November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We at Hard Astarboard wish our friends and your families a Happy Thanksgiving.

by @ 12:16 pm. Filed under Happy Thanksgiving
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4 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. The Gray Monk Says:

    I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving - and Hannukah when it comes up.

  2. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk

    Thanks, it was almost perfect: For perfect, we would have needed Seth and my Wolf to have been there.

    Re Hannukah, while Seth is Jewish, I am Catholic and Wolf is Protestant. In raising our two sons, we had quite a compromise though it was more in my favor since I’m a little more devout than Wolf (which comes from a “hispanic” upbringing). :-)

  3. The Gray Monk Says:

    My apologies, though, as Christianity arises from Judaism, there is no harm in celebrating Hanakah as well! I hope the absent pair are taking care, and that they will be home for Christmas.

  4. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk

    Me, too! :-)