August 21, 2007

Mexico And The SPP/NAU

These “states of affairs” are both elements of or pathways to Bush’s trilateral agenda for a North American Union (NAU) that is being “stealthed” behind the guise of the Security & Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), micro-components of “the big picture”. The first shows how liberals, wittingly or unwittingly, are supporting that agenda.

Mexico’s biggest export to the United States is illegal immigrants. According to statistical research by Ken over at The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth, American military casualties in both Vietnam and Iraq are dwarfed by American civilian deaths, on both a daily and annual basis, right here in the United States, these figures ignored by both our government and the liberal media.

That said, Gayle of The Dragon Lady’s My Republican Blog fame details the menace we face from NAFTA’s (North American Free Trade Agreement, a precurser to the NAU agenda) inclusion of Mexico’s trucking industry enjoying uninhibited access to U.S. highways (this is a one way street, American truckers can’t drive into Mexico).

Gayle lives in the right part of Texas to have a first-hand view of the Mexican segment of the NAU in its formative stages, and her linked post is right on the money. The same Mexican politicians that allow what she describes are the ones who will have a vote in U.S. affairs should we permit the North American Union to become a reality.

If it was me, I’d read her post and watch the included video very carefully…

by @ 3:06 am. Filed under North American Union (NAU)
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3 Responses to “Mexico And The SPP/NAU”

  1. University Update - Serena Williams - Mexico And The SPP/NAU Says:

    [...] WWE Mexico And The SPP/NAU » This article link is from an article posted at Hard Astarboard on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 This article contains copywritten material. Please click on the "View Original Article" link below to view the article on the author’s site. article link Provided by Technorati.comView Original Article at Hard Astarboard » 10 Most Recent News Articles About Serena Williams [...]

  2. Gayle Says:

    Sorry to get here so late, Seth. I’ve been swamped!

    Thanks for posting a link to my article. I appreciate it.

  3. Seth Says:

    Gayle –

    It was a spot-on article. :-)