June 5, 2007

Nat Hentoff’s…

…got that right!

The United Nations is increasingly becoming a parody of itself while American taxpayers last year provided $439 million to the regular U.N. budget — plus a headquarters in New York that the U.N. management wants to expand. Not only has this dysfunctional and occasionally corrupt organization failed to stop the genocide in Darfur, but on May 11, the insatiably brutal Robert Mugabe’s government of Zimbabwe was elevated by the United Nations to chair its Commission on Sustainable Development — dealing with land, rural and economic development, and the environment.

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by @ 8:11 pm. Filed under Uncategorized
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2 Responses to “Nat Hentoff’s…”

  1. Angel Says:

    hiya Seth..I have no more rants about the UN
    or Amnesty Int..they are terrorists
    in disguise……..and on NY soil no less!

  2. Seth Says:

    Angel –

    Ain’t life grand, LOL.

    Turtle Bay’s awesome potential for condo construction and sales and homeower tax revenues needs to be reexamined or something. Evicting our enemies and their ugly building and selling the acreage would be a zillion times more beneficial than allowing those commie vultures to continue to roost free on our property.