June 22, 2007

The Bloomberg Uproar…

…is, as the Bard might have said, much ado about nothing.

The MSM and much alternative media as well promote the information czar turned New York mayor’s quitting the Republican Party as a significant event. Right, sure, um… it’s, er, truly an epic event.


That’s right, Bah!

Bloomberg was a staunch Democrat prior to the N.Y. mayoral elections at the end of the Giuliani years. However, the Democrats already had a candidate. Really determined to be the mayor, Bloomberg went the turncoat rout and “became” a Republican for the sole purpose of running for mayor. He won.

His first move as the new Republican mayor was to revert to a Democrat, big time.

Now that he’s in the twilight stages of his second term, he no longer needs to be a “Republican”.

The headlines shouldn’t read, Bloomberg Leaves GOP, they should say, Hizzoner Casts Off Sheep’s Clothing.

Now the speculation begins: “Will Bloomberg make a run for President in 2008?”

The media and assorted pundits make reference to his $5.5 billion smackers, wondering if he will use a chunk of it to campaign for POTUS.

And then the wishful thinking makes its way to columns, blogs and broadcast — if he runs as an Independent, his candidacy will be good for, depending upon the commentator, the Democrats or the Republicans.

Now, all opinions are based upon the fact that he won’t win the general election, but that he’ll take votes away from one of the two major parties, like a major league Ralph Nader.

I am not a wishful thinker. Though I’m not always right, I tend to base my opinions and/or projections on what I view as reality based on evidence, human nature, track records, real circumstances, etc, etc. As often as not, I find myself at odds with fellow conservatives who continue to have faith in the integrity of today’s politicians while I reserve judgement under an umbrella of doubt based upon the “bitter pill” of experience.

Personally, as a conservative I would welcome a Bloomberg campaign.

He is for gun control, he is pro-”choice”, he is for stem cell research and other Democrat themes. He certainly wouldn’t get any votes from conservatives or true Republicans.

He would, however, get a lot of votes from moderate Democrats who mistakenly view Bloomberg as a conservative possessed of “progressive” ideals. With or without Nader running, the billionaire, with his monetary edge, would suck up Democrat votes like an aardvark with a Dyson tromping through ant country.

So sure, let the schmuck run for President. His loss would be America’s gain.

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14 Responses to “The Bloomberg Uproar…”

  1. Shoprat Says:

    Let him run as an indep.

    He’ll take one vote in a hundred from Hitlery’s total and one vote in ten thousand from Fred’s total. (If that.)

  2. Seth Says:

    Shoprat –

    I’d like to see Ralph run as well, to divert still more votes away from the Hildebeast.

  3. BB-Idaho Says:

    What is Bloomberg thinking? He is hardly a unique candidate, based on experience or philosophy. The only thing of interest is how many votes can a few billion from his private funds purchase?

  4. Seth Says:

    BB –

    Bloomberg made himself a billionaire, then went for the next thing: Power. He became mayor of NY as a Democrat running as a Republican. Perhaps now he wants to go for the brass ring and run for President, using his riches as he used them to run for mayor.

    For him, it’s about his ego, not about any party loyalties.

  5. Gayle Says:

    Hunh? What is that nonsense comment above mine? I think that’s the weirdest one I’ve ever seen!

    Bloomberg is a joke! I don’t understand how he could be elected as a local dog catcher, but evidently some people see something in him that isn’t there.

  6. Seth Says:

    Gayle –

    I think that comment is a spambot “contribution” that managed to slip through Akismet (a super-rare occurance), or someone is attempting to plug a witchcraft website with the invitation to contact them via a New York telephone number.

    Either way, it will be gone shortly.

    Bloomberg got elected in New York because a) his opponent was a borderline unknown to voters, b) he didn’t have to veer from his campaign strategies and schedules to pander for contributions, c) New York is a highly liberal city {sigh} and Bloomberg therefore didn’t have to lie all that much about his beliefs.

    Unlike voters in many other cities, New Yorkers often go outside party lines when a candidate meets their needs of the moment. There are sometimes mistakes, as when Dinkins was elected. Giuliani, for example, was elected primarily to clean up the disasterous results of mistakes made by Dinkins. Once Rudy had cleaned up the city, the voters felt “safe” again and were “ready” for another left leaning mayor. Bloomberg’s new “Republican” packaging was not much of an issue.

    A run for President would be an entirely different proposition for him. The only advantages he’d have are McCain-Feingold and not having to deal with the primaries.

    That said, he wouldn’t even come close to winning the general election, though he would get votes away from the Democrat candidate. The more the merrier!

  7. BB-Idaho Says:

    Dare we suggest vice presidential candidates for Bloomberg’s running? To draw democrats, perhaps Micheal Moore? Jane Fondue?

  8. Seth Says:

    BB –

    How about Rosie, to bring in the anti-America, human scum and extreme wingnut votes?

  9. Ken Taylor Says:

    He, “says, ” he won’t run unless all of the other candidates die. I’ll bet when reminded of this if he does annouce which I think is about a 50/50 chance, he’ll say he meant all Independant candidates. Typical politician.

    Personally if he runs I think he will pull more from the Democrats than the GOP. They are more in line with his politics and his governing!

  10. Seth Says:

    Ken –

    I get the feeling Mr. Megalomania will run, and look forward to it.

    At this point in time, I doubt an independent could win the general election for POTUS, but he sure could peel off lots of votes from whomever among the field of walking disasters wins the Democratic primaries.

    Run, Bloomie, run! :-)

  11. Always On Watch Says:

    Bloomberg is a non-starter. He doesn’t know it, though.

  12. Seth Says:

    AOW –

    Bloomberg is obviously of the school that teaches that a billionaire can buy any result he pleases. He’ll be wrong this time out, though.

  13. Great Blog Says:

    Great Blog

    far out dude

  14. Great Blog Says:

    Great Blog

    Great advice and great blog