June 26, 2006
Mark Steyn’s kicking some serious butt this week, and making me laugh my touchas off at the same time, with this column.
You gotta hand it to these guys: “Redeployment” is ingenious. I’ll bet the focus-group consultants were delirious: “surrender,” “lose,”,”scram,” “scuttle ignominiously,” “head for the hills” all polled poorly, but “redeploy” surveyed well with all parts of the base, except the base in Okinawa, where they preferred “sayonara” — that’s “redeploy” in any language. The Defeaticrats have a clear message for the American people. Read da ploy: No new quagmires.
Read the column and see if you don’t — heh heh — laugh your ass off at the way Steyn presents a too-true state of affairs.
Don’t drink your coffee while you read the column, or you might spew it all over your keyboard.