June 10, 2006

Liberalism In Action

What are we supposed to make of this?

Environmental Protection Agency (Funded by your tax dollars) Celebrates Gay And Lesbian Pride Month
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), your tax supported agency of the federal government, is currently promoting June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.

The theme for the month is “Pride, not Prejudice.”

The EPA Office of Civil Rights, Diversity Program for Sexual Orientation, is sponsoring an opening event to be held on June 14. On June 28 EPA will hosts Gilles Marchildon, Executive Director for Egale Canada (Equality Canada) as a guest speaker.

Karen Higginbotham, Director, Office of Civil Rights, states there will be other activities in which the homosexual lifestyle will be celebrated in EPA offices across the country.

I thought you might like to know that the EPA, funded by your tax dollars, has joined the push for the homosexual agenda.

To see the official notice which went out to all EPA employees, click here.

As I’ve said before, I’ve lived in big cities for most of the adult years of my own half century on the planet – New York, San Francisco, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago, to name a few, and I have several gay friends.

But — What they do “between the sheets” is their concern, not mine, not anyone else’s. It’s a “lifestyle” they chose, are turned on by, belong in, whatever, but it’s their lifestyle, their sexual and social preference, their business.
That said, how does it come to pass that a federal agency whose funding comes out of my tax dollars –- and yours – is using our money to stroke, glorify and otherwise honor an “alternative lifestyle” whose practitioners are an even smaller minority than the smallest ethnic minority we acknowledge? Where is the representation in this taxation?

For that matter, why does the Environmental Protection Agency even have an “Office Of Civil Rights, Diversity Program For Sexual Orientation”? What has that to do with environmental protection, and why am I paying for it? I follow the news and the activities of the government pretty closely, but I sure as hell don’t remember ever hearing or reading that the EPA was spending my taxes on logistics, salaries and benefits for a bunch of folks comprising a “sexual orientation” committee.

I mean, WTF!?

This is exactly what I mean when I expound upon the very real phenomenon of tax-and-spend liberals sneaking up on us. They infect our government agencies with their PC programs, programs that don’t accomplish anything as far as the respective agencies’ responsibilities are concerned, but satisfy, at mega-expense to the American taxpayer, the socialist whims of the liberals that have infested the once credible Democratic Party. In the case-in-point, they are using our money to stroke their gay constituency.

If America’s founding fathers saw this crap going down, they’d hang their heads in shame….

–H/T President Donald E. Wildmon,
American Family Association

by @ 4:11 pm. Filed under WTF!!!!?
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3 Responses to “Liberalism In Action”

  1. Mustang Says:

    I’m not sure why we are “celebrating” homosexuality. I suppose one could say that we celebrate the heterosexual lifestyle every time a couple gets married, but I don’t recall a NORMAL SEX MONTH at any time in the last sixty or so years.

    And I complete agree with your concern; why is the EPA beating this drum? Although, when you speak to industrialists about the EPA, they do refer to them as co#*%@!ers. So then, what’s next? Isn’t NAMBLA also demanding the celebration of their lifestyle?

    Sheesh. Our society is going to hell in a handbasket.

  2. Raven Says:

    Seth this is part of the movement…that I spoke of recently at SPR. It began with the Feminists back in the 1960’s and to this day, every check point on the list is being met. Infiltrate our government with diversity groups and promotion- it’s called. This isn’t about a celebration of what happens between sheets….this is about an agenda that is designed to truly make men obsolete. I know a lot of people think it’s funny and over the top…it’s not.

  3. Seth Says:

    Mustang — What this EPA thing makes me wonder, being that they’re only one of many government agencies, how much of this is going on throughout the rest of the fed agencies, as well.

    In fact, I’m going to call and email some politicians tomorrow(Monday) and some friends who work in gubmint, to find out if there is a way to learn how much more of this BS we’re paying for throughout the government.

    In the course of many years of private sector employment, none of the firms I’ve worked for felt the need to establish a “gay pride” section, or any other sort of department with the mission of mollycoddling any specific social group. If private sector employees, from whom harder work, often longer hours and more in the way of excellence is demanded for lesser benefits packages and often smaller renumeration, can get through the work day without such employer expenditures being necessary, it stands to reason that so can federal employees without our taxes being expended on same. The fact that this is happening under a Republican Administration is appalling, at best, the “compassionate conservative” bit notwithstanding. Let The Boss be “compassionate” with his own money.

    Raven –

    I remember that. :-)
    It seems almost like the liberals have developed their own working subculture inside the “system”.
    I saw a lot of that in its “advanced state” just living in San Francisco, where all the farthest liberal idiocy that most people in other places would have a hard time believing, is a glaring, day-to-day reality, completely the norm.

    I totally agree with Mustang, our society’s going to hell in a handbasket.