March 17, 2007


… that inescapable, time-oriented professional responsibilities have prevented me, and not for the first time, from being where I really want to be — in this case, in Washington, DC for “A Gathering of Eagles”. Another example of Murphy’s Law, as usual coming from left field. To do penance {just kidding, donating to one of the most worthy American causes in modern history is by no means penance, it is helping in a modest way to propagate the survival of the greatest successful political experiment since Adam bit into the apple}, I will send a generous (more generous than my already significantly large — from the working man’s point of view, anyway, donations to causes I believe in) contribution to Move America Forward, who are sponsoring the great patriotic event. Unfortunately, due to my upcoming change of employment status, business matters at hand have a time stamp on them and therefore have to take priority over all other activities on my calendar.

My calendar — ahem! — does that sound pontificative, or what?

However, it doesn’t mean I can’t at least get in my opinion on one issue or another, or comment on that which I feel needs to be commented upon.

Recently, my friend Always On Watch posted on her becoming co-host of blog talk radio station The Gathering Storm.

The station’s prime mover is WC, owner of a blog I’d been previously unfamiliar with that bears the same name, The Gathering Storm, but with profound thanks to AOW for posting about it, I have since been pleased to have made its acquaintance and have since added it to my blogroll.

WC puts out a free weekly newsletter you can subscribe to for delivery to your email inbox(subscription can be arranged from a link at The Gathering Storm site) that keeps subscribers updated on attempts by Islamic entities to further their inroads into injecting their religious and political doctrines into western society, particularly an all too unwitting America, with the abettance of organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR, which is staffed by supporters of jihad yet given all too much creedence by our very own government) and our very own ACLU, whose Marxist roots dictate that they oppose anything that adheres to the real language or intentions of the Constitution. More than a little of the information you’ll find at the weekly newsletter is unavailable in the liberal mainstream media — duh, wonder why!

The Gathering Storm newsletter is compiled with a tenacity that borders on superhuman vigilance.

I would highly recommend that anyone who is truly interested in the truth about Islam’s intentions for America and the west as a whole subscribe to this newsletter.

That said, despite the fact that I am well aware that our current crop of politicians are by-and-large more interested in political correctness as a way to get votes than they are in the security of our country and the continued freedom guaranteed by the Constitution, I am appalled by the extent of their acquiescence to the blatantly obvious propaganda generated by Islamic venues (of course, much of this is due to the treason-representing, anti-America sycophancy of today’s Democrats to hearty funding by their well heeled liberal masters and leftist DNC politicians like Pelosi, Kennedy, Murtha and Reid — & Co), I cannot help but be appalled by the Republicans’ lack of unconditional verbal rejection of multiculturalists’ and PC advocates’ consideration, even the most picayune of same, of the spewings of Islamic ideas as applied to American laws, customs, educational programs or public sensibilities.

In this week’s Gathering Storm newsletter, for example, there is a link to an article on a Muslim New Jersey high school graduate who charges discrimination because his school’s graduation ceremony is to be held in a church. He claims that his religion forbids him to enter a Christian church, however…

… Other, more “moderate” Muslims see no problem with attending such an event in a church. So this kid is making up his religious beliefs as opportunity presents, and, with the support of sympathetic organizations, filing suit. He stands to set a precedent, if he wins in court, that could further the goals of Islamic fascists toward changing our way of life and impinging on our schools’ (not that they aren’t already infected by liberalism) freedom of choice as to where they hold commencement exercises, etc. Should they hold their graduation ceremonies in a Wahhabi mosque instead, requiring the girls to cover their faces?

Or how about another topic discussed in the same weekly newsletter?

March 9, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - - One might have hoped that the 9/11 attacks would have constituted an “education by murder” for Americans, an example of radical Islam in its most lethal form; so why has the New York City Department of Education decided to open an Islamist public school whose curriculum shares the same ideology as the September 11 terrorists?

Why, they ask.

Can it be that New York, already and fairly recently a bastion for leftist ideals (I grew up there and love the place, all of which really hurts me — we New Yorkers are supposed to be some profoundly sharp individuals, yet here we see where our reputed intelligence has been severely diluted by a fresh majority of stupid and award winningly short-sighted, pseudo-intellectual morons) has gone completely overboard in its neauveu(French, SPIT!!!!) hatred of everything American?

I recently sent an email inquiry to my congressman, Robin Hayes, regarding this situation (a tax-financed, jihad oriented Wahhabi Muslim school), because local school systems are subsidized by federal tax revenues, stipulating that my email be brought to the attention of staff member Kevin Klein, who responded to my prior communication, and received no reply. I have since sent the above link.

Islam is waging a campaign to assert its dominance on the entire world. In most regions, its adherents employ terrorism to enforce their ambitions — this seems to be working rather well; The Brits are capitulating and other countries, such as Spain, are expressing their capitulation at the polls.

Here in the United States of America, Islam is winning in Congress, the judiciary and in the education system, largely because the mainstream media, in all its multiculturalism, liberalism and PCness, elects to ignore the true facts of that satanic religion’s goals in the west.

That’s right — while in so many other nations (read that as EU countries), the socialist-oriented electorates permit themselves to be cowed by terrorist acts and lick derrier as such by surrendering their freedom in fear of further samples of Islam (the Religion of Peace) in action, we here in the United States of America, as a matter of our historical strength of charactar and downright courage tend to spit our defiance and will to live free back in the face of our enemy, said enemy has to adopt a different strategy — defeat from within, using our very freedoms against us.

They have a distinct advantage there — most Americans, due to our history of security (we haven’t had a war within our own borders for 140 years) tend to be skeptical of any kind of conspiracy of the magnitude that Islam presents. “No way”, they say. “C’mon, you people are paranoid!”

Organizations like CAIR depend on this reaction.

What modern Americans fail to grasp is that we are confronted by a religion that has absolutely no respect for modern thought — there is no chronology to Islam and there are certainly no concessions therein to modern developments — they are still living in the 7th Century, when the pedophile Mohammed walked the earth.

If the skeptics in both the electorate and Congress don’t wake up very soon, the MSM doesn’t begin reporting the truth and we don’t become hardnosed where the Islamic invasion of the west is concerned, our future generations may as well kiss freedom goodbye….

November 16, 2006

NAU Revisited

Not too long ago, I posted about the coming of the North American Union, an agenda which, much to my chagrin, is being engineered by the man I voted for twice for President and his counterparts in Mexico and Canada.

Some commenters took this either with a grain of salt, some with a degree of alarm, some, I thought, may have humored me with their comments.

As they say, it’s all good. The very concept sounds both farfetched and absurd, like the plot of a Robert Ludlum novel or the fantasies of a serious paranoid.

After all, conspiracy theories abound, right?

I had thought my research on the subject was pretty extensive, in fact, somewhere along the line I was reminded of my ex-wife’s own “ravings”, back in the days of the Carter Administration, when she talked about then National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski’s ambitions toward what was called the Trilateral Commission.

In those days I was still kinda’ sorta’ liberal and pretty laid back, and to tell the truth, couldn’t give the proverbial “flying fuck” about such things. Please excuse mah French (spit!)….

In the comments section of my post on the North American Union ambitions of those involved, the forever awesome Always On Watch suggested that I contact a great blog called Sixth Column, who had been following the NAU proceedings for some time. I did.

We resolved to share information on anything our respective research unearthed on the subject. In that quarter, they have thus far kicked my ass, LOL.

An emailed article I recently received provides the entire history, names, methods, intentions, chronology and all, of events leading up to what is now the plan for the North American Union. It is lengthy and will require some time, but I urge you to read it in its entirety.

It should convince you, in alarming detail, of what is to come in the next four years, no matter what else occurs in the political spectrum of the United States of America.

It is here.

As I said last time out, we are indeed in grave trouble, because our very sovereignty is about to be sacrificed on the altar of corporate expediency. While our future Congresses and POTUSes will govern our country, they will be like state legislatures, while extranational congresses determine the details of our economy (a collective with Mexico and Canada), eventually becoming part of a global collective consisting of the EU, the NAU, the SAU, the AU, etc….

We are in big trouble here, a world government awaits just around the corner, and most unfortunately, the politicians who might be able to prevent it are being kept outside the loop.

As I said in my previous post about this, the involved congresses/parliaments, etc involved herein have been kept in the dark about it, as has the media.

I am wondering whether we are going to wake up and deal with this, or whether we’re simply going to drift into it in blissful ignorance, becoming an entirely different country….


November 4, 2006

Remember Clinton’s War?

You know, the one Germany and some other Euro countries got us into because they wanted more EU say-so in the Balkans? You know, the one in which the late Mr. Milosevic, the one they tried for five years in the aftermath and could convict of nothing was “ethnically cleansing” the Muslim population while the Muslim population did the same to non-Muslims? Yeah, that one, the one way street where Clinton felt it was just fine for Muslims to ethnically cleanse to their hearts’ content, as long as Milosevic could not?

We and several other countries really did the Muslims a favor there, helping them to practice their Islam on Christian Serbs with a minimum of interference.

Julia Gorin’s got a present day perspective up at JWR’s Political Mavens, done in her own uniquely humorous-yet-to-the-point style that bears a read, here.

September 28, 2006

This 7 November….

…. it is crucial that all those among us with their heads screwed on right, who cherish liberty and want to survive as both a nation based on freedom and in possibly millions of cases as living and breathing human beings, get to the polls and vote.

The opposition, those to the left side of the aisle, are neither fit nor credible enough to trust with the governing of this great country. One responsibility the current crop of Democrats in Congress refuse to countenance is that of putting the country before their own partisan political agendas, and they say and do whatever it takes, truth not an issue, to rabidly hammer their dubious diatribes into the American consciousness.

Thespis, of Thespis Journal, has this highly accurate take on today’s Democrats and why they need to be defeated come November.


When you are voting this November consider the following serial pattern of lying, deceitfulness, deception, and use of counterfeit grievances by the radical liberals against President Bush and the Republicans.


AJ Strata believes, as do I, that the republicans will retain control of both houses on the night of November 7, 2006. The liberals are morally and intellectually bankrupt. Their blitz of conspiracy theories, born in the defeat of Al Gore in 2000, has made today’s democrat party the party of the delusional, the disaffected, the demonizers, and deranged. Let’s hope that the defeatocrats experience the wrath of an unexpected and underestimated conservative turn out this November.

You’ve read the beginning and the end, now go and read all that comes in between in the well written and conceived linked post.


More on the importance of getting out those votes 40 days from today can be found with Gayle, at My Republican Blog.

by @ 4:49 am. Filed under The Fact Of The Matter...

August 7, 2006

For Us Techno-Challenged Folks

Numerous blogs have linked to the Reuters photo editing fiasco depicted at Little Green Footballs this past Saturday, and now for an actual look at how it was done, go over to The Dissident Frogman.

by @ 10:18 pm. Filed under The Fact Of The Matter...

March 27, 2006

Getting Down To Brass Tacks

We talk about illegal criminal aliens all the time, about the impact they have on our economy and about the threats posed by their very entry into and presence in the United States.

Despite the penchant the left has for ignoring our laws regarding criminal immigration, supporting any influx of illegal aliens without checks, balances or compunction of any kind, this is a serious issue, and one explored in a way that puts it in brilliant perspective at Ravings Of A Mad Tech.

by @ 12:55 am. Filed under The Fact Of The Matter...

October 22, 2005

So Much For Liberal Propaganda

The Democrats have for years hammered us with the myth that the nation’s wealthier folks pay less or no tax at all, leaving the poor to carry the tax burden.

Pat’sRick proves otherwise.

by @ 1:40 am. Filed under The Fact Of The Matter...