June 12, 2012

The King of Executive Orders

Well, we did say that for any blogger critical of Barack Hussein’s personal little dynasty, this is one administration that is truly a target rich environment, right?

I don’t think there’s ever been a bunch of thugs people in the White House at one time that featured even one tenth as many reasons to “vote the bums out” at the first opportunity which, in the present case, is coming up in just under five months (yippieeeeeee!).

In addition to the myriad reasons we’ve posted on, here we have Obama Rex looking to slip past Congress and be all the monarch he can be by issuing lots and lots of executive orders.

President Obama has signed 127 Executive Orders to date during his Administration. Includes a Free Download of the Official Executive Orders as they become available. This list was originally started here on the 1461 on January 25 2009.

Read On.

Whew, that’s quite a list!

He left out, probably an oversight, an executive order whereby the president (at least him , at any rate) should be issued a diamond and jewel encrusted sceptre and matching crown.

I never thought I’d use this term to describe a President of the United States, but this Obama character, who has absolutely no shame and is singularly unqualified for the office he holds unless one believes that the entire purpose of being POTUS is to act out ones narcissist fantasies while campaigning for reelection, but B. Hussein Obama is…contemtable.

But then, so are his attorney general and the rest of that cabal over there at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

All in all, what we have is the proverbial “sad state of affairs”, one which needs desperately to be corrected by right thinking (for that matter, all thinking) Americans this November.

by @ 9:33 am. Filed under The President
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