June 5, 2007
Nuclear Terrorism
About a year and a half ago, I posted on the possibility, if not sheer likelihood, of future nuclear terrorist attacks on the United States.
In that post, I linked to a book I had then recently read, Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, by Graham Allison. While Allison’s politics and mine travel opposite paths and while he has been associated with the Bilderbergs, I consider him an authority worth listening to as regards the subject matter of the book.
It is in the nature of our society, one that has, by virtue of a generally excellent defense structure and ideal geographic placement, been spared the bulk of the grim realities that seem to befall many other nations as a matter of course, to utterly refuse to consider the possibility of anyone setting off a nuke on American soil. After all, the government certainly wouldn’t let that happen, who would want to do a thing like that? and anyway, where would they even get nukes? The only places one sees this are in fiction novels and on the TV series, “24″. Besides, attacking us with a nuclear weapon would be too big a project for some sanity challenged terrorist group.
Of course it would, just like 9/11.
Meanwhile, in the real world…
NewsMax has been touting a new book by Paul Williams, titled The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World
I haven’t read it yet, but I will be picking up a copy shortly and placing it at the top of my reading list.
Here is a link within one of today’s NewsMax emails in which Williams responds to a few interview questions.
Unlike in the case of mainstream liberals, those of us whose political focus is founded by evidencial and accurate history based reality are fully aware that Islamic terrorists (is that a reverse oximoron, or what?) and most of their leaders would have little if any compunction about sacrificing their own lives to murder lots and lots of infidels, especially American ones.
To repost a Khomeini quote from the good old days of Carter’s Iran,
We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land [Iran] burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.
Obviously, the Ayatollah was not referring to an unpopulated Iran, but to the vaporization of the entire country along with millions of his fellow Muslims.
This exemplifies the kind of thinking that drives Islamofascism and, as we have seen, drives them to translate that thinking into action; and they think big. To them, theirs is a mega-zealous, global religious agenda — so called “fire & brimstone” preachers in the Bible Belt have no idea, but then, being Christians, they wouldn’t. Too many factors like humanity and love of G-d stand in the way of that. Islamic hirabahists lack not only any trace of humanity or love of G-d (Muslims aren’t compelled to love Allah, they are only ordered to submit to their satanic lord and his pedophile prophet), but they remain someplace in the 8th Century while the march of time leaves them increasingly farther behind its dust.
So anyone who doubts for even a second that these animals wouldn’t light off a nuke or five in American cities the minute they are able needs to ponder just a bit harder. Such an act(/ acts) would inspire worldwide terror on a scale that would dwarf even 9/11. Non-Muslim countries that hadn’t already begun the dance of the dhimmi would be scrambling to become friends of Islam (I will point out here that becoming such a friend of Islam is exceedingly more dangerous than becoming a Friend of the Library). This would be a major victory for Islamofascism, hastening their quest for global Sharia law, among other evils.
With all that ignored evidence out there coupled with the zeal of our terrorist enemy, one can only pray that the government has a handle on this issue that the New York Times and ABC don’t hear about.
I’ve Always Been Totally,…
…unconditionally pro-Israel.
I grew up mostly in New York in a conservative Jewish family (in my maternal grandparents’ house) that included a number of still-living witnesses to the horrors of the Third Reich. My grandmother, who had grown up in Poland, described pogroms during her childhood. She lost her two brothers to the Gestapo. Some of my relatives emigrated to Palestine in the early 1940s. Their children still live there, and their childrens’ children.
During the first of my thus far twoish years of blogging, I posted a lot more than I have since on Israeli affairs. This, I suspect is my profound disappointment combined with a touch of despair over the fact that because of its present utterly spineless, inane, capitulatory liberal leadership, I might well see Israel cease to exist long before the end of my lifetime (I turn 52 in a couple of months). I sometimes start to post on Israel, then quit in disgust.
The Great Gaza Giveaway about did it — any friggin’ moron at the farthest corner of the planet had to know Hamas would use the ceded land for exactly what they have been using it for, and the leaders of the terrorist organization cum “political party” crowed loudly as to how terrorism had worked well against Israel, and would have to be increased until those leftist idiots have given away all of Israel and however many Jews that hadn’t been slaughtered had hightailed it out of the country in refugee mode.
Then came the war in Lebanon, when Ehud Olmert seemed determined both to rescue the Israeli soldiers and eliminate Hezbollah once and for all, and I thought, they’ve got their spine back, yay!
“Get those abducted soldiers back from the terrorists!” Oh, wait, Hamas and Hezbollah aren’t terrorists, they’re, um… Freedom fighters, I think… no, wait! Wait! Like Hamas, Hezbollah is a political party. Of course. They just happen to specialize in, as cowardly, spiritually barren and soulless as they are, inflicting aggressive Islam upon infidels, especially innocent women and children in stores and on buses.
However, the Israeli leadership (think Faron, the limp cat in the Peanuts comic strip), such as it is, chose to become French just at that time.
Ehud Olmert withdrew Israeli forces right in the middle of the war, sending a message to the Arabs that Islam had defeated Israel. The message in question comes in a form letter.
In the course of his Presidency, Bill Clinton used the same form letter a few times as a response to terrorist attacks on Americans abroad (a couple of our embassies and the U.S.S. Cole, for example) and, of course, during our troops’ “redeployment” from Somalia (this was back before “redeployment” acquired its new definition: To order total retreat in the face of the enemy; to order surrender or otherwise capitulate, in simpering weasel fashion, without an iota of personal shame, patriotism or pride in either ones’ military or ones’ country.
And the kidnaped servicemen have not been brought home.
Olmert refuses to step down, the single most patriotic thing he can do for Israel. I say, throw the bum out, bring back Netaniahu!
During this lowest of all periods in the entire chronology of Israel’s existence as a sovereign state (a scant few years ago, Israel wouldn’t even have considered negotiating with terrorists, today they fork over large chunks of the country along with blessings well spiced by the Kiss Of Shame), the international carrion of the left have begun to exploit the weaknesses of Olmert and his crowd by rehashing the false occupation and oppression rhetoric that has long been the mantra of anti-Israel leftism.
I won’t fall over in cardiac arrest over the news that the portsiders at Amnesty International are bellowing their anti-Semitism and pro-terror fanaticism in an Israeli direction using revisionist history as the keystone, but I will point you towards a must-read and creatively presented post on the subject by Angel over at Woman Honor Thyself.
June 1, 2007
Teach Your Children…
…ah, yes, a four decades old, give or take a year, song recorded by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.
I suppose it’s not all that unusual for different cultures to perceive different meanings for the same old song titles, as is noted here.
A televised graduation ceremony at a Palestinian kindergarten in Gaza shows little boys dressed in black masks, camouflage fatigues, carrying toy guns, and waving green Hamas flags.
The children vow that their most “lofty aspiration” is death for the sake of Allah.
Not “I wanna be a doctor”, “I wanna be President”, “I wanna be an astronaut”, “I wanna be a truck driver, just like my dad”, as children might reply, in civilized societies, to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
The boys shout, “Allah Akbar” (Allah is great).
“Who is your role model?” the boys are asked. “The Prophet,” they respond.
“What is your path?”
“Jihad,” they shout.
“What is your most lofty aspiration?”
“Death for the sake of Allah.”
And so many ignorant morons buy into the “Religion of Peace” bit, championing the bloody cause these people purport to represent in their aggressions against Israel? Last I heard, the Jews over there, like human beings in most parts of the world, raise their children to be productive and successful, have families of their own and continue the family line into the future.
These so-called “Palestinian” animals, on the other hand, raise their children to die at the earliest possible opportunity, and not even as soldiers, but as murderers who take innocent people with them.
And these evil pig-monsters call us the Great Satan?
November 4, 2006
Remember Clinton’s War?
You know, the one Germany and some other Euro countries got us into because they wanted more EU say-so in the Balkans? You know, the one in which the late Mr. Milosevic, the one they tried for five years in the aftermath and could convict of nothing was “ethnically cleansing” the Muslim population while the Muslim population did the same to non-Muslims? Yeah, that one, the one way street where Clinton felt it was just fine for Muslims to ethnically cleanse to their hearts’ content, as long as Milosevic could not?
We and several other countries really did the Muslims a favor there, helping them to practice their Islam on Christian Serbs with a minimum of interference.
Julia Gorin’s got a present day perspective up at JWR’s Political Mavens, done in her own uniquely humorous-yet-to-the-point style that bears a read, here.
September 11, 2006
11 September 2006
Five years ago today, a group of evil and Godless monsters introduced America to the real Islam — by hijacking four airplanes and flying two of them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and another, very possibly headed for the White House, went down in a field in Pennsylvania when brave passengers, American heroes, attempted to fight the Muslim hijackers and take back the aircraft.
These perverse, murderous Muslims, who claimed to belong to “the religion of peace”, butchered nearly 3,000 innocent people in the World Trade Center. Three Thousand. And then Muslims in the Middle East took to the streets, men, women and children, to laugh, dance and celebrate the mass murder.
These satanic enforcers of Islam sacrificed their very lives to carry on the work of Mohammed the Pedophile, Mohammed the sick piece of murdering scum, Mohammed the false prophet … and left thousands of good people, families, to mourn their dead, corpses that had been living, breathing loved ones — mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, room mates, to whom they’d said or kissed goodbye that very morning, fully expecting to welcome them home that same evening.
When I lived in New York back in the 1980s, I worked on Wall Street, in the Commodities business — the COMEX, the NYCSCE and other exchanges were based in the WTC and I used to go there often on business. I lived in Queens at the time, and used to take the E-train to its last stop on my way to work — the station was beneath the World Trade Center — so I passed through the ground level concourse 5 days per week.
When I was in New York on business in September, 2005, it was my first time there since the spring of 1999. I made a special trip to Ground Zero one morning, and what I saw brought tears to my eyes. A great big pit surrounded by a fence. I’m anything but a cryer, trust me on this one, but I wept as I looked at the remains and thought about all the innocent human beings murdered by Islam.
I had intended to post links to various blogs and other sites commemmorating 9/11 today, 2,996 fellow bloggers have posts up commemmorating the individual victims of Islam on 9/11, but truth be told, to me this is a day of total mourning…. What those Muslims did to us exactly 5 years ago defies sanity and demands an exponentially greater response against members of that satanic religion and all its sects than we have so far executed.
Those bastards!
August 25, 2006
Learning The Hard Way?
Muslim terrorists often supply motivations for their applied Islam — “your country does not treat Muslims fairly, your army is fighting in Iraq, your government supports Israel,” yadda yadda yadda.
These reasons are patently false, supplied solely to conceal the magnitude of Islam’s intent — Islamic terrorists apply their Islam for one reason: Because their targets are “infidels”, “non-believers”, not Muslims, even though they have proven to have absolutely no concern when the collateral damage in their attacks includes fellow Muslims.
On 31 July, Germany came close to suffering a terrorist attack that would have incinerated a number of train passengers. They were spared only because the explosive devices didn’t go off as planned.
So far the terror threat in Germany hasn’t been considered as high as in the U.K. or U.S. because the country didn’t take part in the U.S.-led war in Iraq.
One can only hope that this PC policy of bending over backwards not to offend Muslims by some governments will now be tempered by the knowledge that a country need not do anything to provoke terrorist attacks other than to be anything other than an Islamic theocracy, but I wouldn’t count on it.
Until western civilization fully opens its eyes and realizes we are totally at war with Islam, a war declared by Islam centuries before Saddam Hussein was born or Israel achieved statehood and commits itself to an all out response, the civilian populations of non-Muslim countries will never be truly safe.
August 15, 2006
Wesley Pruden has a great idea for securing our airplanes from terrorism.
Why not, for example, an all-pork, all-the-time airline, with its Boeings emblazoned with a ferocious razorback on the tail assembly? Each cabin would be equipped with a small, elegantly designed pig pen somewhere among the first-class seats, accommodating an endearing baby porker. This would play to the Islamist terror of dying in a crash and arriving in paradise festooned with juicy pig entrails. Would a jihadist warrior expect to greet a virgin with tasty infidel barbecue on his breath?
Even a more modest employment of the noble pig could make a lot of expensive, infuriating airport security unnecessary. The airlines could replace inedible airline food with offering a choice of ham or bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches — or matzoh ball soup for Jewish passengers who would get the joke but nevertheless wish to keep kosher in the friendly skies. This would send devout jihadists fleeing to alternative transportation on their way to assignations with violent death.
Works for me!
August 13, 2006
Oh, When Will They Ever Learn…?
It is purely amazing that western leaders still haven’t figured out what happens when they extend Arab Muslims any kind of trust, as in the trust that they will honor peace agreements.
While it’s true that Israel left a lot of room for improvement in strategizing their ground war in Lebanon — not the fault of the IDF, but the fault of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his jolly retinue for taking it upon themselves to manage the war rather than let his generals do what they’re paid to do — the result has been a sort of aimless deployment of reservist troops who don’t have a clue as to what, exactly, their objectives are — President Bush lived up to the liberals’ claim that he is “dumb”, in this case, by reversing his earlier policy and endorsing a cease-fire. As a two-time Bush voter, I am, at the very least, profoundly disappointed.
I mean, what does it take for the most powerful politician in the world to finally “get it?” A man who’s been spearheading a global war against Islamic terrorists for nearly five (count ‘em 5) years, who has had all that time to learn, from vast experience, the charactar of the enemy. This has to be one of the biggest screw-ups of our President’s career, one that will ultimately result in putting our troops in Iraq and elsewhere in greater danger than they need be, to say nothing of what Israel will now have to deal with.
And Olmert shares the blame, for signing off on the cease-fire.
Naturally, the Lebanese government and Hezbollah also signed off on it — why not?
Just as the Arab Muslim world viewed Israel’s previous withdrawal from Lebanon as a victory for Hezbollah — giving the terrorist organization the dubious reputation as the only Arab entity ever to beat Israel in war, they will do so once again. U.N. resolution 1701 is not law, Olmert could have told Bush, Kofi and the capitulative socialist powers of Europe to go piss up a rope, instead he agreed to a plan that not only may never see the return of two abducted Israeli soldiers, assuming they’re really even alive at this point, but one that places the responsibility, for the moment, of disarming Hezbollah in the hands of their comrades in the Lebanese Army. It also leaves, for the time being, the same impotent U.N. presence in southern Lebanon — you know, the one that has thus far been more a help than a hindrance to the terrorist organization — that’s been there since the last U.N. resolution regarding the Israeli-Lebanese border area. This means that in short order, Hezbollah can be back to the business of firing rockets into Israel and launching the occasional cross-border raid.
In the convoluted, primitive Muslim mind, this will be a major victory for Hezbollah and, as we’ve seen in the aftermath of past perceived terrorist victories, this perceived victory will inspire Hezbollah and all other Islamic terrorist groups to increase their attacks, not only against Israel, now that they will have perceived weakness there, but also against U.S. forces in Iraq, as President Bush’s support for the cease-fire plan will send the Islamofascist terrorists and backers of terrorism in Iran, and indeed throughout the Arab world, the message that our resolve has been weakened by world opinion.
Caroline Glick has an on-point analysis up at GAMLA’s website.
There is a good reason that Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah has accepted UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which sets the terms for a cease-fire between his jihad army and the State of Israel.
The resolution represents a near-total victory for Hizbullah and its state sponsors Iran and Syria, and an unprecedented defeat for Israel and its ally the United States. This fact is evident both in the text of the resolution and in the very fact that the US decided to sponsor a cease-fire resolution before Israel had dismantled or seriously degraded Hizbullah’s military capabilities.
While the resolution was not passed under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter and so does not have the authority of law, in practice it makes it all but impossible for Israel to defend itself against Hizbullah aggression without being exposed to international condemnation on an unprecedented scale.
This is the case first of all because the resolution places responsibility for determining compliance in the hands of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Annan has distinguished himself as a man capable only of condemning Israel for its acts of self-defense while ignoring the fact that in attacking Israel, its enemies are guilty of war crimes. By empowering Annan to evaluate compliance, the resolution all but ensures that Hizbullah will not be forced to disarm and that Israel will be forced to give up the right to defend itself.
The resolution makes absolutely no mention of either Syria or Iran, without whose support Hizbullah could neither exist nor wage an illegal war against Israel. In so ignoring Hizbullah’s sponsors, it ignores the regional aspect of the current war and sends the message to these two states that they may continue to equip terrorist armies in Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and Iraq with the latest weaponry without paying a price for their aggression.
The resolution presents Hizbullah with a clear diplomatic victory by placing their erroneous claim of Lebanese sovereignty over the Shaba Farms, or Mount Dov - a vast area on the Golan Heights that separates the Syrian Golan from the Upper Galilee and is disputed between Israel and Syria - on the negotiating table. In doing so, the resolution rewards Hizbullah’s aggression by giving international legitimacy to its demand for territorial aggrandizement via acts of aggression, in contravention of the laws of nations.
Truncating {that’s the “sophisticated” version of snip}
Aside from the resolution’s egregious language, the very fact that the US has sponsored a resolution that leaves Hizbullah intact as a fighting force constitutes a devastating blow to the national security of both Israel and the US, for the following reasons:
It grants the Lebanese government and military unwarranted legitimacy. The resolution treats the Lebanese government and military as credible bodies. However, the Lebanese government is currently under the de facto control of Hizbullah and Syria.
Moreover, the Lebanese army is paying pensions to the families of Hizbullah fighters killed in battle, and its forces have actively assisted Hizbullah in attacking Israel and Israeli military targets.Indeed, the seven-point declaration issued by the Lebanese government, which the UN resolution applauds, was dictated by Hizbullah, as admitted by Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora and Nasrallah last week.
It incites Shi’ite violence in Iraq. From a US perspective, the resolution drastically increases the threat of a radical Shi’ite revolt in Iraq. Hizbullah is intimately tied to Iraqi Shi’ite terrorist Muqtada al-Sadr. In April 2003, Hizbullah opened offices in southern Iraq and was instrumental in training the Mahdi Army, which Sadr leads. During a demonstration in Baghdad last week, Sadr’s followers demanded that he consider them an extension of Hizbullah, and expressed a genuine desire to participate in Hizbullah’s war against the US and Israel.
It should be assumed that Hizbullah’s presumptive victory in its war against Israel will act as a catalyst for violence by Sadr and his followers against the Iraqi government and coalition forces in the weeks to come. Indeed, the Hizbullah victory will severely weaken moderate Shi’ites in the Maliki government and among the followers of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani.
It empowers Iran. Iran emerges as the main victor in the current war. Not only was it not condemned for its sponsorship of Hizbullah, it is being rewarded for that sponsorship because it is clear to all parties that Iran was the engine behind this war, and that its side has won.
The entire article can be read here.
July 12, 2006
Sounds Islamic To me
Indian officials would seem to attribute this to Pakistani Muslims.
Officials said eight explosions hit the evening rush-hour trains packed with thousands of people. No group claimed responsibility for the attack, the largest the city has experienced in years. Officials and security analysts said the coordinated explosions shared similarities to recent bomb attacks by Kashmiri militants, who in October set off three bomb blasts in markets in the capital city of New Delhi, killing more than 60 people.
Sorry, I just can’t find it anywhere within myself to be surprised. This is how Islam operates.
May 17, 2006
More Islam In Action
It really illustrates just how primitive Islam is as a collective system of belief when those who purport to speak for Muslims demonstrate time and again that they are incapable of offering any compromise or even sitting down and resolving differences of opinions peacefully, as human beings are known to do.
Every solution these people produce to every problem involves violence, almost exclusively against unarmed, innocent men, women and children and the property of others, whether it is burning the vehicles of people they don’t even know, bombing embassies, blowing themselves up in crowded places… There were the transit bombings in London, the recent running amok of Muslims in France, the Van Gogh murder, the butchery of school children in Russia, there is the unending violence in Israel…
Ah, Israel, a country whose liberal lemmings have been ceding important strategic land to the Palestinians in an effort to curtail terrorism, even as the terrorists are sneering in their victory, seeing this as a sign that their terrorism works and vowing still more monstrocities until they’ve run the Jews completely out of the country.
And there’s Hamas, the terrorist organization elected by the Palestinian people to assume the mantle of the ruling class long held by Fatah, a party that was once the militant wing of the P.L.O.
In response to Hamas’ political victory, western nations have cut off funding to the Palestinian Authority(PA) because it’s as plain as day that while much of the money would continue to support Palestinian infrastructure, the bulk of it would be used to purchase armaments and explosives for the continued prosecution of terrorism against the Israelis.
These withheld funds, as I have said before, are yours and my tax dollars, among others, and since it’s our money, it is our decision to whom we give it away. We are under no obligation to give it to the PA or anyone else just because they need money. If these people weren’t murderous animals and instead were willing to honor agreements made with the Israelis and accept that Israel is there to stay, they would have a great trading partner with whom they could flourish and not have to live with a hand out for alms from other countries. Instead, mothers and fathers are willing to sacrifice their children to murder the children of others.
Golda Meir once said that there would only be peace in the Middle East when Palestinians came to love their children as much as they hate the Jews.
That will never happen as long as the Palestinians continue to make the wrong choices and support terrorism. In short, it probably won’t happen in my lifetime, sad to say.
Back on topic, as I said above, the withheld funds belong to the citizens of the nations that are withholding them. They do not belong to the Palestinians and we are under no obligation to help further terrorism by disbursing them to the PA as long as it is under Hamas control. The Palestinians got what they voted for, it’s not our responsibility, despite the guilt trips laid on us by wingnuts like former President Jimmy Carter, who says, among other things, that
One clear reason for the surprising Hamas victory for legislative seats was that the voters were in despair about prospects for peace. With American acquiescence, the Israelis had avoided any substantive peace talks for more than five years, regardless of who had been chosen to represent the Palestinian side as interlocutor.
A) Our liberal ex-POTUS apparently believes that the best way to achieve peace is to elect terrorists with a life-and-death agenda of mass homicide to run a government, and
B) the Israelis had avoided any substantive peace talks for more than five years? What does he call the Great Gaza Giveaway and the expulsions of settlers from West Bank towns to make way for Palestinians? I suppose chopped liver, as they say.
So the terrorist regime Carter worships has taken the Islamic approach to the situation.
The Aksa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of Fatah, on Monday threatened to strike at US and European interests in response to international sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.
The threat, the first of its kind, came as PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas was scheduled to hold talks in Moscow with President Vladimir Putin on the severe financial crisis in the PA territories. Moreover, the threat by Abbas’s Fatah party came as Palestinians marked the 58th anniversary of the nakba, or catastrophe (the secular anniversary of Israel’s independence).
“We won’t remain idle in the face of the siege imposed on the Palestinian people by Israel, the US and other countries,” said a leaflet issued by the Aksa Martyrs Brigades in the Gaza Strip. “We will strike at the economic and civilian interests of these countries, here and abroad.”
The leaflet added: “Let the entire world know that we won’t succumb in the face of the policy of blackmail, siege and starvation. In the past we did not capitulate in the face of the policy of assassinations, detentions and air raids.”
Blackmail, indeed!
“It’s the rest of the world’s responsibility to give us money, even though much of it will be spent to continue our butchery of innocent people.”
Of course it is… NOT!
Another armed group affiliated with Fatah, the Abu Rish Brigades, threatened to launch a new intifada unless the international community agreed to fund the PA. “This will be a merciless intifada that will destroy everything,” said Abu Haroon, a spokesman for the group in the Gaza Strip.
I suppose this kind of response can be categorized, like “going postal”, as “going Islamic”. How, one wonders, do these primates ever expect to earn any true respect from the global community(outside of France, certain other questionable members of the UN and liberals everywhere) if their only dialogue comes in the form of suicide vests, property destruction and bullets?
On the other hand, it’s entirely possible, if not probable, that they could care less about the respect of infidels, since the goal of Islam is to rule those infidels by fear, to make the world one big Caliphate, and the “Religion of Peace” preaches that it’s perfectly acceptable to achieve this objective via terrorism.
The bloody real estate dispute in Israel, which the Arabs are now winning do to spinal deterioration among Israelis, is just a small part of a much bigger picture.
Hat Tip: James Taranto