March 30, 2006

A Right Thinking San Francisco Blog

I recently ran across a blog called The Only Republican In San Francisco that I can only say is a must-read for anyone in search of any kind of comprehension of the leftist political tragedy that is San Francisco.

This is a city whose most conservative politician, upon being elected mayor, made his first priority conducting same sex marriages in defiance of state laws to the contrary. It’s a city in which a liberal, do nothing toilet cake named Chris Daly was reelected as a city supervisor{the equivalent of a councilman in other cities}, where caravans of homeless people push stolen supermarket shopping carts down the sidewalks of main thoroughfares and use the doorways of apartment houses or the very sidewalks as commodes with legal impunity, where respect for this country and its religious traditions doesn’t exist(you don’t even see city Christmas decorations over the streets during the Holiday Season).

The author of this great blog is wrong in only one respect: He has only been the Only Republican in San Francisco for just under 4 months, since I left. Now he’s on his own.

Definitely read his blog.

by @ 3:05 pm. Filed under Good Blogs

Urgent Message

This in today from Bay Buchanan –

****Please, go to your Senators’ office this Monday, April 3 at noon****

Dear Friends,
While the Senate continues to debate the outrageous ideas of amnesty and
guest worker, calls and e-mails from Americans everywhere are pouring in.
Americans are furious that the Senate is even considering these failed and
dangerous proposals.

We need the Senate to do the right thing by us! We are the people they
are paid to represent! What we want is clear—border security and
enforcement of our laws. In short, we need our Congress to break with
their corporate masters and do their job–and we need them to do it now
before it is too late!

Please, if at all possible go to your local Senators’ offices at noon on
Monday, April 3rd —if that doesn’t work go anytime during the day. The
Senators will be in Washington, but their local staffs will pass on your

Also tell your friends and families about this effort—even make flyers and
pass them out in your neighborhood, send this message around the internet.
Help us get as many Americans as possible to show up at their Senators’
offices on Monday!

And please keep calling them as well—we can’t let them do this to America!

My best,
Bay Buchanan

PS Many of you have said we need to do more—a March on Washington or the
like. I have been talking to many people about it. It would take months
to do it right and I am not certain we have months. We need to get to the
Senators NOW! So in spite of the short notice we are asking you to
organize as many people as possible and go to at least one of your
Senators’ local offices this Monday.

PSS In the meantime I am trying to see if there is time for a massive
demonstration. If there is, I will move ahead if you are with me.

by @ 1:19 pm. Filed under Homeland Security

March 28, 2006

Spinally Challenged, Or Simply Stupid?

The first thing I saw when I got online to do my start-of-the-day news reading this morning was this bunch of idiocy.

WASHINGTON — Against a backdrop of massive demonstrations by immigration advocates and pressure from the White House, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation to create two guest-worker programs and a plan for legalizing the status of millions of immigrants now in the country illegally.

The measure is the most generous of several immigration proposals before the panel, and passed with the support of committee Democrats and some of the Senate’s most conservative Republicans.

In accepting the measure, which among other things offers guest workers the chance to eventually become U.S. citizens, senators rejected another bill sponsored by two border-state Republicans that would have required guest workers and illegal immigrants to eventually return home.

Now, what is wrong with these idiots we have elected and reelected, and continue to pay to enact the laws that govern this country?

Every day we hear figures citing a criminal alien population from Mexico alone as being somewhere between fifteen and twenty million. That doesn’t even include the large and constant influx of undocumented Asians, South and Central Americans the U.S. Government has incompetently permitted to enter this country and remain here.

Instead of the government taking responsibility for having allowed this fiasco to become the legal and physical quagmire it is, even the President gives us excuse-based, lame explanations for the policies most of our lazy politicians are dead set on foisting upon us:

The bill passed only hours after President Bush made his strongest appeal yet for a law that would provide employers with enough immigrant workers to keep the economy humming. Appearing at a naturalization ceremony for new citizens, Mr. Bush attempted to head off arguments within his party that a border-security law must come before any effort to help immigrants or their employers.

He called a temporary-worker program “vital to securing our border” by providing a legal channel for workers and freeing up border agents to patrol for criminals and terrorists.

Provide employers with enough illegal, undocumented, should-not-even-be-here, criminal immigrant workers? Millions of ‘em? Hey, I might be wrong, here, but doesn’t the law stipulate that employers are supposed to confirm that these folks they hire are eligible to work in this country?

And how about all the folks who come here — illegally — and live off the taxpayer? And how about all those undocumented, untaxed income dollars that are Western Union’d back to family in the old country? You know, that money that could be better served if spent here in the U.S. to keep our economy moving?

That’s pretty much how the system works here, or at least is supposed to work. If taxes are paid by all workers and they reinvest their net pay in the economy by spending it in the United States, American firms of all sizes would have more money to pay employees, and, with the enforcement of employment and immigration laws executed the way they are supposed to be, these employers might feel less compelled to hire criminal aliens under the table, off the books, whatever.

Sounds kind of convoluted, doesn’t it, when you really think about it. First, our politicians, who are forever collectively spending our tax dollars on superfluous projects that the people who founded this nation{Smart bunch, those were, they put together the greatest political concept in history and made it work. Too bad they didn’t have cryogenics back then, we could have used ‘em about now} would have stomped thunderingly down beneath furious size fourteen boots.

Taxation without representation?

How much did that self seeking pillar of politics in Alaska manage to get “earmarked” to rip us off financing construction of the thankfully ill-fated “Bridge to Nowhere”? Even though the bridge allocation got nixed due to a surplus of voter backlash significantly attributeable to the Blogosphere, “the funds”, as they undoubtedly regard our tax dollars to be, remain “earmarked” for the same larcenous local politicians to use for other things, instead. But therein was a single excess of wasted taxes that got caught out, and only because the grand larcens in question were a little too hungry.

If Africa’s population wasn’t as largely Muslim as it is, we could overfeed the entire continent, through decades of famine, disaster and doom with all the pork our Congress generates.

I know, my terrible habit of digressing has joined in…

So. Back on topic, sorry about that.

Not really. :-)
While money has been getting pissed away by irresponsible, self seeking politicians from both sides of the aisle, once-backburnered issues that now constitute an in-your-face political battleground were doing what they do when no one responds to them: growing.

Now a whole bunch of career politicians who know exactly why we have the problem — decades of their keeping the problem as far away from the table as possible, for reasons related to votes — they failed to adequately secure our borders or to seriously enforce immigration policies, which, as a collective resume item, well…

Now the usual politics will come into play. Instead of overwhelmingly voting to take strong, positive steps that might be a little painful at first(you know, re-”earmarking” the money that was to finance the preservation of some anti-American graffiti in a small southwestern town, or to subsidize private educational institutions that balk at allowing military recruiters on campus), transforming our pork pesos into border securidad, the career politicians on the Hill will attempt to apply a Band-Aid to a gushing wound so as not to offend anybody who might vote for them.

Here’s the kind of thinking these knuckleheads do on our behalf, in exchange for our allowing them to occupy all the trappings of a ruling class on our dime:

The Senate-passed measure is largely based on language offered by John McCain, an Arizona Republican, and Edward Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat. Their temporary-worker plan, passed on an 11-6 vote, would grant visas to 400,000 immigrants a year initially. They would be able to bargain for wages, change jobs, unionize and would be allowed to travel home and return.

Separately, the committee passed a pilot guest-worker plan for agriculture workers that would be capped at 1.5 million workers and cut off after five years. That measure was passed at the insistence of California Democrat Dianne Feinstein, who said she feared that workers admitted under a general guest-worker program would spurn farm jobs for easier work in service or construction industries.

The committee also deferred to the McCain-Kennedy bill in its plan for dealing with an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants now in the country. Those people would have to pay a $1,000 penalty, pass a background check and get a work permit in order to stay in the U.S.

The political solution will only hurt us, big time. We are on the verge of setting a precedent by shoving federal law aside in order to accommodate political convenience, and in so doing make light of all laws. If politicians can advocate breaking the law because it makes finding solutions easier, they’re definitely operating outside the boundaries of public service as we define it.

The political solution will also send a message to all potential illegals to “Come one, Come all!”, and we’ll be swamped by a wave of “immigration” that’ll be nothing nice. If our borders aren’t secure now, how will we be able to secure them then?

If that’s the kind of vim we’re getting for our vote, we’d do a whole lot better finding some people who graduated with Jethro Bodine and replacing both the House and the Senate with them.

by @ 6:13 am. Filed under WTF!!!!?

March 27, 2006

A Funny From My Illustrious Aunt Brenda

Anger Management

When you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take it out on someone, don’t take it out on someone you know, take it out on someone you don’t know.

I was sitting at my desk when I remembered a phone call I’d forgotten to make. I found the number and dialed it.
A man answered, saying “Hello.” I politely said, “This is Chris. Could Iplease speak with Robyn Carter?”
Suddenly a manic voice yelled out in my ear “Get the right f**in number!” and the phone was slammed down on me. I couldn’t believe that anyone could be so rude.

When I tracked down Robyn’s correct number to call her, I found that I had accidentally transposed the last two digits. After hanging up with her, I decided to call the ‘wrong’ number again.
When the same guy answered the phone, I yelled “You’re an asshole!” and hung up. I wrote his number down with the word ‘asshole’ next to it, and put it in my desk drawer.

Every couple of weeks, when I was paying bills or had a really bad day, I’d call him up and yell, “You’re an asshole!” It always cheered me up.

When Caller ID was introduced, I thought my therapeutic “asshole calling” would have to stop. So, I called his number and said, “Hi, this is John Smith from Verizon. I’m calling to see if you’re familiar with our Caller ID Program?”

He yelled “NO!” and slammed down the phone. I quickly called him back and said, “That’s because you’re an asshole!”
One day I was at the store, getting ready to pull into a parking spot. Some guy in a black BMW cut me off and pulled into the spot I had patiently waited for. I hit the horn and yelled that I’d been waiting for that spot, but the idiot ignored me.

I noticed a “For Sale” sign in his back window which included his phone number, so I wrote down the number.

A couple of day’s later, right after calling the first asshole (I had his number on speed dial) I thought that I’d better call the BMW asshole, too

I said, “Is this the man with the black BMW for sale?”

“Yes, it is”, he said.

“Can you tell me where I can see it?” I asked.

“Yes, I live at 34 Mowbray Blvd, in Vaucluse. It’s a yellow house, and the car’s parked right out in front.”

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“My name is Don Hansen,” he said.

“When’s a good time to catch you, Don?”

“I’m home every evening after five.”

“Listen, Don, can I tell you something?”


“Don, you’re an asshole!” Then I hung up, and added his number to my speed dial, too.

Now, when I had a problem, I had two assholes to call. Then I came up with an idea. I called Asshole #1. “Hello.”

“You’re an asshole!” (But I didn’t hang up.)

“Are you still there?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Stop calling me,” he screamed.

“Make me,” I said.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“My name is Don Hansen.”

“Yeah? Where do you live?”

“Asshole, I live at 34 Mowbray Blvd, Vaucluse, a yellow house, with my black Beamer parked in front.”

He said, “I’m coming over right now, Don. And you had better start saying your prayers.”

I said, “Yeah, like I’m really scared, asshole,” and hung up.

Then I called Asshole #2.
“Hello?” he said.

“Hello, asshole,” I said.

He yelled, “If I ever find out who you are…”

“You’ll what?” I said.

“I’ll kick your ass,” he exclaimed.

I answered, “Well, asshole, here’s your chance. I’m coming over right now.”

Then I hung up and immediately called the police, saying that I lived at 34 Mowbray Blvd, Vaucluse, and that I was on my way over there to kill my gay lover. Then I called Channel 9 News about the gang war going down in Mowbray Blvd, Vaucluse.

I quickly got into my car and headed over to Mowbray. I got there just in time to watch two assholes beating the crap out of each other in front of six cop cars, an overhead police helicopter and a news crew.

NOW I feel much better.

Anger management really works.

by @ 10:29 pm. Filed under Humor

Getting Down To Brass Tacks

We talk about illegal criminal aliens all the time, about the impact they have on our economy and about the threats posed by their very entry into and presence in the United States.

Despite the penchant the left has for ignoring our laws regarding criminal immigration, supporting any influx of illegal aliens without checks, balances or compunction of any kind, this is a serious issue, and one explored in a way that puts it in brilliant perspective at Ravings Of A Mad Tech.

by @ 12:55 am. Filed under The Fact Of The Matter...

March 26, 2006

The Boob Tube

A blog sister whose politics and worldview are on a par with mine recently told me that she didn’t like television shows like 24, and it set me to thinking —

I’m not a T.V. person at all, even though I own high definition sets ranging from 37″ to 62″, and subscribe to DirecTV. I watch the movie channels and the news channels, C-Span, etc.

There are four shows I’ve watched faithfully, two being Sleeper Cell and The Shield. The other two are La Femme Nikita and 24. All of these programs follow a serialized format, one episode leading into the next, and I’ve learned one fact — they’re difficult to follow between the lengthy commercial breaks and the week’s distance between episodes.

Where 24 and LaFemme Nikita are concerned, I found the best way to watch them and keep up without losing either perspective or interest: rent them by the season from Netflix and watch the episodes in commercial-free order.

It works.

My favorite television characters are Nikita, Jack Bauer and Vic Mackey. The latter two are very similar to one another, except that Vic is corrupt while Jack is a single minded patriot whose life and all personal considerations, to him, are secondary to his job at the Counter-Terrorist Unit. When you watch one in certain situations, you think of the other — their expressions are even the same. But you can follow the story lines and the characters much better if you watch the episodes in order and in multi-episode viewings.

Sleeper Cell, a Showtime series, is great where T.V. is concerned. I highly recommend it to viewers who are into the gender of T.V. that deals with terrorism, homeland security and the technical details of both, served up in realistic fashion.

And that’s my relationship with the boob tube.

by @ 1:20 am. Filed under Just Talking

The French — spit!

Despite their long has-been status as a country of importance, many French people continue to believe that they are a significant factor in the world of today.

These folks still think that their language should be a dominant language among others, and/or even that it should be accepted, period.

Jacques Chirac foolishly made this more than plain, as is evidenced in this post by my friend Raven at And Rightly So.

Speaking of France, another blog friend, GM, has more to say on the subject at GM’s Corner.

by @ 12:31 am. Filed under Weasels

March 25, 2006

A Brief Comment

We are constantly reading of nuclear weapons programs, the threat of nuclear weapons programs or evidence thereof as regards such insanely motivated leaderships as those in North Korea and Iran. For the past few years, we’ve watched as the so-called “Dear Leader” has developed weapons he shouldn’t be allowed to have, now we’re doing the same with Iran, whose president has made it quite clear that should he have the opportunity, he’ll destroy Israel. What better way than with nukes? And this is one of the people who were in charge of the hostage situation at our embassy in Teheran a quarter century ago.

As NK’s acquisition of nuclear technology should have been nipped in the bud five or so years ago, so should Iran’s today.

It hasn’t been and, to judge by the diplomatic baloney thusfar exercised, won’t be. Several nations will sign off on meaningless sanctions against Iraq, and the leaders of Iraq will shrug, smile thinly and accept the largesse of Russia and China, whose aims are more along the lines of business than western security issues.

So we’ve got two unbalanced political regimes, one now armed with nuclear weapons and, presumably, usable delivery systems and another that will soon have them, and a surplus of bullshit impotent diplomacy allowing both tragedies-in-the-making to occur.

I don’t blame any western political parties, nor do I find fault with any specific government…. I blame them all — the fact that these two countries pose, or are about to pose nuclear threats to the western world can be laid squarely in the laps of our government and those of all countries with influence in the U.N. Security Council, regardless of the party of leadership.

There comes a time when talk becomes obviously useless, diplomacy moot and action the only option. This has happened where Kim Jong Il is concerned and now applies to Iran.

But nothing concrete will be done, even the Bush Administration, which is often these days unaccountably mellow when it should be more aggressive with its opposition, will probably go along with the “global community’s” dumb, irresponsible, balls-less game, and Iran will have its nuclear weapons.

by @ 11:40 pm. Filed under Just Editorializing


Drew at Conservative Outpost gives on-the-money commentary on name only Republican and Presidential hopeful(perhaps wishful would be a better word)John McCain.

by @ 11:16 pm. Filed under Weasels

A World Without U.S. Power

The featured Op Ed in Thursday’s Review & Outlook in WSJ’s Opinion Journal proves a telling summary of the way global business and politics are prioritized by countries that criticize America’s ultimately benevolent international actions above and beyond any consideration of humanity.

They criticize us for liberating the Iraqis and sticking around afterwards to help them develop a democratic government. They ignore the fact that we have opened schools and hospitals, upgraded local infrastructure, helped stimulate the Iraqi economy and that our troops interact positively with Iraqi citizens.

At the same time, these same countries block any outside interference in the ongoing genocidal events in Dharfur and have been doing so for some time, purely in the name of financial interests.

At places like Davos and Harvard, the world’s sages rarely stop fretting about the dangers of a too powerful America. Well, if you want to know what the world looks like without U.S. leadership, Exhibit A is Darfur in Sudan.

Today’s leading authority on Darfur is the political philosopher Thomas Hobbes, who prophesied a world “nasty, brutish and short.” At least 200,000 civilians have been killed in the past three years and two million more have become refugees. The source of the problem is the Arab rulers in Khartoum, who have pursued an ethnic cleansing campaign against black Muslims in western Sudan. They’ve equipped the Janjaweed Arab tribesmen to do the dirty work, and that militia is now attacking civilians across the border in Chad, creating 20,000 more refugees.

To his credit, Kofi Annan started shouting about the problem two years ago, and former Secretary of State Colin Powell labeled it “genocide” not long after that. The U.N.’s mighty peace-making machinery then started to roll and . . . nothing. The Chinese (who have close commercial ties to Khartoum) and Russians have blocked any serious intervention. Arab members of the Security Council have also opposed any attempt to single out Khartoum.

And they say we’re not the “good guys”? No, we’re the evil, imperialist, colonialist, “anything for the oil” bully of the world.

Meanwhile, there is Dharfur, where Muslims oversee the butchery of thousands of fellow Muslims.

The Arab League–so quick to denounce Danish cartoons–has also stymied any global intervention to stop the murder of their fellow Muslims. Here’s League Secretary General Amr Musa earlier this month: “In Sudan, there is a problem related to Darfur. We will listen to the Sudanese state minister to explain to us the developments in the issue of Darfur . . .” The League plans to hold its meeting next week–in Khartoum.
The African Union has at least sent 7,000 troops to the region, but they are under-funded and under-equipped to enforce a truce that Sudan blatantly flouts. But the African failure is also political. In January the Union held its own summit in Khartoum, and next year it plans to award Sudan its presidency. The rule seems to be never to say a discouraging word about other African leaders, no matter how murderous.

This is nothing new, look at the way the rest of Africa’s leaders turn a blind eye to the activities of colleagues like Robert Mugabe.

Africa still has a long way to go before it will be able to consider itself an even mostly civilized continent. Too many peoples over there refuse to emerge from a mindset time warp, choosing instead to remain under the control of despotic regimes. Perhaps that isn’t quite fair — most of the people in these hell holes live squalidly in-country or in slums in the cities and struggle to survive — those whom the world hears from and those who run infrastructure live in major cities and enjoy most of the conveniences we do in the west. Many of those people are businessmen who engage in trade with their counterparts in other countries all over the world — few of them could care less about the impoverished, for poverty and disease are as commonplace over there as Internet spam is over here. Most of the middle class figure there’s nothing they can do about it anyway, and they harden their hearts. The upper class is so far isolated from the harsh realities of commonality that they don’t think about it at all.

The political leadership could care less, their only concerns are money and power, the luxuries they provide and the security measures they must take to ensure that nobody takes it all away from them via a coup d’etat(ugh, French — spit!–). So they take all rights away from those in circumstances prone to disaffection and use army troops as civil police. They embrace torture(not some brainless, maladjusted girl leading a naked man around on a leash, but the kind of brutal stuff that does permanent physical damage like the burning of flesh, electrocution or slow dismemberment), making entire families disappear and slaughtering entire villages as punishment for the imagined infractions of a very few. Corruption is “accepted” at every level of government. The poor majorities are forever crushed, hopeless generations that reproduce only to create future hopelessness.

This concept will be completely alien to most Americans, because the reality is not present anyplace in this country, despite the calculated, conscienceless exaggerations of the political left.

I saw this kind of civil subjugation and poverty in Central America back in the early 1970s, and it’s not easily forgotten. Small children with enormous eyes, playing happily in open sewers, dripping sores all over their arms and legs. Soldiers in berets patrolling the streets armed with submachineguns, passersby averting their eyes so as not to attract their interest.

Leaders of countries who practice like regimes are not about to attack other leaders of the same pedigree.

It is in the nature of the United States to want to help other countries and their people when the need is there, and we have done so in volumes that dwarf all other nations’ efforts to date, yet we’re always told we’re not giving enough or doing enough when we are going with the program financing or otherwise enforcing a U.N. agenda. On the other hand, we are harshly criticized by the same folks when we take care of or otherwise support programs that might interfere with their national business agendas.

Dharfur presents a fine example of the latter situation.

Fine, it’s diplomatically PC to express outrage at the genocide perpetrated by the powers-that-be in Khartoum, but it’s another matter entirely to leave them alone in the interests of commerce.

As it now stands, if the U.S. wants anything done about Dharfur, we’ll have to address it ourselves.

It’s been speculated that we haven’t got the military manpower to spare for the kind of campaign that would entail, we are already spearheading the Global War On Terror and maintaining necessary large troop strength in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are scores of other nations that can deal with Dharfur, if, that is, the countries like Russia and the PRC who are making money off the present status quo are overruled.

Of course, as in all issues where strong and possibly long term military involvement is required, the U.N. and the weasel countries that seem to form its nucleus will, if intervention is decided upon, insist that the U.S. function as the prime mover, committing the most troops and the most money by far, and will then stand safely on the sidelines with many fewer troops of their own in harm’s way and criticize our every move.

Read the entire Op Ed here.

by @ 8:40 pm. Filed under Dealing With Weasels