July 3, 2007

This Column…

…is an echo of my own belief on the subject.

Americans are flush with success over killing comprehensive immigration reform. Good for us–but. Do you wonder how it got as far as it did? How did a Congress with a 14% approval rating–the lowest recorded by Gallup since they began polling in 1973–get to a point where they were poised to defy the overwhelming sentiment of those who elected them?

The answer is simple: we keep re-electing them.

It’s a short column, read the whole thing.

by @ 7:23 am. Filed under Great Commentary
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17 Responses to “This Column…”

  1. Ken Taylor Says:

    Short and well said. The primaries are coming fast. It is time to usher out the old school and bring in the new. There are many good conservatives running in primaries on the GOP ticket and we need to move them on for the General Election.

    We still have the power as voters in this country to shake things up. Its time to get the RINOS out and conservative back to the front in the GOP. It is also time to stop the liberal politics and get conservatism back at the forefront in American politcs and especially in Washington.

  2. Seth Says:

    Ken –

    One I can think of right now is a Georgia candidate named Bill Greene, who is running as a first timer for the House. I spoke with him numerous times in DC a couple of years back (he was there as President of RightMarch), and when I learned recently that he is running for office I was elated. Even though I’m not a Georgia resident or voter, he is on my contribution list. There have to be other such staunch conservatives out there who have not yet held Congressional office and therefore not had a bunch of terms to corrupt them like so many of our “senior” senators and representatives.

    The key to the entire thing is to get rid of the ones that have made long careers in Congress.

  3. Ken Taylor Says:

    I agree. Though I am not sold on the idea of term limits yet. The problem with term limits is that it regulates our right to vote by removing a candidate in whom we may vote simply because his regulated time is up.

    It then becomes just another government restraint to freedom, which is an infringement on our rights.

  4. Always On Watch Says:

    You know what I’d like to see? Some real choices on the ballot.

    No wonder our Founders decried the two-party system. Some people will vote along Party lines, no matter what. That’s how the Admiral of Chappquiddick keeps getting elected–in part, at least.

  5. MariesTwoCents Says:

    Happy 4th of July Seth :-)

  6. Uncle Pavian Says:

    In the traditional political theory of China, this process is referred to as a change in the Mandate of Heaven. If I’m understanding the concept correctly, a new government/ruler/dynasty takes over, things are okay for a while, then everything starts getting worse until things are bad enough for Heaven to remove its mandate and change rulers, after which the cycle starts over again.
    We do things a little differently in this country, but it’s still a question of us getting the government that we deserve.

  7. Seth Says:

    Ken –

    The original intention of our founders was that a citizen be elected by his community to serve a term in Congress, then return home to reap what he sowed after another was elected to take his place.

    It was never intended that anyone make a career out of a political office. This has been abused for so long that it is accepted as a norm, and it will not stop because in the final analysis, most Americans vote for “the name they know”.

    It has been proven that this career practice is detrimental to the well-being of this country, for the simple reason that the vast majority of those who have served numerous terms lose touch with those they are there to serve and become complacent, forgetting that they are there to represent those who elected them.

    While occasionally one or two career politicians remain faithful to their bases, most don’t.

    I don’t view the concept of term limits as a rights issue, I see it more as a common sense issue. Of course, the only way to impose term limits on Congress would be to have Congress vote on the issue, so I don’t really see that happening anytime soon. :-)

    AOW –

    You and me both.

    This Congressional career thing more than manifest its deficit effect during the recent amnesty-based immigration kerfuffle.

  8. Seth Says:

    Marie –

    Happy 4th to you as well, and to all. :-)

  9. Seth Says:

    Uncle Pavian –

    Excellent parallel.

    It is very true that at the end of the day, by virtue of whom we vote for (in the majority), we inevitably get what we deserve.

    The problem I see is that in the last few years, the government seems to have been running away with itself, leaving We, the People in the dust. I attribute this almost entirely to the mandate many of our politicians apparently believe they’ve been given by being reelected too many times, and allowed to turn what should be short-term positions into membership in some sort of permanent ruling class.

  10. Angel Says:

    ah yes Seth, some decent choices on the ballot
    would indeed be novel!

  11. Seth Says:

    Angel –

    Given most of the candidate choices we have today, I’m reminded of the old quip, “Don’t tell my mother I’m a politician, she thinks I play the piano in a whorehouse.” :-(

  12. Gayle Says:

    Regarding Angel’s comment: LOL!

    We have to get the RINO’s out of the GOP, but like AOW says, there are many who will vote along party lines no matter what, and I know a bunch of them. They don’t pay attention to politics, haven’t a clue as to what’s going on, and still vote because they think it’s their duty! What to do about those folks? I’ve talked to them until I’m blue in the face, and even alienated a couple of folks, but it does no good whatsoever. It’s extremely frustrating!

    Off topic: Seth, I sent you a letter regarding the Coast Guard matter. Did you receive it, because I haven’t heard back from you.

  13. Seth Says:

    Gayle –

    I’ve been having the same experience, I think a major factor there is that most people restrict themselves to the selective reporting and spin provided by the MSM, and continue to believe that the Fourth Estate is dedicated to fair and balanced reporting or, for that matter, reporting the truth.

    When reporters like Dan Rather get caught out wilfully delivering lies, the media covers for them by either downplaying their transgressions or spinning them to appear as isolated incidents. Sort of like a criminal, arrested for the first time, claiming that this was the first time he’d ever broken the law.

    Re your email: Things came up that kept me away from my computer until the wee hours, and I was exhausted enough that when I finally had the opportunity, I fell into bed and was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I’ve been awake for about an hour and am just now getting caught up. :-)

  14. Uncle Pavian Says:

    Say, Seth…
    Once you get caught up, please tell us: What’s it like?

  15. Seth Says:

    Uncle Pavian –

    “Caught up”: A temporary condition that, when one considers things, is only an illusion. :-)

    It is, therefore, more a figure of speech than an accurate description of the true state of affairs.

    BTW — my next and just completed post is devoted to you and your excellent blog.

  16. Gayle Says:

    LOL! The “caught up” state of affairs certainly is an illusion. We never really get caught up, do we?

    I understand getting behind in the e-mail too. Thanks for responding. :)

  17. Seth Says:

    Gayle –

    Even in semi-retirement, I can’t seem to get “caught up”, LOL. I don’t even think it is possible on this side of the ol’ epitaph.