March 28, 2008
March 13, 2008
The Next Step Toward Global Islamization…
An international humanist organization has warned that Islamic governments are trying to use the United Nations to shut down free speech. The warning comes as a bloc of Islamic states is holding a summit with “Islamophobia” high on the agenda.
The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) on Thursday began a meeting in Senegal, with the shadow of Danish cartoons satirizing Mohammed and a Dutch lawmaker’s film criticizing the Koran hanging heavily over the gathering.
The 57-member bloc is considering a report by a new body set up to monitor instances of what many Muslims view as growing prejudice against them and their religion, particularly in the years since 9/11.
Warning that Islamophobia poses a threat to global peace and security, the 58-page report by the “Islamophobia Observatory” examines the reasons for the perceived trend — exemplified by stereotyping, hostility, discriminatory treatment and the denigration of “the most sacred symbols of Islam” — and suggests ways to combat it.
The recommended steps include a range of responses, including monitoring of and responding to incidents, and a campaign to show Islam to be a “moderate, peaceful and tolerant” religion.
But the report also says that legal measures are required.
Legal measures, huh?
“There is a need for a binding legal instrument to fight the menace of Islamophobia in the context of freedom of religion and elimination of religious intolerance,” it says.
“The Islamophobes remain free to carry on their assaults due to absence of legal measures necessary for misusing or abusing the right to freedom of expression.”
Islamic states must therefore keep “the pressure on the international community at the multilateral forums and bilateral agendas,” the OIC report recommends.
Since the uproar over the Mohammed cartoons in 2006, the OIC has stepped up its attempts in international forums to protect Islam against criticism. Late last year it succeeded in getting the U.N. General Assembly to pass a first-ever resolution on the “defamation of religions.” Islam was the only religion mentioned by name in the text.
The OIC has 56 votes at the 192-member General Assembly, but it managed to win sufficient support from non-Muslim nations, mostly in the developing world, to see the resolution pass by 108 votes to 51, with 25 abstentions.
Repeat after me: The U.N. is our friend. The U.N. is our friend. The U.N…. ah, forget it, even after I repeated it 1000 times, I still wouldn’t be able to convince myself of its veracity.
As the U.N. prepares later this year to mark the 60th anniversary of the landmark Universal Declaration of Human Rights, some observers worry about the growing clout of the Islamic bloc, and its agenda.
In a statement delivered to the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on Wednesday, the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), a non-governmental organization with consultative status at the U.N., voiced concerns about the OIC push.
“The implications of this [defamation of religions] resolution for freedom to criticize religious laws and practices are obvious,” the IHEU said.
“Armed with U.N. approval for their actions, states may now legislate against any show of disrespect for religion however they may choose to define ‘disrespect.’”
As I understand it, the U.N. is supposed to deal between governments, not supplant them.
“The Islamic states see human rights exclusively in Islamic terms, and by sheer weight of numbers this view is becoming dominant within the U.N. system,” the organization added. “The implications for the universality of human rights are ominous.”
And this,
The charter would be in accordance with the provisions of the 1990 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam - the last major OIC human rights document - which says that all human rights and freedom must be subject to Islamic law (shari’a).
“Everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely in such manner as would not be contrary to the principles of the shari’a,” it says.
Emphasis mine.
Of course, the U.N. will do the usual — perform the kiss of shame on the Islamofacists of the OIC and in so doing, attempt to hammer yet another nail in the coffin of the free world.
These people are truly amazing in the scope of their stupidity: Anyone with an IQ of 6 who has their access to information should be able to see what the leaders of the Islamic nations are trying to do, yet they simply suck it up and go with the program, not seeming to grasp the very real fact that their own personal freedoms are as much on the line as everybody else’s, that once Sharia has been successfully foisted on the western world, they’ll be the first to go.
I’d like to see our government and those of other free countries fight the OIC charter tooth and nail at the U.N., but with their collective recent track record of sucking up to Islam as any kind of indicator, I won’t hold my breath.
The question of free speech and its effect on religious sentiment has been on the Human Rights Council’s agenda this week.
On Wednesday, the council considered a report by a U.N. “special rapporteur” on freedom of expression and opinion, Kenyan lawyer Ambeyi Ligabo.
Ligabo said he was concerned about attempts to expand the scope of defamation laws beyond the protection of individuals, to include the protection of “abstract values or institutions” such as religions.
Where international human rights documents placed limitations on freedom of expression, he told the council, they were designed to protect individuals — not religions — from criticism.
Ligabo also said he “strongly rejected” the view that the use of freedom of expression has undermined people’s ability to enjoy other rights, such as the freedom of religion.
His stance drew criticism from some Islamic states in the council.
Iranian representative Asadollah Eshragh Jahromi said Ligabo should address the issue of freedom of expression and religion “in a more balanced and comprehensive manner.”
“Insulting religions is incompatible with the right to freedom of expression and cannot be justified or interpreted under such a pretext,” he said.
“When someone defames a religion or religious personalities or symbols, he hurts the believers of that faith and impinges on his exercise of right to religion and belief,” said the representative of Bangladesh, Mustafizur Rahman.
The OIC and its allies effectively dominate the Human Rights Council, where 26 of the 47 seats are earmarked for African and Asian countries.
Emphasis again mine.
I fully understand that the oil lying underneath so much Islamic soil is a major factor behind Islam’s international “influence”, so perhaps we need to rethink certain policies in that regard.
December 26, 2007
June 5, 2007
Nuclear Terrorism
About a year and a half ago, I posted on the possibility, if not sheer likelihood, of future nuclear terrorist attacks on the United States.
In that post, I linked to a book I had then recently read, Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, by Graham Allison. While Allison’s politics and mine travel opposite paths and while he has been associated with the Bilderbergs, I consider him an authority worth listening to as regards the subject matter of the book.
It is in the nature of our society, one that has, by virtue of a generally excellent defense structure and ideal geographic placement, been spared the bulk of the grim realities that seem to befall many other nations as a matter of course, to utterly refuse to consider the possibility of anyone setting off a nuke on American soil. After all, the government certainly wouldn’t let that happen, who would want to do a thing like that? and anyway, where would they even get nukes? The only places one sees this are in fiction novels and on the TV series, “24″. Besides, attacking us with a nuclear weapon would be too big a project for some sanity challenged terrorist group.
Of course it would, just like 9/11.
Meanwhile, in the real world…
NewsMax has been touting a new book by Paul Williams, titled The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World
I haven’t read it yet, but I will be picking up a copy shortly and placing it at the top of my reading list.
Here is a link within one of today’s NewsMax emails in which Williams responds to a few interview questions.
Unlike in the case of mainstream liberals, those of us whose political focus is founded by evidencial and accurate history based reality are fully aware that Islamic terrorists (is that a reverse oximoron, or what?) and most of their leaders would have little if any compunction about sacrificing their own lives to murder lots and lots of infidels, especially American ones.
To repost a Khomeini quote from the good old days of Carter’s Iran,
We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land [Iran] burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.
Obviously, the Ayatollah was not referring to an unpopulated Iran, but to the vaporization of the entire country along with millions of his fellow Muslims.
This exemplifies the kind of thinking that drives Islamofascism and, as we have seen, drives them to translate that thinking into action; and they think big. To them, theirs is a mega-zealous, global religious agenda — so called “fire & brimstone” preachers in the Bible Belt have no idea, but then, being Christians, they wouldn’t. Too many factors like humanity and love of G-d stand in the way of that. Islamic hirabahists lack not only any trace of humanity or love of G-d (Muslims aren’t compelled to love Allah, they are only ordered to submit to their satanic lord and his pedophile prophet), but they remain someplace in the 8th Century while the march of time leaves them increasingly farther behind its dust.
So anyone who doubts for even a second that these animals wouldn’t light off a nuke or five in American cities the minute they are able needs to ponder just a bit harder. Such an act(/ acts) would inspire worldwide terror on a scale that would dwarf even 9/11. Non-Muslim countries that hadn’t already begun the dance of the dhimmi would be scrambling to become friends of Islam (I will point out here that becoming such a friend of Islam is exceedingly more dangerous than becoming a Friend of the Library). This would be a major victory for Islamofascism, hastening their quest for global Sharia law, among other evils.
With all that ignored evidence out there coupled with the zeal of our terrorist enemy, one can only pray that the government has a handle on this issue that the New York Times and ABC don’t hear about.
April 24, 2007
Muslims Seek Their Own Holocaust Victimhood
So opines (and from my POV quite rightly) Julia Gorin in a thought provoking column.
An excerpt, in some quoted text that opens the article,
At the Tenth Islamic Summit Conference Putrajaya, Malaysia on October 16, 2003 the host President, Mohammed Mahathir called on the world’s Islam to seize on opportunities and develop a doctrine that can allege persecution of Islam under fictitious pretexts…“There may be windows of opportunity for us now and in the future. We must seize these opportunities.”
These Islamic folk are a strange people, they actual revel in dying in order to obey the murderous commandments of the satanic bible Koran, and in taking large quantities of fellow Muslims with them. They slaughter fellow Muslims, men, women and children alike, in far greater numbers than they do those they call enemy, in the name of their death cult religion, both collaterally and because others are of different Islamic sects.
And they have discovered the most powerful weapon to use to bring down our free society from within: Guilt, when it is delivered with a link to victimhood. We allow them to browbeat their way into our judicial and political systems via liberal courts, with the help of portside politicians, the MSM, the ACLU and their own Hamas P.R. firm, CAIR.
And are they ever determined to be victims!
The column is definitely worth a complete read.
I get a major kick out of the way Julia sums things up,
To sum up, what galls the Muslim world is the excrutiatingly slow pace of the genocide against them. This would explain why they help the numbers along by killing themselves during their missions.
The agenda outlined in this post also accounts for the parallel Muslim efforts toward a reverse approach: Holocaust denial. The mentality is: “If I can’t have a holocaust, NOBODY can!”
December 15, 2006
Ahmadmanjihad’s Effective Strategy
In engaging his full scale Holocaust denial campaign (even to the extent of having held his global conference on the subject earlier this week), the Iranian president is embacing a multifaceted and highly effective strategy that demonstrates he is, indeed, no dummy (or perhaps he is, and the leaders of certain western countries are just dumber than he is), according to an on-point analysis by megaperceptive columnist Caroline Glick.
So why is the guy who is gunning for a new Holocaust belittling the last one?
First of all, by doing so he empowers those Germans and friends of Germany who carried it out. By denying the Holocaust Ahmadinejad turns the Nazis into victims and so provides a space for them to express themselves after a sixty year silence. Indeed, in Germany neo-Nazism is a burgeoning political and social force that proudly parades its links to Iran.
The German fascist party NPD’s followers demonstrated in support of Iran at the World Cup in Germany last spring. This week, Der Spiegel reported that attacks against Jewish children have increased markedly in recent years. Jewish children and their non-Jewish friends have been humiliated in anti-Semitic rituals unheard of since the Nazi era. “Jew” has become one of the most prevalent derogatory terms in use in Germany today.
Iran’s adoption of Holocaust denial as an official, defiant policy gives legitimacy to this striking phenomenon. This is especially the case since Iran is blaming the Jews for silencing these poor fascists. In his same letter to Merkel Ahmadinejad wrote, “The perpetual claimants against the great people of Germany are the bullying Zionists that funded the Al Quds Occupying Regime with the force of bayonets in the Middle East.”
of course does not limit his efforts to the Nazis. He is also setting the cognitive conditions for the annihilation of Israel for the international Left by presenting Israel’s existence as a direct result of the Holocaust. As Iran’s Foreign Minister Manoucher Mottaki said this week, “If the official version of the Holocaust is thrown into doubt, then the identity and nature of Israel will be thrown into doubt.”
In short, Iran views Holocaust denial as a strategic propaganda tool. By downgrading the Holocaust, Iran mobilizes supporters and paralyzes potential opponents. Its coupling of the last Holocaust with the one it signals daily it intends to carry out, wins it support among the Nazis and the Sunnis alike. Its presentation of the Holocaust as a myth used to exploit Muslims wins its support in the international Left which increasingly views Israel as an illegitimate state. So by denying the Holocaust Iran raises its leadership profile both regionally and globally.
Indeed, even if the Left doesn’t buy into Holocaust denial, it can still agree with Iran’s conclusion that Israel has no right to exist. As Mottaki explained, “If during this [Holocaust denial conference] it is proved that the Holocaust was a historical reality, then what is the reason for the Muslim people of the region and the Palestinians having to pay the cost of the Nazis’ crimes?”
Merkel and her fellow Germans have spent an inordinate amount of time over the past three years condemning the Nazi Holocaust. This week they even organized a special Holocaust condemning conference in response to the Iranian Holocaust denying conference.
over the same time period, they have conducted negotiations with Teheran as part of the EU-3 that have enabled Iran to continue its nuclear progress; obstructed US efforts to levy sanctions on Iran; and maintained active trade relations with Iran. Merkel’s government has continued the practice of providing loan guarantees to German firms doing business with Iran. In 2005, German-Iranian trade stood at about $5 billion.
Now, after three years of disastrous negotiations with the mullahs, Germany has finally come around to supporting the European draft sanctions resolution against Iran being debated in the UN Security Council. The problem is that the proposed sanctions are so weak that they will have no impact on Iran’s ability to move on with its nuclear bomb program.The obvious fact that the sanctions will have no impact on Iran has not made a dent in Merkel’s refusal to support military action against Iran under any circumstances - a refusal she reiterated while standing next to Israel’s Prime Minister on Tuesday.
Yeah, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, that completely clueless waste of skin who is as much a threat to the future of Israel as is the Iranian President.
Olmert was apparently too busy admitting that Israel has nuclear weapons only to take back his admission hours later, absurdly praising Russian President Vladimir for his opposition to the “nuclearlization of Iran” which Putin is actively promoting, and promising to give Judea and Samaria to Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas to take issue with Merkel’s statement. And that is a pity, because by taking issue with it, he would have gone far towards destroying the effectiveness of Iran’s Holocaust denial strategy.
November 30, 2006
The Relentless Creeping Of Islam….
… in the United States is being done peacefully. Whereas in Europe they intimidate, and the quivering French, Spanish and now even Brits (sad, a once great and bold people turned now into spineless mush) bend over backwards (or is it forwards?) to accommodate their takeover plans.
Please don’t slap us anymore, plead the Euros, we’ll do anything you say! What a miserable bunch of cowering has-beens the Europeans, including the Brits, have become.
Here, the Muslims are using an entirely different approach — with the terrorism supporting CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) as their PR firm, the ACLU running legal interference and our very own Democrats abetting and shouting encouragement from the sidelines, they are using our laws and our political venues to infiltrate and eventually dominate our society.
Mr. Ogre’s take on the situation here in the United States is right on top of things, an excellent read with a couple of further must read links, and can be read here.
November 4, 2006
Remember Clinton’s War?
You know, the one Germany and some other Euro countries got us into because they wanted more EU say-so in the Balkans? You know, the one in which the late Mr. Milosevic, the one they tried for five years in the aftermath and could convict of nothing was “ethnically cleansing” the Muslim population while the Muslim population did the same to non-Muslims? Yeah, that one, the one way street where Clinton felt it was just fine for Muslims to ethnically cleanse to their hearts’ content, as long as Milosevic could not?
We and several other countries really did the Muslims a favor there, helping them to practice their Islam on Christian Serbs with a minimum of interference.
Julia Gorin’s got a present day perspective up at JWR’s Political Mavens, done in her own uniquely humorous-yet-to-the-point style that bears a read, here.
October 24, 2006
4 A.M. Relaxation And Thoughts On Israel
So I’m just sort of kicking back at 0400 hours, playing with my new Firefox download — I haven’t yet(after what, 10 months?) figured out how to adjust my blog clock to the east coast, so the time of this post will appear as a zillion hours or so earlier.
I have my MusicMatch library running some Bangles through my great Logitech speakers, stuff like September Gurls and my all time favorite song by that awesome group, Return Post.
I’m thinking about the present situation in Israel — the Hamas rejects and Fatah squaring off to blow each other away, both sides arming up. Okay, so this isn’t as unusual among Arab Muslims as it might be among normal, 21st Century human beings — we discuss, they destroy. Western diplomacy consists mostly of a bunch of over-educated assholes sitting around a table engaged in two-faced, multisyllabic dialogue, but at least they usually come to some sort of agreement that preserves the peace. Arabic diplomacy is just a bit different: It usually means a lot of explosions and hot lead flying in many directions, and lots of people “expiring”. The diplomats that most effectively get their points across are those that kill the most diplomats on the opposite side of whatever disagreement happens to be on the table are considered the best diplomats, even though they, personally, don’t have to wax anybody.
The flotsam that lives to butcher innocent women and children are the true warriors of Islam.
The very idea that the Bush Administration wants these people to have a sovereign state is beyond me, but GWB is the President, so I suppose he must know what he’s doing. Excuse me, I have to go to the head….
I think I’ll let a great blog I recently discovered and blogrolled called Morning Coffee give us an update.
Meanwhile, the combatively challenged Prime Minister Olmert has agreed to bring a “hardliner” onto his team in order to avoid a slide into ruin for his own ill conceived Kadima party, one Avigdor Lieberman, and thank G-d for him, and his Israel Beiteinu Party. Lieberman’s own point of view as to how to get things done is fractionally different than the politically correct Ehud Olmert’s, maybe a mere 180 degrees, at most. Not too much. Did I say “thank G-d for him”?
My own model scenario would be for Fatah and Hamas to kill each other off in the civil war that seems to be brewing between the two corrupt terrorist factions that are the sum total of the so-called “Palestinian” entity, leaving a few necessarily reasonable Arabs who might be willing to assimillate themselves into the Israeli population and allow the Jewish State to get on with living in peace and prosperity, but that’s probably too much to hope for….
October 9, 2006
Islam And Reality
My last post referred to the stoning of a young Muslim schoolgirl in France by other children because she was having a snack during the day instead of fasting for Ramadan. There was an indication that she may have had a medical condition that, according to the laws of Islam, qualifies for exception to the impositions of the fast. According to an Islamic authority in France, students aren’t adequately taught Islamic law in French schools and therefore might not have realized that the girl was exempt.
Oh, okay, fine. The schools in that western country are at fault for not including more thorough Islamic instruction in their schools, otherwise those little monsters would have realized they shouldn’t have stoned her. Boy, is that ever a relief, knowing the French are to blame for an oversight(man, how I hate taking sides with the French!), and not the children who did the stoning, their parents for raising them to stone other children for religious infractions nor, of course, the tenets of Islam, thank Allah!
I’m glad we got that bit straightened out, now it all makes perfect sense.
Funnily enough, when I was a school kid in New York, we weren’t taught the fine points of Christianity or Judaism in school; for that, we attended classes at our churches and synagogues, ie Sunday School or Hebrew School. Those Muslims are so special, they even feel the non-Muslim taxpayer should be required to pay for their child’s Islamic education.
Then again, Islam neither respects nor condones the existence of any other religions, nor does it respect the sovereignty of any non-Islamic nations, nor the right of those nations to allow freedom of non-Islamic worship or even exist under any but Sharia law, so they see nothing wrong with emigrating to a non-Islamic country and, rather than respecting that country’s beliefs and customs, demand that the country change to suit their Islamic beliefs.
In some circles, that might be called chutzpah.
But that’s not the sum total of what I’m posting about here, merely yet another chapter in the story of Islam’s modern day western migration.
I won’t even go into 9/11, the bombings in recent years in England and Spain or the aborted airplane bombing plot brought to light even more recently. No, forget those. They were the work of organized Islamic terrorist groups.
Instead, let’s look at the “small stuff”. The rioting in France several months ago, wherein Muslims burned hundreds of other people’s cars, committed untold property damage and assaulted people who had never borne them any ill will. The demonstrations on which we’ve seen photos, in which people held signs bearing such legends as “Behead those who insult Islam” and “Europe, your holocaust is coming”, worldwide rioting, property destruction and violence over a few cartoons of Mohammed and Muslims’ debacle over the Pope’s recent speech.
And the Muslim-on-Muslim stoning of that poor little girl by children who could only have been responding to their upbringings by parents who would undoubtedly have endorsed their “proper” Islamic actions.
The only response Muslims ever have to anything they feel insults their religion or its sick, twisted founder, Mohammed the Pedophile, is insane violence. Destruction, murder, threats of beheading….
Yet, despite these repeated occurrences, in their uniformity, intensity of violence and the disproportionately picayune events that provoke them, our western media and our western politicians continue to accept Islam as “the religion of peace” and make accommodations accordingly, welcoming this abomination into our midst and extending it significantly more respect than they accord our own customs and religions.
An American public school will suspend or even expel your child for attempting to spread a Judeo-Christian message among his or her fellow pupils under the auspices of liberals’ exaggerated “Separation of Church and State” bull droppings, yet will have no qualms about requiring the same pupils to take classes on Islamic scripture or religious customs, or to participate in simulations of Ramadan, act out the Pilgrimage of Haj or recite the Five Pillars of Islam, all on the overwhelmingly Judeo-Christian taxpayer’s dime.
Under the dubious “merits” of political correctness and multiculturalism, a couple more liberal contributions to the current state of affairs, Muslims are somehow a protected species – terrorism is merely the work of “radical extremists” and their violent, homicidal, destructive, mindless riots are invariably the fault of whichever western government and society happens to be hosting the perpetrators.
Organizations like CAIR {Council on American-Islamic Relations}, which is nothing more than a propaganda and litigation instrument for the Islamic infiltration of the United States, wage their campaigns to silence dissent and smother the truth as a way of running interference for the U.S. front of the global jihad now in progress, always right on top of any truth that rears its head that might in any way expose the invasive intentions of Islam for America, and they are backed up by leftist organizations like the ACLU, which was founded with an eye toward transforming this country into a totalitarian enterprise. Ironically enough, should the Islamic revolution succeed, the Marxists of the ACLU would be given short shrift by the Muslims with whom they have allied themselves – they are, after all, infidels like the rest of us and as such have less than no standing as human beings within the framework of Muslim beliefs.
And thanks almost entirely to the hacks that comprise today’s liberal dominated media and to politicians for whom being politically correct in order to gain votes is the order of the day, the majority of Americans are kept completely in the dark while Islam gradually establishes a powerful market share in the west.
Witness goings-on in France. Look at the way British society labors vigorously to accommodate Muslims by changing their traditions. What’s really disheartening and not a little frightening, is the fact that while the French, past masters of surrender and certainly not any kind of ally of America for over two centuries, resist change until they’ve been hammered enough by applied Islam, the British, historically a nation of great backbone, strength and fighting spirit, have been giving in to the demands of Islam before any Muslims even venture any. Britain has long been one of our truest allies.
“What—” as they say, “—‘sup with that?”
To cut to the chase, Islam is not the peaceful religion its marketing folks have apparently convinced the media and the leaders of the free world that it is. Islam is totally incompatible with the west, it is a religion based upon slavery and murder. It is a 7th Century cult that treats its women like dog doo and mutilates or butchers anyone who doesn’t go with the program. Its mandate is a planet dominated by Muslims.
Once this goal has been reached, the violence will not be completed – the next phase will be its various sects warring upon each other, the same horrors enacted until one sect – Sunni, Shiite, whichever – rules the roost. The various sects of Islam are already, and have long been, killing each other off and will do so even more vigorously once all infidels have been eliminated from the equation – converted, killed or enslaved as dhimmis.
Britain and France have about run out of time – the only way they will still be free countries ten years from now will be to employ brutally extreme corrective measures that will be fought by all but the most hardened hearts. The United States still has time to exercise options that, while in many ways distasteful, could save the republic.
Our leaders, those folks whom we have elected to defend us, need to wake up really fast……