June 10, 2012

My, My…All this and leaks, too…

I’ll say one thing for the Obama Administration: It’s definitely what Seth and Wolf would agree is what’s referred to as a Target Rich Environment.

If this cluck is somehow reelected to the presidency for a second term it will make the American voter, as a whole, look pretty bad, like Mr. Magoo meets Dumb & Dumber.

To add to everything else (what, like four or five things a week, minimum?) we now have a “Leak-Gate”!!!?

President Obama takes umbrage at the idea that a spate of leaks of highly classified national-security information is somehow purposefully intended to bolster his leadership credentials. His resistance to an independent investigation will only make things worse for him. The Obama White House is leaking like a sieve. Trying to cover it up will only make the scandal bigger.

Never mind what these “birthers” are trying to say about POTUS not being U.S. born, this Obama character is, like, from another planet!

If he were doing to some other country, say Zimbabwe or someplace, what he’s doing in and to America, Barack Hussein’s exploits would make for great comedy, but unfortunately he’s doing it to us, so it’s not that funny. He’d make a really good secret weapon: The CIA plants him in an enemy nation’s political system, he gets elected president over there, and we just sit back and watch as he destroys their country from within.

Worse, yet, in view of all his strange ways of discharging his responsibilities as president, he believes we’re all even dumber than he is (the liberals said George W. Bush was dumb, but whether he was or not, Obama makes him look like an Einstein in every way. Of course, Obama even makes Jimmy Carter look good).

I mean:

On Friday, Mr. Obama took the charges of selective leaks head-on: “The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national-security information is offensive,” he said. “It’s wrong, and people I think need to have a better sense of how I approach this office and how the people around me here approach this office.” His protestations carry little credibility. On the previous day, the White House rejected a bipartisan call by leaders of the House and Senate intelligence committees to appoint a special counsel to investigate the leaks.

What a frigging bone head!

Even very liberal legislators are worried about the brewing crisis of administration staff leaks. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, told CNN on Thursday, “I’ve been on the Intelligence Committee for 11 years and I have never seen it worse.” Mr. Obama’s high dudgeon about the temerity of accusations of White House impropriety will not be enough to save his team from scrutiny.

There have been leaks about drone strikes, U.S. special operations and foreign classified information such as Israel’s alleged deal with Azerbaijan to support a military strike against Iran. There have been leaks to newspapers, TV and Hollywood screenwriters. Some leaks have been more damaging than others. One story that broke last month detailed a CIA informant penetrating high levels of al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula, making off with their most sophisticated new bomb and providing information leading to a successful drone strike on a leading militant. The information fed to the public portrayed the operation as a major success, but intelligence specialists were alarmed at the amount of detail that was leaked. Embarrassingly, it soon turned out that this was not an American-led effort at all but a long-term British-Saudi operation that was compromised by the very leaks that trumpeted its success and erroneously attributed credit to the United States. “This does seem to be a tawdry political thing,” former CIA bin Laden hunter Michael Scheur said at the time.

Yes, by a tawdry, all politics, all the time president.

Even his own party is worried, including the far left liberals within.

This guy is just too much, and the cabal of political hacks cabinet secretaries, czars, proprietary lobbyists and advisors he has surrounded himself with are right off the same bizarre comedy page he is.

Come on, November!

by @ 12:18 pm. Filed under The President
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