’ve even read where a guy’s dog that had been dead for two years received a voter registration card in the mail.

And through it all, the Democrats have fought tooth and nail to prevent states from cleaning up their voter registration records and removing dead people and non-citizens. They have also fought long and hard to prevent states from enacting voter ID laws and in some instances the DOJ has declared such laws discriminatory and illegal.

I always have to laugh at the hypocrisy of the Democrats on claiming the voter ID is discriminatory and will prevent poor black people from voting. Those same poor black people have to have some form of ID in order to receive all of the government aid and handouts they get, so what makes a voter ID any different? Besides, thousands of Americans have sacrificed their lives and limbs to secure and maintain the right to vote, but not to secure and maintain government entitlements.


Chicago, where Obama started his political career has a long history of corrupt elections. The cities motto for years was if you can win an election legally, steal it any way you can.

In 2008, Obama won Virginia by seven points. At the moment, the polls show the race between Obama and Romney to be much closer. That means that Obama is going to need the vote of every dead person, non-citizen, pet and convicted felon, along with the voter intimidation of New Black Panther members if he wants to secure his victory in November.

Yes, the Democrats of today could sure give the likes of their like-minded soulmates, this one for example, a run for their money….

by @ 12:50 pm. Filed under America's Future, Democrats, Politics As Usual, Weasels

August 25, 2012

Liberals and History

First, I want to make a brief observation regarding President Obama’s utter contempt for the hard earned tax money taken from hard working Americans.

He (The Communistander-in-Chief) has so far, as President, taken something like 38 fund raising trips here to New York. This is to raise money for HIS PERSONAL CAMPAIGN, yet is he, or is his campaign warchest, financing these trips?

“Of course not!” You exclaim, “Don’t be silly!”

We, the taxpaying American people, are paying for these trips, and we’re not simply financing a Greyhound bus ticket and a couple of nights at Motel 6, maybe a small per diem for lunch.

Oh, no.

We’re paying for a lot of aviation fuel, accommodations for His Majesty’s inevitable large entourage at the Waldorf Astoria, where they do a heck of a lot more than just leave the light on for ya’, travel, accommodations and deployment of O’s Secret Service detail and Lord only knows what other federally (taxpayer) funded expenses. Oh, yeah, and then there’s the cost to New Yorkers for all the police overtime and related costs.

All that so the president, who vowed “change” when he ran for office (we’ve gotten “change” alright), can panhandle here for further spare change.

Alright, having said that, on to the post at hand, which is courtesy of a great column by David L. Goetsch at Patriot Update.

One of the principal strategies of the left for the past 40 years has been the dumbing down of America’s public schools. Dumbing down public education at all levels is how the left is transforming Americans into a flock of naïve, ill-informed, easily-led sheep. A major component of the dumbing down process is historical revisionism. Historical revisionism is the concept liberals use to revise America’s past to suit their agenda in the present.

One of the most prolific practitioners of historical revisionism is President Obama. When it suits his purposes to do so, the president will simply make up history that never happened or distort what did happen until it appears to support his agenda. President Obama’s most infamous act of historical revisionism came when he claimed that not only is American not a Christian nation, it is one of the world’s largest Muslim nations. To make such an absurd statement, Barack Obama had to ignore more than 200 years of historical evidence, evidence that is readily available and clearly contradicts him.

Historical revisionists such as President Obama employ one or more of five methods for distorting America’s history to suit their purposes: 1) deconstructionism, 2) post-structuralism, 3) modernism, 4) minimalism, and 5) academic cronyism. Thinking people who respect and admire the truth no matter where it leads need to understand these five methods, recognize when they are being employed, and challenge the liberals who use them to distort the truth. The best way to challenge historical revisionists is to call the world’s attention to their use of these five wrong-headed, deceitful, and intellectually lazy methods.

Read the rest here.

This, as they say, hits the proverbial nail right on the head.

August 11, 2012

More Culpability from “Fast & Furious”?

From the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action:

Mexican Drug Cartel Used “Fast and Furious” Gun in Failed Assassination Plot

Just when you think the news about the disastrous “Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation can’t possibly get any worse, a U.S. government report has disclosed that Mexican drug cartel operatives used a firearm from the infamous scheme in a failed attempt to assassinate a high-ranking Mexican law enforcement official.

According to a recent Daily Caller article, the gun “was seized in Tijuana in connection with a drug cartel’s conspiracy to kill the police chief of Tijuana, Baja California, who later became the Juárez police chief.”

An August 6, El Paso Times article gives further details:

The firearm was found Feb. 25, 2010, during an arrest of a criminal cell associated with Teodoro “El Teo” García Simental and Raydel “El Muletas” López Uriarte, allies of the Sinaloa cartel.

Tijuana police said they arrested four suspects in March 2010 in connection with a failed attempt to take out Julián Leyzaola, and that the suspects allegedly confessed to conspiring to assassinate the police chief on orders from Tijuana cartel leaders.

The firearm in question was traced back to the “Fast and Furious” operation.

Just another biproduct of criminal scheming by the Obama Administration, a political hack in attorney general’s clothing and your friendly neighborhood BATFE.

The article is here.

by @ 10:44 am. Filed under The Attorney General, The President, Weasels