June 14, 2012

Barack Hussein and Islam, and a related topic or two…

Despite President Hopenchange’s herculean efforts to kow tow to his fellow Islamist, he doesn’t seem to be doing too well on the popularity front in Muslim countries.

A Pew Research survey released on Wednesday showed that President Barack Obama’s popularity has reached record lows among Muslims.


The Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes survey found the approval of Obama’s policies in Muslim-majority countries plummeted from an average 34 percent to 15 percent. In Pakistan, where Osama bin Laden was killed, approval is the lowest — coming in at 7 percent. Muslim attitudes toward America and confidence in Obama also decreased.

More than 26,000 people from 21 countries took part in the survey, taken between March 17 and April 20.

As an aside, though, Ol’ Barry’s popularity doesn’t seem to be reaching any sort of pinnacle elsewhere, either.

Worldwide approval of Obama has also declined significantly, especially with regards to foreign policy, and overall confidence in Obama and attitudes toward America have declined modestly.

Obama focused much of his early foreign policy on improving what he called America’s global standing, saying in 2008 that he wanted “to go before the world community and say ‘America is back,’” and “send a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says: You matter to us, your future is our future, and our moment is now.”

When selecting Vice President Joe Biden, Obama said he wanted to put an end to failed foreign policy and “renew America’s security and standing in the world.”

But the Pew numbers show that even in Europe, approval of Obama’s policies decreased from 78 percent in 2009 to 63 percent in 2012. European confidence in Obama decreased from 86 to 80 percent, and favorable attitudes toward America decreased from 67 to 60 percent.

Pew’s survey marks a significant turning point from surveys conducted at the end of Obama’s first year. A 2010 Gallup poll found that global approval of the United States’ global leadership increased from 34 percent in 2008 to 51 percent in 2009.

The survey also found more than half the people in 17 of 20 countries disapprove of the use of drone strikes to target extremist leaders and groups, and clear majorities in Britain, Germany, France and Spain say China is the world’s economic leader.

In 2008, before the worldwide financial crisis, 45 percent said the U.S. economy led the world, and only 22 percent said China. Today, only 36 percent say the U.S., and 42 percent believe China’s economy is leading.

Obama for America has thus far remained silent about the recent Pew survey, focusing their attention instead on Romney’s foreign policy.

They probably figure that if zeroing in on Mitt doesn’t work, they can always go bck to blaming Bush.

But back to the Muslim angle, you’d think the Islamic folks would still love Obama. He does, after all, bend over backwards, through the workings of his administration, to give their “spokespersons” every possible advantage to express themselves.

He really does, doesn’t he?

The Department of Justice and the FBI are revising their counterterrorism training material to remove “inaccurate and biased information” at the direction of Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller. The Department of Homeland Security, which uses the most funding for counterterrorism training, recently issued new guidelines on “countering violent extremism.” Why the sudden need for drastic change?

On Nov. 15, 2011, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) National launched a coordinated campaign across the country, with its various chapters requesting records from local, state and federal agencies on their use of taxpayer dollars to fund “Islamophobic training.” The campaign involves 87 filings for records requests across 15 cities nationwide.

CAIR-Michigan’s civil rights director claims CAIR wants these records to ensure that law enforcement is using trainers who provide “objective and unbiased information” to protect Americans from “violent extremists.” CAIR expressed particular concern that tax dollars are being “wasted” on “agenda-driven, inaccurate, or Islamophobic” training and materials.

For years, CAIR has led an aggressive campaign against “Islamophobia.” In the past, its targets have included individuals and corporations whose words, actions or package designs smack of insults to Muslims, as seen through the eyes of CAIR.

Now CAIR’s target is national security. CAIR’s professed goal is to wipe out bigotry, insensitivity and “unfair” bias. So what’s wrong with that?

CAIR, which presents itself as the country’s leading American-Muslim civil rights organization, is, in fact, a radical Islamist organization that is extreme in its goals and tactics. It was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terror-funding trial in the history of the United States.

Yes, and the Obama Administration does its best to kiss–kiss–kiss CAIR’s U-KNOW-WHAT.

What a friend we have in CAIR.

Though it is expert in public relations, it cannot escape the fact that its roots stem from the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Association of Palestine and that it has close ties to Hamas. Several of its former leadership members have been arrested and convicted on terrorism-related charges or other felonies, and numerous others are being monitored by the FBI. Despite its claims of representing “mainstream Muslim Americans,” the FBI finally has wised up and cut all ties with CAIR.

Of course they have…

Now, CAIR’s document requests and demands for “investigations” not only pressure conformance in wiping out alleged “Islamophobia,” but hinder national security procedures. The document reproduction, litigation preparation, replies to letter and phone campaigns, and constant barrage of pressure constitute the true waste of taxpayer resources.

Whether out of political correctness or this administration’s love affair with political-Islamist organizations, a multitude of government agencies across the country on local, state and federal levels is cleansing themselves of any mention of Islamic terrorism.

Expert trainers in counterterrorism who have worked for years with the CIA, FBI, National Counterterrorism Center and local police departments are suddenly being told to stay home. Counterterrorism training material is being rewritten, as are the underlying facts.

Sometimes, the truth hurts. Although mention of Islamic terrorism should not serve to indict all Muslims, it is equally false to believe that Islamic terrorism is nonexistent.

It is somewhat understandable that individuals and corporations have capitulated to CAIR in the face of severe financial or existential threats, but there is no excuse for the government to succumb. To pretend that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all playing an equal role in the global terrorist network and the movement to undermine Western freedom from within does not constitute “fairness.” Rather, it’s flat-out false. What’s fair is placing fault where it belongs. To do otherwise is not only foolhardy, it constitutes a national security threat.

The most recent moves by this administration seemingly in capitulation to a terror-affiliated entity are unprecedented and must be stopped. Those who truly care about national security should keep these facts in mind when election time rolls around in November.

Did anybody mention OBAMACAIR?

by @ 10:40 am. Filed under The President
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10 Responses to “Barack Hussein and Islam, and a related topic or two…”

  1. The Gray Monk Says:

    Can anyone request under FOI a range of documents from CAIR showing their activities in promoting anti-US or anti-Israel misinformation? That should, if done on a State by State basis, repeated, of course, everytiime they release one document, you immediately request all related documents and records, tie them in knots for years.

  2. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk

    I wish it were that easy.

    While a number of CAIR’s officers have been PNG’d over the years for direct involvement with Hamas and other such delightful terrorist franchises, those people were caught out on their own “time”, so to speak.

    As an org, CAIR stays within the legal limits of the U.S. and uses the legal system to push their cause, which, though legal per se, seeks to protect terrorists from discovery by forcing, through the courts, PC measures and phony racism/discrimination lawsuits, etc.

  3. The Gray Monk Says:

    What you need then is a lawyer willing to spend all his/her time on sending them “evidence” requests and “further information” sweeps. It has an amazingly delaying effect on folk like this …

  4. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk

    If only….

    The problem is that CAIR is well funded by the same fine folks who also fund Hamas and other terrorist orgs, anti-western mosques, etc. A lot of that money comes from “our friends, the Saudis” via a number of lesser publicized princes and other denizens of the massive royal family over there.

    They could probably weather out anything anyone can hit them with, except maybe a direct assault by a SEAL team (now, there’s a thought!).

    On the bright side, the FBI and other government security and enforcement agencies, at least for the most part, haven’t quite been kissin’ ‘em you know where as much as they were only a few short years ago, and this despite B. Hussein Obama’s love for radical Islam.

    Knowing the way our system works, as soon as CAIR got flustered by an attorney’s continuous attention, they’d probably turn around and sue him for harrassment, keeping him so tied up in court over a protracted lawsuit that he’d be too occupied to continue going after them.

    After all, our Constitution gives our “enemies from within” all the rights they need to keep up a telling and perpetual attack on almost every aspect of our national security efforts.

    Speaking of Homeland Security, many liberals are wearing this tee shirt these days:


    Every time I see one, I have to say, “Homeland Security!? That doesn’t say much for their efforts, since…the Indians lost!:-)

  5. The Gray Monk Says:

    Says it all really, that teeshirt does …

  6. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk

    Yes,…Liberal based revisionist history at the least, which just goes to show how far “out there” they really are. They either believe what their “leaders” and Bolshevik media tell them, or disbelieve any reality that comes along that doesn’t jibe with the liberal point of view.

    As Reagan said, “It’s not that liberals are dumb, they just know so much that isn’t so.” :-)

  7. The Gray Monk Says:

    Reagan was a wily old bird - and that statement really does sum up liberals!

  8. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk

    Here at Hard Astarboard, Reagan remains our presidential icon! :-)

  9. The Gray Monk Says:

    I think, eventually, historians will be forced to rate him as one of your greatest Presidents. He certainly rose well above his critics.

  10. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk


    There’s much to be said for a president whose name still comes up in the course of political dialogue, nearly a quarter century (wow, time flies!) after he left office, significantly more than do the names of most who came after him.