October 29, 2005


Cruising around the blogosphere, I’ve run into some spot-on posts I’d like to share.

For the “feminists” among us who bash the War on Terror as a way of bashing Bush, yet also purport to champion the cause of fellow women, RomeoCat at Cathouse Chat has a “right to the point” post about what these feminists and other liberals really support when they oppose the battle against the Muslim fundamentalists who are at war with us. Good read!

At GM’s Corner is a reality based look at “our friends,” the Saudis.

And Rightly So’s Raven’s got a great “pop quiz” up that explores the hypocrisy of a number of wealthy lefties who do the very same things they accuse the right of doing and condemn us for it.

Happy reading.

by @ 11:17 am. Filed under General
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