August 8, 2006

Democrats In Action

Here’s an interesting observation on the true loyalty of the Democrats to the constituency they purport to represent.

by @ 10:09 am. Filed under Democrats

August 7, 2006

From The U.N. To Israel: BOHICA

That’s right, Israel, BOHICA {Bend Over, Here It Comes Again}.

Once again, the U.N. is talking “cease-fire”, and despite earlier support for Israel’s purely defensive military incursion into Lebanon, even the Bush Administration, partnering with, of all countries, France (spit!) is going with the program. They’ve held off on finalizing a cease-fire plan, awaiting input from a delegation of Arab nations’ representatives.

The reason for “international community” concern over the war between Israel and Hezbollah is based on death and destruction in Lebanon. Had Israel been the recipient of the same degree of death and destruction, there would be crickets chirping in Turtle Bay — except behind the closed doors of the offices of many a delegation, where there would be much hand wringing and good cheer at the prospect of the “inconvenient” Jewish state being finally irradicated.

I’ve been outspoken on this issue for a long time, and will continue to be.

Every time the Israelis tire of being victimized by terrorism and set out to do something about it, the Euro/ U.N./ MSM axis immediately goes to work condemning them for “initiating more violence”, as though the Islamic terror machine has done nothing to deserve even a hard look.

So they’re beating the shit out of southern Lebanon — this is where Hezbollah rules the roost, where they receive strong support from the civilian population that is now paying the price in collateral damage for said support of a terrorist organization. A civilian population that apparently has no compunction about sharing their habitat with Hezbollah missile launchers, arsenals and armed terrorists. A civilian population that has voted the terrorist organization into government offices and considers them a viable political party. A civilian population that sings the praises of the same terrorist organization, rejoicing in its perceived victories that are inevitably composed of nothing more than the butchery of “infidels”, principally Israeli Jews.

We seem to have “forgiven and forgotten” their little mass murder in a Marine barracks a little over two decades ago. Well, I shouldn’t say “we”, because I sure haven’t, even if our politicians, the mainstream media and, naturally, our liberals (I’m sure most of the latter were more inclined toward “attaboys” and “way to go’s” at the time, anyway) have.

Of course, now that the U.S. has reneged on its earlier support of Israel’s military campaign and joined the ranks of the toilet cake nations in working toward a cease-fire (thanks again, George, ever since we reelected you, you’ve been letting us down, big time, on a number of issues — I mean look, Hezbollah is the west’s enemy as well as Israel’s, and grinding them to a collective bloody pulp would be an important victory in the Global War On Terror), we can pretty much count on “business as usual”.

We pressure Israel to stand down. They stand down. The head cheese in Beirut demands that the IDF vacate southern Lebanon, and the U.N. agrees. They vacate. The U.N. posts a “peace-keeping” force in southern Lebanon — there’s already been one there for years, but they seem to have spent all their time playing Parcheezi or something, because they sure as hell haven’t been keeping any peace — Hezbollah has been allowed to multiply and flourish, stockpile weapons and train without any interference. So a new and just as impotent U.N. “peace-keeping” force enters the picture.

Hezbollah regroups, and the status quo is back to normal, a terrorist army sitting on Israel’s border.

And then the cycle recommences and continues until the next time Israel is forced to defend itself, and the U.N. again steps in….

{Israel, see BOHICA, above}

The Lebanese president whines about the damage Israel is doing to his country, its infrastructure and its economy. Why wasn’t he whining about a terrorist organization running a third of his country? Why didn’t he take steps to disarm and/ or abolish Hezbollah? Could it be that like most Arab Muslims, he was behind the anti-Israeli terror org 100%?

Well, hey, dude, guess what? There’s a price tag attached to everything we do, and the trauma your country is presently experiencing is the cost of doing business with Hezbollah.

If you want my honest opinion — even if you don’t, you’re gonna get it — the idea of Lebanese sovereignty is a joke! I mean c’mon, they themselves have enabled their country to become a battle field for disparate non-Lebanese factions. They’ve permitted Iran to sponsor Hezbollah on their turf as though they were some rental meeting hall — does the term “whore” come to mind? — and allowed the terrorist organization to become entrenched in the very fabric of their society, effectively granting Hezbollah “second government” status.

Now they have to pick up the tab, and the “international community” needs to live with it, period.

by @ 11:13 pm. Filed under Just Editorializing

Disproportion, Indeed…

Mark Steyn’s got another great commentary out, in this column.

“Disproportion” is the concept of the moment. Do you know how to play? Let’s say 150 missiles are lobbed at northern Israel from the Lebanese village of Qana and the Israelis respond with missiles of their own that kill 28 people. Whoa, man, that’s way “disproportionate.”

Read the column, it’s definitely right on point.

by @ 10:49 pm. Filed under Great Commentary

For Us Techno-Challenged Folks

Numerous blogs have linked to the Reuters photo editing fiasco depicted at Little Green Footballs this past Saturday, and now for an actual look at how it was done, go over to The Dissident Frogman.

by @ 10:18 pm. Filed under The Fact Of The Matter...

August 6, 2006

Bogus News Central

Before the weekend, in this post, I linked to the Pallywood video featured at Always On Watch.

In the brief narrative, Always On Watch speculated as to whether or not media footage of the events at Qana might have been similarly “edited”.

Well, it seems that Woody, over at GM’s Corner, confirms that AOW’s suspicions were right on target.

Go over and have a look-see.

by @ 3:57 pm. Filed under Taqqiyah

August 2, 2006

The Border

So here we’ve got a gubmint telling us they really give a $#!% about our concern for our borders and the riddance of illegal aliens. They want amnesty, we want law enforcement. Man versus government. This is not what all those folks died for in the American Revolution, but this is what our elected officials are giving us.

They say they’re not.

They give us good stories as proof, such as this one.

The United States Departments of Justice and Homeland Security announced today additional resources to enhance the enforcement of immigration laws and border security along the Southwest border.
The Department of Justice will add 20 Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSAs) to the five federal law enforcement districts along the border: the Southern District of Texas, the Western District of Texas, the District of Arizona, the District of New Mexico and the Southern District of California.
These 20 AUSAs will prosecute only immigration-related offences, including alien smuggling, entering the United States without inspection, illegal re-entry, possession of firearms as an alien, illegal employment of undocumented aliens, human trafficking and document fraud. The additional resources will be funded by a $2 million supplemental appropriation that was requested by the President and approved by Congress. The hiring process will begin immediately.

The Department of Justice’s Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) Program will provide funding for five new AUSAs – one in each of the federal districts along the border – to prosecute drug trafficking organizations responsible for smuggling illegal narcotics across the Southwest border.
In addition to the 25 new prosecutors, in the coming months the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will also identify several attorneys who will be designated as Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys to prosecute immigration offenses along the Southwest border.
“As a nation of laws, it is important that those who cross our borders illegally or smuggle drugs are prosecuted swiftly and fairly,” said Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales. “These new prosecutors will help ensure that our immigration and drug laws are aggressively enforced.”


Going further

According to Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar and National Guard Bureau General Steven Blum,

Let me tell you that right now, since the beginning of the fiscal year, we have added 598 Border Patrol agents to the cadre of the Border Patrol. As we speak, there are approximately 654 Border Patrol agents at the United States Border Patrol Academy.
Narcotics. We are up by 20 percent. I will tell you that I strongly believe that one of the reasons that we are up in the interdiction of narcotics is because of the expansion capability that the Guard has given us along our nation’s borders, our enhanced capacity to actually take in more of the border. We are up by 20 percent in the area of narcotics apprehensions, over 1.2 million pounds of narcotics so far this year.


As we speak today, because of the general National Guard deployments, we have placed 250 badges back on the border, 250 Border Patrol agents that were previously doing non-direct enforcement work. How have we done that? By actually placing National Guard personnel to handle our law enforcement communications assistant work; by, in some cases, building or maintaining roadways that we used to have to do on our own; by actually placing them on entry identification teams that used to be manned by Border Patrol agents. Now they are manned by the Guard personnel and directly supported by Border Patrol agents on the ground.
In addition to that, we have at our checkpoints — this is a checkpoint depiction of south Texas — that is over 5,000 pounds of narcotics that were found in a semi trailer. When agents or canines detect this contraband, in the past, we would have to pull in Border Patrol agents from the field in order to offload and things of this nature. Now the Guard personnel are doing a lot of the searching, a lot of the seizing, a lot of what we used to have to be doing on our own.

The government, sad to say, has been bullshitting us on the illegal immigration problem for quite some time. They’ve regalled us with lovely phrases and stories, dishing out theories on “work Americans won’t do” that aliens with work permits and amnesty for their criminal presence in our country will. They approve a protective bill we all like with one gesture, then later vote almost unanimously not to fund it.

Our government, those folks we elected and reelected to govern according to the will of the American people, from the President on down, despite the powerful dissent of we, the people, are dead determined to infest this nation with unwanted illegal aliens.

Screw them, let us all stay right on top of the SOBs and make sure they’re doing what they were elected to do, or vote the sorry, treasonous sons of bitches out….

by @ 6:23 pm. Filed under Homeland Security


The extent to which the media goes to hoodwink the American people on Israeli-Palestinian events is unbelievable. Always On Watch has a fascinating and revelational video posted that’s entirely worth watching for its duration of eighteen minutes.

To watch the video, go here.

You’ll actually watch narrated footage of the making of staged, scripted propaganda video in a format not unlike HBO’s “The Making Of…” series, utterly made-up, Hollywood style video that inevitably finds its way into our liberal media as real news footage, scoring propaganda victories for Palestinian terrorism as Americans believe what they’re seeing and hearing vis a vis “the evils of Israel”.

You have to watch this, it’s interesting, highly revealing and, in some ways, maddening as you realize what kind of fiction our liberal media is reporting to us in the guise of “news”.

by @ 5:04 am. Filed under Lying Propaganda And The Media

August 1, 2006

Another Must Read

Gayle of My Republican Blog has a great post up conveying a great idea.

Read about it here.

by @ 5:30 am. Filed under Patriot Bloggers