November 1, 2008

Seth Update

Wolf here.

I apologize for not having been able to be more attentive to Hard Astarboard these last couple weeks or so, but in addition to bequeathing me the task at hand, Seth also gave me the email address and password to one of his business inboxes before he left, asking that I monitor it from time to time in case a client needed his help, so as to let them know that he is unavailable and will get back to them as soon as he is able.

I sent such a response to one client, and the client inquired as to whether I might be a professional associate of Seth’s. When I replied that I am not, we ended up in an exchange wherein I mentioned my military background and the client’s reaction was that I might well be of help, on the assumption that between my not so humble career past and Seth trusting me, as he does, with access to one of his business email accounts, I might be just the ticket in a clinch.

Sooooooo, for the last few weeks I’ve been engaged in doing a Seth type job, although I hardly think I could fill his shoes on a regular basis as I lack the professional terminology and regard for the subtleties required therein. It wasn’t as easy as I always kid my good friend it must be, so I’ve now made myself a nice chunk of change as a reward for my selfless stewardship of the aforementioned email inbox. Heh heh.

But to the meat of this post:

Seth is still out of the country, and I can’t begin to guess (he can’t, so how the hell can anyone expect me to?) when he’ll finally conclude the piece of personal business he’s involved with and get his butt back here.

He called me last night (I can’t say from where) to assure me that he’s still alive and kicking, and said he’s had some exciting and scary times, and to check up on the state of his business email and this blog.

Not that I was worried about his lack of contact, as he’s always been the kind of guy who knows how to take care of himself.

He’s been to some interesting places he calls “nice and not so nice places to visit, but…”

He also assures one and all that he misses all his readers and fellow bloggers, and looks forward to getting back and carrying on.

– Wolf

by @ 8:23 am. Filed under Seth
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2 Responses to “Seth Update”

  1. Always On Watch Says:

    Thanks for letting us know that Seth is okay.

    Next time you communicate with him, please relay my best wishes.

  2. Wolf Says:

    Always On Watch,

    I don’t know when I will next hear from him, he’s completely out of touch at the moment, even from accessing his email accounts, but when I do, I will pass them on.

    Thank you. :-)