April 9, 2010

Two From The Left…

…from an exercise in idiotics to another skedaddler…

First we have a little Sebeliosity, bleaching just a smidgeon more character out of our everyday lives.

Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius said today that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is developing a new regulation that would require food manufacturers to display nutritional information on the front of packages.

This would mean that the front of a Wheaties box, for example, would display not only the smiling face of a famous athlete but also declare how many calories from fat are in each serving.

We Americans are obviously pretty dumb, if after all these years we haven’t figured out where to look on the side of a box, can or package, to read the nutrition information.

That is, if we are interested in doing so.

So, to compensate for our obtusesness, the information, courtesy of our micromanaging overseers in government, will be emblazoned across the front of the package where we can’t miss it.

Yes, I did refer to character — instead of the aisles lined by colorful packaging design, we’ll see plain white rectangles of “facts & figures” as we shop.

That’s very California-like: The politicians in California love their signs, notices and warnings, as they have more micromanagerial rules and more things they feel they must caution folks about than do most entire continents.

Of course, like our federal government these days, California is also run by far left liberals.

Meanwhile, we have another felonious Constitution-violating Kongressional kriminal heading for the tall timber with the usual rat-deserting-a-sinking-ship excuse that he wants to spend more time with his family.

Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak, targeted for defeat by Tea Party activists for his crucial role in securing House approval of the health care overhaul, said Friday he would retire from Congress this year.

The nine-term congressman told The Associated Press he could have won re-election and insisted he wasn’t being chased from the race by the Tea Party Express, which is holding rallies this week in his northern Michigan district calling for his ouster. Instead, Stupak said he was tired after 18 years in office and wanted to spend more time with his family.

It seems like an awful lot of the corrupt traitors (yes, they are, as well as stone felons: Every last one of those pieces of Kommie Krap took the oath to protect and defend the Constitution, so in my book, having both violated their oaths to G-d and the American people and shit on the Law of the Land, they should be prosecuted for felonies) who violated the Constitution in order to shackle us with the onslaught of ObamaCare have suddenly developed a shared yen to change their career tracks and spend more time with the ol’ family.

Right, of course — they’ve merely sacrificed themselves for the party, and no doubt the party will take care of them, since a bribe’s a bribe, right? These toilet cakes know they’re finished among the voters in their districts, so they’re “gracefully” bowing out.

Where are tar and feathers and the noose when we need them?

by @ 4:00 pm. Filed under Assholes, Weasels
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11 Responses to “Two From The Left…”

  1. BB-Idaho Says:

    The noose? Seth, I suspect you were at one of our local teaparty gatherings..
    “How many of you have watched the movie ‘Lonesome Dove?’” asked one speaker from the podium. “What happened to Jake when he ran with the wrong crowd? He got hung. And that’s what I want to do with (Sen.) Patty Murray.” **
    ..youse folks watch too much ‘Lonesome Dove’. :)
    On the other hand, you may be right. I wrote my congressman about WMDs in Iraq, having balanced the
    ‘War on the Infidel’ runup to my own experience in what constituted WMD infrastructure. You know, laid out that the 9/11 terrorists had nothing to do with Iraq, that we would get bogged down in lives and dollars and why pester a third rate country? Perhaps I was too polite, for I received reply he would vote for invading. Should I have called and given him a profanity-laced incoherant, ignorance-based diatribe…like I heard from the tapes Shupak got?
    T’ain’t in me. I’m American..and we are nice folks. :)
    Forget the noose…just don’t read the Wheaties box;
    it will help the indigestion….
    **here, for example

  2. Seth Says:

    BB –

    Never saw the movie, but I did read the book, as I am a fan of the author.

    I’d rather eat the Wheaties while watching footage of “the hangins’” :-)

    Profanity-laced incoherant, ignorance-based diatribes have their uses too — they constitute the output of the left side of many of the demonstrations/counter-demonstrations I’ve been to (and many columns by the rabid rogue economist, Paul Krugman), so I figure a bit of healthy “pay ‘em in their own coin” rhetoric can’t hurt.

    I do believe that violation of the Constitution by politicians, of which the current crop of Democrats on the Hill and His Majesty Emperor Obama the First are guilty, is a felony and should be prosecuted as such no matter who the offender is or how much he/she feels we need politicians representing a minority of the people to force feed us destructive legislation we neither want nor need.

    In short,

    “String ‘em up!” :-)

  3. BB-Idaho Says:

    Yeah, hyperbole at its best, I guess. I was on a blog a couple days back ‘Dissent Is The Highest Form of Patriotism’, boasting about the TP folk. Mentioned that the Code Pink old gals would be glad to hear that, and they came unglued. Nice thing about hyperbole, doesn’t have to be consistent. Constitution, yep that is arguable, I guess..been thinkin about we have not been in a constitutionally declared war since Peal Harbor. Ol Judge Parker, the hanging judge, was OK by me…it’s Judge Judy (rude Jude) that sets my teeth on edge!

  4. Seth Says:

    BB –

    See, my attitude is simplicity itself: While the White House and Congress were doing their job (you know, protecting and defending the Constitution according to that oath they made to G-d and the American people), this nation was doing just fine — sure, there were a few problems that needed ironing out, but rather than the instant gratification of an unconstitutional federal fix, we let the marketplace gradually figure it out and they mostly did; Making things work right and making good stuff available to all citizens ultimately profited private sector concerns without the oppressive and often tragic down-the-road baggage of the quick fix of unthought-out gubmint regulation and bureaucracy, that didn’t.

    The “change” Obama is ushering in with the complicity of a leftist dominated House and Senate combo is not merely pushing the envelope, it is shredding it: They are renovating America to the extent that they are doing away with every feature of this country that made it the great and special nation it was.

    If these critters want so much to live in a socialist latrine like so many European failures, it might be better if they would scrub their endeavors to ruin this one and simply move to the country that best suits their respective needs.

    In the meantime, “hang ‘em from the nearest tree”. :-0

  5. BB-Idaho Says:

    You know as well as I that the consistantly ‘red’ states suck at the Federal trough big time, led by those “self-reliant” Alaskans. Oh, heck..let one of the
    ‘Founding Fathers’ speak:
    “I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable. But the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise.” Thomas Jefferson
    Seth you are an erudite soul..you know Jefferson is
    paraphrasing that inventer of the free market, Adam Smith. So skipping polemics and sticking to logic,
    help me understand why US healthcare, which consistantly trails in any measurement the rest of the civilized world..and costs us twice per capita as the rest of the civilized world, is so great? ..and how the market will improve it? Meanwhile, I will continue to posit that 25% of US GDP spent on healthcare and growing is a major problem. Er, did
    I avoid hyperbole and polemics? Oh. Well, you pointed out scientists are not perfect..muuhaahaaaha. :)

  6. Seth Says:

    BB –

    The quality of U.S. healthcare is the best, and it is easily attained by anyone (even those illegally in the U.S.). We seem to play host to many foreign visitors who prefer to be patients here than in their home countries.

    Canadians come here, for example, because our system will treat them immediately rather than put them on hold for a few months. I’ve heard, “If you Americans establish government mandated healthcare, where will we go for it?” more than once.

    Even so, the “Healthcare” bill is typical of the Devil’s workshops dreamed up by the Democrats these days, so full of stealth legislation unrelated to health care.

    Do you honestly think more than a fraction of the taxpayer’s money shovelled into that quagmire will actually go to healthcare, and not some other six-pack, twelve-pack or case of leftist agendas? Do you relish the thought of the next generations having to finance all those stealth agendas to the eventual tune of more than 50% of their annual gross incomes?

    Then there are the states’ rights issues at large within the HealthCare legislation. At what point does the government finally draw the line on their unconstitutional policy of dictating to states what the Constitution says are the states’ prerogatives.

    No matter what sounds good or fair, we remain a nation of laws and once those laws are disregarded by the government itself, we are no longer the United States of America.

    Meanwhile, on the majority side, there are what? Over 30 states now who are protesting the healthcare issue and want it repealed?

    Why don’t the Democrats want to live up to their name and embrace Democracy? :-)

  7. BB-Idaho Says:

    “Over 30 states now who are protesting the healthcare issue and want it repealed?” Sure..my state was the very first to file! Our GOP legislature of course forces all college students to have healthcare insurance. Which is OK, since we have cut taxes and raised tuition. All our lawyer and physician wannabees
    are working fastfood.. American dream, huh..who needs education? When there is Glenn Beck? Out here in the hintersticks we don’t see all those foreigners flocking
    in. But ran into a guy that had been in Britain and got sick. Saw a doctor immediately, got his meds (at what the limeys call a Chemist) and tried to pay. No
    charge, they said. He was shocked. “Why not!?” The answer was simple….we take care of our own. If you guys want old fashioned free market, with a quite a bit of welfare for the rich, come to Idaho [Idaho is what America was] [we don't take care of our own -screw 'em] [livestock rights surpass human rights] and naturally [Famous Potatoes!]
    So, tell ya what; recalling your exellent advice on
    where to learn airport security, how about we have those fine people
    repair our healthcare system? :) eh?

  8. Seth Says:

    BB –

    Here in the U.S. of A., believe it or not, any poor person can go into a hospital and get treatment, they are not turned away. Hell, scores of hospitals in California have even gone out of business because they treat illegal Mexicans who not only don’t have money, but aren’t even legally here, and as a result the unfortunate hospitals have had to eat the treatment and pharmacy costs.

    But the poor get treated. It just seems like our esteemed political left feels that every taxpayer has to be responsible for everybody else’s dilemnas.

    The odd Brit who has no complaints against their healthcare system is probably the odd Brit who’s never had one o’ them thar life threatening ongoing type illnesses that require MRI type things and a whole passel o’ danged seerious treatment. The guy you met probably had a flu bug or some such, not a malady requiring major procedures.

  9. BB-Idaho Says:

    Well, OK. I should cancel my expensive health insurance and illegally immigrate to the sunshine state?
    “In 2001, 1.458 million American families filed for bankruptcy. To investigate medical contributors to bankruptcy, we surveyed 1,771 personal bankruptcy filers in five federal courts and subsequently completed in-depth interviews with 931 of them. About half cited medical causes, which indicates that 1.9-2.2 million Americans (filers plus dependents) experienced medical bankruptcy. Among those whose illnesses led to bankruptcy, out-of-pocket costs average $11,854 since the start of illness; 75.7 percent had insurance at the onset of illness. Medical debtors were 42 percent more likely than other debtors to experience lapses in coverage. Even middle-class insured families often fall prey to financial catastrophe when sick.” [Harvard Medical School]
    What I’m wondering is what Humana, Kaiser & Dr. Strangeglove, the procto dude, are doing with ALL

  10. BB-Idaho Says:

    “California is also run by far left liberals.”
    NO! Can’t be. Conan the Terminator! Yikes! Hasta la vista, baby. C’mon now…
    BTW, youse guys owe us Libs, ya know…my son-in-law is currently serving in Iraq.

  11. Seth Says:

    BB –

    First, getting back to Israel’s healthcare system, the have a much smaller population, are essentially a socialist democracy to begin with and even though they have a “free” socialized medicine system, there seem to be an awful lot of charities at work whose goals are to supplement that “perfect” healthcare system.

    Second, why not cancel your expensive health insurance and illegally immigrate to the sunshine state? It could be healthy, giving up all those starchy spuds for the copiously available orbs of delicious vitamin C
    that grow there. :-)

    Yes, there are medical bankruptcies, but I cannot see how they should equate with responsibility for either the taxpayer or the money (his/hers) collected from him/her in taxes.

    However, where is the benefit of the government forcing citizens to subscribe to their own insurance? Forced regulation will only drive up premium costs to the point that many will drop out, anyway, and then play right into the hands of our socialist regime: They’ll end up insuring most of the population themselves, thereby realizing their long awaited dream of having their hands in our pockets with a free hand to raise taxes as needed. :-(


    The Terminator doesn’t run the state of California any more than any other governor, especially in California with a far left liberal state legislature. If he did, he might not be leaning as far to the left as he seems to be these days. :-)