January 28, 2007

Palestinians Continue Practicing Their Islam or… Gaza Imitates Beirut

The Palestinians are again demonstrating the peaceful, brotherly nature of believers in the Religion of Peace.

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Hamas and Fatah gunmen battled each other in the streets Sunday, having sent civilians fleeing from their homes in an increasingly bloody power struggle that left more than two dozen Palestinians dead over the weekend.

And the world, including George Bush and Condoleeza Rice, truly believe that these barbaric people are capable of self governing in their own sovereign territory!

The latest round of fighting began late Thursday after a Hamas activist was killed in a bombing. By Saturday night, 25 Palestinians — including a 2-year-old and a 12-year-old — had been killed and at least 76 were wounded, bringing to a standstill fitful efforts to unite the two rival factions in a coalition government.

In light of Mahmoud Abbas’ recent remarks that instead of fighting each other, the two factions, one of which he heads up (Fatah), should both turn their guns on Israel, there is little to choose between them. I mean… I mean… Abbas is the man everybody refers to as the moderate leader.

So what’s the actual difference between “moderate” and “extreme” Muslims, then? Offhand, I’d say absolutely nothing. Both ascribe to the same religious laws, and their religious laws govern every aspect of their lives. The Koran embraces fascism and murder, despite the propaganda, protestations and lies of terror supporting Islamofascist P.R. organizations like CAIR, who have even the Bush Administration fooled.

As for the Palestinians, well… they elected a terrorist organization to govern them, and having found that the handouts from the rest of the world have dried up as a result, are seeking new elections, not because they don’t want to be ruled by terrorists, but because they want to get back on global welfare.

So now, they’re engaged in the only kind of internal political discourse of which Islam’s faithful are capable, Muslim murdering Muslim.

by @ 4:36 pm. Filed under Uncategorized
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29 Responses to “Palestinians Continue Practicing Their Islam or… Gaza Imitates Beirut”

  1. Always On Watch Says:

    Tribal culture, tribal warfare–with a political twist, of course.

    How many of each other will they kill off? Hordes, I hope.

  2. that1guy Says:

    But it’s a “peaceful” bloody power struggle…

  3. Seth Says:

    AOW –

    The more the merrier. Every life claimed is that of a present or potential future terrorist or abettor of terrorism, and since they all rejoice whenever a bomb or rocket claims the lives of innocent Israelis, it’s kind of nice to see them blast on their own petards.

    T1G –

    LMAO! Of course it is, everything Muslims do is peaceful, just ask CAIR.

  4. Shoprat Says:

    Actually it was a spelling error.

    It never was the “Religion of Peace.”

    It’s the “Religion of Pieces”

  5. MariesTwoCents Says:

    Maybe, just maybe they may just cancel each other out and we can all get a good night’s sleep for a change!

    Now if the government of Lebanon and Hezblahhhh go at it, we will really be sleeping well!

  6. Seth Says:

    Marie –

    I’m all for letting them bomb each other out of existence.

    The Palestinians have proven, decade after decade, that they are little more than murderous cockroaches.

    As for Hezbollah, they actually need to be wiped out altogether. Unfortunately, they seem to be a protected species, via a “peacekeeping” force, of the U.N.

  7. Seth Says:

    Shoprat –

    It’s great when all the pieces involved belong to believers of that explosive religion. :-)

  8. Gayle Says:

    “It’s great when all the pieces involved blong to believers of that explosive religion.” LOL Seth! You do have a way with words. :lol: I don’t think we’re going to be losing any sleep over this current state of affairs, are we? ;)

  9. Seth Says:

    Gayle –

    Not a wink — in fact, I’ll sleep better knowing these folks have instituted their ongoing policy of Islamic downsizing. :-)

  10. Gayle Says:

    Me too! ;)

  11. Shoprat Says:

    It’s not the Religion of Peace

    It’s the Religion of Pieces

  12. Shoprat Says:

    Oops! Said that already! sorry

    My bad!

  13. ChosenOnes Says:

    Religion of Peace? Isn’t that Zionism?
    At least Islam hasn’t gotten Congress
    to write in their own version of the
    Noahide Laws that we goy must follow or
    pay the price!! LOL

    Is it Zionism or Fanatical Talmudic
    Judaism? Oh well; when you’re on your
    way to the gallows for celebrating
    Christmas, it won’t much matter.

    It’s law, baby…no penalties stated
    unless you check out Rebbe Schneerson’s
    fanatical followers’ website!

  14. ChosenOnes Says:

    P.S. I request my email not be published.
    I like what’s left of privacy in this
    ‘country’ of massive freedoms.

  15. Seth Says:

    ChosenOnes –

    To be perfectly honest, I haven’t the faintest idea what you are talking about, you wax just a tad too melodramatic for me to follow.

    Plain English might work a bit better.

    You need not worry about your email address being published — only website URLs are published, via link, when commenters enter them in the box marked same.

  16. ChosenOnes Says:

    Here’s as plain as it gets;
    Google Noahide Laws and find the Bill #.
    Read it and see that Jews want Gentiles
    to follow a set of laws made ‘just for

    Do I need to go slower?

    As a Gentile, I don’t plan on allowing
    Jews to make up my faith system for me
    but really enjoy freedom of choice when
    it comes to religion.

    This was passed within a silly bill
    called the National Education Day
    Bill under Bush I (as opposed to Dufus
    Bush II).

    Sure hope this wasn’t too dramatic.

  17. ChosenOnes Says:

    From the top left of your blog:

    “All e-mails may be published,
    unless you request otherwise.”

    Lost me again? :)

  18. ChosenOnes Says:

    From a Jewish site:

    The content of the Noahide Laws is taught explicitly only in the Spoken Word of G-d, also known as the oral tradition of the Jewish people from Mt. Sinai. Although pieces and aspects of the oral traditions were taught in Scripture, most of it was kept verbal, and thus accessible to the outside world only by learning directly from the Jews. G-d instructed the Jewish people to keep the Spoken World out of Scripture, in large part specifically to force gentiles to realize they can’t understand G-d’s Will apart from the entire context of Jewish tradition. G-d was putting a barrier in the way of false religions — such as Christianity and Islam — that claim they have complete access to G-d’s Wisdom without depending on Jewish traditions and teachings.

    False Religions = Christianity?? Hmmmm.

    Well, anyway, here is the Bill info:
    Public Law 102–14 (H.J. Res. 104): March 20, 1991
    Education Day, USA Proclamation
    Joint Resolution to designate March 26, 1991 as “Education Day, USA”
    Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;

    Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;

    Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;

    Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;

    Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;

    Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world;

    Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;

    Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, “the rebbe”, this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of “education and giving”, the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and

    Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore be it

    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as “Education Day. U.S.A.”. The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

    Approved March 20, 1991.

  19. Seth Says:

    ChosenOnes –

    I believe you are overreacting to a non-situation here.

    The Noahide laws conform, for the most part, to Old Testament teachings which were adapted in the New Testament.

    By endorsing these laws, officially or otherwise, Bush Sr. was not imposing anything on anyone that wasn’t already law in some way or other.

    Being a Jew myself and having friends and colleagues of both the Orthodox and Conservative persuations, I have never heard any reference to these laws at all as applied in any official capacity, even throughout religious discussions.

    Because a Christian follows the Ten Commandments, does that mean he’s been legally suborned by Judaism?

    What I see here is a sectarian issue, not a Judaism-wide movement by any means. Sorry, no conspiracies of any potential potency.

  20. ChosenOnes Says:

    Well, the Bill itself and the link to
    a Noahide site seem to have been removed.

    What I’ll just say then is that, as a
    Jew, I’m sure you would not be comfortable
    knowing that legally you could be asked
    not to worship God or be deemed an idolator,
    which is what happens according to this
    law if we worship Jesus as God or celebrate
    Christian holidays.

    In what I posted from the Jewish Noahide
    site, it stated that Christianity is a
    false religion.

    So, I think I’ll stay alert, regardless
    of your assurances that everything will
    be A-Okay.

  21. ChosenOnes Says:

    Do me a favor and let me know if
    my last two posts were censored by
    you. I thought it was christianZionists
    who do those things. Apparently it
    is also Jewish Zionists?

  22. Seth Says:

    ChosenOnes –

    First off, I neglected to welcome you to Hard Astarboard. Welcome!

    Second, the reason for the email bit is because I do reserve the right to publish the email addresses of the kinds of trolls we all get from time to time who push extreme bigotry/ hate speech and/ or the sort of stuff that relates to incitement to violence related to the above.

    Third, unlike liberal blogs, I do not censor commenters for expressing their opinions; unless they make it plain that they are commenting only and aggressively for malicious purposes, which even then takes a lot of abusiveness before I ban them — some say I’m too easygoing, but what can I say?

    Moving right along, as I said in my earlier reply, those Noahide “laws” advocated by Bush, Sr are adhered to by Christians as a matter of belief, anyway, and in no way deny any of the tenets of Christianity. Further, the United States was founded on Christian principles and therefore, since Christian belief also references the Old Testament, Judeo-Christian principles.

    George, Sr was not adding anything in his legislation, he was merely reaffirming what our founding fathers and most of today’s Americans already believe, despite the atheist movement endorsed by liberals and the Democratic party they’ve bought up in the last couple of decades, who seem to have declared war on Christianity of late. Even then, they do not comprise the numbers the public has been led to believe. The left-leaning mainstream media has a way of hammering at an issue until the public perceives it as being true.

    As far as those Jews claiming (by the way, I’m not a Zionist, though I do believe that the Israelis are entitled to the land comprising Israel) that Judaism is the only valid religion, they are an extreme minority. I have spent a lot of time in the deep south, and met some southern Baptist congregations that believed theirs were the only valid beliefs, that Jews were satanic and that Catholics were evil. You will find extreme believers in severely limited quantity in most religions though, getting back to the topic of the post that originated this comment thread, unlike Islam’s believers, these others neither have commands in their scriptures to murder “nonbelievers” nor do they go out and slaughter innocent people in the name of their deity.

  23. ChosenOnes Says:

    Well, Seth, I applaud you for not censoring,
    as a ‘christian’ Zionist site did yesterday
    and for the nice email explaining same.

    However, the Noahide site clearly states
    that Christianity is considered a false

    Not only that, I still will not be forced
    to worship or obey any laws that are not
    in the Bible, and these are not. Nor am
    I under Law, even from the Bible, but
    under grace, through faith in the atoning
    sacrifice of Jesus, not through animal
    sacrifice or law.

    There is a problem here for me, as a Gentile
    and as a Christian, despite your calm
    reassurances. And religion of any kind
    has no place in Bills of the Federal
    Government, especially anything that hints
    of tainting freedom of religion.

    No, I am not convinced one tiny bit.
    But thank you for your input.

    I hope others will investigate more the sites
    for Hasidic Gentilism, as this same
    Lubavitch group is hoping to get Christians
    to deny Christ and become ‘Hasidic Gentiles’
    as well as having the Noahide Laws put in
    place as binding law.

    Again, I don’t like it even a little and
    I doubt Jews would if it were law that
    you must come under grace and Paul’s
    teachings on grace versus law or you would
    be technically a criminal. Breaking law
    makes one a criminal, which makes Christians
    who acknowledge Jesus as God criminals,
    according to Noahide Law.

  24. Seth Says:

    ChosenOnes –

    It is quite obvious that we will agree to disagree here.

    Every religion in the world has its tiny fundamentalist cells that latch on to one set of scriptures or one interpretation of an ancient religious document and make it the nucleus of their beliefs, and in this age of the Internet, most of them have websites.

    The site(s) to which you refer are a perfect example of such cults, groups that speak only for ther insignificant selves, not for even a significant fraction of their co-religionists.

    As to Bush endorsing the Noahide laws, he was not speaking for such cults, he was speaking for the laws of decency to which the original Noahide documentation refers. Bear in mind that the Noahide laws came thousands of years before Christianity was established, and that what Bush referred to were laws that are applicable to Christianity.

    Tell me — there is a church whose congregation shows up and boycotts the funerals of Iraq veterans, claiming loudly in front of the surviving families, friends, etc that these brave soldiers died because the U.S. allows homosexuality. Because this church claims to be Christian, am I to assume that all Christians endorse showing up at funerals and doing as these people do? Obviously not! I have scores of Christian friends, and not one of them has anything but contempt for the above mentioned church.

    Yet you take a couple of websites owned by miniscule, isolated cults and judge all of Judaism by them. All I can say is that I wish you well….

  25. ChosenOnes Says:

    Big difference here. This ‘little cult’
    as you put it was able to get a law
    passed which can be enforced at any time
    and which would make it illegal for me
    to worship Christ as God. Wish me well,
    but know that getting such a law passed
    shows great influence.

  26. ChosenOnes Says:

    Not only does this ‘little cult’ have the influence
    to get Federal Law passed making it illegal for
    me to worship Christ as God, but it also conducts
    a large and well known telethon with major
    stars of the entertainment industry raising money
    for its’ ‘little projects’ like denying my religious
    rights every here here in So. California. It’s the
    same Lubavitch group.

    Wish me well but instead fight to protect my religious
    rights by having this law removed from our country’s
    federal legal system. I’d much prefer that.

    Or would, again, you like me to work to have a
    federal law passed making it illegal for you not
    to worship Christ as God?

    P.S. Thanks for your welcome!

  27. Seth Says:

    ChosenOnes –

    No law was passed that forbids you to worship Christ as G-d, you are either exaggerating or reading a lot more into the legislation than exists. The only parties in this country that are attempting to deprive anyone of their right to freedom of worship are atheist liberals.

    The Bush family are Bible believing Christians. Why would Bush, Sr even dream of pushing anti-Christian legislation?

    The Lubavitch folks are a sub-sect of the Jewish religion (I actually attended a Yom Kippur service of theirs in San Francisco a few years ago — interestingly enough, the rabbi disappointed a lot of the young Orthodox Jews there, because they prefer holding services in Ivrit to preserve tradition, and he conducted most of it in English), and they represent a small minority of Jews. The majority of us are conservatives, the most integrated sect, and an increasingly large number are Reform, especially those liberal Jews who have not entirely forsaken G-d.

    I lived in California, mostly San Francisco, for years, in fact I moved here to Charlotte from SF in late 2005, and nothing that happens in California surprises me. The folks out there who do as you describe are all living in their own little world, completely removed from the realities of the rest of the planet. Therefore, I give very little creedence to anything of that nature that happens in that state. :-)

    I can only hope that you take a longer and harder look at the issue and realize that you are either misreading things or getting an overreacting POV from an extreme thinking source or sources.

  28. ChosenOnes Says:

    You said that Judaism does not support
    killing? Of course it does, and anyone
    who has studied the Old Testament knows
    that. And Israel today (which is NOT
    the Israel of the Old Testament by any
    means or comparisons) uses Talmudic Law,
    your oral traditions (which only YOU can
    know…we goy have to ‘come through you’
    to hear it and then are supposed to believe
    God gave it to your rabbis), uses their
    ‘place with God’ to justify dispossessing
    Palestinians of their homes and land
    and killing even their small children
    through ‘terrorist witch-hunts’, bombing
    homes before making sure innocents aren’t
    in the area, or ‘accidentally’ bombing
    elementary schools where Palestinian
    children are killed.

    Shall I bring you a link to the atrocitites
    by Israel that human rights groups keep
    check on? The Israelis are always way
    ahead in their ‘kill ratios’.

  29. Seth Says:

    ChosenOnes –

    The “Palestinians” were created when the Jews resettled in Israel in the last century. The Israelis offered them co-citizenship and even gave them housing and other benefits. Unfortunately, early on the rest of the Arab world, led by Egypt and Syria, ran a con job on them and financed guerilla activities against the Jews.

    Since then, Israel has bent over backwards to compromise in the interests of peace, and kept every deal they’ve made, concession by concession. The “Palestinians”, on the other hand, have not delivered on a single concession — every time Israel compromises, it is interpreted as a sign of weakness and a new rash of terrorism begins.

    You have only to look at the Palestinians’ response to the ceding of the Gaza Strip to them by Israel: They were crowing, even before the territory was given them, about how well terrorism had worked in getting it for them and vowing to ramp up the terror and gain even more territory. In fact, they almost immediately began using Gaza as a weapons platform to launch rockets into Israeli towns.

    Have you ever read the Hamas charter, with its self descriptive mission of murdering all Jews?

    Virtually every military action Israel has taken has been a response to a terrorist act, yet that seems to be ignored by the MSM, the UN and the Euro countries, primarily France, for all of whom Israel’s very existence is an inconvenience.

    I have debated this issue on this very blog countless times, however, and have too much work (making a living wise) to rehash it all again. All I can say is that the information sources from which you draw your opinions are seriously flawed. A great deal of my own information comes from colleagues who have professional reasons for knowing facts, industry seminars and from reading reports in media venues from both sides of the Israel-Arab debate.

    It is also within the requisites of my professional specialties to have an in-depth knowledge of terrorism and its practitioners, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and other groups concerned with Israel.

    That said, I will not have this debate again. I am unfortunately saddled with a private/ business life that commands too much of my time to flog a horse that has been flogged all too many times already. Sorry.