June 19, 2010
A Good American, “Liberal” Style
From The Israel Project:
A U.S. Justice Department document shows that Fenton Communications, a U.S. public relations firm, has been working for “Al Fakhoora,” a Qatar-based pro-Palestinian initiative that participated in the illegal flotilla to Gaza last month and urged action against Israel.
According the group’s director, Al Fakhoora has “launched an advocacy campaign to file legal charges against Israel and change the public perception in the West about its actions.”
Al Fakhoora is supported by the office of Her Highness Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, the second wife of the emir of Qatar. According to a document filed by Fenton under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, Her Highness’ office agreed to pay Fenton approximately $240,000 for communications services rendered from March 1 – Aug. 31, 2010.
Fenton distributes materials through Al Fakhoora’s Web site, which includes a Facebook page and a “Flotilla Action Alert” urging activists to oppose Israel’s blockade on Hamas-controlled Gaza.
Israel considers Gaza-bound convoys a security risk and has implemented a maritime blockade on Gaza because of Hamas’ ongoing efforts to smuggle Iranian rockets and other weaponry since the Iran-backed group overthrew the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in a bloody coup there in June 2007. Historically, ships bound for Gaza have carried tons of weapons among their cargo. Click here for examples of previous Gaza-bound ships carrying weapons
Israel announced June 17 that it would ease restrictions on allowing in civilian goods via land crossings into Gaza and increase the flow of construction materials.[8] Despite Israel’s efforts to lift restrictions, ships from several countries, including Iran and Lebanon, have left or are planning to leave for Gaza in defiance of the blockade.
Al Fakhoora’s director, Farooq Burney, a Canadian national, was aboard a Turkish ship in the Gaza-bound convoy when passengers attacked Israeli military personnel trying to intercept the vessel May 31. Al Fakhoora participated in the flotilla in partnership with the Insani Yardim Vakfi, or “humanitarian relief fund” (IHH), a Turkish organization that Israel and other countries believe has ties to jihadist groups. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said that some of the passengers have connections with Al Qaeda, Hamas and other terrorist organizations.
Looking further, it would seem that this Fenton character truly is
an exemplary “progressive.”
Fenton Communications?
• Foremost public relations firm of the political left
• Past clients have included Marxist dictatorships in Central America
• Represents environmentalist groups, pro-Democratic political action committees, labor unions, and the anti-war movement
• Launched misleading media campaigns against Alar and silicone breast implantsFounded in 1982 by activist and public relations veteran David Fenton, Fenton Communications (FC) is the leading advertising and public relations firm for advocacy groups on the political left, with locations in Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco.
FC serves as an “umbrella” for “three independent nonprofit organizations” which it co-founded. These include: Environmental Media Services, which manages publicity efforts for environmental groups; New Economy Communications, a social justice group; and the Death Penalty Information Center, an anti-death penalty lobby.
FC expressly refuses to represent “clients and projects that we don’t believe in ourselves.” Among the clients and projects that FC has worked for are Marxist-Leninist regimes in Central America and Africa, environmental groups, labor unions, and anti-war organizations. In addition, FC has offered its services to pro-Democrat political action committees and law firms, as well as to political campaigns against the death penalty and gun-ownership rights.
Throughout the 1980s, FC represented a number of Marxist governments and their supporters. Most prominent among these was the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua, which the firm defended against foreign criticism while casting its internal opponents — the Contra guerrillas — as “death squads.” David Fenton acknowledged earning $100,000 annually for three years from contracts with Sandinista authorities.
FC also conducted publicity campaigns on behalf of Grenada’s Marxist dictator Maurice Bishop and El Salvador’s Marxist-Leninist guerrilla organization, the FMLN.
Fenton and Fenton Communications are a perfect example of communists abusing the liberty enjoyed under the Constitution in order to undermine the American way of life: Our freedoms, our sensibilities, our very rights.
Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Fenton: Birds of a feather.
June 7, 2010
A Democrat I Can Agree With On Something
Yessirree, at least on one issue.
Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), that’s right, D…
…one of Israel’s staunchest defenders in Congress — wants Americans who were aboard the Gaza flotilla ships prosecuted.
On a conference call organized by the Israel Project on Friday, Sherman said that any U.S. citizen aboard the ship should be considered aiding Hamas, an Islamic extremist organization that controls Gaza. The U.S. State Department considers Hamas a foreign terrorist organization.
The online foreign policy publication Lobelog reported:
On a press call hosted by a pro-Israel organization, Rep. Brad Sherman, Democrat of California, told reporters that he intends seek the prosecution of any U.S. citizens who were aboard or involved with the Freedom Flotilla.
“The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 [PDF] makes it absolutely illegal for any American to give food, money, school supplies, paper clips, concrete or weapons to Hamas or any of its officials,” Sherman said on the Israel Project call, conflating Hamas and Gaza’s civilian population. “And so I will be asking the Attorney General to prosecute any American involved in what was clearly an effort to give items of value to a terrorist organization.”
Let’s enforce that act. There are, sad to say, a lot of Americans out there who have so little respect and so much contempt for the liberty this country guarantees us that they think nothing of abusing it.
Jane Fonda’s orgy of treason with the NVA was one example, these useful flotilla idiots are another. The Fonda traitor shmoozed with the enemy, these folks are so twisted and perverse that they rejoice in the murder of innocent women and children, probably wished they could drink the blood of all those mass-butchered on 9/11, as they sail off in support of terrorism.
They should be more than prosecuted, they should be deported to one of these terrorist manufacturing Muslim countries where they can enjoy be treated like these Islamofascists believe infidels should be treated.
June 1, 2010
I Appreciate Straight Talk
Yeah, I do, and that’s why you’ll occasionally catch me posting an article from Red State, like this one.
It is becoming increasingly clear that neither Obama nor his administration nor the Democrat Congress are up to the task of governance. Yesterday we chronicled the shouting match between former MMS director Liz Birnbaum and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar that resulted in her being fired shortly before she was scheduled to testify before a Congressional subcommittee headed by the corrupt Jim Moran on the lackadaisical efforts of the administration to ameliorate the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
The ineffectualness of the administration was on display for all to see this week. Over a month after the spill began, Obama was able to take time away from his busy schedule of back to back vacations to visit the Gulf. He was there for about three hours — which would equate to about nine holes of golf — gave an insipid speech and left. And then there was this:
Perhaps you saw news footage of President Obama in Grand Isle, La., on Friday and thought things didn’t look all that bad. Well, there may have been a reason for that: The town was evidently swarmed by an army of temp workers to spruce it up for the president and the national news crews following him.
Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts, whose district encompasses Grand Isle, told Yahoo! News that BP bused in “hundreds” of temporary workers to clean up local beaches. And as soon as the president was en route back to Washington, the workers were clearing out of Grand Isle too, Roberts said.
If there was ever an appropriate metaphor for Obama’s total absence of leadership or even interest the Gulf oil spill is it. It has demonstrated both the administration’s general lack of concern about anything other than imposing a socialist agenda upon an unwilling nation and the inability of the administration to address any crisis without seeking to further its political aims.
Hopefully, November will see at least the House of Representatives freed from the thrall of these cretins and an effective regime of oversight can be imposed upon federal agencies saturated with political operatives and activists who could care less about their duty or the nation.
All I can say to that is… Amen!
May 30, 2010
Another Post, This One A Quickee
As we’ve already made more than plain here at Hard Astarboard, we completely support the bill recently signed by Arizona’s governor that, when you come right down to it, only reiterates federal immigration laws that the federal government has been shirking their duty to enforce.
Arizona has been hard hit by the toll of illegal immigration, from the violence in the border region, to the Mexican drug trafficking into their state, to the crime, loss of revenues and jobs and other effects of a flood of illegals, so they decided to do something about it, and did.
So what happens?
Other states like California, which has been hurt by criminal immigration but continues to pride itself on being a sanctuary state, are kvetching about Arizona’s anti-immigration law, but hey! States’ rights are firmly etched into the U.S. Constitution, and if Arizona feels this is in its own best interests, it is within its right to do so.
As far as this is concerned, well…
Thousands of people from around the country marched to the Arizona state Capitol on Saturday to protest the state’s tough new crackdown on illegal immigration.
Marchers carrying signs, banners and flags from the United States and Mexico filled a five-mile stretch of central Phoenix. Dozens of police officers lined the route, and helicopters hovered overhead.
Police declined to estimate the size of the crowd, but it appeared at least 10,000 to 20,000 protesters braved temperatures that were forecast to reach 95 degrees by mid-afternoon. Organizers had said they expected the demonstration to bring as many as 50,000 people.
…if the photo in the linked article is any indication, it seems like this is a largely Mexican event; I wonder what the percentage of protesters is that are Latinos, as opposed to white bread “progressives”? Granted, there’ll undoubtedly prove, at the end of the day, to have been a few thousand gringos in evidence, but then as Seth, a veteran of numerous demonstrations and counter-demonstrations has told me, the lefties tend to bus in multitudes of people to these events to bolster up their showing, basically a propaganda move — to make it look like there are a hell of a lot more people who support their agendas enough to find their own way to an event than there actually are.
Having said that,
Q. Why don’t these people from other states, likely a number of which are not being smothered as much by illegal immigration problems as Arizona has been, simply stay in their own states and mind their own business?
A. Because they’re treasonous, pink, faggot, commie liberals “progressives”, meaning that they don’t know how to mind their own business, not when there’s an opportunity available to force their anti-America programs down the throats of the unwilling.
May 24, 2010
The Kind Of Animal Spawned By Today’s Unions
Of course, so-called “progressives” epitomize the kind of thinking, as well, that condones something like this.
Reminiscent of the white-hooded Ku Klux Klan showing up to terrorize families in their homes, the Service Employees International Union (SIEU) and a Chicago group called National Political Action showed up at the Maryland home of Greg Baer, deputy general counsel for corporate affairs at Bank of America last Sunday.
The White House has yet to denounce the muscle flexing by their SEIU buddies whose purpose was to intimidate the senior bank executive and make him an example to all those who might oppose the Democrats’ new finance bill now headed for conference with the House and Senate.
Baer wasn’t home that Sunday but his 14-year-old son was home alone. And frightened.
Now why have a protest and not invite the media?Well, not the real media anyway.
The far-left Huffington Post was the only media invited along for the show to ensure narrow coverage of the terrorization of the Baer family in their own home. David Duke would be proud.
The only reason we’re finding out the real story is that Nina Easton of CNN lives next door to the Baer family. Oops!
Easton reports:
“Waving signs denouncing bank ‘greed,’ hordes of invaders poured out of 14 school buses, up Baer’s steps, and onto his front porch. As bullhorns rattled with stories of debtor calls and foreclosed homes, Baer’s teenage son Jack — alone in the house — locked himself in the bathroom. “When are they going to leave?” Jack pleaded when I called to check on him.“Baer, on his way home from a Little League game, parked his car around the corner, called the police, and made a quick calculation to leave his younger son behind while he tried to rescue his increasingly distressed teen. He made his way through a din of barked demands and insults from the activists who proudly “outed” him, and slipped through his front door.
“‘Excuse me,’ Baer told his accusers, “I need to get into the house. I have a child who is alone in there and frightened.”
You can read Easton’s full, harrowing account of the terrorization of her neighbors here.
From Nina Easton’s article, linked just above:
Now this event would accurately be called a “protest” if it were taking place at, say, a bank or the U.S. Capitol. But when hundreds of loud and angry strangers are descending on your family, your children, and your home, a more apt description of this assemblage would be “mob.” Intimidation was the whole point of this exercise, and it worked-even on the police. A trio of officers who belatedly answered our calls confessed a fear that arrests might “incite” these trespassers.
What’s interesting is that SEIU, the nation’s second largest union, craves respectability. Just-retired president Andy Stern is an Obama friend and regular White House visitor. He sits on the President’s Fiscal Responsibility Commission. He hobnobs with those greedy Wall Street CEOs — executives much higher-ranking than my neighbor Baer — at Davos. His union spent $70 million getting Democrats elected in 2008.
In the business community, though, SEIU has a reputation for strong-arm tactics against management, prompting some companies to file suit.
Now those strong-arm tactics, stirred by supposedly free-floating (as opposed to organized) populist rage, have come to the neighborhood curb. Last year it was AIG executives — with protestors met by security guard outside. Now it’s any executive — and they’re on the front stoop. After Baer’s house, the 14 buses left to descend on the nearby residence of Peter Scher, a government relations executive at JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500).
Targeting homes and families seems to put SEIU in the ranks of (now jailed) radical animal-rights activists and the Kansas anti-gay fundamentalists harassing the grieving parents of a dead 20-year-old soldier at his funeral (the Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on the latter). But that’s not a conversation that SEIU officials want to have.
I don’t suppose it is.
This is the kind of thing liberals applaud, as they have little sense of decency, only a laissez faire attitude when it comes to forcing their unwanted points of view on everybody else. The end justifies the means.
Liberals love unions, as long as there are no unions involved in businesses they themselves own.
But back to the Kay Kay Kay (a southern Democrat organization, by the way) style tactics employed by SEIU: This is the kind of thing that happens, and that the thugs get away with, when the MSM is run mostly by liberals (as it is now), because the bias of a left wing media will guarantee that such things, perpetrated by their own kind, will receive very little press coverage.
May 23, 2010
Not Only No Respect
That’s right, folks, none whatsoever.
What the heck’s Chuck talking about!?
Lemme ’splain: We already know that the Obama Administration and the nucleus of liberal Democrats that keeps Congress in line across there on the far left side of the aisle not only have no respect for the Constitution, they hold the great document in contempt!
We already know that the leftie “we” elected president in November 2008 not only has no respect, but also a whole lot of contempt for the concept of America as a world leader: He seems to believe we belong somewhere down there among the quagmire of socialism and failing economics that defines modern day Europe.
But…Obama also has no respect for the sovereignty of the United States of America. Of late, it seems everyone from communist China and Mexico has been welcomed by the left to weigh in on the United States’ internal issues.
On Thursday, Felipe Calderon, the president of Mexico, where prohibitive gun laws prevent good people from having firearms for protection against criminals and governments of dubious legitimacy (historically the norm in Mexico), encouraged Congress to reinstate the federal “assault weapon” ban. With a warning seemingly designed to appeal to those who believe that speaking out against the Obama Administration’s policies are one step short of sedition or worse, Calderon said, “[I]f you do not regulate the sale of these weapons in the right way, nothing guarantees that criminals here in the United States with access to the same power of weapons will not decide to challenge American authorities and civilians.”
Calderon also misinformed Congress, claiming that violence in Mexico rose significantly after the U.S. ban expired in 2004. In fact, Mexico’s murder rate has been stable since 2003 and remains well below rates recorded previously. However, he did not explain why violent crime has declined significantly in the U.S. since the ban expired, or how a ban on flash suppressors and bayonet mounts relates to drug thugs in Mexico or anywhere else.
Notwithstanding the Washington Post’s judgment that Calderon “made a powerful case,” we suspect his speech fell on mostly deaf ears in Congress and in Arizona, which he inappropriately criticized for having an illegal immigration enforcement law that is similar to Mexico’s. But it had some effect, however. New York Democrat Rep. Carolyn McCarthy issued a statement incorrectly claiming that she has repeatedly introduced legislation to “reinstate” the ban. She has repeatedly introduced legislation, of course, but not to reinstate the ban. Rather, her bills have proposed to apply the “assault weapon” label to far more firearms than were covered by the expired ban, including the M1 Garand service rifle, the ubiquitous Ruger 10/22, and any semi-automatic shotgun or rifle a future attorney general might claim is not “sporting.”
Since when is it that a corrupt piss ant leader of a corrupt shithole is accorded the privilege of advising us on what laws to enact, whether or not they are employing false datum in their arguments?
Since Obama!
May 9, 2010
The Political “Correction”…
…seems to be getting off to a good start, and RINOs are not exempt.
Republican Sen. Bob Bennett was thrown out of office Saturday by delegates at the Utah GOP convention in a stunning defeat for a once-popular three-term incumbent who fell victim to a growing conservative movement nationwide.
Bennett’s failure to make it into Utah’s GOP primary — let alone win his party’s nomination — makes him the first congressional incumbent to be ousted this year and demonstrates the challenges candidates face from the right in 2010.
“The political atmosphere obviously has been toxic, and it’s very clear that some of the votes that I have cast have added to the toxic environment,” Bennett told reporters, choking back tears.
“Added to the toxic environment”, indeed.
The S.O.B. sold out every conservative — hell, every American — by voting for what amounts to the imposition of socialism at the cost of the erosion of the liberty secured for us at great cost by our founding fathers.
Bennett was under fire for voting to bail out Wall Street, co-sponsoring a bipartisan bill mandating health insurance coverage and for aggressively pursuing earmarks. He tried to reassure delegates Saturday, before any voting, that he is a fiscal conservative.
He tried to reassure delegates Saturday, before any voting, that he is a fiscal conservative
Sure, by, say, Angela Davis’ standards…
He should beware not to allow the door to hit him on the hindquarters on the way out.
Bennett’s much needed downfall also receives honorable mention over at GM’s Place.
May 5, 2010
Liars Of Left Wing LaLaLand…
…like the supremely unqualified Secretary of “Homeland Security” Janet Napolitano, apparently have no qualms about insulting our intelligence in even the most blatant and offensive manner.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Tuesday the U.S.-Mexico border is not as secure as it could be, though she contended that the Obama administration has shown an “absolute laserlike focus on that border.”
The only thing remotely resembling a laser in the Obama Administration is aimed at our border defenses and seems to be drilling quite a large hole in them.
Napolitano claimed, we will recall, that the border is as “secure as it has ever been”.
Last week, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Miss Napolitano said it was an “unfair question” to ask if she could certify that the border was secure.
Thomas Jefferson once said that it was an American’s duty to look over the shoulders of the politicians and keep an eye on what they were doing on We, The People’s behalf.
However, this has been amended by the Obama Administration:
Forget what we say as soon as possible, so that you won’t be confused when we tell you the exact opposite later.
May 1, 2010
Arizona Revisited
Now the federal government, under the inspired leadership of Obama tool/Attorney General Eric Holder, is discussing legally challenging Arizona’s new anti-illegal alien law.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday said he would not rule out a legal challenge to Arizona’s new immigration law.
Speaking with reporters in Washington, Holder said no decision had been made but the Department of Justice was coordinating with the Department of Homeland Security on how Washington should respond to passage of legislation that would punish people who are detained in Arizona and are unable to prove they are in the United States legally.
“We are considering all possibilities, including the possibility of a court challenge,” he said.
Holder said the Arizona law was “unfortunate.”
“I think that it is, I fear, subject to potential abuse,” he said. “And I’m very concerned about the wedge that it could draw between communities that law enforcement is supposed to serve and those of us in law enforcement.”
Unfortunate? Potential abuse?
There is a reason these people are called illegal aliens, and that is because federal law makes it so, yet here we have a federal government that is not only failing, by design, to enforce its own laws, but is preparing to dispute the enforcement of those same laws by a state that is suffering greatly from this failure on the part of the federal government to enforce those laws, in effect treating the state of Arizona like some band of vigilantes and ignoring Arizona’s sovereignty as a state.
The reason for the Democrats and O pretending that illegal doesn’t mean illegal is simple: They hope someday to enact an amnesty bill, and then each amnestied alien would equal one Democrat vote, and to hell with the American people or what’s best for them. This should be obvious to anyone who can pick up a newspaper or get on the internet.
Obama called the new law “misguided” and ordered the Justice Department to investigate whether it would violate civil rights.
These criminal aliens do not have American civil rights, they are neither Americans nor even legally here.
Check ‘em, cuff ‘em, stuff ‘em and send ‘em off!
April 28, 2010
Liberal Trial Lawyers (Spit!)…
…make even the French (Spit!) look respectable. The cottage industry those parasites sleazed upon us a few years ago, that of victimizing the innocent in order to make a few bucks even less honestly than con men practicing the Bible scam does nothing more than make it impossible for many companies and individuals to protect their homes, families, merchandise and possessions.
What these scumbags (and this particular brand of lawyer should take the term “scumbag” as a compliment as he/she stuffs his/her maggot-ridden pockets with the lucre stolen from honest citizens) don’t give a damn about is decency, morality or any other quality that requires a soul.
They sue the innocent on behalf of other human feces who, like them, are nothing more than opportunists who are too lazy to try and earn a living like anybody else.
Here, we have a prime example of a couple of people losing their jobs because their employers’ attorneys advised them, rightly, that the flotsam known as a liberal trial lawyer is always waiting in the wings to transform a victim into a victimizer and make a victimizer into a victim.
Two retail employees say they were fired last week after they chased down a suspected shoplifter.
Wait: The tale gets even loopier. The men – Paul Shoemaker and Mike McGee – apparently were on their break and chasing an alleged store shoplifter not in their store, but in an adjacent Apple Store.
The pair were heading out of the Sprint store where they used to work in Denver’s Cherry Creek Mall when they came upon a frantic security guard in the hall. “[He] came right basically in front of us, and was like, ‘Help me, Help me.’ Out of breath. You could totally hear he was distraught,” Shoemaker told Denver’s 7News.
The pair pitched in to help capture the alleged shoplifter.
“It’s the way I was raised as a kid,” McGee said. “You see something that’s going on wrong you step in and try to help whatever way you can.”
In other words, the young man simply wanted to do the right thing, like any decent person. So…
The trouble started after the suspect was carted off. Sprint’s corporate policy states that employees should not chase shoplifters, though the men argue they were on break and it wasn’t even Sprint’s merchandise they were seeking to retrieve. Sprint declined to comment, citing privacy concerns.
The firing isn’t without precedent. In October Walmart fired an Ocala branch’s loss prevention officer for chasing a man allegedly trying to steal golf balls. And in August 2009, two college-age Best Buy employees were fired from a Broomfield, Colorado Best Buy after tackling an alleged shoplifter. A Best Buy spokeswoman said all employees “are aware, and trained, on the standard operating procedures for dealing with shoplifting or theft – which includes ceasing pursuit of a suspected shoplifter once they exit the store.” This, she said, was for the safety of employees.
So should you fire an employee for pursuing a thief? Only you can decide the “should,” but legally you are able to do so.
Employment lawyer Frank Steinberg blogged about the Walmart case that the chain “was clearly within its rights to set a policy on how shoplifting incidents were to be handled and to decide that the guard’s violation of that policy warranted termination.”
In fact, having a policy about how employees should handle shoplifting or any crime they witness on the job is seen as a smart move legally, because it can protect you from liability in the event someone is hurt. Judgments in these cases are rare, but can reach into the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.
In Texas, for example, a shoplifter – his lawyer says he admits to the crime – is suing Walmart for $100,000 over the dislocated shoulder he claims employees inflicted on him.
Separately, the Houston Chronicle reported the company paid nearly $750,000 as part of a settlement to the family of a 30-year-old alleged shoplifter who died of a heart attack as employees tried to stop him. (The items he was accused of stealing: a package of diapers, a pair of sunglasses, a BB gun, and a package of BBs.)Whether the good Samaritans in Denver deserved to be terminated is another question; how you train your staff to handle loss prevention is one of those tricky matters you probably never considered when you first started your business.
These two people were on break, which means they were on their own time, yet companies have become so paranoid about lawsuits that this didn’t matter to Sprint.
However, while the excuse used was that their concern was the safety of the two employees, face it: The larger worry was a lawsuit by the criminal. That’s right, criminal, the perpetrator of the crime of shoplifting.
I have seen this before. Security chases a thief out the door and the dirtbag runs into traffic attempting to escape, gets hit by a car, and it’s no longer his fault that he was running in the commission of a crime, because some derriere creeping, toilet cake liberal trial lawyer turns things around and makes it the pursuers’, and therefore their employers’ fault, that the anal cavity ran out into traffic.
Look at the other examples in the linked article.
In Texas, for example, a shoplifter – his lawyer says he admits to the crime – is suing Walmart for $100,000 over the dislocated shoulder he claims employees inflicted on him.
Separately, the Houston Chronicle reported the company paid nearly $750,000 as part of a settlement to the family of a 30-year-old alleged shoplifter who died of a heart attack as employees tried to stop him. (The items he was accused of stealing: a package of diapers, a pair of sunglasses, a BB gun, and a package of BBs.)
Whose fault was either the dislocated shoulder or the heart attack?
The employess were simply, as the late Louis L’Amour used to say, “riding for the brand”, trying to recover their employers’ merchandise, so the business wouldn’t have to take a loss on something it had paid for.
Shrinkage control, or loss prevention, is an integral part of running any business where there is any sort of inventory involved, whether it’s equipment for performing services or it’s merchandise.
In the course of my own consulting work, I’ve had to counsel clients along the same lines their attorneys have had to — advising them to incorporate the same policies of non-pursuit (except in the case of clients wherein security officers have such concerns as national security or certain kinds of public safety issues that will protect them in instances of litigation) while silently cursing those walking, talking used prophylactics who dare think of themselves as anything other than the thin film of scum that floats atop the cesspool of humanity. Unfortunately, coaching clients in the avoidance of fraudulent, frivolous or overstated lawsuits is often part of my job.
In my opinion, sustaining crime related injuries, whether superficial, disabling or fatal, should be written off as “If you mess around with the bandwagon, you have to expect to get hit with the horn. Live with it.”
Some divorce lawyers (that’s a brand of lawyer who milks his lucre out of another kind of misery) are as septic tank qualified as the ones described above. I’ve never had any truck with any of those critters, but one day last year, as I was strolling by a divorce lawyers’ office in Santa Monica, an older lawyer walked out with a younger one, and he was telling the rookie, “You’re gonna call the broad, and you’re gonna kiss her ass. Promise her anything you have to, the pension…” and then they were too far away to hear any more.
These turds should be taken out and either boiled or drowned very slowly on national television…