October 22, 2005

Oops! Three Hours Late!

I can’t believe I neglected to post on this yesterday, which was the 208th birthday of the very naval sailing vessel that heads up this blog.

On 21 October 1797, the frigate U.S.S. Constitution, known also as Old Ironsides was launched at Edmund Hartt’s Shipyard in Boston Harbor.

Let’s hoist a pint in her honor.

by @ 2:54 am. Filed under Major Events

The War On Terror

Tony Blankley has written a detailed and must-read piece on the premises behind his book The West’s Last Chance: Will We Win The Clash Of Civilizations?, in which he discusses the serious threat posed to western civilization by radical Islam, citing among other causes for alarm the rapid ongoing ingestion of Europe by Muslims.

It is beginning to dawn on Europeans that the combination of a shrinking ethnic-European population and an expanding, culturally assertive Muslim population might lead to the fall of Western civilization in Europe within a century.
This phenomenon, called Eurabia, is viewed with growing fatalism both in Europe and in America. Such fatalism, however, is premature.
Last November, an Islamist terrorist’s butchering of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, who had made a movie revealing abuse of Muslim women, aroused deep fears in Holland and across the Continent.
The public anger, which included the burning of mosques in traditionally tolerant Holland, is evidence that the European instinct for survival has not been fully extinguished.
But that survival instinct is threatened by the multiculturalism and political correctness advocated in media and academe — and institutionalized in national and European Union laws and regulations for half a century.
Europe’s effort at cultural tolerance since World War II slowly morphed into a surprisingly deep self-loathing of Western culture that denied the instinct for cultural and national self-defense.
If Europe doesn’t rise to the challenge, Eurabia will come to pass. Then Europe will cease to be an American ally and instead become a base of operations (as she already is to a small degree) against

Another excerpt from the article that should be kept in mind,

Many Muslims in Europe are content to be law-abiding, culturally integrated citizens. But an increasing number feel some degree of alienation. Many are beginning to believe that they have a religious duty not to integrate.
Radical Islam, sometimes accurately called Islamo-fascism, has all the “advantages” the Nazis had in Germany in the 1930s. The Islamo-fascists find a Muslim population adrift, confused and humiliated by the dominance of foreign nations and cultures. They find a large, youthful population increasingly disdainful of their parents’ passive habits.
Just as the Nazis reached back to German mythology and the supposed Aryan origins of the German people, the radical Islamists reach back to the founding ideas and myths of their religious culture. And just like the Nazis, they claim to speak for authentic traditions while actually advancing expedient and radical innovations.
The Islamo-fascist mullahs encourage young Muslims not to turn to their parents for guidance on choosing a wife (or wives). Nor are young Muslims to be guided by parental or community disapproval of making an individual commitment to jihad. They are allowed to drink alcohol
, shave their beards and commit what otherwise would be judged immorality in a Muslim — in order to advance jihad.

Read the entire series, three parts, the second two linked at the ends of their “predecessors.”

We are fighting a war against a religious entity that has actually been at war with the rest of the world, in one way or another, for about a dozen centuries, because they believe that only Muslims are entitled to live, the rest of us must be killed.

The technology of today has enabled them, for the first time in their entire bloody history, to mount the war they’ve always wanted on a global scale.

And we are fighting them tooth and nail, despite obstruction from our own lemminglike left and politically partisan propaganda, spins, omissions and outright lies by the mainstream{liberal} media, all of whom either take the side of or play into the hands of our terrorist enemy.

The superbly well prepared, well fact-checked outing of a left wing media stooge who is a very good friend, indeed, of the terrorists in Iraq can be found at GM’s Corner, and a definitive rebuttal to the left’s decomposing dead horse, “Bush lied! We only invaded Iraq because he said they had WMD!” awaits at Kender’s Musings.

by @ 1:48 am. Filed under Global War On Terror

So Much For Liberal Propaganda

The Democrats have for years hammered us with the myth that the nation’s wealthier folks pay less or no tax at all, leaving the poor to carry the tax burden.

Pat’sRick proves otherwise.

by @ 1:40 am. Filed under The Fact Of The Matter...

He Got That Right!

Brian Carney’s New York experience in yesterday’s Opinion Journal talks about something I, too, have recently encountered.

I was in New York for several days last month, and man, has the city of my birth become expensive in the last few years. I mean, here’s a place where people have become so accustomed to being robbed at the cash register that they don’t bat an eye when forking over $8.00 for a pack of cigarettes or $4.50 for a coffee and a bagel “with a schmear” to go.

I am preparing to move back to the east coast soon and buy a house, and have studied real estate prices from Maine to the Carolinas and New York… well, let’s say you’re single and you badly want to live in Manhattan, where you are willing to buy a condo or co-op{personally, I wouldn’t even consider a co-op, because then you’re subject to a “board of directors” whose decisions can in many ways decide upon how you can live in your own “home”). If you search very hard and are blessed, beat the multitudes of competitors for the property and win the day(strike up the band!) you may get really, truly lucky and be able to buy your own tiny studio condo for a mere $350,000.00 plus monthly maintenance fees. Woo, at least you won’t have to spend a lot of money on furniture, since there’d be noplace to put it. Add a couple of hundred thousand dollars or considerably more if you’re looking to buy a small or medium sized house or a multiroom condo. On the even brighter side, you would have the opportunity to pay the city’s high property tax, a gift to the people of New York from mayor and “former” Democrat, billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

The other four boroughs, especially Brooklyn and Queens, with the exception of New York’s few remaining enclaves of “live here and die, whitey!”, are fast catching up on the inflated property gravy train.

Brian Carney, looking to buy a home for himself and his family, searched high and low for a property that was affordable, without success:

But even Brooklyn has gone real-estate crazy, especially if you limit your search to neighborhoods with decent public schools. After seriously considering a two-bedroom basement apartment in Brooklyn Heights going for far more than we could afford, the reality hit home. New York might be great–greater than ever in many ways–but it was beyond our financial grasp. We regrouped and started to look in the suburbs. Which is where we ended up.

And he’s got a family in tow, jeez! It’s enough that prices in New York repelled me, intending to live by myself, from its real estate market.

There’s this bubble thing, you see, in many large cities, among them New York, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle and Washington, DC, that has real estate prices titanically overvalued, and in my opinion as well as those of acquaintances in the business, this bubble will burst in the not-too-distant future, transforming current sellers’ markets into big time buyers’ markets, and that $500,000.00 house you buy today might suddenly enjoy a market price of only $300,000.00 three or four years down the road, if that.

So, like the author of the linked article, I, too, am looking elsewhere for my house.

by @ 12:51 am. Filed under General

October 20, 2005

Tom DeLay Booked in Houston

Tom DeLay turned himself in quietly at the sheriff’s office in Houston earlier, got himself fingerprinted and photo’d, spoke to a judge and posted bail and was gone within half an hour, depriving self seeking, politically motivated, shyster, Travis County, Tx D.A. Ronnie Earle of the dog and pony show he would have preferred.

DeLay showed up with his attorney, Dick DeGuerin.

“Now Ronnie Earle has the mugshot he wanted,” DeGuerin said, referring to the Travis County district attorney who brought the charges. DeLay and his lawyer have accused the district attorney of trying to make headlines for himself.

Earle is a shameless maggot who has no compunction about destroying another man’s reputation or career if he believes it will advance his own political future.

DeLay had been expected to turn himself in in his home county outside Houston, Fort Bend, where a horde of reporters awaited. But under Texas law, he could check in anywhere in the state.

DeGuerin said he and DeLay went to the sheriff’s office in Houston because it was convenient and because “I wanted to avoid the circus.”

“That’s what Ronnie (Earle) wanted. He wanted a perp walk and we did not want to do it,” the defense attorney said.

I predict Tom DeLay will be cleared of the trumped up charges against him, but unfortunately, as happens as a result of human nature, there will always be a lingering doubt among the voting public, and that will have a highly negative impact on the future of his career in politics.

by @ 10:33 pm. Filed under Liberal Agendas

Move America Forward

This is the latest email announcement from Move America Forward:

Fellow Move America Forward Supporters,

I’m Sal Russo, Chief Strategist for Move America Forward.

I am sending you this short update to pass on some very good news.

The Chairman of our group, Melanie Morgan, has joined World Net Daily
as a weekly columnist.

You can read the scoop on this development here:

I know that many Americans will enjoy the opportunity to read Melanie’s
conservative wit and wisdom each week. This is in addition to
Melanie’s daily co-host duties on “The Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Show” on
KSFO 560 AM.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Also, we are pleased to announce that Move America Forward will be
conducting a “Support Our Troops This Holiday Season” national radio ad

We’re in the process of producing radio ads that urge Americans not to
turn their backs on our troops this holiday season.

The news media continues to celebrate only the negative news in Iraq,
while ignoring the progress our troops are making. This is a subject
that will be the centerpiece of Melanie’s first column at World Net
Daily, and it will also be the central focus of our radio ad campaign.

We’ll have more on this program in a few days. But for now, I’ll give
you one piece of news on the program that I really like:

* We will base the broadcast of these ads based on where we receive the
financial support to air them.

Our accounting team will be tracking ALL online and mailed
contributions. We will then allocate the money to each radio market and begin
broadcasting the ads in that city/market once we’ve reached $500 for any

Once we’ve reached the $500 in a market we’ll post on our website which
radio station we will start running the ads on, so you’ll be able to
tune in and listen.

The point of all of this is to let you have the power to help advance
the Move America Forward message in YOUR area based on YOUR financial

We think this is a fair and effective way to help spread the pro-troop
message during this crucial holiday season.

Now, this will mark your first chance to contribute to the campaign.

Or mail in a contribution:

Move America Forward
ATTN: Holiday Pro Troop Ads
P.O. Box 1497
Sacramento, CA 95812

Next week Melanie will have more information about the ads, when the
campaign will go live, etc…

Thank you for reading my update.

Sincerely Yours,

Sal Russo
Chief Strategist, Move America Forward

by @ 9:56 pm. Filed under American Patriotism

Another Triumph For Provocateurs Of Racism

This Toledo, Ohio occurance was, indeed, a crying shame. Michelle Malkin has it covered completely, as always.

So the way it went down was, the Nazi scum were scheduled to march and local black gang-bangers were prepared to give them an exciting reception. To head off trouble, the city cancelled the Nazis’ march, but that didn’t stop the gang members, who were too ready to riot and destroy other people’s property to quit just because there was no longer a reason to take any action. They wanted to hurt some white people, create mayhem and burn things down, and it didn’t matter that their excuse no longer existed.

As far as I’m concerned, much of the blame for this inexcusable and inhuman behavior falls in the laps of such self-motivated instigators as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. I find it repulsive that Jackson and Sharpton dare place religious prefixes before their names, for they are nothing short of Godless hatemongers, as is Farrakhan.

These are people who thrive on racial hatred, because the only political platform they have is racism. By continually shouting to all too many blacks who give them credibility that “Whitey is racist and he wants to keep the black man down” and representing themselves as defenders of their race against this insidious white plot that really, really does not exist, they retain their power bases among blacks and gullible liberals of other ethnic persuasions.

They keep racism alive in the black community as they feed the flames of a simmering rage that needn’t be, simply because they need as many downtrodden people as they can inventory into their ministries of hate in order to maintain the constituencies that support their miserable careers.

Like the ACLU, these Provocateurs of racial violence are the enemies of the blacks and other minorities, posing as their friends while using them to meet political agendas. It’s just too bad so many people listen to these parasites and believe what they’re saying.

Like I said, a crying shame.

Columnist Michael Graham has an opinion piece on the affair in Jewish World Review.

So how did these fringe fascists get blamed for the Toledo riot?

Maybe it’s the press’s anti-Nazi bias. If so, they’ll get no complaints from me.

Or maybe the mainstream media buys the argument, offered by some of the rioters and their defenders, that the riot was a civil rights protest against fascism.

Probably, to the last. Our Mainstream Media, just like most liberals, are living in their own private Idaho{h/t, B-52s}.

So to recap: In response to a Nazi rally that didn’t happen, several hundred black Americans burned down buildings and looted businesses in their own community, apparently in protest of the First Amendment, while the elected mayor of a mid-sized American city negotiated with the gangsters among them to plead for order in the streets.

And it’s all the Nazi’s fault?

Even if you believe that neo-Nazism poses an imminent threat to the Republic, how does destroying a Toledo gas station or setting a local bar on fire help hold back the Aryan hordes? I just wonder how many other Americans, watching the disturbing images of hundreds of black neighbors rushing a local convenience store, were reminded, not of Nuremberg, but New Orleans?

I have a lot of black friends and acquaintances, and none of them would ever dream of participating in anything like the Toledo rioting or that which occured in Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict.

Those inclined to mob violence are the folks who allow themselves to be kept down and out of the “loop” of mainstream society by the same black community leaders and white liberals that claim to represent their interests.

I realize that, as a white guy, I am supposed to let this behavior go by without comment. That was certainly the mainstream media’s strategy.

I’m also not supposed to notice that on the same day, a thousand miles away in Washington DC, thousands of black Americans gathered to hear Louis Farrakhan’s latest theory on how the Bush administration blew up the levees in Louisiana. If I’m alarmed by the sight of great masses of my fellow Americans in support of a anti-Semitic loony waiting to be beamed up to the Mother Ship, it’s my duty as a white guy not to let it show.

But it does make me nervous. If the American Nazi Party had a million members, I’d be nervous about that, too—even if that number represented a mere1% of America’s white population. The same would be true if thousands of Hispanic Americans were rioting on behalf of the “reconquista” movement to return the southwestern US to Mexico.

But they aren’t. There is only one community in America where this irrational, self-destructive street violence occurs again and again. As an American, I’d like to do something to help change that fact. But I don’t think I’m allowed to, because I don’t think I’m allowed to even acknowledge that there’s a problem.

Unfortunately, the problems facing black Americans are very real. The lingering racism black Americans face is real, too, as are the setbacks some black Americans choose to bring upon themselves.

by @ 7:43 pm. Filed under Racism


Walter Williams has a pretty on-point column going in today’s JWR about a nation of sheeple.

The column’s about the way we, as Americans, have been gradually ceding the guardianship of our rights to the very elements they are supposed to protect us against.

…In the name of safety, we’ve undergone decades of softening up to accept just about any government edict that our predecessors would have found offensive. Let’s look at some of it.

The anti-smoking movement might be the beginning of the softening up process. They started out calling for reasonable actions like no-smoking sections on airplanes. Then it progressed to no smoking on airplanes altogether, then private establishments such as restaurants and businesses. Emboldened by the timidity of smokers, in some jurisdictions there are ordinances banning smoking in outdoor places such as beaches and parks. Then there are seatbelt and helmet laws that have sometimes been zealously enforced through the use of night vision goggles. On top of this, Americans accept government edicts on where your child may ride in your car. Americans sheepishly accepted all sorts of Transportation Security Administration nonsense. In the name of security, we’ve allowed fingernail clippers, eyeglass screwdrivers and toy soldiers to be taken from us prior to boarding a plane.

Yeah, I know what he’s talking about. Micromanagement by government does kind of suck, it goes against the grain of the Constitution and the American way of life as a whole. It would, however, be just fine in a socialist country or San Francisco.

The article began with reference to President Bush’s proposal for using the military as a primary disaster management entity and the author’s belief{mine as well} that the Posse Comitatus Act serves a positive purpose toward preventing the federal government using the Armed Forces for domestic police duties.

In my opinion, the only reason the Administration has been so quick to volunteer our military thusly is that they are overreacting to all the undeserved flack they took in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, panicking when there’s no reason to panic. At least there wouldn’t be if the current batch of Republicans(you know, the majority?) could be counted on to support their president instead of appeasing the Democrats at every turn.

But I digress, an ongoing problem I have.

It is quite true that we’ve been “taking it sitting down” while we allow our politicians to run amok, pretty much controlling our lives and circumstances through the incremental introduction of increasingly invasive and restrictive laws. The majority of Americans have become lazy in that they don’t look over their elected officials’ shoulders from time to time to learn the details of these people’s voting agendas.

We’ve accepted federal intrusion in our financial privacy through the Bank Secrecy Act. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, says, “More than 99.999 percent of those [who] had their privacy invaded were law-abiding citizens going about their own personal financial business.” Most recently there’s the U.S. Supreme Court Kelo decision, where the court held that local governments can take a private person’s house and turn it over to another private person. Politicians have learned and become comfortable with the fact that today’s Americans will docilely accept just about any legalized restraint on their behavior.

He weighs in on a time when Americans reacted quite differently to government infringement on their freedom.
You say, “Hey, Williams, but it’s the law!” In the late-1700s, the British Parliament enacted the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts, and imposed other grievances that are enumerated in our Declaration of Independence. I’m happy that we didn’t have today’s Americans around at the time to bow before King George III and say, “It’s the law.” Respectful of the Posse Comitatus Act, President Bush has suggested that he’ll ask Congress to amend the law to allow for the use of the U.S. military to enforce regional quarantines. Whether Congress amends the law or not, Bush has no constitutional authority to deploy military troops across the land. Why?

Give the entire column a read, it’s surely food for thought.

by @ 6:20 pm. Filed under Opinion

Caption Contest

Go over to GM’s Corner and check out his Caption Contest.

by @ 6:16 pm. Filed under Recreation

The Ultimate Basketball Fan

Basketball enthusiasts might be interested to know the identity of Larry Bird’s biggest fan.

by @ 6:07 pm. Filed under Individualists