July 9, 2005

Wal Mart’s Detractors

Liberals attack Wal Mart the same way a pitbull does a trespasser on his master’s property. Why?

Low wages without any chance of unionization. Total outsourcing, most of the chain stores’ inventories made in China. One of America’s most profound corporate success stories(the libs who program the opinions of Democrats today mostly have their own successful businesses, megasalaries or equally outsourced or “oppressive” corporations, but they conveniently leave them out of any assaults on “corporate America.”) Bottom line? They’re a prime target.

It matters little(if at all) to these liberals that Wal Mart makes it possible for low income families to enjoy the same luxuries and even necessities that upper income families do. Granted, they may not be manufactured in the U.S.A., but at least they’re affordable to those customers who can’t afford union-made American products. Why shouldn’t a rural American who does a necessary job for $16,000.00 a year have a DVD player, a computer or be able to buy socks without spending money he needs to feed his children?

If Wal Mart was a union shop, they would have to readjust their pricing upwards, and that would mean less revenues from elements of the population that depend on the rock bottom prices to shop there. Or it would mean making adjustments such as staff reductions. Remember, people are in business to make money, and when the profits subside, they cut their losses via layoffs or termination of the the business(es) in question.

Wal Mart employs hundreds of thousands of people, significantly people in rural areas where there are otherwise no jobs at all and a lot of grateful employees stay with them forever.

The big city liberals who oppose Wal Mart’s existence do not speak for the chain’s customers, nor do they speak for Wal Mart employees. They speak only for themselves and their partisan political agendas. Some prick in L.A., San Francisco or New York who earns $100,000.00+ per year could care less about someone in the “Flyover Zone” who doesn’t have the income to buy a major American brand nor any job options outside the local Wal Mart.

FUCK these sanctimonious liberals!

by @ 9:29 pm. Filed under Liberal Agendas
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