February 27, 2007

I Totally Agree….

….with the President on this issue. I’m also pleased to see that he’s actually getting backing from the Congress critters on the right side of the aisle.

Collective bargaining venues have no place in any vital infrastructure, let alone in homeland security.

by @ 6:19 pm. Filed under Uncategorized
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3 Responses to “I Totally Agree….”

  1. civil truth Says:

    Hopefully Congress will strip it out, and then we’ll see if it can stand on its own “merits”.

    The real battle, though, will be over the “Employee Free Choice Act” (EFCA), better known as the anti-democracy card check bill. That’s what the big union money is funding

  2. Chicagoray Says:

    First of all Seth thanks for the visit and kind remarks, and you sir can count me on your side with this issue as well. Anytime and anywhere unions are involved the workforce protected by them becomes instantly complacent and eventually just downright lazy, it’s just natural when one knows it’s very hard to be removed from your job in most cases.

    The day of unions has long passed and as you stated, homeland security personnel guided by unions would have way too much power and be ripe for brutal corruption potential as all unions are inundated with thus compromising safety even more in my humble opinion.

    Thanks again Seth, very nice blog here friend, and nice meeting you.

  3. Seth Says:

    Sorry about the delay in responding, but since early yesterday my wireless router and I have been at war, and I finally decided just a few minutes ago that it wasn’t worth the hassle and relocated the computer to a hardwired environment.

    Civil Truth –

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Democrats insisted on unionizing the TSA — after all, the unions are among the greatest contribution meal tickets in the history of the DNC.

    If they do somehow cooperate, I surely hope that the EFCA can be overruled in the name of national security. There are those areas where a line has to be drawn, and this would very definitely be one of them.

    Chicago Ray –


    Another likely scenario would be that during negotiations, should a terrorist threat occur, the soulless folks who run the unions would be the first to take advantage of the situation, at great peril to thousands of innocent people, by calling a strike. That is their way.

    Hey, I enjoy your blog as well, keep up the great work!

    Less than 10 days to go to a stuffed sausage pizza at Giordanno’s…. :-)