October 4, 2012

Romney Steps Up, Obama Wilts

It’s about time, after all the relatively lackluster output we’ve been getting from our presidential candidate.

One thing we’ve “learned” is that while Obama sounds like he actually knows what he’s talking about when there’s no one there to challenge him, he really doesn’t know “squat” or, more properly, he hasn’t got anything practical to offer the American people other than a lot of words once he is debated “in your face” style.

His words were baltantly empty as Romney brought up all the fundamental ideas that built this great nation, the same ideas Obama’s been ignoring in favor of his liberal-socialist worldview — the one that never works, never has, anywhere in history, never will.

From Fox News

Debate Result: Is an A** Kicking Covered Under Obamacare?

Good Title!

At any rate, people on both sides of the political fence seem to agree that Obama did have his back door handed to him.

Go, Romney!

by @ 12:33 pm. Filed under Election 2012
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