May 8, 2006

Animals Fighting Among Themselves

Pick a side in this bit of infighting, then wonder how the U.N., our own President and Israeli liberals can be so gung-ho about ceding territory to the Palestinians, and allowing either Hamas or Fatah to govern it and maintain any sort of peaceful relations with Israel. Well, I suppose the U.N.’s support for either the old or the new Palestinian administrations running things doesn’t provoke a whole lot of wonder, since as a collective body they are much more comfortable supporting terrorists and totalitarian regimes than they are free countries, and they have, by their past involvements, made it quite clear that they wish Israel would simply go away.

Hamas and Fatah leaders called for calm Monday, after clashes between armed supporters of the two groups in the Gaza Strip left three people dead.

The Hamas militant and two Fatah gunmen were
killed overnight when members of the two groups opened fire with assault rifles and an anti-tank missile in the most serious outbreak of fighting between the rival organizations since Hamas took power. At least 11 others were wounded, medical personnel said.

I’m neither shocked nor particularly disturbed by this development, the former because both major Palestinian parties are terrorist organizations, and as such are supported and staffed by animals who will always find a reason to kill other human beings, the latter because it can only be good for Israel if a bunch of these ignorant, murderous-clowns-from-hell kill each other off.

Of course, I can see why Fatah might harbor ill feelings toward Hamas — with losing the elections to them, Fatah also loses the monopoly they had on pocketable foreign aid, you know, the green stuff earmarked for the well-being of the Palestinian masses that somehow found its way into the Swiss bank accounts of the late unlamented Yassir Arafat and close political associates, or was invested in necessary Palestinian diplomatic equipment like smallarms and explosives.

Fatah, which ruled Palestinian politics for four decades, has been fighting with Hamas since the Islamic group won the January parliamentary elections. The rivals are vying for control of the security forces, with Hamas becoming increasingly frustrated that international sanctions are preventing it from paying salaries.

Sure, they need the “aid” funding. How else could they afford buy those essential tools they require in order to continue diplomatic relations with Israel, and now apparently with each other? It’s got to be said… These people call their belief system The Religion Of Peace, so what does that make Judaism and Christianity? Even during times of intense friction between Democrats and Republicans, we don’t see two-party shootouts on the Hill and we certainly don’t have Dems abducting Republicans and vice-versa.

So, as I said, sure, they need the aid funding…

Each group has been training its gunmen for possible confrontation, and Hamas recently outbid Fatah in buying a black market shipment of 100,000 bullets.

And the “International Community” wants these killer troglodytes to have political autonomy in territories better left under the more responsible, 21st Century control of the Israelis.

I could ask, “What’s this world coming to?”, but I’m afraid I’d be a little late — I think it’s already” there”.

by @ 7:34 am. Filed under Israel and the Palestinians
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