July 24, 2009

Let’s Call This Post…

Organizations Liberals Love

The liberal activist organization ACORN filed a lawsuit Wednesday that aims to strike down a Pennsylvania law that authorities are currently using to prosecute several of the group’s former employees on charges related to voter-registration fraud.

That’s our left wingers for you. Break whatever laws they have to in order to bring about the political results they require, and when they get caught… Well, in this case, since they’re guilty as always hell, rather than try and mount a defense, they go for the gusto and try to change the law.

Imagine getting caught at and arrested for fraud and, rather than trying to prove you didn’t do it, trying to get the law changed so fraud becomes legal. That’s exactly what these G-dless liberal sleazeballs are doing. These are among the primary supporters of the Democratic Party, whom you’d assume, were they men and women of honor, would disassociate themselves from such blatant practitioners of the unctuous.

But whoever said, with a straight face, anyway, that today’s Democrats are any more honorable than the extremist liberals who pull their strings? Obviously, as incidents like this demonstrate, whatever honor was left in the Democratic Party before they allowed a Nancy Pelosi and a Harry Reid to head up the houses of Congress, or an Obama to be their nominee, is, as they say in Madagascar, long gone.

The suit, filed in federal court in Pennsylvania, seeks to have a state law known as solicitation of registration declared unconstitutional. The law makes it illegal to pay an employee for soliciting voter registrations based on the number of registrations the employee obtains.

Five former employees of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) were charged in May with various voter-registration-fraud crimes, including solicitation of donations. Those charges, which authorities say included ACORN employees submitting registration forms for “Mickey Mouse,” are still pending.

Is that a mockery of our electoral system, or what?

The episode in Pennsylvania was one of several in battleground states that saw ACORN come under fire during last year’s presidential election. At least 14 lawsuits have been filed against ACORN after the 2008 election, including a suit brought by former ACORN employees under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, a law more commonly associated with mobsters than community organizations.

Emphasis mine.

Republicans on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform plan to release Thursday the results of an investigation that concluded ACORN “has repeatedly and deliberately engaged in systemic fraud.”

“Both structurally and operationally, ACORN hides behind a paper wall of nonprofit corporate protections to conceal a criminal conspiracy on the part of its directors, to launder federal money in order to pursue a partisan political agenda and to manipulate the American electorate,” according to the executive summary of the report obtained Wednesday by The Washington Times.

…to launder federal money in order to pursue a partisan political agenda and to manipulate the American electorate…

Long, long ago I grew up in a Democrat family, among honorable people. Even though I said “farewell” to that side of the aisle ‘way back in 1980, it makes me ashamed to see what our Democratic Party has come down to.

The report is unlikely to result in any action from a Democrat-controlled Congress that has shown little interest in investigating ACORN.

What do you expect? That would be like Hillary Clinton trying to prosecute the Communist Chinese for participating in bundling schemes.

If the Democrats still had even an iota of respect for America, for We, The People and for the Constitution, they would make like squirrels and bury that ACORN deep.

But I’ll bet they won’t…

by @ 1:06 pm. Filed under Criminals
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4 Responses to “Let’s Call This Post…”

  1. The Gray Monk Says:

    Of course not Seth, this kind of Liberal labels everything that conflicts with their agenda as “Fascist” and tries to brand everyone and everything that disagrees with their political ideology as “XXXX-ist” (Select *-ism of choice) with labelling and branding anything to the right as Fascist as top dollar. ACORN or any other “liberal” organisation in the wrong? Impossible - it must be the fault of the law.

  2. Seth Says:

    Gray Monk –

    The bottom line is that the Democrats, one of our two major political parties, unhesitantly countenances an organization that commits crimes on their behalf.

    This drivel about changing the laws is weak because they have already broken the laws, while they were in force, regardless of whether they get them changed afterward or not. They have committed crimes, period, and the fact that the Democrats see no problem with that says a lot about the Democrats.

    One has to wonder whether so many voters continue to support them because a) they are as dishonest as the Dems they vote for, or b) they depend solely on the liberal mainstream media for news and are simply uninformed as to what’s really happening where their party is concerned.

    I like to think that the latter is the case, because if it’s the former, it means this country’s in even more trouble than I thought.

    R.I.P., morality. :-(

  3. Always On Watch Says:

    Good to see you posting again, Seth. I’ve missed you, my dear friend!

    You’ve posted about yet another outrage on the part of the Democratic Party.

    Imagine getting caught at and arrested for fraud and, rather than trying to prove you didn’t do it, trying to get the law changed so fraud becomes legal.

    Well, ain’t that just a wonderful twist on lawlessness? [sarcasm]

    I tell you, politics is so damned sleazy nowadays that I find myself not wanting to read the news!

    The integrity of our elections is CRITICAL to integrity of our republic. The Dem Party is doing everything possible to undermine that integrity. [head/desk].

    BTW, have you heard about this crap? Lengthy excerpt:

    GOP: Democrats Censoring Mail on Health Care

    The partisan debate over health-care reform has trickled down into one of the more arcane corners of the House — the committee on free mail, otherwise known as the Franking Commission.

    One of the perks of being a member of Congress is that each lawmaker is allowed to send “franked” — or free — mail, as long as it is related to official business. Members use that ability to send newsletters and legislative updates to their constituents. To ensure that privilege is not used inappropriately, a majority of the bipartisan six-member Franking Commission must approve each piece to ensure it meets some basic guidelines. Mail is blocked only on rare occasions.

    But now the commission has gotten involved in the health-care fight, prohibiting several Republican lawmakers from mailing out reproductions of a colorful, labyrinthine chart that purports to diagram Democrats’ reform plan. The controversy was first reported by Roll Call.

    The chart was produced by the Republican staff of the Joint Economic Committee and has become a popular visual aide on the minority side of the aisle, as the GOP attempts to convince the public that the majority’s plan will be a confusing disaster. But Democrats have argued that the chart is an inaccurate representation of their health-care efforts, and for that reason, the three Democrats on the Franking Commission say the GOP can’t use it in official mail. House guidelines say that in franked mail, “Comments critical of policy or legislation should not be partisan, politicized or personalized.” But what about information that’s inaccurate, or — arguably — just misleading?

    “We have never before censored anybody’s presentation of facts this way,” Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.) complained in an interview Friday….

    What is happening to America???

  4. Seth Says:

    AOW –

    The integrity of our elections is CRITICAL to integrity of our republic. The Dem Party is doing everything possible to undermine that integrity.

    Which is utterly shameful, and any politician who is cognizant of such practices and does nothing to both expose and abolish any such practices is as guilty as any engaging in them. These peoplemake a mockery of our entire system of governance.

    I have seen the chart, and am also disgusted with the Democrats’ refusal to permit it to be circulated among the Republicans’ constituency.

    A further example of today’s Democrats’ total contempt for the free flow of information to the public as regards issues that concern American citizens and the awareness of who is doing what in Congress necessary for said citizens to make voting decisions.

    I would say this is unbelievable, except that I’m hardly surprised anymore as to the moral depths to which the Democrats will plunge in covering up agendas the American people would not approve of if they were kept informed.

    Back in the USSR…