May 9, 2010

The Political “Correction”…

…seems to be getting off to a good start, and RINOs are not exempt.

Republican Sen. Bob Bennett was thrown out of office Saturday by delegates at the Utah GOP convention in a stunning defeat for a once-popular three-term incumbent who fell victim to a growing conservative movement nationwide.

Bennett’s failure to make it into Utah’s GOP primary — let alone win his party’s nomination — makes him the first congressional incumbent to be ousted this year and demonstrates the challenges candidates face from the right in 2010.

“The political atmosphere obviously has been toxic, and it’s very clear that some of the votes that I have cast have added to the toxic environment,” Bennett told reporters, choking back tears.

“Added to the toxic environment”, indeed.

The S.O.B. sold out every conservative — hell, every American — by voting for what amounts to the imposition of socialism at the cost of the erosion of the liberty secured for us at great cost by our founding fathers.

Bennett was under fire for voting to bail out Wall Street, co-sponsoring a bipartisan bill mandating health insurance coverage and for aggressively pursuing earmarks. He tried to reassure delegates Saturday, before any voting, that he is a fiscal conservative.

He tried to reassure delegates Saturday, before any voting, that he is a fiscal conservative

Sure, by, say, Angela Davis’ standards…

He should beware not to allow the door to hit him on the hindquarters on the way out.

Bennett’s much needed downfall also receives honorable mention over at GM’s Place.

by @ 2:54 pm. Filed under Assholes
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5 Responses to “The Political “Correction”…”

  1. Raven Says:

    It’s starting: The grand boot-out of RINOS. Let’s hope we can get the rest of them out in the upcoming elections!

  2. BB-Idaho Says:

    Bennett appeared to have pretty good Con credentials. But, the Latter Day Saints do suprising stuff…

  3. Seth Says:

    Raven –

    It looks like we will. :-)

    It took a major internal attack on our country by socialists (Obama, Pelosi, Reid, etc) in the form of the passing of ObamaKare for right thinkers to unite and identify the problem within our own ranks, and start culling them out.

    It’s really funny the way NYT columnist & phony conservative Brooks and others in the liberal media are bemoaning the ousting of Bennett — here they thought they had a tame RINO, and there he is, out the door.

    Between conservatives getting rid of these phonies and the “hasta la bye-bye” a lot of Dems are going to receive in this November’s midterms, the Hill is definitely going to look quite a bit different come late January, 2011.

    BB –

    From what I’ve heard and read, the Mormons were rather a “raucus bunch” in their early days, though I’ve been led to believe that they’ve adapted more to living in a civilized country as the U.S. became civilized.

    They’ve even acquiesced, or so I’m told, to the monogamy thing.

    Since most corruption and general misbehavior comes from the left side of the aisle, I would like to think that the Mormons involved in the Mountain Meadows Massacre were Democrats of the time who had only recently converted to Mormons. :-)

  4. BB-Idaho Says:

    “..the Mormons involved in the Mountain Meadows Massacre were Democrats of the time who had only recently converted to Mormons”, Seth, that has to be the Mother Of All Conspiracy Theories. :)

  5. Seth Says:

    BB –

    But how else could it be explained?

    Every form of deviation on the part an organized group seems to originate on the left side of the aisle, ie: In the 1960s, the American Communist Party consisted of liberals — but, since back in the days of “yore” ala U.S. a “liberal” was more along the lines of those who had earlier on forcibly evicted the British from the colonies and founded the U.S. of A., those deviating in organized fashion had to come from someplace, right?

    Since the Democrats spawned today’s “progressives”, one can only assume that, since there were therefore none of those around, they must therefore, instead, have spawned the perpetrators of the Mountain Meadows Massacre.

    After all, no self respecting Conservative would even consider such a deed. If this was not the case, our borders would be impenetrable, blocked by the shot up corpses of over 11 million attempted illegal crossers, and we wouldn’t have to wrangle with a bunch of crooked, vote seeking Democrats on the Hill to try and get the illegal immigration laws enforced.

    See? Purest logic! :-)