November 8, 2006

There Was No Joy In Endsville…

So we lost the House to Nancy and her posse.

Oh, as they say, well.

I hadn’t expected the Democrats to win a majority, but at the same time I’m not overly surprised — as I have blogged on more than one occasion, the Republicans up there on the Hill were not really doing what we conservatives put them there to do.

They had grown complacent, the longevity of our majority apparently making them over confident, thinking they had it made, they were infallible, yaddayaddayadda…

They were spending too much money, Democrat style, on BS, they were arse creeping the Democrats rather than taking advantage of the majority we had — squandering it, in fact. They were keeping their mouths shut when they should have been defending the party and the President against attacks by the Democrats and their tame media.

What is embarrassing is that they were beaten by a party without a platform, a party that stands for nothing except heavy taxation, zero morals, weak defenses, more rights for sex offenders and other criminals than for the law abiding citizen, oppressive political correctness, racism, America last, revising the Constitution to the point of non-recognizability, legislating through the courts and socialism.

This is the equivalent of the Yankees being beaten by Charlie Brown’s All Stars, and those Republicans who were voted out should feel suitably ashamed — they brought it upon themselves.

We can only hope that those Republican House and Senate members who will be seeing their jobs come up for public review two years from now take a lesson from the misfortunes of their outgoing colleagus and start acting like Republicans before their turn comes to be shown the door.

In that regard, this ass whipping may prove a blessing — every once in awhile, reminders are in order. Perhaps this will make those still on the job remember what they’re there for and make them better for it.

That said, it is important to remember that we are conservatives — we acknowledge that the voters have spoken, and move on from there. We do not emulate the Democrats and whine, cry foul, become “depressed” for the next few years, slander the winners or otherwise do as the Democrats and be crybaby immature.

We move ahead and hope the Democrats don’t do too much damage while they rule the roost, and hope that when their agendas are exposed, the American people see them for what they are and give the Republicans another shot. Perhaps next time, the Republicans will stay on message and do what we pay them to do….

by @ 12:51 pm. Filed under Not Good

November 6, 2006

One Of His Best Columns Yet

Today’s Mark Steyn, linked here in JWR, is definitely a masterpiece!

Right now the Democratic Party needs the senator to move. Preferably to the South Sandwich Islands, until Tuesday evening, or better still, early 2009.

He won’t, of course. A vain thin-skinned condescending blueblood with no sense of his own ridiculousness, Senator Nuancy Boy is secure in little else except his belief in his indispensability. We’ve all heard the famous “joke” now: “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” (Rimshot!) Yet, tempting as it is to enjoy his we-support-our-dumb-troops moment as merely the umpteenth confirmation of the senator’s unerring ability to SwiftBoat himself, it belongs in a slightly different category of Kerry gaffe than, say, the time they went into Wendy’s and Teresa didn’t know what chili was.

Heh, heh. You must read the entire column…

by @ 5:33 am. Filed under Great Commentary

Those Who Vote Democrat Tomorrow….

…. will do so because, out of negligence, malevolence toward the right or simple ignorance , take your pick, they want for themselves and their fellow Americans what is on this list at Always On Watch.

November 5, 2006

Another Vital Reason For Republicans To Vote

I’m sure we’ve all heard or read of Republicans saying that they plan to sit out going to the polls the day after tomorrow, because those representing us in Congress have been such a disappointment to us in the last few years, and we need to teach them a lesson, show that our support is not a “given”, that they need to do what we elected them to do and represent our conservative ideals, etc, etc, and, once more, etc.

That’s all well and good, except… There’s too much at stake here to allow a Democrat majority in either the House or the Senate at this point in time.

I have recently posted on numerous reasons why it is important that conservatives get out and make their votes count this Tuesday, but here is yet another and profoundly important reason.

For weeks, commentators have speculated that significant numbers of conservatives, alienated by over-spending, the Iraq War, and other perceived GOP disappointments, will stay home on Election Day, giving one or both Houses of Congress to Democrats. But for those who care about reforming the Supreme Court, sitting this one out may soon look like a mistake of historic proportions.

For the past several weeks, there has been a rumor circulating among high-level officials in Washington, D.C., that a member of the U.S. Supreme Court has received grave medical news and will announce his or her retirement by year’s end. While such rumors are not unusual in the nation’s capital, this one comes from credible sources. Additionally, a less credible but still noteworthy post last week at the liberal Democratic Underground blog says, “Send your good vibes to Justice Stevens. I just got off the phone with a friend of his family and right now he is very ill and at 86 years old that is not good.”

Normally, this news might be too ghoulish to repeat publicly. Nevertheless, with the election just days away, it is news that should be considered. It points out what could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance for the 20-year movement to recast the court with a constitutionalist majority. It would be a cruel twist indeed for conservatives to “teach Republicans a lesson” next Tuesday, only to be taught a lesson themselves within months when new Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D.-Vt.) leads a Democratic majority against the most important Supreme Court nominee in decades. Conservatives whose mantra is “no more Souters” should bear in mind Robert Bork’s fate after the Senate changed from Republican to Democratic hands in 1986.

{above emphasis mine}

With respects to Justice Stevens and hopes that the state of his health improves, in the event that he does indeed retire from the Court, a replacement will have to be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Having a Republican majority in the Senate would enable us to enjoy a constitutionalist majority in the Supreme Court, something we have all wanted with increasing fervence as we’ve read of rulings that lead us farther and farther away from the concepts our founding fathers engendered that have made America the unique and great country it is.

H/T, more on the above and Innumerable Thanks to Old Soldier and Sparks From The Anvil.

by @ 9:01 am. Filed under The Court

November 4, 2006

Remember Clinton’s War?

You know, the one Germany and some other Euro countries got us into because they wanted more EU say-so in the Balkans? You know, the one in which the late Mr. Milosevic, the one they tried for five years in the aftermath and could convict of nothing was “ethnically cleansing” the Muslim population while the Muslim population did the same to non-Muslims? Yeah, that one, the one way street where Clinton felt it was just fine for Muslims to ethnically cleanse to their hearts’ content, as long as Milosevic could not?

We and several other countries really did the Muslims a favor there, helping them to practice their Islam on Christian Serbs with a minimum of interference.

Julia Gorin’s got a present day perspective up at JWR’s Political Mavens, done in her own uniquely humorous-yet-to-the-point style that bears a read, here.

November 1, 2006

Kerry For Commander-In-Chief?

And the Democrats wanted to elect John Kerry to be the President Of The United States?

As Big Dog so rightly asks, do the words of the Senator and former Presidential candidate from Massachusettes reflect his own thoughts, or those of the Democratic Party as a whole?

I mean, they did nominate and support him in his bid to become the leader of the country….

by @ 4:38 pm. Filed under Traitors To America