July 2, 2005

Mahmoud Abbas, Dumbass

I found this article  in tomorrow’s Haaretz online(time zones, remember).

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has invited the militant group Hamas to join his cabinet immediately so the two can jointly oversee the smooth handover of the Gaza Strip following Israel’s withdrawal under the disengagement plan this summer, a Hamas official said Friday.


Hamas is considering the offer….



What was it Abba Eban said, “The Palestinians never miss the chance to lose an opportunity,” or something like that?

Does Abbas really think the Israelis will maintain benevolent diplomatic relations with, let alone negitiate with a government comprised in part by a terrorist organization?

It seems like every time peace negotiations over there begin moving forward, the Palestinians find some way to sabotage them.


“Hamas is a murderous terrorist organization responsible for countless acts of senseless violence against innocent civilians,”(Israeli foreign Ministry spokesman Mark) Regev told the Associated Press. ”Hamas is no partner for us in any sort of political process. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution,” he said.


Did I say Mahmoud Abbas is a dumbass?

He’s got to be, unless….

….he’s doing this to forestall any Israeli concessions in order to prolong the violence, which would no doubt suit the al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and all the rest of the asshats whose only true ambitions involve killing Jews and causing whatever collateral damage(tourists, fellow Arabs, etc.) they can in the process.

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by @ 12:48 am. Filed under Israel and the Palestinians
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