January 17, 2007

One Of About Half A Dozen Reasons I Am Sending…

… no money, including membership dues, to the Republican (or any other) Party this year can be found here.

For the last few years, I haven’t seen them justify my support and while I contributed prior to this last November election, voted a straight Republican ticket and will undoubtedly do so again in 2008, until they start listening to what we, the people who put them and keep them in office want they will receive no more monetary support from me.

However, on a cheerier note, the man who has for some time been my own first choice as the next President may run in 2008!

Tom Tancredo will get a contribution from me if he decides to run.

The rest of those complacent, self seeking denizens of the Hill need to grow their spines back and start acting like Republicans before they see any more of my money…

by @ 2:54 am. Filed under Uncategorized
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19 Responses to “One Of About Half A Dozen Reasons I Am Sending…”

  1. Ken Taylor Says:

    I am sending my donation for my renewal of my membership only because, one the backlash against the GOP in 06 gave us a Dem Congress for which we all will suffer. And two, there is talk in the party among those who know that in 08 we will see a field of candidates that will unseat many of the Rhinos and also the party got the message from voters and sees the error of their ways. McConnell has a great interview in this months issue of the Limbaugh Letter which calls for a return to GOP conservative roots and issues.

  2. Gayle Says:

    I’m leaning more and more towards Tom Tancredo myself, Seth. As for donations, they are going to have to do more than send me an 8×10 glossy of the President and Laura Bush if they expect a donation. I’m pretty disappointed lately with the GOP myself, although I don’t usually post about it. You saw my post on the North American Union. I’m still steaming over that mess, and undecided as to how much of it’s true.

  3. BB-Idaho Says:

    So far, there are 10 GOP candidates, including a couple I’ve
    never heard of. With such a nice broad selection, I’m sure you will
    find one that can use your contribution…

  4. Seth Says:

    Ken –

    I was raised on the concept that one shouldn’t throw good money after bad. I’m afraid that it’s come to the point that I need to see the Reublicans in Congress start committing themselves in an infinitely more vigorous manner and showing, with focused intensity, that they want what I want — and win back my trust before I support them in any way beyond giving them my votes.

    Gayle –

    I think Tancredo’s one of the few conservative members of Congress who justify the votes they receive and earn their salaries. He says what he thinks and doesn’t hide behind political correctness. That’s my kind of leader.

    Re the NAU (”Security & Prosperity Partnership”), I’m completely convinced that it is in the works. I’ve read comments to your post, including a couple by fellow bloggers whose opinions I highly respect and nearly always agree with, that the American people wouldn’t stand for it, however; We’ve seen in the last few years that the will of the American people no longer seems to carry the weight it is supposed to where the government is concerned, and a stealth maneuver executed between elections would deprive the people of the opportunity to register our umbrage — the vote.

    BB –

    There will be a wide field, but I’m set on supporting Tancredo from the time he announces his candidacy (if he does).

  5. cubed Says:

    I just sent in my contribution this morning.

    Re: the NAU: “…the American people wouldn’t stand for it…”

    This is so true, the American people wouldn’t “stand for it,” if only they knew about it. Unfortunately, information is coming out very, very slowly, because Bush knows perfectly well that “the American people wouldn’t stand for it.” This is the way he handles things that he wants, but that he knows would never pass public muster.

    Remember the Dubai Ports thing? This was another deal that he knew we wouldn’t stand for, so like the NAU, it was kept under very tight wraps right up to the moment it was to be consummated. We found out about it just in the nick of time.

    The silence about several projects is deafening; we hear almost nothing about the borders, and we certainly detect no action in securing them. This, despite the increasing friendship between Ahmadinejad and Chavez, Evo, and Ortega, with chants of “Death to America” ringing out in the streets of South and Central America.

    Long before Ahmadinejad’s current visit, Hezbollah was - and remains - busy in the Tri-borders region (Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina) of South America, making alliances with the drug lords there. Venezuela’s Chavez provides Hezbollah agents with forged papers, and the drug lords help get them across the Mexico-US border. They are all over the US now. But all this notwithstanding, Bush refuses to act on the recent legislation requiring him to secure the border. This is how dedicated he is to the implementation of the NAU.

    He is, according to some in Washington, already concerned about his “legacy.” Well, if we begin having terrorism-related problems created by people who have crossed our unsecured border, his “legacy” is toast.

    I just hope WE won’t be toast!

  6. Shoprat Says:

    He doesn’t look bad but I’m not so sure he will get the support he needs to win

  7. Always On Watch Says:

    Prior to the November elections, I have the Republican Party my money and my support. But, like you, I’ve refused all requests since then. The Bush administration’s embrace of Saudi and of CAIR is one reason why I’ve pulled back.

    Tancredo, however, seems to be a candidate I can support.

    This beats all: “CAIR is proud of its work with the government, said the group’s spokesman Ibraham Hooper.”

    I would say, “CAIR is gloating over how it’s made dupes of the United States government., which is complicit in leading to the fall of America.”

    About the NAU…This may well be the worst damage done by the Bush administration. The NAU threatens our national sovereignty and our national security. And is there one single word about the NAU in any of the msm? Certainly not lately.

    [This is my second try to send the above comment]

  8. Seth Says:

    Cubed –

    Too many people are all too trusting of the government and do not consider the possibility of being misled by political bodies in order for a stealth agenda to be achieved. Unfortunately, these folks are sadly mistaken.

    Today’s politicians, local, state and federal, Democrat and Republican, have apparently come to believe that the people’s opinion only counts on election day, and the rest of the time we’re nothing more than their collective ATM.

    When I lived in San Francisco, I used to see propositions come up in local elections all the time that were worded to make the voters believe we were voting Yes or No on an issue that had already been decided by the politicians in private meetings, the wording sidelining the proposition to deciding a minor detail of the done deal.

    Shoprat –

    I agree, but I think that is largely because he’s been too busy working to campaign as folks like RINO McCain have been doing, keeping themselves perpetually in the spotlight. There will also be the normal large field of primary candidates as there always is at the end of a President’s second term.

    AOW –

    The political correctness that has been adopted by our government is going to bring us a lot of grief in the not-so-distant future, and it will be as much the fault of the Republicans in Congress as of the Democrats, simply because they won’t get up on their hind legs and do what we elected them for.

    With the exception of Tom Tancredo and a few others, it has come down to voting for the lesser of X evils rather than for the right person for the job, and that demonstrates a significant degree of deterioration in our government. This has led me to favor term limits in Congress, say four years max, just like the Presidency: If the House and the Senate weren’t career paths and members only served a few years, they wouldn’t have time to lose touch with the needs of the people they are there to serve or to become complacent, and they would have no incentive to spend more time focusing on reelection (and trying to please multiple voting blocks) and less on doing their jobs.

    As far as the media and the NAU are concerned, it’s simply that none of those involved in the mechanics of the North American “Security & Prosperity Partnership” talks about it in any public forums. I can also understand why the MSM doesn’t pursue any investigation into it — they are great fans of the EU and the UN, remember, and the NAU would fit rather splendidly into the spectrum of their beliefs. As they have come to make a practice of misleading the public anyway, and knowing that exposing the plans for the NAU at this stage would give the voting public a chance to head it off at the pass, they’d just as soon sit on anything they hear.

    I haven’t figured out what causes some comments to get stuck in moderation mode and others to go right through, but now I know how to free them up. Another comment also got stuck, so knowing now that I have to check moderation, there should be no further problems. :-)

  9. Always On Watch Says:

    On the topic of infiltration, but I do not know if this is related to CAIR, see “He Preached in Peoria,” at my site.

  10. Seth Says:

    AOW –

    Your above mentioned post is a perfect example of the kind of real enemy our politicians are kissing up to via their inexcusable political correctness.

  11. ABF Says:

    I find it real strange how both of our countries elect these people based on their platforms, then when they get in power, it seems to be reversed or changed. Yet every election, we do, and go through, the same thing. It’s totally frustrating, and the result of lack of backbone on the part of the elected representative.

    As for the NAU, it seems to be very hard and deep digging to find any information about it. No one up here is even bringing up the topic, which is real strange, because I’ve heard mention of the partnership several times, but it’s always been under the security umbrella. It’s bound to surface at some point.

  12. Seth Says:

    AB –

    The ironic bit is that we read about how Senator So-And-So, not enjoying good poll results running with X image, is now reshaping his image to a Y image to attract Y voters (ie perpetual campaigner John Edwards), yet even with what amounts to a blatantly insincere change of venue, voters go along. This is why career politicians apparently believe the voting public is stupid, and have come to do as they please.

    I’ve become so fed up with putting my money where their mouths are that before they get any more money or other support from me, other than my vote, they will need to put up some collateral, in the form of performance.

    Like the Berlin song goes, “No more words and no more promises.”

    I will be posting, in the next couple of days, more and better evidence of the reality of the NAU agenda. Unfortunately, at the moment I am embroiled in some other activities that can’t be put off. :-(

  13. cubed Says:

    “As for the NAU, it seems to be very hard and deep digging to find any information about it. No one up here is even bringing up the topic…”


    Bush deals with any issue he knows the American people would never support the same way; he refuses to talk about it.

    He refused to talk about the Dubai Ports thing; he refuses to talk about the border; when hounded about it, he absolutely minimizes it; and you can bet your bippy he refuses to mention the NAU at ALL, EVER!

    That’s just the way he characteristically handles stuff he knows we would never approve of!

  14. cubed Says:


    Already sent in my contribution to Tancredo. I don’t think there’s the chance of a snowball in hell that he’ll get the Republican nomination (I could - gasp - be wrong!), and he said that he would never run as a “third party candidate.”

    BUT! I DO think that he would “do a Lieberman,” and run as an Independent if he sees that there is serious interest in his candidacy.

    You all probably already know about teamtancredo.com.

    BTW, all you Service Members, active and retired, Chavez’ Citgo still has a contract with military facilities. The DoD admitted that the contract runs through 2009, and they will not terminate it.

    At our Navy facility, the sales had dropped so severely that the “Citgo” sign was taken down from the gas station and replaced with a “NEX” sign. Most members think that Citgo is no longer the supplier, and sales have gone back up.

    I, Yours Truly, am preparing postcard-sized notices about the real deal, and I will place them on all the pumps; every time they get taken down, I will replace them. I’ll let you know how the trial goes…

    And if you’re interested, go see boycottcitgo.org.

  15. Seth Says:

    Cubed –

    That is a Bush response when dealing with public disclosure of anything he has hoped to slip in with minimal exposure to scrutiny. He evidently would rather remain silent than lie, which at least makes him more honest than a Democrat, LOL.

    I think the DoD would be well within their rights, given the circumstances, to break their contract with Citgo. Chavez is our enemy, pure and simple.

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