October 17, 2006

Ya’ Gotta Read….

this one by Dennis Prager!

by @ 4:45 am. Filed under Great Commentary
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2 Responses to “Ya’ Gotta Read….”

  1. atheling2 Says:

    Mr. Prager is right on target and brilliant as usual.

    Funny how the Left have not jumped on the Muslim cabbies’ refusal to serve people who are disabled, or just carrying alcohol as “discrimination”…

    Oh but the Muslims are exempt from any moral or ethical standards in their books, aren’t they?

  2. Seth Says:

    Atheling 2 –

    They are typical Muslims. They feel that the rest of us have to be subject to their religious laws, because they have neither tolerance nor respect for others’ beliefs.

    They want to live here in America, but on their terms, not on ours, and rather than assimmilate into our way of life, they want us to acquiesce to their religious beliefs.