October 15, 2012
What a Dysfunctional Administration!
From Red State:
While the room temperature IQs at MSNBC spent Friday celebrating Joe “Rain Man” Biden’s illusory victory in Thursday’s debate, the White House spent the day trying to un-four-letter-Anglo-Saxon-word Biden’s performance.
Lotsa’ luck, fellahs and fella-ette.
1. Libya. Joe Biden probably told what he believed to be the truth Thursday night as no sane government would trust Biden with confidential, much less Top Secret, information. In his epic performance he managed to contradict the sworn testimony of at least two senior State Department officials given to Congress this week. In an article titled “Analysis: Biden rekindles controversy over administration’s Libya statements“, the Chicago Tribune notes:
The Obama administration’s latest verbal bungle over the chain of events leading to the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya, rekindled the controversy over the incident on Friday and offered new ammunition to Republican opponents.
In Thursday night’s vice presidential debate, Vice President Joe Biden insisted that “we weren’t told they wanted more security” at the ill-fated U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, where U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens died.
Biden’s statement, at least on the surface, appeared to contradict congressional testimony less than 48 hours earlier from State Department officials, and offered a fresh opening for Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney, who has repeatedly sought to attack the White House over the issue.
Best advice from any really experienced liberal, here, would probably be “Wake up and lie right.”
2. Taxes. A center piece of the Obama regimes never ending quest to reduce the American middle class to penury is the tax plan to hit the wealthy with higher taxes to make them ostensibly pay their fair share. According to the regime, earning $250,000 per year makes you a marked man. Never mind that many families composed of a police officer or fireman and a teacher could easily fall into this category, for certain a couple of mid-level civil servants would qualify. In the debate, the wild-eyed Joe Biden made his claim:
“The middle class will pay less, and people making a million dollars or more will begin to contribute slightly more,” the vice president replied. “We’re arguing that the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy should be allowed to expire. Of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, 800 billion dollars of that goes to people making a minimum of a million dollars.”
The only problem here is that this is simply not true. Friday the White House had to revise and extent the Vice President’s remarks to the extent of forcing the hapless spokesmunchkin, Jay Carney, lie yet again to the White House press corps.
“Biden was describing the same policy that has long been his and the president’s — that the Bush tax cuts should be continued for the middle class and expire for those making more than $250,000,” the official said. “When he mentioned millionaires, he was providing an illustration of how much of the high-income tax cuts go to those making $1 million or more. If you take a look at the transcript and numbers below, it’s clear he was referring to a proposal that allows all the Bush tax cuts above $250,000 to expire.”
Indeed, the revenue figures Mr. Biden pointed to — raising $800 billion — only apply to the bigger tax increase.One wonders whether Biden actually knows what the president has done and proposed to be done over the past four years.
Ha Ha!
Tofinish, this column at PJ Media by Victor Davis Hanson is a must read.
Hopefully, bye bye Biden…
October 14, 2012
Jay On The Veep Debate
I love this one, Jay Leno’s take on the Biden/Ryan debate.
The part about the Crest infomercial is classic, LOL.
October 10, 2012
Obama’s Chinese Connection
We all know (at least those of us who don’t get all our news from the left wing propaganda machine mainstream media) that the Clintons received a great deal of support in their campaign efforts from the communist Chinese and agents thereof, right down to illegal bundling and comparable antics, so it’s not all that difficult to imagine that the Obama reelection campaign would also receive support from the same Kommie Kontingent.
According to a report from Political Outcast,
The Chinese Own the Obama Re-Election Campaign
Who said the following?: “I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, and worse, by foreign entities.” You’ll find the answer at the end of this article.
On October 6th, Breitbart.com fired the opening salvo in an emerging campaign financing scandal: The Democrats claimed that they’d raised $181 million in September. Only 2% of the donations, or three and a half million dollars, is traceable. On Monday The Washington Examiner released the results of a 108-page, eight-month investigation by the Government Accountability Institute into campaign funding impropriety by House, Senate and presidential campaigns. And, to paraphrase the poem “Abu Ben Adam,” the president’s name “led all the rest.”
Some of the findings:
The president’s website is not owned by the administration; it is owned by a major Chicago bundler for the administration, Robert Roche. Mr. Roche has visited the White House 19 times.
Mr. Roche lives in Shanghai, China. So does the president’s website.
When one types in the president’s website address one is immediately redirected to a donation page.
The president’s outreach and fundraising have targeted websites in Chinese, Arabic, Thai, and Korean.
68% of the traffic to the site is foreign traffic. Donations from foreign nations are illegal.
The White House pressed for suppression of this report.
The entire article, which includes links to investigative reports at The Washington Examiner and Breitbart.com, is here.
Since the media is trusted and licensed, in fact privileged to go where most of us can’t and, further, is granted access to people whose schedules would not allow the rest of us that same access, one could argue that by not reporting, in fact by ignoring crimes of the magnitude that today’s Democrats commit in the interests of politics (violation of campaign laws and of Constitutional laws are felonies, are they not?), the mainstream media is complicit in these crimes via aiding and abeting them, and the senators and representatives on the left side of the aisle who are either aware of or involved in these crimes, again in the interests of politics, are equally culpable.
Today’s Democrats: The Party of Criminals. That would be an apt slogan, wouldn’t it?
By the way, in answer to the Political Outcast article’s opening question, Who said the following?: “I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, and worse, by foreign entities.”
…President Obama, 2010 State of the Union Address
Ah, yes, the Obama Administration, a cabal upon which we can always depend for blatant hypocrisy and downright lies.
October 7, 2012
NRA’s Endorsement
For those of us who cherish our Second Amendment rights, the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund endorses a vote for the Romney/Ryan ticket.
Of course, how could any right thinking American vote any other way?
October 5, 2012
In The Aftermath of the Debate
Yes, President B. Hussein Obama did do more than a little poorly during his first debate with Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
My take(s)?
Romney showed the stand up and take charge, fully informed and thinking on his feet demeanor I like to believe are hallmarks of a true leader, supplying the basis’ for his solutions to our nation’s deep seated fiscal problems while Obama turned in the kind of lackluster performance one associates with someone who not only doesn’t have “the facts” at his fingertips, but can’t think on his feet and, in the final analysis, really doesn’t have anything to say.
After all, how can you tout your proactive accomplishments when you have no proactive accomplishments to tout?
As Wesley Pruden so deftly put it:
Now we’ll see how much debates really matter. Often they don’t matter much. But the presidential debate Wednesday night might matter a great deal, not because of what the candidates said, but what the debate told us about who the candidates really are.
Barack Obama was revealed to be the empty suit with a great gift of gab and a talent only for appealing to the nation’s guilty conscience. Some of us recognized the empty suit four years ago. Like all great salesmen, he can charm prospective customers when he tries, but without a teleprompter he’s hopelessly lost at sea. On Wednesday night, he forgot whether he was selling rubbing alcohol or ladies’ corsets, and it showed.
{Above Emphasis mine}
Mitt Romney, to our considerable surprise, has a gift for talking to the common man. He may be one of us, after all. This is particularly important in an age when everybody wants the president to feel his pain and the first lady to come over with a green-bean casserole. He arrived with a game plan and kept to it. He used the word “jobs” more than 30 times. It became a mantra. He was confident, respectful, and looked to be the man in charge of the evening. He showed unexpected flashes of humor….
Speaking of humor, I hate to laugh at something as pitiful as this, but then again, Obama’s presidency, if you could indeed call it that, has, at least for a patriotic American, been pretty pitiful.
Obama Sends Bizarre Fundraising E-mail After Debate Loss
Waking up this morning, I had a ton of e-mail in my inbox, but one really stood out. It was a fundraising e-mail for Barack Obama. Yes, even after his dismal debate performance against Mitt Romney, Obama was back to fundraising. But his e-mail message was one of the strangest I’ve seen.
First, let’s start with the subject line. Again… this was an e-mail from Barack Obama’s campaign. Supposedly, these are not a bunch of amateurs. Yet the subject line was simply: Hey. That’s it. Just “Hey.” They might have well just said Yo!
Then, we have the e-mail itself. Here is the entire message:
Friend –
I hope I made you proud out there explaining the vision we share for this country.
Now we need to go win this election — the most important thing that will happen tonight is what you do (or don’t do) to help in the little time we have left:
Thank you,
His whole debate review is one sentence? I guess the brevity speaks louder than words. If anyone was proud of that performance, I guess they WOULD be likely candidates to still give him money.
Then, Obama talks about “the most important thing,” which is not the debate, but giving Obama money. That’s the most important thing about last night? Maybe in Barack Obama’s eyes. In the eyes of most Americans, I’m sure the most important thing was that the president of the United States can’t defend his policies and showed that he is completely out of touch.
What do you think? It sure seems like an odd e-mail to send following a complete debacle at the debate. Oh well… at least he considers me a friend.
Heh heh…
Of course, with support from loonbeams like this, anyone would be depressed to the point of near speechlessness.
Democrat Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi took it a step farther on CNN. When talking to Wolf Blitzer, she said killings were the fault of House Republicans: “It’s also important to note that the Republican appropriation Congress gave the administration $300 million less than it asked for the State Department, including funding for security.”
This insane accusation cannot stand any kind of objective scrutiny. Administrations routinely “high-ball” their requests so that Congress can come in lower and still given them money. There is no evidence that Pelosi’s alleged missing millions prevented security from being beefed up—nor has anyone ventured such an accusation until Pelosi made it up on CNN. Security was not increased because someone decided not to increase it.
In fact, according to Breitbart.com, the White House had suggested cutting $129 million of the present budget from “embassy security, construction, and maintenance.”
So where is the media outrage at Pelosi’s transparent ploy to deflect attention away from the president’s policies in an election year, using the death of our diplomats to do it? Not only did she make such an outrageous suggestion, but she did so in a face to face interview with a mainstream TV interviewer. That tells us she had perfect confidence that, whether or not she was able to convince anyone, she would suffer no consequences.
Only Romney gets punished for speaking; Pelosi gets a free ride.
Yes, the obstacle to the truth called The Mainstream Media, there’s that, too.
After the fact, when he was no longer facing Romney, Obama suddenly had lots to say, leaving the question hanging, “Is our president a coward as well as a politics first and last, staunch destructionist, having to make his more aggressive statements when he’s not face-to-face with an opponent?”
In an attempt to recover from a disappointing Presidential debate, President Barack Obama blasted his Republican challenger for not being “the real Mitt Romney” by contradicting his own beliefs.
In campaign appearances after the debate, Obama said the Romney he met on the stage on Wednesday night was not the same Romney he knew.
“When I got on the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney. But I know it couldn’t have been Mitt Romney — because the real Mitt Romney has been running around the country for the last year promising $5 trillion in tax cuts that favour the wealthy,” he said.
“Yet, the fellow on the stage last night — who looked like Mitt Romney — said he did not know anything about that.
It was all news to him. The real Mitt Romney said that we don’t need any more teachers in the classroom.
“But the fellow on stage last night, he said he loves teachers — can’t get enough of them,” he said.
He accused Romney of being dishonest on a host of policy issues and accused him of glossing over details of his economic plan.
Great, why didn’t he say all that during the debate? Because then Romney would have been there to once again expose him for the incompetent, clueless phony he really is. It was much more convenient to wait until after the debate, when Romney was nowhere to be seen, to speak his dubious piece without danger of once again being shown up as the liar this POTUS is.
Debating outside the debate actually goes well with a man whose political party is famous for legislating from the bench.
The consensus is that Romney administered a good, solid butt kicking during the debate, and that he garnered a significant increase in support as such.
Now the Obama camp is scrambling to teach their mouthpiece how to debate in time for the next one.
Good luck with that…
October 4, 2012
Romney Steps Up, Obama Wilts
It’s about time, after all the relatively lackluster output we’ve been getting from our presidential candidate.
One thing we’ve “learned” is that while Obama sounds like he actually knows what he’s talking about when there’s no one there to challenge him, he really doesn’t know “squat” or, more properly, he hasn’t got anything practical to offer the American people other than a lot of words once he is debated “in your face” style.
His words were baltantly empty as Romney brought up all the fundamental ideas that built this great nation, the same ideas Obama’s been ignoring in favor of his liberal-socialist worldview — the one that never works, never has, anywhere in history, never will.
Debate Result: Is an A** Kicking Covered Under Obamacare?
Good Title!
At any rate, people on both sides of the political fence seem to agree that Obama did have his back door handed to him.
Go, Romney!
August 7, 2012
Two Items of Interest
On the issue in which Kommissar Ummm Politboro ooops! Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid continuously slams Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney with accusations that he hasn’t paid any taxes in ten years and demands that he show us his tax returns for said decade, there seems to be a slight, er, discrepancy, here…
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid again deflected questions Monday about releasing his tax returns, even as he continued to pound the demand for Mitt Romney to make more of his own public.
Instead, Reid pointed to the financial disclosure forms he files as a member of Congress, which provide different information.
“I’m a member of Congress now, I don’t make too much money,” said Reid, whose net worth was estimated at $10 million in 2010. “But it’s all listed every year.”
Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson told POLITICO last week that the majority leader will not release his tax returns, writing: “He’s not running for president. … He has of course released more than 30 years of detailed [personal finance disclosures]. There is exponentially more information available to the public about Sen. Reid’s financial life than there is about Mitt Romney’s.”
Conservatives have begun accusing Reid of hypocrisy for his attacks on Romney. And the Las Vegas Review-Journal — in a somewhat different context — on Monday resurrected a 1974 statement in which Reid said: “Any man or woman who will not be completely candid about his or her finances does not deserve to be in public office.”
Asked about that statement at a news conference Monday in Nevada, Reid responded: “In 1974, I wasn’t in Congress.
“All you have to do is go look,” he added. “I file every year, every stock trade, every piece of land I buy, all the money I have, it has the value of my homes, it’s got it all there.”
Of course, it is, communist dirt bag.
Then we have 70 Facts about the U.S. Economy that Barack Osama Obama doesn’t want We, the People to see.
Let’s have a look…
$3.59 - When Barack Obama entered the White House, the average price of a gallon of gasoline was $1.85. Today, it is $3.59.
22 - It is hard to believe, but today the poverty rate for children living in the United States is a whopping 22 percent.
23 - According to U.S. Representative Betty Sutton, an average of 23 manufacturing facilities permanently shut down in the United States every single day during 2010.
30 - Back in 2007, about 10 percent of all unemployed Americans had been out of work for 52 weeks or longer. Today, that number is above 30 percent.
32 - The amount of money that the federal government gives directly to Americans has increased by 32 percent since Barack Obama entered the White House.
35 - U.S. housing prices are now down a total of 35 percent from the peak of the housing bubble.
40 - The official U.S. unemployment rate has been above 8 percent for 40 months in a row.
42 - According to one survey, 42 percent of all American workers are currently living paycheck to paycheck.
48 - Shockingly, at this point 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be “low income” or are living in poverty.
49 - Today, an astounding 49.1 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives benefits from the government.
53 - Last year, an astounding 53 percent of all U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed.
60 - According to a recent Gallup poll, only 60 percent of all Americans say that they have enough money to live comfortably.
61 - At this point the Federal Reserve is essentially monetizing much of the U.S. national debt. For example, the Federal Reserve bought up approximately 61 percent of all government debt issued by the U.S. Treasury Department during 2011.
63 - One recent survey found that 63 percent of all Americans believe that the U.S. economic model is broken.
71 - Today, 71 percent of all small business owners believe that the U.S. economy is still in a recession.
80 - Americans buy 80 percent of the pain pills sold on the entire globe each year.
81 - Credit card debt among Americans in the 25 to 34 year old age bracket has risen by 81 percent since 1989.
85 - 85 percent of all artificial Christmas trees are made in China.
86 - According to one survey, 86 percent of Americans workers in their sixties say that they will continue working past their 65th birthday.
90 - In the United States today, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans have a greater net worth than the bottom 90 percent combined.
93 - The United States now ranks 93rd in the world in income inequality.
95 - The middle class continues to shrink - 95 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession were middle class jobs.
107 - Each year, the average American must work 107 days just to make enough money to pay local, state and federal taxes.
350 - The average CEO now makes approximately 350 times as much as the average American worker makes.
400 - According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.
$500 - In some areas of Detroit, Michigan you can buy a three bedroom home for just $500.
627 - In 2010, China produced 627 million metric tons of steel. The United States only produced 80 million metric tons of steel.
877 - 20,000 workers recently applied for just 877 jobs at a Hyundai plant in Montgomery, Alabama.
900 - Auto parts exports from China to the United States have increased by more than 900 percent since the year 2000.
$1580 - When Barack Obama first took office, an ounce of gold was going for about $850. Today an ounce of gold costs more than $1580 an ounce.
1700 - Consumer debt in America has risen by a whopping 1700% since 1971.
2016 - It is being projected that the Chinese economy will be larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2016.
$4155 - The average American household spent a staggering $4,155 on gasoline during 2011.
$4300 - The amount by which real median household income has declined since Barack Obama entered the White House.
$6000 - If you can believe it, the median price of a home in Detroit is now just $6000.
$10,000 - According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 46 percent of all American workers have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, and 29 percent of all American workers have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.
49,000 - In 2011, our trade deficit with China was more than 49,000 times larger than it was back in 1985.
50,000 - The United States has lost an average of approximately 50,000 manufacturing jobs a month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.
56,000 - The United States has lost more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities since 2001.
$85,000 - According to the New York Times, a Jeep Grand Cherokee that costs $27,490 in the United States costs about $85,000 in China thanks to all the tariffs.
$175,587 - The Obama administration spent $175,587 to find out if cocaine causes Japanese quail to engage in sexually risky behavior.
$328,404 - Over the next 75 years, Medicare is facing unfunded liabilities of more than 38 trillion dollars. That comes to $328,404 for each and every household in the United States.
$361,330 - This is what the average banker in New York City made in 2010.
440,00 - If the federal government began right at this moment to repay the U.S. national debt at a rate of one dollar per second, it would take over 440,000 years to totally pay it off.
500,000 - According to the Economic Policy Institute, America is losing half a million jobs to China every single year.
2,000,000 - Family farms are being systematically wiped out of existence in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the number of farms in the United States has fallen from about 6.8 million in 1935 to only about 2 million today.
$2,000,000 - At this point, the U.S. national debt is rising by more than 2 million dollars every single minute.
2,600,000 - In 2010, 2.6 million more Americans fell into poverty. That was the largest increase that we have seen since the U.S. government began keeping statistics on this back in 1959.
5,400,000 - When Barack Obama first took office there were 2.7 million long-term unemployed Americans. Today there are twice as many.
16,000,000 - It is being projected that Obamacare will add 16 million more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.
$20,000,000 - The amount of money the U.S. government was spending to create a version of Sesame Street for children in Pakistan.
25,000,000 - Today, approximately 25 million American adults are living with their parents.
40,000,000 - According to Professor Alan Blinder of Princeton University, 40 million more U.S. jobs could be sent offshore over the next two decades if current trends continue.
46,405,204 - The number of Americans currently on food stamps. When Barack Obama first entered the White House there were only 32 million Americans on food stamps.
88,000,000 - Today there are more than 88 million working age Americans that are not employed and that are not looking for employment. That is an all-time record high.
100,000,000 - Overall, there are more than 100 million working age Americans that do not currently have jobs.
$150,000,000 - This is approximately the amount of money that the Obama administration and the U.S. Congress are stealing from future generations of Americans every single hour.
$2,000,000,000 - The amount of money that JP Morgan has admitted that it will lose from derivatives trades gone bad. Many analysts are convinced that the real number will actually end up being much higher.
$147,000,000,000 - In the U.S., medical costs related to obesity are estimated to be approximately 147 billion dollars a year.
295,500,000,000 - Our trade deficit with China in 2011 was $295.5 billion. That was the largest trade deficit that one country has had with another country in the history of the planet.
$359,100,000,000 - During the first quarter of 2012, U.S. public debt rose by 359.1 billion dollars. U.S. GDP only rose by 142.4 billion dollars.
$454,000,000,000 - During fiscal 2011, the U.S. government spent over 454 billion dollars just on interest on the national debt.
$1,000,000,000,000 - The total amount of student loan debt in the United States recently surpassed the one trillion dollar mark.
$1,170,000,000,000 - China now holds approximately 1.17 trillion dollars of U.S. government debt. Yet the U.S. government continues to send them millions of dollars in foreign aid every year.
$1,600,000,000,000 - The amount that has been added to the U.S. national debt since the Republicans took control of the U.S. House of Representatives. This is more than the first 97 Congresses added to the national debt combined.
$5,000,000,000,000 - The U.S. national debt has risen by more than 5 trillion dollars since the day that Barack Obama first took office. In a little more than 3 years Obama has added more to the national debt than the first 41 presidents combined.
$5,000,000,000,000 - What the real U.S. budget deficit in 2011 would have been if the federal government had used generally accepted accounting principles.
$11,440,000,000,000 - The total amount of consumer debt in the United States.
$15,734,596,578,458.59 - The U.S. national debt as of June 7, 2012.
$200,000,000,000,000 - Today, the 9 largest banks in the United States have a total of more than 200 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives. When the derivatives market completely collapses there won’t be enough money in the entire world to fix it.
And there are people who call themselves Americans who would actually consider voting to reelect that…miserable failure… to the presidency?
Then again, maybe I’m being too harsh; One has to presume, even with a precedent like Jimmy Carter, that no political party is going to expend their time and their capital pushing a total moron in the direction of the White House, so perhaps Barack Hussein is NOT a failure, maybe he’s destroying America, dismantling us from the bottom of our foundation upward, with every intention of doing so.
The good Lord only knows that like thinkers in the Communist Party have been trying for years to do what he’s already accomplished in less than a single term, so maybe from his and his leftist friends’ perspective, he’s very close to being a strong success at finally bringing our great nation to its knees…
May 23, 2012
Bad for Obama, Good for America
I know, that’s a terrible thing to say about our president, but let’s face it, this gentleman sitting incumbently in the Oval Office is rare…unique…singularly individual in nearly every way among U.S. presidents: He is the antithesis of what the leader of our country is supposed to be. All that he stands for is in direct opposition to that which the founders of this nation employed as the building blocks of our great and free society.
There were reasons why the U.S. Constitution was written as it was, and two subsequent centuries of adherence to that document made America THE nation among nations, a prosperous, powerful and free nation to which people from all over came, often at peril and hardship, to enjoy the liberty, the opportunities presented to build a good future, to worship and opine according to ones beliefs without hindrance from oppressive, micromanaging government…
This is the country that opposed communism and stood by those around the world who were willing to put their lives on the line for freedom…
And until now, with perhaps the exception of the peanut farmer in the late 1970s whose name we won’t mention (though even he wasn’t as offensive to patriotic American sensibilities as the subject of this post), U.S. presidents have shown themselves to be….well, Americans.
Today we have Barack Hussein Obama, whose every philosophy, political, moral, you name it seems to be the direct opposite of our former chief executives.
This man is so profoundly opposite what a President of the United States is supposed to be that even a lot of members of his own party are becoming disgusted with him.
Sure, you’ve got your basic die hard kommies “progressives” who see Obama as a messiah and who either believe (as anti-American as it may seem), as he does or are just so commited to having a left winger in the White House that they’ll support any lie, accuse anyone telling a negative truth about the president’s policies of being a racist, a fascist, a Christian right winger, whatever it takes to ignore the truth and strive to keep their icon in office.
The mainstream media is the same way.
Unfortunately, there are apparently quite a few Dewmocrats out there who, like us right thinkers, have had a bellyfull of this president dragging down the country, demeaning America under the guise of trying to “save” it, and, well…
Four in ten Democratic voters chose someone other than President Obama on Tuesday in primaries in Arkansas and Kentucky.
In Arkansas, John Wolfe — a perennial, long-shot candidate — took 41 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary, with 71 percent of precincts reporting. Obama came in just under 60 percent. The Associated Press did not call the race for Obama until close to midnight.
And in Kentucky, 42 percent of Democrats chose “uncommitted” rather than cast a vote for the incumbent president. Obama took 58 percent, with 99 percent of precincts reporting.
When you have a failed president on your hands and a re-election just a little over five months away, it’s easy to panic and rationalize and do everything you can to convince yourself the problem isn’t your candidate but instead anything and everyone else. After a Texas inmate took close to 42% of the primary vote against Obama in West Virginia a couple weeks ago, desperate Democrats screamed racism at their own. Last night, Obama was humiliated by similar numbers in both Arkansas and Kentucky, a trend so troubling that even the Washington Post is looking beyond race but not at the President’s real problem: a lack of enthusiasm in his own party:
It’s pretty obvious that the media is desperate to avoid narratives surrounding Obama’s glaring problems with his base. After all, with the economy going in the wrong direction and all the very public Bain Capital rebellion (the centerpiece of Obama’s re-election strategy) from his very , Obama has enough problems.
But the media covering up this narrative doesn’t mean it’s not playing out in real time in the real world. Obama’s sole focus has been on securing his base for weeks now and a large number of self-identified Democrats are obviously eager to register their unhappiness with their candidate. The media ignoring how serious this all is doesn’t mean it’s not serious. And if Obama had an “R” after his name, you can bet these primary showings would create the narrative of his candidacy, at least throughout the summer.
The media might not be able to dismiss reality forever though. Should unknowns and “uncommitted” continue to do well in the upcoming primaries, the media might find it has no choice but to start talking about a sitting President who’s looking like a loser.
Let’s hope he’s more than looking like a loser, this country simply cannot afford four more years of Obama. If the smarter and more reality aware members of his own party “sit this one out” or vote for someone else, and it helps old Barack Hussein lose this November’s election, well…
What’s bad for Obama will be good for America.
May 9, 2012
Now THIS, I can believe…
After all, ANYONE (well, almost anyone) but Obama!
Prisoner #11593-051 at a Federal Correctional Institution in Texas put up strong numbers in Tuesday’s Primary Election in West Virginia.
Keith Judd, who is currently serving prison time for making threats at the University of New Mexico, had the support of 41% of voters in the race for the Democrat Presidential nomination compared with President Barack Obama’s 59% of the vote, according to results reported on Tuesday night.
April 6, 2012
G.O.P. Catching Up on the $$$$ Side
While we here at Hard Astarboard certainly don’t make a point of reading the Grey Whore Lady (except occasionally to see what Kommunist Media Central is up to, from time to time), this front pager over there did catch my eye earlier, enough to inspire a second post just because it’s rare to see the truth printed in that rag when it doesn’t propagandize in their favor.
Once teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and irrelevance, the Republican National Committee has raised more than $110 million over the past 15 months and retired more than half its debt, accumulating large cash reserves that could give Mitt Romney a critical boost later this spring as he intensifies his campaign against President Obama.
With the divisive and drawn-out Republican primary season moving toward a close, the committee reported more money in the bank at the start of last month than the Democratic National Committee, which raised about $137 million during the same period but also spent far more.
So much for Democrats bragging that their party has been raising so much more money than the Republicans!