April 21, 2013
A Long Way To Go, Indeed
This is too true.
From PJTV (Pajamas Media) and AlfonZo Rachel:
Way to go, AlfonZo!
April 20, 2013
Brainlessness As A Way Of Life
That pretty much sums up the vast majority of members of the “esteemed” Obama Administration. Well, maybe “esteemed” is a little much, so how about stupid? Yes, that sounds much better. Chuck here, tossed back into the salt mines by Mrs. Wolf.
What I’m referring to is this L.A. Times article.
With Al Qaeda shattered, U.S. counter-terrorism’s future unclear
Skilled in tracking foreign terrorists, Jarret Brachman once was a sought-after expert on Al Qaeda, advising several federal agencies and speaking regularly around the country.
Now the former research director of the Combating Terrorism Center, a think tank at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, has turned his focus away from Islamic militants. He spends most of his time consulting with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies about threats from domestic extremists and antigovernment militias.
“I have totally re-branded my career,” Brachman said. “I still do the Al Qaeda stuff, but there’s no interest, no demand…. We’ve broken Al Qaeda’s back, strategically.”
Thanks to drone missile strikes and other counter-terrorism operations, the network founded by Osama bin Laden has been so eviscerated that U.S. intelligence agencies no longer fully understand the organizational structure below its nominal leader, Ayman Zawahiri, according to defense officials. The CIA has killed Zawahiri’s top lieutenants almost as quickly as they are identified.
Obama administration officials say the global network is in transition. They say it has decentralized from a top-down group based in Pakistan into smaller, far-flung and largely autonomous factions.
Affiliates in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Mali and Somalia remain dangerous, the officials say, so U.S. forces can’t relax their focus.
“The threat from Al Qaeda and the potential for a massive coordinated attack on the United States may be diminished, but the jihadist movement is more diffuse,” James R. Clapper, the director of national intelligence, told the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday. “Lone wolves, domestic extremists and jihad-inspired affiliated groups are still determined to attack Western interests.”
Okay, you may ask them, “so what’s yer pernt?”
A growing group of analysts and former government officials say the threat from Al Qaeda affiliates is overblown. Most terrorist groups are focused on local concerns, not on America, and have little or no ability to organize a broader plot.
“To the best of our information, there is nobody out there with both the desire and the capabilities to cause any serious damage to the U.S. in any way at this moment,” said Rosa Brooks, a former deputy assistant secretary of Defense.
As Al Qaeda recedes as a direct threat, the CIA and special military forces appear to have throttled back on targeted killings. They have launched 16 drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen this year, according to the Long War Journal, which tracks reports of the attacks. That pace is much slower than in 2012, which saw 88 strikes over the course of the year.
This is more government stupidity. Al Qaeda will remain a threat until we’ve done more than “broken their back”; They need to be smitten root and branch, even the upstarts and pretenders to the proverbial throne.
There is no simply dusting off our hands and saying, “Good, done deal” — The instant we do that, we give them a chance to start regrouping, seeking new methods of financing, training newbies, et-cetera, et-cetera… You see, these fanatics aren’t about to just give up and walk away. We need to stay on their asses 24/7/365.
Then, of course, there are quite a few other groups just like them who will eventually wanna take a crack at us.
Hmmm, let’s see, now…
Hezbollah, Ansar al-Dine, the Abdallah Azzam Brigades,
Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid, Hamas, Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami, the Army of Islam, et-cetera, et-cetera, et-cetera.
There are a whole passel of tangos out there with bones and imaginary bones to pick with us, because
we support a government or country they hate, because our very liberty pisses them off, because, not being Islamic makes us “eeenfeedels” (keel theem!), our sheer economic power, communications technology and military might make us able to try and spread democracy to countries the Islamofascists would prefer we left enslaved peoples trapped in the dark ages and minded our own bees’ wax…
Whatever the reason, all those evil assholes are out there hiding behind their Religion of Peace, waiting patiently for their respective chances to get a crack at us, shoot their shot, leave their mark, claim their 72 virgins and what have you.
What we see in the linked article is the excuse Barack Hussein Obama needs to further weaken our defense capabilities, no doubt so they can find some social program to throw the defunded monetary amounts into.
This Obama character should be given a medal by “The Head Leftie” or the “Enemy-of the State-in-Chief” for his excellent work in undermining so much of what America used to stand for and in helping to undermine or destroy what we still have.
April 16, 2013
Detroit: A Liberal “Masterpiece” City
This video shows/explains/demonstrates (take your pick), in graphic detail, how Detroit, for decades a city run by liberals, has fared under the control of the political left, from lefty mayors to the UAW.
Is this what we want for the rest of the country as well? Lets just keep electing Obamas, Pelosis, Reids and the rest of that ilk, and find out….
April 14, 2013
We Need More Laws Governing Knives!
That’s right, knives!
Legislation needs to be put through to register all knives, for background checks on anyone planning to purchase a knife… those dastardly knives!
People don’t kill people, KNIVES kill people.
April 10, 2013
“Revised” Army Values?
That would seem to be the proper heading for this post if a certain Lt. Col. Jack Rich is to be believed!
From Instant Analysis
Two pro-family organizations are calling on the Pentagon to provide some answers after an Army officer sent an e-mail to subordinates labeling the organizations as “domestic hate groups” and stating their values don’t align with “Army values.”
The Fox News Channel obtained the 14-page e-mail sent out by Lt. Col. Jack Rich telling subordinates at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, that the American Family Association and the Family Research Council are “domestic hate groups” because they oppose homosexuality. Rich said: “When we see behaviors that are inconsistent with Army Values, don’t just walk by – do the right thing and address the concern before it becomes a problem.” (See Fox News report)
Of course, the allegations against this Lt. Col. are being “investigated”.
Pentagon spokesman George Wright told the Fox News Channel that the Army is looking into the origin of that e-mail, adding: “Any belief that the Army is out to label religious groups in a negative manner is without warrant.”
Now, I don’t want to be accused of cynicism, but… But Mr. Wright’s statement sounds pretty much like all “buy time while we either smooth this over or make it go away” statements sound, doesn’t it?
So now we wait…and wait…and wait…
April 8, 2013
Farewell to a Great Lady
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has passed away.
There is an excellent 2 minute 28 second biographical video in the linked article that’s a great watch…
Lying Obama Administration vs Israel
How else can I title this post?
The Obama Administration has been anti-Israel from the outset and, as significantly, pro-Palestinian.
It would be one thing if there was any kind of even-handedness involved, but there simply is not.
Like most left-handed political bodies, the Obama Administration automatically assumes that the electorate is comprised almost entirely of citizens who only recently fell off the back of the banana truck, that we’re all incredibly stupid, so much so that Obama and his cadre can say one thing, do another and we won’t even begin to notice…
From CNS News
Secretary of State John Kerry in Turkey Sunday condemned the “cowardly terrorists” who killed a young foreign service officer in Afghanistan and referred to Kurdish terrorism against Turkey, but when asked minutes later about Hamas – the Palestinian terrorist group embraced by his Turkish hosts – he chose to comment only indirectly.
The incident provided a fresh example of the Obama administration’s reluctance to tackle Turkey’s Islamist government in public over its support for Hamas, even as it partners with Ankara in its centerpiece counter-terror initiative (which excludes Israel).
Finish reading the article here.
I mentioned above that the lefties in the White House and their fellow travelers believe we all fell off the back of said banana truck, right? Well, how is it that Jewish Americans who, naively supporting an enemy of Israel who also happens to be the President of the United States for the moment, continually take what he says seriously, believing him even as his actions deny his words?
From Jonathan Tobin via the Jewish World Review
In the aftermath of President Obama’s ringing affirmation of Zionism and Jewish rights during his visit to Israel last month, many of his liberal Jewish supporters are justifiably feeling vindicated. But after years of backing Obama and sniping at Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, some of them are having a little trouble fully understanding the administration’s moves.
While the president also called on Israeli students to pressure their government to make peace, he also reversed course on one of the key elements of his Middle East policy during his first term. When speaking with Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas, Obama pointedly said that settlements were not the obstacle to peace and that no preconditions should be expected of the Israelis in order to entice the PA back to the negotiating table.
These comments, which received far less play than the president’s Jerusalem speech about peace, represented a significant policy shift. After four years of demanding Israel freeze settlements as well as make other concessions prior to talks, Obama put himself on the same page as Netanyahu when it came to the question of Israel being asked to ante up and virtually guarantee that it would abandon its bargaining chips prior to negotiations.
Yet somehow many of the president’s backers haven’t quite assimilated this message.
When will they ever learn?
April 6, 2013
This one came in an email today.
It is a slow day in the small South Dakota town of Pump-Handle and streets are deserted.
Times are tough, everybody is in debt and living on credit.
A tourist visiting the area drives through town, stops at the motel, and lays a $100 bill on the desk saying he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs
to pick one for the night.As soon as he walks upstairs, the motel owner grabs the bill and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher.
The butcher takes the $100 and runs down the street to retire his debt to the pig farmer.
The pig farmer takes the $100 and heads off to pay his bill to his supplier, the Co-op.
The guy at the Co-op takes the $100 and runs to pay his debt to the local prostitute, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer her “services” on credit.
The hooker rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill with the hotel owner.
The hotel proprietor then places the $100 back on the counter so the
traveler will not suspect anything.At that moment the traveler comes down the stairs, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, picks up the $100 bill and leaves.
No one produced anything.
No one earned anything…
However, the whole town is now out of debt and looks to the future with a lot more optimism.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a “stimulus package” works.
Hat Tip: Ric
April 5, 2013
A Very 2nd Amendment Kind of Day
First, it looks like the state legislature of Maryland, thanks to their treasonous (and I say treasonous because they are, legalese notwithstanding, violating the Second Amendment rights of their taxpaying residents) contempt for their citizens’ right to keep and bear arms, are about to lose a prominent local employer and tax revenue generator.
New legislation is forcing gun manufacturing company Beretta to uproot and take their business elsewhere.
Established in 1526, Beretta holds the distinction of being the oldest active firearms manufacturer in the world. The U.S. factory is located in Accokeek, Maryland, and has been a staple of the local economy for years.
Beretta warned that stricter gun control laws would push the company outside of state lines, but that didn’t stop Maryland legislators. Jeffrey Reh, a spokesman for Beretta who also serves as the President of Stoeger Industries under Beretta, announced that the company would begrudgingly uproot and take its business elsewhere. He said, “We don’t want to do this, we’re not willing to do this, but obviously this legislation has caused us a serious level of concern within our company.”
He added that Beretta paid approximately $31 million in taxes, employs 400 people, and had invested $73 million in the business over the past several decades. Despite being such a prominent player in the local economy, Beretta was unable to prevent legislators from passing tighter gun control laws. Ironically, Beretta manufactures some firearms that are now banned in Maryland.
Republican state Delegate Anthony J. O’Donnell lamented: “Losing [Beretta] would be a big disappointment. Maryland has a reputation for having a horrible business climate, and this would be one more nail in the coffin.”
This is a prime example of oily, sleazy, corrupt, self serving politicians valuing party politics over the welfare of their constituents, but then again, as Seth likes to say, “the people get what the people vote for.”
Popping the champagne corks, meanwhile, we apparently have something to celebrate.
Mike Lee Hammers the Final Nail in The UN Small Arms Treaty Coffin
On Wednesday Senator Mike Lee became the 34th co-sponsor of S. Con. Res 7, a resolution expressing opposition to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The treaty contains several troubling provisions that could prevent the United States from coming to the aid of its closest allies, as well as limit the constitutional rights of Americans. Senator Lee was the 34th co-sponsor of the resolution introduced by Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas, which gives the opposition more than enough votes in the Senate to block ratification of the treaty.
“The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty is deeply flawed, which is why a majority of senators recently voted to stop the administration from continuing to push it,” said Senator Lee. “I have great concerns that this treaty can be used to violate the second amendment rights of American citizens, and do not believe we should sign any treaty that infringes on the sovereignty of our country. I am pleased to join 34 of my colleagues in signaling to this administration that the UN-ATT is a non-starter in the senate.”
As of Tuesday the resolution had 33 co-sponsors but it was Lee who officially put the final nail in the coffin. The UN-ATT requires 67 Senate votes to ratify and now the maximum possible number of votes in favor of the treaty would be 66. It is now officially a “non-starter.”
Joining Lee (R-UT) in co-sponsorship of the resolution are: Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), John Barrasso (R-WY), Max Baucus (D-MT), John Boozman (R-AR), Richard Burr (R-NC), Tom Coburn (R-OK), Thad Cochran (R-MS), John Cornyn (R-TX), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Dean Heller (R-NV), John Hoeven (R-ND), James Inhofe (R-OK), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Rand Paul (R-KY), Rob Portman (R-OH), Jim Risch (R-ID), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), John Thune (R-SD), Pat Toomey (R-PA), David Vitter (R-LA) and Roger Wicker (R-MS).
The resolution, introduced by Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas, quickly gained support of 33 fellow Senators.
And finally, some sensible local legislation in Nelson, Georgia.
Things, as they say (whoever “they” are) seem in some ways to be looking up as Americans (even some Democrat politicians) and local legislatures respond to oppressive left wing attempts to legislate away our Second Amendment rights.
Another Face of Federal Corruption
And you wonder why we’re so fed up with our politicians and the bureaucracies they allow to flourish within our government? That’s right, OUR government, the one we pay for with OUR taxes.
The D.C. DOES program was supposed to spend federal dollars helping find jobs for the unemployed, but instead wasted $8.8 million on excessive salaries, rent and other unrelated costs
A District of Columbia program misused $8.8 million in federal funds that were supposed to help the jobless find work, diverting the money instead to overpay bureaucrats or cover unrelated overhead expenses, investigators found.
The grants provided by the U.S. Labor Department’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) were designed to support employment programs and unemployment insurance. Instead, officials at the DC DOES program couldn’t keep track of their own expenses, investigators said.
“D.C. DOES did not have sufficient controls and processes in place to ensure costs claimed for ETA grants were adequately supported by the general ledger and were reasonable, allocable, and allowable as set forth in federal cost principles,” the Labor Department’s inspector general general declared in a recent report.
Investigators analyzed $25 million the D.C. program received in federal grants and found that roughly a third of it had been wasted. But their sample size was just part of the $89 million D.C. DOES received between 2008 and 2011.
That’s okay, Uncle Sam, just keep providing plenty of Bread & Circuses.