April 17, 2010

Our President Must, As I’ve Said Before…

…have a really rough time trying to balance a fundamentalist Muslim agenda with a marxist point of view — two mostly uncompatible (except in the realm of authoritarianism) dogmas, yet he balances them with the aplomb that only a man raised in the first and mentored in the second could pull off.

That, and the ease with which he disses our ages old friends and allies while cuddling up to our enemies and potential enemies, bespeak an individual whose serving (if that’s the operative word) as president has probably caused any of the true patriots who have fought for this country to turn in their graves.

Yeah, yeah, I know I’m sort of flogging a dead horse, seeing as I’ve posted on the latter before, and between the education system, the far left mainstream media and the politicians over there on the port side, the dumbing down administered to the younger generations has already given value to the traitors among us — they got one elected president and keep the speaker of the house in dog biscuits.

But where treating our friends like garbage and our enemies like gold is concerned, Barack al-Osama is a master.

Barack Obama has come up with an interesting strategy for dealing with the evildoers of the world. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Surrender your friends, if necessary.

He wants to make Israel, our oldest and only reliable friend in the Middle East, the guinea pig to see whether the strategy works. What appeared to be a minor flap between old friends only a fortnight ago now looks like an exploitable opportunity for the man who learned about who’s evil in the world from a crazy Jew-baiting preacher in Chicago.

The public scolding of Israel and the warning that it must make nice with those determined to “wipe it off the map” are now revealed to be tactics in the plan to make the Middle East over in a way to please the Islamic radicals. The observant among us have seen this coming. America’s true friends - Britain, Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Norway and Poland in addition to Israel - have been getting the back of Mr. Obama’s hand from the day he took his oath. The commitment to constitutional government and the ancient traditions of intellectual freedom that make up the cultural heritage of the West have been snubbed when not ignored, the natural allies of America lectured to when not insulted.

We’re told that it’s not nice, and maybe even racist, to notice that Michelle Obama, the elegant first lady who does so many things well, has cultivated her husband’s talent for strategic snobbery. She once conceded that she only became proud of America when her husband got to the brink of the presidency, and in a remarkable video of a 2008 appearance that surfaced only this spring, she told of their visiting “his home country in Kenya.” Unless she was conceding that she, too, is a “birther,” she meant that Kenya is his ancestral and cultural home. This could explain a lot, and it certainly offers insights now into his determination to discard the Israelis in the affections of Americans and replace them with nations alien to the affections of most Americans. Why retain an emotional attachment to the sources of American law and literature when you could bow to the Saudi king and court the leaders of Iran, Syria and Venezuela?

I’d be willing to bet that even under the above circumstances, denizens of the left are ignoring the snubbing of our friends by the President and still blaming Bush for “America’s unpopularity in the world today.”

by @ 2:07 pm. Filed under The President
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4 Responses to “Our President Must, As I’ve Said Before…”

  1. Always On Watch Says:

    he balances them with the aplomb that only a man raised in the first and mentored in the second could pull off


    Have you noticed how he daily grows in arrogance? A Messiah complex? “Knowledge” that Allah is smiling on him now that he’s undermining the Great Satan?

  2. Seth Says:

    AOW –

    It is more than possible that he has an Islamic agenda, and that by weakening the country through economic failure, soured relations with longtime allies, strong relations with Muslim leaders who bear us no goodwill and weakening of our security capabilities (witness Janet Napolitano’s position), he expects to make us easier pickings for Islamofacists in the not-very-long-run.

  3. Always On Watch Says:

    In our lifetime, I think.


  4. Seth Says:

    AOW –

    I agree.

    With Obama, his dumbjohn former Chicago machine butt buddies and his useful idiot followers ramrodding their agendas down our throats like there’s no tomorrow, there may not be.

    President or not, Barack Obama is a traitor, and I believe that long after the United States is over, this will be reflected in history books (that is, non-Muslim ones).