January 14, 2006
‘Green Light’ for Attack
The recently released video message from al Qaeda’s number two leader is part of a pattern that signals a countdown to a major terrorist attack within the next 30 days, warns a Washington D.C.-based analyst.
The theory, based on a pattern observed after previous terrorist attacks had occured, is that…
…it is not the content of the video that is a sign of a possible imminent strike, said terrorism expert Christopher L. Brown. Instead, it is the timing of the video that is consistent with previous patterns. Brown, a researcher with a Washington think tank, has briefed members of Congress and senior administration officials on key threats, and he has prepared testimony and briefing materials for officials at the Department of Defense, State Department, CIA, National Security Council and the White House.
The pattern Brown observed is that each Zawahiri video appears to be part of a pair, with the second video followed by a significant attack within 30 days, outside of the major combat zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The videos released on Sept. 9 and Nov. 9, 2004, were the first “set” and were followed by the Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, bombings on Dec. 6, 2004. The second “set” of videos was released Feb. 20 and June 26, 2005, followed by the July 7 London bombings. A third set of videos was released Aug. 4 and Sept 1, 2005, followed by the bombings in Bali, Indonesia, on Oct. 1, 2005.
It’s all here.
December 9, 2005
The Very Real WMD Threat
One of the things our Bush bashing liberals and U.N. officials seem oblivious to, and I hope that’s the case because if not, their hatred of the President far outweighs their will to survive, is the probability that terrorists will eventually possess, if they do not now, portable weapons of mass destruction{WMDs}, and will attempt to use them here in the United States and in other countries Islamofascism considers their enemy.
According to Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer,
We have to face up to the fact that terrorists are actively endeavouring to try to get access to, in particular, chemical and chemical, biological and radiological weapons, the easiest of which would be radiological weapons. They could create what is sometimes called a “dirty bomb” very easily with conventional explosives around some nuclear material, which wouldn’t create a nuclear explosion but would disperse radioactive material.
And we have to face up to the fact that terrorists are actively trying to obtain these weapon systems. And in South East Asia there may be a real sense of urgency in a country like Indonesia, of course.
But when you get to the United Nations in New York, it has to be said that there are quite a number of members there who don’t see the urgency of addressing these issues, which I believe there should be.
It seems that it’s always the so-called intellectuals of the left who reason that if we “make nice,” and attempt to negotiate peace with terrorists like the ones who shattered our world on 11 September 2001 rather than waging war against them, they would convey their best wishes and leave us alone.
Thank God there are more people around who focus on reality rather than the Utopian pipe dreams of these “elite thinkers.”
If we believe the tragedy that occurred on 9/11 was horrible, imagine how we would view the setting off of a suitcase nuke in midtown Manhattan, the Loop in Chicago, downtown Los Angeles or Washington, D.C. in the middle of a business day. The death toll would make that of the World Trade Center appear picayune by comparison, easily into seven digit figures, laying waste an entire metropolitan area and spreading severe, lethal radiation into the suburbs.
It is speculated that after the break-up of the Soviet Union, a number of so-called “suitcase nukes” went missing.
In late September, Alexander Lebed, Russia’s former chief of national security, repeated his assertion, first made earlier in the month, that Russia may have ‘lost’ up to 100 1-kiloton ’suitcase-sized’ nuclear bombs. Speaking in Tokyo on 22 September, Lebed said that despite unequivocal denials of his claim by the authorities, “the problem still exists.” “Unfortunately,” he added, “some people chose to protect their name or laugh off the issue.” He repeated his view of the gravity of the situation: “These are ideal weapons to conduct nuclear terrorism… We must seriously look for them or else humankind cannot rest in peace.”
In his book Al Qaeda, Brotherhood of Terror, former F.B.I. consultant on international terrorism Paul L. Williams contends that Osama bin Laden purchased as many as twenty suitcase nukes from former KGB agents.
While various former Soviet officials deny that such nukes were ever produced by the U.S.S.R., others point out that such denials are to be expected under the heading of CYA, and still others, like Lebed, give evidence that these compact WMDs were indeed built, for intended use by Spetznaz{Soviet Special Forces} units.
Naturally, our ever optimistic liberal airheads intellectuals will insist that such terrible things as suitcase nukes couldn’t possibly be out there in the hands of terrorists, because after all, only responsible men and women would have had access to them — had they existed at all.
Yet it is fact that on the U.S.S.R.’s dissolution, a number of their military officials absconded with a wide variety of weaponry and sold it on the international black market as a way of generating investment capital, to ensure future personal financial security in an environment turned capitalist.
Would unscrupulous former members of the Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti have been any different if they had access to these nukes?
A book I would highly recommend to put this issue into perspective is Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe by Graham Allison.
By continuing to prosecute the Global War On Terror as aggressively as we are{and do your reading, there were negotiations between Iraq and Russian nuclear personnel in the years prior to the downfall of Saddam Hussein!}, we reduce the odds that a nuclear catastrophe will occur here in the United States or in other western countries. If an al-Qaeda member has no compunction about detonating himself with conventional explosives to kill a handful of American soldiers or crash an airplane into a building to kill a few thousand, it’s a given that he’ll simply love the idea of sacrificing his life to murder a million of us.
Liberals, wake up!
August 24, 2005
Diamonds Are A Terrorist’s Best Friend
According to the Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, there’s more coming out of Africa than stories of starvation, AIDS, oppressive governments and insurrection.
Although the Bush administration has succeeded in reducing international sources of terrorist financing since 9/11, the Lebanese Hezbollah movement is still flush with cash these days. Over the past three years, the militant Shiite organization has managed to strengthen its military apparatus, greatly augment its strategic rocket arsenal, start up Palestinian terrorist cells, and establish a presence in Iraq, while continuing to develop its extensive social welfare network in Lebanon.
….A glimpse into the scale of Hezbollah profits from the diamond trade came in December 2003, when a Union des Transports Africains (UTA) airliner loaded with Lebanese passengers crashed off the coast of Benin - on board, according to news reports and Western diplomats in Sierra Leone, was a Hezbollah courier carrying $2 million.[5]
Whereas Hezbollah derives revenue in Sierra Leone primarily through extortion of Lebanese merchants, in the Congo, which has been wracked by civil war since 1998, Hezbollah operatives “muscled their way into the business” and began purchasing diamonds directly from miners and local middlemen at a fraction of their market value.[6] The highest quality stones are sold in the Belgian diamond marketing hub of Antwerp, while the bulk are sold in emerging diamond markets where the organization can operate more freely, such as Bombay and Dubai.
After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, Belgian intelligence discovered that al-Qaeda had bought up to $20 million worth of diamonds from Samih Osailly, who shipped the gems from RUF-held areas of Sierra Leone through Liberia.[7] Although al-Qaeda and Hezbollah are usually mentioned in the same breath when terrorist links to the diamond trade are discussed, the two organizations have been involved in very different capacities. Al-Qaeda buys diamonds as a way of hiding money (there is no inexpensive and reliable method of tracing their source), while Hezbollah is involved to make money.
Another leak that needs plugging, as it were. Definitely read the entire article, it’s profoundly interesting.
July 23, 2005
Is The Global Jihad Entering An “11th Hour” Phase?
Given the events of the last sixteen days, one has to wonder if al-Qaeda and their murderous minions around the world are going into some sort of frenzied overdrive. Surely they’re doing their best to isolate themselves from the support and safe harbor they once enjoyed profusely from fellow believers(countries and individuals) in Islam.
In Iraq, they butcher infinitely more Muslims on a 9 to 5 basis than they do ”occupying infidels,” even while purporting to speak for Islam.
On 7 July 05 in London, a city that has traditionally welcomed Muslims and allowed them to practice their faith without hindrance, these Islamofascists detonated bombs in three subway stations and aboard a double decker bus that claimed scores of lives and caused hundreds of injuries and massive property damage.
Members of London’s large Muslim population began expressing concerns that the bombings might precipitate a new surge of anti-Islamic aggression among Londoners.
On 21 July 05 in London, another series of bombings, these of comparably less damage and death toll rocked the London tube network.
On 22 July 05 in London, Metropolitan Police officers pursued a “south Asian” male onto a train in a tube station and capped him five times(the man, attired suspiciously in a loose fitting coat and carrying a ruck sack, had fled when approached by police and, suspected of being a suicide bomber, was taken out as a precaution against his setting off a bomb), killing him.
Members of the local Muslim population began expressing concerns of a new ”shoot-to-kill” policy among police that might lead to the deaths of innocent Muslims mistaken for terrorists.
It may be noted at this point that many Muslims in London and elsewhere have begun openly deploring the acts of terror that they claim is not the way of Islam, only that of an extremist minority and *get this* have been applying the term “terrorist” to the equation, previously a rare choice of reference coming from believers in The Religion of Peace.
It seems al-Qaeda and friends are beginning to royally piss off their own fellow Muslims in the west and elsewhere.
On 23 July 05, early this morning, terrorists suicide bombed sites in the popular Egyptian beach resort Sharm el-Sheikh, destroying the most popular hotel, damaging neighboring hotels and businesses and killing more than 80 people, injuring at least 200 others.
A group claiming links to the al Qaeda organization said it carried out the bombings in retaliation for “crimes committed against Muslims,” according to an Internet statement.
Considering the fact that the majority of the dead and injured(one of the bombers detonated himself and his car at a locale that was a local hangout, where the victims were mostly young Muslims, many of whom were service industry employees who worked at the hotels and other tourism venues in the resort town) were Muslims, it seems to me that this entire terrorist attack, though there were tourists killed who were from Europe and Asia, was a “crime committed against Muslims.”
The Sharm al-Sheikh bombings have drawn condemnation even from the Islamofascist theocracy in Iran, from Jordan and several other Muslim countries, and of course Kofi Annan of the useless UN deplored the terrorist atrocity along with most western governments.
Are the Jihadis painting themselves into a corner by committing “acts of war” against their own? Even the Muslims living in western countries like Britain have to see that Osama and friends are fomenting anger by host country natives against resident Muslims, causing suspicion and prejudice that are inherent in human nature, despite what terrorism’s apologists and other “intellectuals” might think, when a specific group of people is the source of countless acts of deadly aggression against everyone else. Terrorism, as it continues to rear its hideous head in western states, will inevitably bring about the institution, dissenters be damned, of blatant racial profiling at airports as a standard policy. Terrorism in the west is as disruptive to law abiding Muslims living in western cities.
And no one, not a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Christian, a Jew nor anyone else can honestly say that these terror groups are not making war on their own kind as much as they are on western democracies or coalition troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So these animals-without-their-own-sovereign-state have, in the last couple of weeks, made it unarguably plain that they are at war not only with a few countries, but with the entire ”rest of the world.”
Meanwhile, in London, it turns out that the man the Metropolitan Police waxed in the tube was the wrong man. Despite any criticism of the police regarding that development, let’s face it: The police had probable cause to suspect the man might be a suicide bomber and he did run from them. Taking him out was the only way they could have assured that he wouldn’t have a chance to “do the deed.”
“To give license to people to shoot just like that, on the basis of suspicion, is very frightening,” Azim Tamimi of the Muslim Association of Britain told BBC television.
“It is human lives that are being targeted here, whether by terrorists or in this case unfortunately by people who are supposed to be chasing or catching the terrorists.”
Sure, Azim, but how would you feel if they hadn’t shot the fleeing man and he had been a suicide bomber, and he had taken the afforded 2 or 3 seconds’ opportunity to blow up both himself and scores of commuters? I side with the cops.
The sooner the law abiding world Islamic community joins the Global War On Terror, without reservation, to help destroy the extremists who claim to be mass-murdering on behalf of all Muslims(I suppose that also applies to those Muslims they kill, go figure), the sooner we might put an end not only to the al-Qaeda threat, but to the social and other inconveniences it is causing millions of Muslims who say they want to live in peace.
As for all you apologists here at home who believe(or if you’re not profoundly stupid, shit-for-brains-morons and you’re simply comfortable with Americans being murdered by terrorists “to make Bush look bad”) that terrorism is America’s fault, I sincerely hope that if, God forbid, there are any further terrorist bombings on U.S. soil, the victims only include your ilk and not those of us who support our President and the GWOT. You want to endanger the rest of us by obstructing our defensive measures — and yes, those include our presence in Iraq, the Patriot Act, racial profiling at airports and the Camp Delta detention center at Guantanamo Bay – so it’s only fair that you, not the rest of us, pay any price incurred by your picayune political agendas.
July 7, 2005
More On The London Bombings
The Wall Street Journal Online has some updated in-depth coverage on this morning’s multiple bombings in London in which they name a possible suspect, a Moroccan man who’s been living in Britain for about ten years.
Mohamed Guerbouzi, at one time a ranking member of GICM, the Moroccan Islamic Combat Group, has been under investigation by the Brits for suspected involvement in a Morocco suicide bombing in 2003 and last year’s commuter train bombing in Madrid, which claimed the lives of 191 people. London, described as a hotbed of radical Islamism, also plays host to the likes of terrorism advocates Abu Hamsa al-Masri and Omar Mahmoud Abu Omar, known also as Abu Qatada.
The man has been allowed to move freely through England without any worries about the British government spiriting him away to a torture chamber or an interrogation clinic and making him talk. Had Britain been an Islamic country, his testies would have long ago been fried by electricity and he would have “sang” his heart out.
The Brits, like the United States, maintain a free society whose liberal side battles for ”civil rights” that end up protecting terrorists as they plan attacks on those same “rights” advocates. Look at all the whining about racial profiling at airports and about the F.B.I. going into a terror suspect’s hard drive being deemed an “invasion of privacy.” Look at all the yelling about the “civil rights” of the very well treated prisoners at GITMO, who are of the same ilk as those involved in today’s London bombings and the tragic events of 11 September 2001.
All those whining liberals whose words and actions support terrorists and terrorism need to stop and consider that these monsters want just as badly to murder them and their families as they do all other “infidels,” and that they are enabling these terrorists to “keep on keepin’ on” every time they stand in the way of a definitive measure in the War on Terror.
Of course they won’t, they’re too busy trying to “understand” the terrorists, to try and define “the reasons why they hate us.”
Sing it! “Kumbaya…”
I wonder how many London liberals will come away from today’s horrors with a more realistic point of view, as did many in New York after the in-your-face Islam 101 course on 11 September 2001.
Spiegel Online contributed this today:
A letter posted on a website frequently used by al-Qaida claims that the “Secret Organization of Al-Qaida in Europe” is responsible for today’s massive terrorist attack on London. In it, the group also issues warnings to Denmark and Italy.
Here are a couple of excerpts that show just what kind of enemy we face in Islam. Liberals take note:
….”Rejoice, community of Muslims…. The heroic mujahedeen have conducted an attack in London…”
Yeah, rejoice at the mass murder of innocent people by the heroic mujahedeen. It takes a genuine hero to detonate bombs in crowded public places.
….”We’ve warned the British government and the British people time and again…. We’ve kept our promise and carried out a blessed military operation.”
“A blessed military operation.” or “A blessed military operation.” Blessed by whom? Carried out by what nation’s sovereign military authority?
These assholes remind me of the Mysterons from the old Captain Scarlet supermarionation TV series.
This attack against the British people should serve to strengthen the resolve of all nations to commit wholeheartedly to enjoining the GWOT and help those of our allies already thus engaged win this war, stamping out Islamofascist terror root and branch.
Yeah, It’s Terrorism In London
The explosions in London earlier were apparently terrorist acts and credit was claimed by Islamic militants. Why aren’t I amazed?
Three explosions shook the London subway and one tore open a packed double decker bus today during the morning rush hour. The blasts killed at least two people and injured about 190 in what a shaken Prime Minister Tony Blair called a series of “barbaric” terrorist attacks.
….”Whatever they do, it is our determination that they will never succeed in destroying what we hold dear in this country and in other civilized nations throughout the world,” said Blair.
A group calling itself “The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe” posted a claim of responsibility for the blasts saying they were in retaliation for Britain’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Web statement, republished on the site of the German magazine Der Spiegel, could not be immediately confirmed.
There is more at Middle East Online and the Guardian.
The death count being at 40 is abominable, hopefully the wounded will survive in a majority, but here we go again! These Islamofascists have destroyed property and done harm to civilians in the name of their cause. That is what they do. They wage war on the innocent. They rejoice in the butchery of small children in the name of their religion, enjoy heaping destruction and death on people and property that are incapable of fighting back because they are basically cowards, scum that is afraid to take on soldiers eyeball to eyeball but doesn’t hesitate to murder when there is no one around to return fire.
So now they’ve attacked England, or at least they’ve demonstrated their usual cowardice there by using bombs to commit murder and mayhem.
Islam= Religion of dickless men who murder innocent, unarmed people over their phony ‘religion of peace’ and bully their women because men would kick their butts. Fucktards! Their men probably love it up the ass, and their women probably secretly prefer other women because they’re more man than the men.
Possible Terrorist Event
According to the Beeb, it is possible that London has been subjected to a series of terrorist attacks. There have been blasts in the “tube”(subway) and in above-ground public transit vehicles.
We will await further reports.