November 17, 2005

Speaking Of Clinton…

What should we make of this…

Former president Bill Clinton praised Saddam Hussein’s lieutenants and their underlings on Tuesday, saying they were mostly “good” and “decent” people.”

and this…

Clinton offered praise for Saddam’s lieutenants during the same speech where he criticized the U.S. invasion of Iraq as “a big mistake.”

…in view of this?

“Their mission is to attack Iraq’s nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors,” said Clinton.

Clinton also stated that, while other countries also had weapons of mass destruction, Hussein is in a different category because he has used such weapons against his own people and against his neighbors.

by @ 1:47 pm. Filed under Motivations: Political

Where Was The Mainstream Media?

It’s funny how liberals argue that the Mainstream Media(MSM) is either politically neutral or “right wing biased,” when anyone with an IQ in the single digits who can read or watch TV can see that the media are biased so far to the left that they totally ignore any relevant, hell, downright important information that doesn’t favor their liberal socialist reporting agenda.

They perpetuate disproven lies by ignoring their “disprovenness”{sorry about that one, but I had rather a late and actively social evening prior to today’s bright new period of consciousness}, so that even after an anti-Bush accusation is debunked, they continue to go with the original story.

Of course, the same can be said for the majority of Democrat politicians. It’s already been proven, for example, that Bush did not lie about the weapons of mass destruction(WMD)in Saddam’s Iraq. He acted on intelligence data that was corroborated even by the intelligence communities of numerous other countries and yet, funny as it seems, some of those same countries, even after voting “yea” on deposing Saddam, waffled at the Eleventh Hour, when they realized Dubya wasn’t playing games, and opposed the invasion.

Of course, some of those countries opposing, like France, were doing so because they had a lot of under-the-table deals going with the dictator, some of which were in direct violation of U.N. sanctions they themselves voted for, and there was, of course, the thieves’ gold mine called the Oil For Food Program, from which French officials profiteered in self-generous fashion.

Yet, our portside politicians and the MSM are still running the “Bush lied” myth. They do this because, sleazeballs that they are, they figure that if you repeat a lie enough, people will begin to accept it as truth. But then, Bill Clinton and his supporters, back at the end of the last century, showed us that the Democrats don’t have a problem with lying politicians, as long as they’re lying from the left.

Even so, there have been reports of WMDs out of Iraq, but the MSM and the liberals ignore them because such reports are contrary to the lies they employ in their never-ending assault on the Bush Administration.

For example, I don’t recall reading anything even remotely related to the discussion in this interview in any MSM venues.

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Bill Tierney, a former military intelligence officer and Arabic speaker who worked at Guantanamo Bay in 2002 and as a counter-infiltration operator in Baghdad in 2004. He was also an inspector (1996-1998) for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) for overseeing the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles in Iraq. He worked on the most intrusive inspections during this period and either participated in or planned inspections that led to four of the seventeen resolutions against Iraq.

This interview of Bill Tierney by Jamie Glazov is a must read for anyone with even mild curiosity regarding the truth about the WMD in Iraq.

Here is an excerpt:

The Iraqis had stopped the third group of our inspection team before it could close off the back of the installation. A few minutes later, a soldier came from inside the installation, and all the other guards gathered around him. He said something, there was a big laugh, and all the guards relaxed. A few moments later there was a radio call from the team that had been stopped short. They could here truck engines through the tall (10”) grass in that area. When we were finally allowed in, our team went to the back gate. The Iraqis claimed the gate hadn’t been opened in months, but there was freshly ground rust at the gate hinges. There was a photo from overhead showing tractor trailers with missiles in the trailers leaving the facility.

When pressed, Tariq Aziz criticized the inspectors for not knowing the difference between a missile and a concrete guard tower. He never produced the guard towers for verification. It was during this period that Tariq Aziz pulled out his “no smoking gun” line. Tariq very cleverly changed the meaning of this phrase. The smoking gun refers to an indicator of what you are really looking for - the bullet. Tariq changed the meaning so smoking gun referred to the bullet, in this case the WMD, knowing that as long as there were armed guards between us and the weapons, we would never be able to “find,” as in “put our hands on,” the weapons of mass destruction. The western press mindlessly took this up and became the Iraqis’ tool. I will let the reader decide whether this inspection constitutes a smoking gun.

Of course, the Newspaper of Record would never consider the contents of this interview “fit to print.” It goes against their liberal, anti-America political agenda.

A great big hat tip to Kender.

by @ 12:46 pm. Filed under Iraq

November 16, 2005

From Moving America Forward

This alert from Moving America Forward actually arrived the other day, but I was behind on reading email due to much busy-ness of late.

The author of the alert, Joseph Williams, is a Vietnam vet himself and the father of a United States Marine who died fighting for the continued freedom of the Iraqi people.

Fellow Americans:

I’m so very proud of my son who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

He knew the mission was important, and he understood that the war in
Iraq was central to the war on terrorism.

Sadly, my son (Lance Cpl. Michael Jason Williams) lost his life in
combat in this war. My life changed forever when I got a knock at my door,
informing me that Michael had been killed in action. My son is my hero.

As a father, I can’t tell you what a gut-wrenching blow it was, and
still is. Not a day goes by I don’t think about my child. But the
Anti-American, anti-war crowd that pretends to ’support the military, but not
the mission’ are a pack of liars.

Some people, like Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore, have tried to
exploit the death of Michael and others who lost their lives in Iraq, in
order that they might advance their far left political agenda.

If we don’t stand up to the Cindy Sheehans, Michael Moore’s and the
politicans who are using Michael’s death to further their agenda of
undermining our Commander-in-Chief, then Michael Jason William’s devotion to
this great country will be rendered meaningless.

I know from bitter experience.

I am a Vietnam veteran.

I don’t know what is so hard for the people in today’s anti-war
movement to understand. Radical Islamic Extremists are determined to kill
Americans and destroy our way of life.

In Iraq the terrorist insurgency is led by a fellow named Zarqawi, his
position is the leader of “Al Qaeda in Iraq” yet the anti-war crowd
marches through our streets proclaiming that the war in Iraq has nothing
to do with the war against terrorism.

Well, I’ve had enough of the misguided, anti-military and even
anti-American rhetoric from the anti-war crowd. They seem to be rooting for
our enemies more than our own troops at times.

So I’ve decided to help fight back.

I’ve leant my voice and my story - and the story of my son’s sacrifice
for his nation - to Move America Forward, for them to use in a national
radio ad campaign.

You can hear the ad here:

Right now we’re trying to raise enough money to purchase the time on
radio stations around the country to make sure this message is heard.

Please, support this effort by making a contribution to help pay for
the airtime for this radio commercial. I would be honored to have you
help get this message out.

Contribute online here:

Or mail in a contribution to this address:

Move America Forward
ATTN: Pro-Troop Holiday Ad Fund
P.O. Box 1497
Sacramento, CA 95812

Thank you for reading my letter.

Sincerely Yours,

Joseph Williams
Vacaville, California

by @ 5:16 am. Filed under Global War On Terror

Fighting Back

On Veterans Day and the day after, George Bush and Karl Rove each finally launched a counterattack on the Democrats and their liberal socialist masters, responding to incessant attacks the Bush Administration has been weathering for years, including the disproven accusations that Vice President Dick Cheney coerced the CIA into altering intelligence to indicate there were WMDs in Iraq, in order to create a defensible reason for invading Iraq and deposing Saddam.

This sudden offensive posture on Mr. Bush’s part is quite understandable, given the fact that spineless Republicans we mistakenly voted into or reelected to Congress haven’t been giving the boss any back-up, too busy as they’ve been arse creeping for the Democrat minority or preening for their next reelection campaigns.

We really need to give a lot of thought to these career ruling class do-nothings when next we go to the polls and consider bringing in some newbies who haven’t had the opportunity to become complacent like those now purporting to represent us.

But as I am well known to do, I digress.

Back on track, one of the things I’ve always liked about reading Cal Thomas is that I find his columns are always spot-on.

In a Veterans Day speech in Tobyhanna, Pa., President Bush took on his critics who have said he lied about intelligence to justify deposing Saddam Hussein. While acknowledging it is ”perfectly legitimate” to criticize his conduct of the war, the president said, ”Some Democrats and anti-war critics are claiming we manipulated the intelligence and misled the American people about why we went to war. These critics are fully aware that a bipartisan Senate investigation found no evidence of political pressure to change the intelligence community’s judgments related to Iraq’s weapons programs.”
The president said the stakes in the global war on terror are too high ”and the national interest is too important for politicians to throw out false charges.” He said too many of his critics are ”deeply irresponsible” and sending the wrong signal to America’s enemy and to U.S. troops.
Democrats reacted immediately, accusing the president of using Veterans Day to politicize the war. What have they been doing the other 364 days of the year, if not trying to undermine the war effort by playing politics and contributing to disunity, thus encouraging the enemy?

And Carl Rove?

In his speech to the Federalist Society on Nov. 10, Rove gave a brief history of the consequences of judicial activism and how it has violated the separation of powers clause of the Constitution and contributed to disrespect for the courts and the law.
He noted the changes to the courts that were made in Texas when citizens realized their will and constitution were being frustrated because of ”millions of dollars from a handful of wealthy personal injury trial lawyers” that were ”poured into (Texas) Supreme Court races to shift the philosophical direction of the Court.” He noted the court ”earned the reputation as ‘the best court that money could buy.’ ”’

It’s a great column, read the whole thing.

by @ 4:34 am. Filed under Dealing With Liberals

Is France’s Present Problem Just An Hors De Ouvre?

The online Opinion Journal reran an 8 November Op-Ed yesterday by Joel Kotkin that gives thoughtful insight into the poverty that has been attributed as a root cause of the Muslim riots in France(we all know what I think about that), and from my read doesn’t indicate any sort of optimism regarding any economic turn for the better for either French Muslims or for France.

The French political response to the continuing riots has focused most on the need for more multicultural “understanding” of, and public spending on, the disenchanted mass in the country’s grim banlieues (suburbs). What has been largely ignored has been the role of France’s economic system in contributing to the current crisis. State-directed capitalism may seem ideal for American admirers such as Jeremy Rifkin, author of “The European Dream,” and others on the left. Yet it is precisely this highly structured and increasingly infracted economic system that has so limited opportunities for immigrants and their children. In a country where short workweeks and early retirement are sacred, there is little emphasis on creating new jobs and even less on grass-roots entrepreneurial activity.

Since the ’70s, America has created 57 million new jobs, compared with just four million in Europe (with most of those jobs in government). In France and much of Western Europe, the economic system is weighted toward the already employed (the overwhelming majority native-born whites) and the growing mass of retirees. Those ensconced in state and corporate employment enjoy short weeks, early and well-funded retirement and first dibs on the public purse. So although the retirement of large numbers of workers should be opening up new job opportunities, unemployment among the young has been rising: In France, joblessness among workers in their 20s exceeds 20%, twice the overall national rate. In immigrant banlieues, where the population is much younger, average unemployment reaches 40%, and higher among the young.

Read the rest of the Op-Ed here.

by @ 4:08 am. Filed under Weasel Country Affairs

November 15, 2005

The Truth vs A Liberal Lie

The Bush Administration has been assailed, since going into Iraq, by a “Bush lied, people died!” platform on the left, the single strongest point in the entire liberal anti-Bush arsenal of rhetoric.

The so-called “lies” are pretty interesting as they were all supported, vociferously, along with the need to oust Saddam Hussein, by the same portside politicians that now deny having ever uttered the opinion that Saddam had WMD or accusing the Bush Administration of tampering with intelligence that led them to the above opinions.

They are bald-faced, politically motivated liars. Even if Bush or Cheney had managed, for whatever reason, to manipulate the conclusions of the CIA regarding the presence of WMD in Iraq, one would have to say, then, that France, Germany and the other countries that opposed us going into Iraq also altered their intelligence, because their leaders all believed, based upon reports from their own intelligence agencies, that the WMD were there and that Saddam was expanding his NBC warfare inventory on an ongoing basis. And all agreed, until we invaded Iraq, that the weapons posed a threat to the immediate region and to the west, since in the latter case it was believed that Saddam might pass some of the weapons of mass destrucion on to terrorists.

The actual crux of the gripes I have is the fact that the left has totally lost its conscience and any semblance of honesty, and in pursuit of goals not compatible with the objectives of America’s founding concepts, they have no problem where ignoring facts or outright lying, and that includes the news media, which supports them, is concerned.

Dubya did not take us to war in Iraq lightly, he had justifiable reasons that have since manifested their purpose, though the Mainstream Media, out of political bias, does not report any of these positives.

However, Norman Podhoretz puts the entire situation in perspective.

The very idea that the Democrats would turn around and pretend that they never endorsed an invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the denial motivated by the War On Bush, pretty much demonstrates the lack of honesty, truth and soul on the left side of the political spectrum.

Among the many distortions, misrepresentations and outright falsifications that have emerged from the debate over Iraq, one in particular stands out above all others. This is the charge that George W. Bush misled us into an immoral or unnecessary war in Iraq by telling a series of lies that have now been definitively exposed.

What makes this charge so special is the amazing success it has enjoyed in getting itself established as a self-evident truth even though it has been refuted and discredited over and over again by evidence and argument alike. In this it resembles nothing so much as those animated cartoon characters who, after being flattened, blown up or pushed over a cliff, always spring back to life with their bodies perfectly intact. Perhaps, like those cartoon characters, this allegation simply cannot be killed off, no matter what.

Nevertheless, I want to take one more shot at exposing it for the lie that it itself really is. Although doing so will require going over ground that I and many others have covered before, I hope that revisiting this well-trodden terrain may also serve to refresh memories that have grown dim, to clarify thoughts that have grown confused, and to revive outrage that has grown commensurately dulled.

So read the column.

by @ 5:09 am. Filed under The Truth, Period!

November 14, 2005

Applied Islam

What are our friends, the Saudis up to these days?

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) — A court sentenced a teacher to 40 months in prison and 750 lashes for “mocking religion” after he discussed the Bible and praised Jews, a Saudi newspaper reported yesterday.
Al-Madina newspaper said secondary-school teacher Mohammad al-Harbi, who will be flogged in public, was taken to court by his colleagues and students.
He was charged with promoting a “dubious ideology, mocking religion, saying the Jews were right, discussing the Gospel and preventing students from leaving class to wash for prayer,” the newspaper said.
Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, strictly upholds the austere Wahhabi school of Islam and bases its constitution on the Koran and the sayings of the prophet Muhammad. Public practice of any other religion is banned.
A U.S. State Department report criticized Saudi Arabia last week, saying religious freedoms “are denied to all but those who adhere to the state-sanctioned version of Sunni Islam.”
The newspaper said Mr. al-Harbi will appeal the verdict.
A similar case was cited in the State Department’s International Religious Freedom Report for 2004.
“During the period covered by this report, a schoolteacher was tried for apostasy, and eventually convicted in March of blasphemy; the person was given a prison sentence of 3 years and 300 lashes. The trial received substantial press coverage,” the report said.
A 2003 report by the U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom, the world’s only government-sanctioned entity to investigate and report religious-freedom violations, named Saudi Arabia as the world’s biggest violator of religious liberties.

Oh, okay, SSDD.

And this is a nation that exports its “religious” beliefs via mosques and schools to countries all over the world, where despite their claim that they are friends of ours, they preach hatred and scorn for all but Islam to their young, naming the United States and its citizens as one of their two worst enemies, the other being Israel.

Islam, the Religion of Peace.

Tell it to the French.

In scattered attacks overnight into Monday, vandals rammed a car into a primary school in the southern city of Toulouse before setting the building on fire. In northern France, arsonists set fire to a sports center in the suburb of Faches-Thumesnil and a school in the town of Halluin.

A gas canister exploded inside a burning garbage can in the Alpine city of Grenoble, injuring two police officers, the national police said. Three officers were injured elsewhere.

The rioting, sparked by the accidental electrocution deaths of two teens who thought police were chasing them, began in Paris’ poor suburbs, where immigrants from North and West Africa live with their French-born children in housing projects.

Sunday was the 18th straight night of unrest, but the storm of arson attacks and other violence has lost steam since the government declared a state of emergency on Wednesday.

The number of cars burned nightly has steadily decreased — from 502 overnight into Saturday, to 374 overnight into Sunday, to 271 as Monday began. A week earlier, 1,400 cars were incinerated in a single night.

What really irritates me about the way the liberal media has been handling the above events, collectively, is that they all but justify the property destruction, school and car burnings and other violence, including cop killing by focusing on the failure of the French to assimilate these Muslims into their society, citing the high rate of unemployment and poor living conditions in Islamic neighborhoods in France.

The Mainstream Media has actually excused these rioters and reduced, in tacit manner, what they’ve been doing to the status of peaceful protesters demonstrating against a government that has made them feel oppressed.

Right, so there’s no harm in burning a few thousand cars belonging to individuals who more than likely have had no influence in anything having anything at all to do with the Muslims’ situation, burning some schools, go figure — throwing gasoline all over a woman on crutches that burned the skin over a large part of her body — beating up senior citizens and attacking police.

We need to try and understand the poor dears, examine the reasons, the very motivations that created this atmosphere of violence, etc, etc…

Let’s hear it! “Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya…”

So as is always the case, the portside media manages to turn the victims into elements of an evil society{well, it is France} that is unfair to its Muslim citizens, who are merely responding to the unfairness, and voila! the rioters are now the victims.

Leave it to the left to define a situation thusly. If the ACLU had a Paris branch, they would probably be suing the French government for setting curfews and arresting rioters, thereby obstructing their rights to express their hate and anger.

Still, it must be a tough call for the left, since their appointed villains belong largely to the socialist government liberals so look up to.

What the truth boils down to is that gangs of young Muslims have been running amok, commiting violent, destructive felonies and there is nothing they can use as an excuse that will justify their acts. They are, indeed, scum.

If the French courts don’t deal harshly with those arrested in the course of their terrorism — yes, that’s exactly what this is — it will only make them appear weak and vulnerable to these animals, who view leniency as spinelessness and therefore contemptible. This lesson has been learned the hard way by many, not least of whom are the Israelis, but the left still hasn’t picked up on that. They won’t, in fact, until they are living under Sharia law and no longer have the right to criticize the powers that be, and their women are eighth class citizens, chattel who can be beaten bloody by hubby for the slightest infraction.

Dealing leniently with these “people” will only let them know that the threat of future rioting will be accepted as a bargaining chip by the French government. And there will be future rioting as a result.

What western supporters of and apologists for the actions of militant Islamics refuse to accept is that we are dealing with a mindset that is 100% intolerant of any religious beliefs that differ from theirs, believing that they are false and that it is the God given right of Muslims to go to any country they please and attack its customs, religious symbols and heritage in order to force it to comply with their own culture. It is acceptable to lie to infidels(non-believers), even to the point of signing treaties with full intentions of violating them when it is strategically advantageous to do so.

The centerpiece/ mastermind of today’s global Islamic terrorist front is, of course, al Qaeda, and those extremists have become so excessive as to alienate a few Muslim countries and communities through the none-too-bright practice of murdering their own. Witness the beach resort bombings in Egypt not long ago and, the other day, their hotel bombings in Jordan, the latter leading to a declaration of war on them by the king of Jordan himself.

JORDAN’S King Abdullah II vowed to “take the fight” to Iraq-based Al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, whose group Jordanian officials say carried out suicide attacks in Amman this week that killed 57 people.

“We are going to crack down and take the fight to Zarqawi,” the king said in an interview with CNN television.

“We have been very successful in taking down his operations in the past … (when) he used Jordanians. Now he has changed tactics, he is using foreigners. That means that our security services have to change tactics too.”

Authorities have arrested 12 people suspected of having had a hand in Wednesday’s bombings and have questioned scores more.

Jordanian-born Zarqawi was released from jail in 1999 as part of general amnesty granted by King Abdullah but was last year sentenced to death by a Jordanian court for the 2002 murder of a US diplomat.

Good, let the SOBs get their own people after them, at least those fellow Muslims of theirs are folks who understand what they’re up against, unlike western governments like our own who simply refuse to realize that we are addressing an enemy whose thought patterns are totally alien to our own, especially in regard to such items as the sanctity of human life or the value of their word when given to any person or political body that exists outside their own faith.

And our political leaders really don’t seem to have a clue. One piece of supporting evidence for that statement comes from the pressure we are putting on Israel to expedite their capitulation to the Palestinians.

A sharp dispute arose on Monday between Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over the issue of Hamas participation in Palestinian elections slated for January.

In a Monday morning meeting in Jerusalem, Sharon said that allowing Hamas to take part in the elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council would be a grave error, and would only weaken Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, rather than strengthening him, as Palestinians have argued.

“We will not interfere with the elections,” Sharon declared, “but neither will we coordinate the elections with [the Palestinians], and will not allow Hamas people to operate and move around differently from what is happening now.”

We are pushing Israel to interact with the Palestinians in the same manner the United States would exercise diplomacy with, say, Norway, Germany or Greece, but the reality they face is alien to that of diplomacy with the average civilized country.

Very real security concerns prevent the Israelis from going with a program that could get innocent civilians killed. As many of us expected when Ariel Sharon ceded the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians and evacuated all the Jewish residents, Gaza has been morphing itself into an armed camp from which terrorists of such esteemed murder organizations as Hamas and Islamic Jihad can launch attacks against Israel without even having to travel. They can telecommute by mortar.

Condi, I love you and will vote for you for President in 2008 if you’re our candidate, but please, don’t treat the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians like the relationship between the U.S. and Canada, for Chrissake!

While we argue with the political panjandrums in Ottawa over things like steel manufacture or Mad Cow, the Israelis exist in a completely different reality.

Late Sunday night, tanks lined up outside the northern Gaza border targeted the sources of the attacks.

According to IDF officials, the reprisals would continue into the early hours Monday morning, “because the Palestinians must understand that we will not ignore mortar fire.”

The army began firing at the terror cells after a mortar shell landed near the security fence north of the Karni crossing Sunday night. No one was wounded and no damage was caused in the attack.

“Our response will be exaggerated and disproportional to the [mortar] fire,” a senior IDF official said, according to Army Radio. If the Palestinian cells continue firing mortars, he added, Israel’s response will even intensify.

Israel has gradually escalated its response to the attacks from Gaza since its withdrawal from the strip. During the first half of September, during Operation First Rain, Israel stationed a row of tanks bordering the Gaza Strip to discourage attacks. When Palestinian attacks continued, however, the army was given the go-ahead to respond to fire with fire.

IDF officials explained that the object of the current operation was to drive the terror cells away from the security fence, and thus render the mortar fire ineffective due to the limited range of the shells.

The major worry here is that Hamas, a terrorist organization by any definition, has become an important political party among the Palestinians and if they win any major posts in upcoming elections they will be a terrorist organization with political authority that will undoubtedly be acknowledged by the U.N. and member nations that encompass, among others, western countries, including the United States.

To add to all else, we have ongoing problems with Syria and Iran.

We are at war with radical Islam. We initiated our two main fronts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and despite the mewlings from the left as to how “Bush lied and people died,” and the down-playing and downright ignoring of our highly positive results in Iraq by the Mainstream Media does more to hurt our country than to help it — they would rather spin, omit and lie than tell the truth, all for a political agenda that’s more important to them than the security of our form of government and the well-being of Americans in America.


Since the beginning of Islam, the “faithful” have attempted unsuccessfully to force their beliefs and lifestyles, para-militarily and militarily, on the Judeo-Christian world. They have failed miserably. Today, however, they are taking advantage of advances in technology and travel to pursue their ages-old agenda via terrorism.

We are fighting a global war whose stakes comprise our freedom and the continuity of our very way of life, and it would greatly benefit us all if those Americans on the left side of the aisle went beyond the limitations of partisan politics and stood up for their country and for the freedom these fanatics are fighting tooth-and-nail to take away from us.

by @ 3:24 am. Filed under Global War On Terror

November 11, 2005

Moving America Forward

Melanie Morgan and Move America Forward need our assistance, at least those of us who believe in America. Liberals{socialists, marxists, etc} need not apply, as they’d just as soon see the United States emulating the U.S.S.R. in their efforts to destroy America.

Fellow Americans,

Wednesday’s terrorist attacks against innocent civilians in three
hotels in Amman, Jordan demonstrates why it is so important for us to step
up the war against terrorism.

We either defeat the terrorists - by killing them overseas and showing
them that the United States will not back down - or else we will face
more terrorist attacks here at home.

Appeasement and surrender is no option. Just look at the streets of
Paris, France, which are lined with burning automobiles by Muslim youth
who feel slighted by the French government. Not only have they shot and
killed a police officer, but they also doused a woman in gasoline as
she attempted to escape the riots. She was on crutches, and thus could
not outrun the attackers. She now suffers burns on over 60% of her

Right now the most prominent frontline in America’s war against
terrorism is Iraq. And we MUST prevail there - even though some people are
determined to get the United States to give up and pull out of Iraq.

Friends, this is EXACTLY why we are running our radio ads across the
nation rallying Americans to support the war in Iraq.

We’ve so far raised a little more than $25,000 for these ads. That’s
simply not enough - especially since the ads will expand to markets
around the country NEXT WEEK. We must be well into the hundreds of
thousands of dollars to truly have an impact and give Americans the “shot in
the arm” to return to the fold and support the mission our military men
and women are serving in.

Let us please pull together and double the $25,000 we’ve raised in the
next 24 hours:

Or help us with a contribution via U.S. Mail:

Move America Forward
ATTN: Pro-Troop Holiday Ad Fund
P.O. Box 1497
Sacramento, CA 95812

Come on people, let’s step up our efforts.


Melanie Morgan
Chairman, Move America Forward

by @ 3:18 am. Filed under American Patriotism

Misfortunes Of The Feckless French

Are the French in a bad spot, or what?

Their chickens have come home to roost, as the saying goes.

They have spent generations cultivating the perfect socialist society that combines copious unemployment, massive welfare, anti-semitism, anti-Americanism, high level corruption, national cowardice and general-purpose spinelessness and a come-one-come-all Muslim immigration policy that has structured their population to a ratio of more than five followers of Islam to one hundred multi-generation native Frenchman.

On top of that, they have treated their Muslim population to the same sort of pontification to which they treat all other non-Frenchmen; unfortunately, the Africans take things a little more seriously than most folks and have no respect for the property, lives and rights of others, so there are those tragic riots going down over there… The French weasels should learn from this, but I doubt they will.

The awesome Suzanne Fields has great perspective here regarding the political, military and economic failure known as France.

This is a source of renewal of the long-standing anti-America sentiment in France: How dare the cigar-chomping, loudmouthed vulgar American bore, who knows nothing about fine wine, haute cuisine or couturier fashion, ride to the rescue of the land of 300 cheeses? Unable to accept their own weakness, they turned on us. A taker hates a giver. French polls repeatedly show how little the French think of America. Anti-Americanism is the first refuge of the French scoundrel.

“What we mistakenly see as a craven, anti-Semitic, insecure, hypocritical, hysterically anti-American, selfish, overtaxed, culturally exhausted country, bereft of ideas, fearful of its own capitulation to Islam, headed for a demographic cul de sac, corrupted by lame ideologies, clinging to unusually unsupportable entitlements, crippled by a spirit of multilayered bureaucracy,” writes Denis Boyles in his book, “Vile France: Fear, Duplicity, Cowardice and Cheese,” is “actually worse than all that.”

What I see in all this, despite all the media attempts to put a human face on the rioting, is a throng of animals who, having nothing, entertain no respect for anything others have worked for. They are merely scum using shallow excuses to go on a rampage, victimizing, as all Muslim terrorists do, innocent people without the means to defend themselves. They demonstrate blatant cowardice, but that figures as it is compatible with French politics.

Mona Charen also weighs in accurately on France.

Through a combination of socialism at home and appeasement abroad, the French believed they had found a viable alternative to, in former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin’s phrase, “jungle capitalism,” as practiced by you know who. Jacques Chirac was more direct, condemning “ultra liberal Anglo-Saxon” economic policies, while also famously boasting that France would anchor a European pole in a “multipolar” world, with American influence vastly reduced. With 300 French cities in flames, French pretensions lie singed and shriveled.

Unfortunately, the same Islamic terrorism — sorry, “rioting,” is occurring on smaller scales in Belgium and Germany — two of France’s fellow weasel states — so it seems that there is a pattern: Let Islamics take over a few neighborhoods, open a few mosques, etcetera, and as soon as they feel strong enough, they’ll let you know that while your country has national borders, Islam has no borders, Muslims own the world.


So we have a choice, from the standpoint of immigration. Do we want to emulate France, or would we prefer to learn from their mistakes?

by @ 1:56 am. Filed under Weasel Country Affairs

November 7, 2005

A Real Asset For Disaster Response

In the aftermath of the disasterous wave of hurricanes we were recently slammed by, acts of nature that turned thousands of U.S. citizens into “refugees” of a kind as they flooded cities and destroyed homes, there is still much recrimination from both sides of the political spectrum as to who was to blame for what has been termed an “inadequate response.”

Face it, no matter how much a government plans for natural disasters, until one comes down on us with a vengeance as Katrina and her siblings did, we really cannot know whether those untested rescue and relief measures we have planned are going to be adequate to the task.

Now our response system has indeed been tested and found wanting, and we know more — ain’t hindsight wonderful — about how bad things can get and what we need in the event of another “worst case scenario.”

So what happens now? Do a bunch of politicians sit around and do what they do best, which is jaw the subject around for a few months{before and after the coming congressional recess — boy, I’ll bet a lot of working Americans wish they could enjoy the lengthy holiday vacation Members of Congress are entitled to} — and then produce some wordy page of legalese only an attorney can understand, full of doubletalk, pontification and little else?

Or will they look here?

So, you want to see what these old girls will be able to do? Here’s a list of only a few things we can provide during a Coastal State disaster (such as flooding or a hurricane)

—-Service a disaster area of up to 10,000 square miles (up to 100 miles inland) with minimal (if any) outside support

—-Provide complete berthing facilities for up to 400 emergency responders “on scene” at a disaster site

—-Fully integrated communications system serving all local, state, and federal agencies, as well as cell phone coverage and military band frequencies–allowing for seamless communications between all disaster scene personnel, no matter what radio frequency or cell phone is being used.

—-Daily provide 110 tons of bagged and palletized ice to the disaster region

—-Daily generate, bottle, and palletize up to 50,000 gallons of fresh water

—-Provide refueling station and loading platform for helicopters operating in the disaster area

—-Carry over 7,000 tons of food and supplies for a disaster area

—-Store (and provide delivery of) 700,000 gallons of diesel, gasoline, and aviation fuel for use in the disaster area on emergency vehicles and critical needs generators (hospitals, emergency operation centers, etc)

We now have the opportunity to add a couple of these eminently mega-useful ships to our disaster response effort, but in order for this to take place, Congress must give it a thumbs up. Congress will only be available for another two weeks before their next session opens in 2006.

So there is a rush on this, and all of us can be instrumental, with a simple email or telephone call, in making it happen.

Below are those to contact:

Senator Cochran, (R-MS) (Chairman of Appropriations)
Phone: (202) 224-5054
Internet Contact Form

Senator DeWine, (R-OH)
Phone: (202) 224-2315
Fax: (202) 224-6519
Becky Watts has the legislation for his office
Internet Contact Form

Senator Shelby, (R-AL)
Phone: (202) 224-5744
Fax: (202) 224-3416
Ryan Welch has the legislation for his office

Senator Sessions, (R-AL)
Phone: (202) 224-4124
Fax: (202) 224-3149
Stephen Boyd has the legislation for his office
Internet Contact Form

For further information and links to other sites posting on this, please visit Phin’s Blog.

by @ 12:01 pm. Filed under Homeland Security