August 7, 2005

Must Be Said

I am really apprehensive about the Gaza Strip withdrawal.

It truly amazes me that the Israeli Knesset(the Jewish State’s parliament) has approved this, and that Ariel Sharon is a party to it.

Here are people who have something like 57(no, not the Heinz-Kerrys) years of experience dealing with the Palestinians.

Here are people who have to know that the Palestinians will use Gaza as an explosives and munitions storehouse, and to launch terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens.

Here are people(terrorists)–yeah, it’s this link again– who have no intention of sticking to any agreements they make. Below are some revealing excerpts from the Hamas Charter. Keep in mind that Hamas is rapidly becoming the most popular political party in the Palestinian existence.

Here are people who should know better. By giving the Palestinians the Gaza Strip, they are further endangering Israeli citizens.

When Palestinian groups start attacking Israel out of Gaza, every drop of Israeli blood spilled will be the fault of the Knesset members who approved the evacuation of the Gaza Strip. Their fault 90%, the terrorists’ fault 10%.

Because they should have known better.

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

And that is what concerns me.


by @ 8:49 pm. Filed under Israel and the Palestinians
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4 Responses to “Must Be Said”

  1. Policy Hawk Says:

    Hey Seth - I think that “here are the people” is supposed to be a link but it is not showing on my browser.

  2. Seth Says:

    Just (terrorists) is. The “here are the people”s are just underlined..

  3. NYgirl Says:

    The Israelis are cowing to the intense international pressure. I can’t say I blame them, they have been as brave as can be, but I am disappointed & worried. I just hope the international community & the left wake up to the true nature of the jihadis before it is too late for the only democracy in the Midlle East.

  4. Seth Says:

    I want to hear what the Knesset members who voted to evac Gaza and move the Pals in have to say when the place becomes a firebase and still more Israelis start dying.Dumb politicians.Brings to mind a saying I heard someplace: “Don’t tell my mother I’m a politician. She thinks I play the piano in a whorehouse.”