July 21, 2011

The Effects of “Liberalism”?

I’ve been meaning to share this Dennis Prager column I read the other day, it speaks for itself, so there’s really nothing I can think of to add.

While liberals are certain about the moral superiority of liberal policies, the truth is that those policies actually diminish a society’s moral character. Many individual liberals are fine people, but the policies they advocate tend to make a people worse. Here are 10 reasons:

Read ‘em here and (if you despair of the damage these lefties have been and are continuing to do to our beloved country) weep. :-(

by @ 4:11 pm. Filed under Liberal Agendas
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6 Responses to “The Effects of “Liberalism”?”

  1. The Gray Monk Says:

    As soon as a ‘Liberal’ embraces a ‘policy’ or implements one - the Law of Unintended Consequences kicks in - but they refuse to recognise that the consequences are connected to their policy …

  2. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk

    Well said. :-)

    Their policies here in America have turned once peaceful minority neighborhoods into combat zones where honest people are afraid to step out of their homes, their policies created the mortgage crisis that snowballed into the economic problems we are now dealing with, their policies are responsible for bankrupted city and state governments and a whole plethora of other miseries that they have no trouble trying to pin on the Republicans, lying little libs that they are.

  3. The Gray Monk Says:

    Dr Goebels must be very proud of the way all ‘liberals’ follow his maxim of “tell a lie big enough and often enough and it becomes the truth.’

  4. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk

    He would undoubtedly be beaming proudly and saying, “I taught my children well.”

    Liberals do, after all, tend to subscribe to the worship of some interesting role models, like Che Guevara, the equally late Ho Chi Minh, Fidel, Hugo Chavez and other “notables” whom anyone with any grasp of reality would summarily shun. Liberals and reality don’t seem to mix all that well.

  5. The Gray Monk Says:

    Liberals and reality are complete strangers in my experience …

  6. Mrs Wolf Says:

    Gray Monk

    Amen! :-)