August 13, 2007

RIGHT (as they used to say) ON!

Every once in awhile you run across a column that is as direct and unwaveringly on target as a solid punch in the gut. A column that presents the truth about its subject in a brief but all-encompassing summation.

While catching up on my reading, I ran across a column by David Limbaugh in the weekend edition of Jewish World Review that is every inch that kind of column.

The 2008 election is shaping up to be one of the most important in decades. With every passing day we are seeing a greater contrast between the Democratic Party platform and the national interest — as witnessed by the positions of the leading Democratic presidential candidates in their debates.

Indeed, the unpopularity of the war in Iraq has fueled a remarkable boldness by these candidates in bringing their liberalism out of the closet. Whether the candidates are sincere in advocating some of their radical positions or merely sucking up to the various interest groups, they are parading their extremism on national television.

I think it’s a little bit of both, myself. There are some people on the left side of the aisle who regularly say some pretty “out there” things that no one with a rational mind would ever utter in a public forum.

The Democrats rail against lobbying, as if to suggest they abhor special interest politics and the undue influence of these interests on policymakers. Yet they are nothing if not beholden to a collection of special interest groups, from labor unions, to gay activists, to race-baiting civil rights leaders, to illegal immigrants, to feminists, to global warming alarmists to antiwar, antimilitary groups to outright class-warfare-waging socialists.

Had Mr. Limbaugh delivered the last in a speech, I could see myself jumping up, applauding vigorousy and shouting “Bravo!”

What he put in that single paragraph sums up the reason I believe that in November, 2008 the GOP will enjoy the same kind of election victory the Democrats did last November, along with a new Republican in the White House. The intense political storm that raged around the recent ill fated (for the left) immigration “reform” bill energized The People and caused our collective will to be exercized upon and by those who represent us in Congress, and the end result is that now, more Americans are watching and listening. It has become plain that this irresponsible, left-dominated Congress cannot be left to its own devices.

It will not take anyone with a doctorate, or even a GED for that matter, to realize where the Democrats want to take us, once The People have begun listening to their “message”, and to vote accordingly.

Read the entire column here.

by @ 2:46 am. Filed under Great Commentary
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13 Responses to “RIGHT (as they used to say) ON!”

  1. University Update - White House - RIGHT (as they used to say) ON! Says:

    [...] Supreme Court Contact the Webmaster Link to Article white house RIGHT (as they used to say) ON! » Posted at Hard Astarboard on Monday, August 13, 2007 This article contains copywritten material. Please click on the "View Original Article" link below to view the article on the author’s site. View Original Article » [...]

  2. Always On Watch Says:

    …I believe that in November, 2008 the GOP will enjoy the same kind of election victory the Democrats did last November, along with a new Republican in the White House.

    How I hope that you’re right with that prediction!

  3. Seth Says:

    AOW –

    Given the three ring circus and sideshow action we’ve seen from the Democrats since they assumed the majority, the voting public would have to be awfully obtuse to allow them to continue.

    As long as the Republicans maintain a mature and conservative profile, it should be a veritable shoo-in.

  4. Ken Taylor Says:

    Agreed Seth, the Dems sre their own worst enemy. Their arrogance allows them to display the very things that they lie about being against in a campaign because they believe that once they gained power they had a mandate which allows them to do whateve they please.

    WRONG ! The American people see through the lies and the ONLY reason they are in power now is because of a back lash against the GOP and nothing more. If the GOP continues to wake as they are showing, the Dems will be crawling on theire liberal bellies wondering what tidle wave hit them come Wednesday morning November 5, 2008 asthey see a new GOP President, VP, Senate Majority with a possible 60 vote margin when you throw Leiberman in the picture, and a strong majority in the House.

    Ya, think Pelosi and reid will whine about a fixed election and stolen votes ?

  5. Gayle Says:

    You bet your boots they’ll whine about stolen votes, Seth! They never can lose an election without hollering foul.

    Yes, they are exposing their dirty underwear on national television! Disgusting, but absolutely a stupid thing for them to do. Thank goodness they are doing it! :)

  6. Donald Douglas Says:

    Fantastic post! That really is one of those articles!

  7. Shoprat Says:

    Both parties seem to believe that they are invincible when they first gain power and then humiliation follows. The Democrats will never grow up and their only hope is to fix elections, which they are not above doing. They accuse the GOP of doing it because it’s what they try to do. We need to find a way to be vigilant against their fixing elections.

  8. Seth Says:

    Ken –

    Yeah, I think when the final poll numbers come in, they’ll do the lose and whine version of “read ‘em & weep”, LOL, then rehash the 2000 episodes of hanging chad fame.

    Gayle –

    Ever since they sold out to the far left liberals, the Democrats have become more and more like them — they have kissed the real world goodbye and now seem to live in the same fantasyland. Since they ignore or otherwise stifle all dissenting opinion, the only POV they are privvy to is their own, and in their Utopian world everybody else believes as they do. That’s why they’re always so shocked and aggressively bitter when they lose an election.

    Their reaction to defeat in 2008 will be no exception, though their defeat will be America’s victory. :-)

    Donald –

    Welcome and thanks.

    David Limbaugh certainly has a way of hitting a nail on the head, doesn’t he?

    Shoprat –

    I remember an item after the 2000 Presidential election that the MSM was not what you’d call “entirely forthcoming” with as they were in the midst of their “Bush stole the election” episode; It was reported that a significant number of Democrats who had moved from New York to Florida in then recent years had voted for Gore both in Florida and, by absentee ballot, in New York. The numbers cited were well above those the Democrats were complaining Gore had been “cheated by” in Florida.

    Needless to say, there was nary a peep about that from the Democrats.

    We can expect more of the same next time around as well, a 200O vintage whine.

  9. Angel Says:

    hiya Seth…ty for stoppin by at my joint! far as this:
    Whether the candidates are sincere in advocating some of their radical positions or merely sucking up to the various interest groups, they are parading their extremism on national television.
    various interest groups?…welcome to Dhiiiiiiimitude!

  10. Seth Says:

    Angel –

    Fortunately (not for them), the Dems have lost control since taking over Congress. All they’ve done since has been to cater to their farthest left supporters, trying to fulfill irresponsible campaign promises and press inane/falsely conceived legal charges against Bush Administration people.

    These socialists, dhimmis, obstructionists, traitors and other liberal politicians are actively campaigning against themselves and their party in ‘08, bless ‘em! :-)

  11. MariesTwoCents Says:

    The Democrat Candidates and the Liberal mindset just make me sick.

  12. Seth Says:

    Marie –

    The liberal mindset has to be some sort of mental impairment. There is no other logical explanation. My biggest objection is that they are so durn aggressive about trying to force their impairment on the rest of us.

  13. Kit Says:


    I think that this is pretty accurate, although you missed a few valid points.