June 8, 2010

Meanwhile, Back At The Billboard

This one’s great, between their “controvesial” immigration bill and the more recent clarification bearing their governor’s signature that it is perfectly acceptable to run a business in America (or at least in Arizona) without being required to provide foreign language translators, those folks in Arizona are most definitely letting the more sheep-like states know where real Americans draw the line; and now, we have this:

From CNS News

Thanks to an advertiser who wishes to remain anonymous, cars and trucks on Arizona Highway 260 in East Central Arizona are driving by a billboard advertisement that recently went up, bearing President Obama’s face on a mock U.S. $100,000,000,000,000 (One-Hundred Trillion Dollar) bill.

The billboard’s caption: “But Who Will Pay the Piper?”

Chuck Perrine of Jones Outdoor advertising in Tucson, Ariz., confirmed to CNSNews.com that his company created the 10 ft- by-40 ft. billboard, which he said “went up within the last month.”

Perrine said the sign is located “near Linden (Ariz.),” but said that the advertiser is “not interested” in disclosing any further information about his identity–or his reason for purchasing the ad.

“I’m sorry, I can’t give you any information about the advertiser whatsoever,” Perrine told CNSNews.com Monday. “That’s part of his contract with us.”

The Office of Management and Budget in Obama’s White House estimates that the federal deficit this year will be 10.6 percent of GDP, making fiscal 2010 the first fiscal year since the end of World War II that the federal deficit has reached double digits as a share of GDP.

The billboard, which was rented for an undisclosed sum, will remain up for an undisclosed period of time, Perrine said.

Emphasis above is mine. A photo of the billboard is included in the linked article.

Go, AZ!

Speaking of billboards, the one at this IP is right up my alley, as well. :-)

by @ 4:35 pm. Filed under The Economy
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3 Responses to “Meanwhile, Back At The Billboard”

  1. Simeon Says:

    Wow, a double whammy!

    A shot at Obama and a shot at animal rights activists, all in one fell swoop!

  2. Thibojeaux Says:

    I could nail ‘em both with one shot, ‘ceptin’ I wouldn’t, I’d just go for the big, tasty critter. The Obama looks like he’s all skin and bones, and besides, when you dress him, instead of the usual innards pouring out, there’d probably be mostly fertilizer. :-0

  3. Chuck Says:


    Yes, Obama looks neither nutritious nor filling, whereas the caribou looks to me like dinner.

