December 1, 2006

A Couple Of Days Off

Following the recent decision of my awesome blog friend(why don’t we get to meet more such people in person!!!?) Atheling2’s very good example, I’m taking a couple of days off…. from politics.

Things get so goldarned frustrating in these days of liberal political dominance that, well… I’m taking a couple of days off from it all. Tomorrow, I have a ton of stuff going on — actually, as it’s 1:16 AM, today is a bit more apt.

I have a red pasta sauce going in the kitchen, ground prime rib, chiante, ’shrooms (no, not that kind, Cheech!), peppers, lots of fresh garlic… I decided last night to go all out, and have much mellow ancient Jefferson Airplane music playing, stuff like DCBA 25, My Best Friend, Comin’ Back To me, How Do You Feel?, etc. C’mon, if you wanna hear a guy who can sing Rock without raising his voice, Marty Balin’s the one. (Of course I’m not ignoring Eric Clapton, gimme a break!) Yeah, yeah, I know it’s zero dark hundred hours, but I’m one of those folks for whom the time of day (or night) is relative to my own activities rather than the other way around.

Or something like that… Hell you know what I mean, I hope.

I’m getting ready to rent out my house while I am engaged in earning my daily bread elsewhere, and tomorrow will be the day all the cosmetic things need to be done, along with realtor stuff. I love this house and I’ve poured time, work and money into making it and the 1/3rd acre of property as a whole into what I can only call my ultimate ideal for a home, so I’m gonna be all but oppressively discerning as to whom I lease it out to.

The realty guy is all cash business, hardcore bottom line, etc, so he’s going to be at least a bit taken aback — I’m going to rent the property expensively furnished and with every appliance and amenity known to man — just bring clothes and a shower kit — and be prepared to pay the utilities and so forth, and a monthly rent that is high for this part of the country but well worth it.

If I’d already figured out how to put pics in my blog, I’d show you what I mean, but doing so would require stuff that for now would require time and attention I simply don’t have. So maybe later….

I finally just received a book I’ve been dying to read for awhile, Mark Steyn’s America Alone, but I even have to place that in the second slot because I’ve promised to read a new book (I’ve received and begun reading an advance copy) and review it on this blog, a book about the valiant U.S. Marines 3rd Infantry, 1st Battalion and their taking of Fellujah. I’ve begun reading the book and find it rivetting, and look forward to finishing it and writing my review. To tell the truth, I’m both humbled and honored that the publisher asked me; It’s the first time I’ve ever received a book in the mail that was “Advance Reading Copy…. Not For Sale”. Wow!

Wow, indeed, we’ve moved into the excellent track by Quarterflash, Harden My Heart. I really like things mellow and relaxing, though I know a lot of younger conservative bloggers are enamoured of the blasting, screaming, heavy metal stuff.

While a recording like For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her is among my favorites, however, I also enjoy groups like Veruca Salt and Lacuna Coil. Look that up in your Funk & Wagnall’s!

Am I drifting? Yeah, you’re right, I am.

In the manuscript I’m working on (a novel) Travis James, a retired CIA paramilitary type has just met with DEA SAC (Chicago) Elena Munoz to discuss his helping her office in nailing a major drug ring in DeWitt County, Illinois run by local officials, but… at the same time, he’s being called upon by the Agency to address a spectacular terrorist act destined(though there are no actual facts as to where at the time) to go down at and during a major global security conference (not attended by politicians, but by actual security experts) in a Nevada casino hotel… Needless to say, though it’s a lot of work, I’m having tons of fun with that. If I ever get published, Travis James will appear in future novels, as will lead character security consultant Eric Thomas. If not, well… Que Serra Serra, they’re enjoyable to work with….

In the meantime, I’ll keep my trap shut re further details, until and if my book plans reach fruition.

Gotta go deal with the sauce, talk at you later….

by @ 10:07 pm. Filed under Just Talking
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14 Responses to “A Couple Of Days Off”

  1. Gayle Says:

    Enjoy the time off, Seth. With all that you’ve got going on I don’t see how you’ve had time to blog at all.

    You mentioned putting pictures on your blog. With two sidebars I don’t know if you’ve got room for them. If you decide to try it and need any help, just holler.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. HinzSightTeam Says:

    Ah…a few days off…good for you. There are enough of us to keep up the pressure, but we’ll need you back soon!

    Gordon Taylor

  3. BB-Idaho Says:

    Looking forward to your novel, but
    anticipate it may have too many
    culinary episodes for my ‘taste’.
    (especially if there is Po-210 in the
    sushi). It sounds like a noble enterprise, good luck!

  4. Seth Says:

    Gayle –

    Thanks, it will be well and busily spent.

    ****Speaking of Merry Christmas, and me the (not always so nice) Jewish boy, I’ve already responded to a sale offer from Best Buy (with whom I spent nearly 20k last January) with an explanation that unless the word “Christmas” is prominently displayed in both their promotions and stores, they will get no business from me this time out, and am doing the same re a discount coupon from Dell, from whom I bought 3 computers as gifts last year, who also seem unable to get beyond “Season’s Greetings”. :-)

  5. Seth Says:

    Gordon –

    Welcome, and thanks!

  6. Seth Says:

    BB –

    LOL, no, there may be one or two culinary episodes, since Travis James, among his less lethal talents, likes to cook, and one or two restaurant interludes at establishments that are not made up (the establishments, not the interludes). It will be pretty fast paced with a lot going on in several places at once, and I have several very well developed characters.

    No sushi, I only eat a limited variety, such as tuna, and even that gets heavily dipped in mustard.

    Someday I’ll expound upon the major sushi dinner in which I participated, back in my Wall Street days, while entertaining a branch ops mgr from out of town who had grown up in Okinawa.

  7. atheling2 Says:

    LOL, Seth:

    Well, I took a break but I’m back. Too much stuff going on! My last post is about the Pope’s visit to Turkey (Thank you, Lord, for bringing him back safely!), and the speculations thereof.

    You DO have a lot on your plate! (pun intended) I hadn’t realized that you were also writing a novel! I wish I had the time to also do some serious writing, but things like work and blogging keep getting in the way!

    Bravo to you for your stance on Christmas! I plan to send a nice religious Christmas card to the ACLU this year. Also, I walked into a Walmart (gasp!) last night and the greeter said “Merry Christmas” to us! It was delightful, and we all exclaimed “Merry Christmas!” back to him!

  8. Seth Says:

    Atheling2 –

    I just got my annual card from “George and Laura”.

    White House envelope, Crawford postmark including “Happy Holidays” over the stamp.

    The Bossman eased around the entire kerfuffle. Drawing of the White House, Christmas tree out front with wreaths in the windows. Yay, snow!!!!

    No greetings phrases at all.

    Inside, Psalms 119:105 quote, then:

    May the light of the season
    shine bright in your heart
    now and in the New Year

    signed signed

    The Christmas tree is a good touch, LOL.

  9. Shoprat Says:

    I have avoided politics for a couple days but will get back on it soon. There is so much going on, even in the non-political spheres, that there is always something to talk about, that is if you have the time and inclination. (I sometimes don’t)

  10. Seth Says:

    Shoprat –

    I occasionally reach the point where I’m so durned teeth-gnashing angry about the sheer — something — of current political issues that I feel society as a whole would be better served if I simply shut down for a couple of days, and lately I’ve been feeling just that way. :-)

  11. wordsmith Says:

    I blog-sat for Gary at Ex-Donkey, another site, and loading pictures is a piece of cake. Take the time to learn how; it’ll probably take you all of five minutes.

    We all need breaks from politics. From all things in life, for that matter.

    Hope your batteries are recharged when you get back.

  12. Seth Says:

    Wordsmith –

    Thanks, they are beginning to charge, LOL.

    Having visited your site many times, I can say without doubt that when it comes to the technical aspects of blogging, your piece of cake is probably my from-scratch skyscraper construction project. :-(

  13. ABF Says:

    Hmmmm … your rent can’t be any worse then the rents up here. A single small one bedroom apartment is now up to 875.00 a month, so something like your describing would probably come in around 2500.00-3000.00 a month.

    Have a great time off!

  14. Seth Says:

    AB –

    I wish! North Carolina has low real estate prices compared to, say NY or California. I will get a good rent because it is fully and well furnished and will include some ass-kicking amenities, but not quite that high. I still have to see what the market will bear, and am looking into the possibility of a corporate tenant, which would be more lucrative.

    I’m about ready to start blogging again, though my first post will probably be the book review.