August 16, 2006

Who’s Problem…

If you only have time to read one blog post today,

Old Soldier’s got a must-read post up, asking Whose Problem Is Islam, Anyway?

by @ 6:24 am. Filed under Islamofascism
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6 Responses to “Who’s Problem…”

  1. Old Soldier Says:

    Thank you kind Sir!

  2. Seth Says:

    I could percieve no other course of action. :-)

  3. Hurricane Harry Says:

    Thanks! I posted an entry and linked it also. Hope it gets around…

  4. Michael Says:

    That is a great read.

  5. Seth Says:


  6. Always On Watch Says:

    I pretty much missed out on blog-rounds yesterday. I need to go over to Old Soldier’s site and give his article a thorough reading; I skimmed it yesterday, but that’s obviously not enough.

    Thanks for the heads-up, Seth!