December 6, 2005
Citizens’ Self Sufficiency In Action
In the face of deteriorating security, Jewish residents of Karmei Tzur are taking matters into their own hands.
Shlomo Ne’eman, a member of Karmei Tzur’s municipality told Arutz-7 that residents have become fed up with the IDF’s systematic ignoring of all their requests to deal with the Arabs who target vehicles driving on the Hevron-Jerusalem road with rocks and firebombs.
Residents say they refuse to abandon their homes, as they suspect the IDF response is intended to induce them to do. “But we are also no longer willing to be placed at the mercy of the Arab hooligans and watch as our children are targeted on their way to and from school each day,” Ne’eman said.
Tuesday morning, at 7 AM, residents deployed along the main road, armed with their weapons used for guard-duty in their community. “We stood all morning near the neighboring Arab villages of Beit Umar and El Aroub and we guarded the road,” Ne’eman described. “And we intend to continue guarding until the army comes to its senses and takes matters into its own hands.”
This seems like the only real option they have to ensure the safety of themselves, their families and their community, and a prime example of the necessity for citizens to be armed. The situation they face is the result of their government’s failing to provide them adequate protection from the animals who pursue terrorism as a substitute for compromise.
Luckily, in their case, they are issued weapons for the purpose of guarding their town, but imagine if the defeatist Sharon administration had followed the American liberal doctrine of limiting firearms ownership to military, police and criminals. The entire community might have been butchered by now, men, women and children as the local Palestinians would have known there would be no one returning fire during a terrorist attack.
The armed presence of these citizens began working right off the bat, as the “brave” Palestinians have no stomach for fighting, only for murdering unarmed children who can’t shoot back and so were nowhere to be found where they had previously congregated, awaiting the passing of these school children to assault them.
American criminals of the armed robbery and home invasion persuasions are pretty much the same in that regard, they do not want a firefight during which they may be injured or killed, they want an unarmed, helpless victim as they, like their terrorist cousins, are cowards.
If they knew that prospective targets were armed, they would take their dubious “business” elsewhere, or perhaps find a new line of work.
November 28, 2005
Mubarak’s Take, Naturally
Naturally, Ariel Sharon’s intentions to “give away the farm” are more than enough incentive for Hosni Mubarak to throw his two cents into Sharon’s corner.
BARCELONA - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is the only Israeli politician capable of reaching peace with the Palestinians, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said in an interview published here yesterday.
Mubarak’s comments come days after Sharon quit the Likud party, saying he could not push for peace with the Palestinians while wasting time battling far-right rivals.
“Sharon, of all the Israeli politicians, is the only one capable of achieving peace with the Palestinians,” Mubarak said in an interview with Spain’s ABC newspaper. “He has the ability to take difficult decisions, commit to what he says and carry it out.”
Mubarak pointed to Sharon’s success in pushing through Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip despite opposition from settlers and from within Likud.
Sure, real success as illustrated here and here {Hat Tip, Israpundit}. Oh, and remember this?
At any rate, the fact that Sharon has apparently committed himself to a course of capitulation that would do France proud would naturally make him the favorite of any Arab leader. Here is, after all, an Israeli leader who is willing to do for his overt and covert neighboring enemies what they themselves have been unable to accomplish in fifty seven years, that is, get some momentum going on the unravelling of the Jewish state — once a downhill roll commences, it’s difficult if not impossible to stop — and the handing over of what were once retained by Israel as buffer zones against repeat invasions by hostile neighbors to a murderous enemy whose ultimate goal is the total annihilation of Israel.
Middle East Newsline (MENL) reports in the name of “political sources” that Sharon has begun briefing senior U.S. officials of his intention to withdraw unilaterally from more than 95% of Judea and Samaria. Sharon is hoping to be elected Prime Minister for a third time - this time not in the Likud, however, but as head of his new Kadima Party.
One of the most valuable “acquisitions” of the Kadima Party, MK Chaim Ramon, formerly of Labor, said openly last week that Sharon will unilaterally withdraw to final borders in Judea and Samaria if Palestinian terror continues. IMRA reported that Ramon said this on a live interview on Channel 10’s “London and Kirschenbaum” news program just hours after he announced his decision to join Sharon’s Kadima.
Mar Sharon and his cronies are determined, it would seem, to add a geographic definition to the term downsizing.
November 21, 2005
C’mon, Condi!
So having been mostly raised by my grandparents, who were European Jews who both immigrated into the United States of America more than 80 years ago and being a Jew myself(a Conservative Jew and a Conservative American), I have a problem with the message{or lack of same} being delivered by my fellow Jews here in America.
It would seem that despite the lessons learned in the course of our heritage, which spans considerably more than a score of centuries, the “intellectuals” among us still haven’t learned any lessons from history.
An alarming percentage of Jews in the U.S. represent the left side of the global political spectrum, a failing, I have observed, that dates back to at least the early 1900s, when too many Jews belonged to the Communist Party and served the Kremlin. Intellectualism is an integral part of our faith, and for some reason certain brands of totalitarianism attract intellectuals to the point that they forsake reality in favor of the cloistered netherworld of false Utopian discourse.
To those of us who honor and observe our religion(I’m not a golden example: I fast on Yom Kippur while asking God to forgive my sins of the previous year, avoid leavened food products during Passover and try to live as the Talmud directs, but I love pork and I miss a lot of our holidays), the security and continued existence of Israel is of paramount importance.
Israel is the capitol of my faith, just as America is the land of my birth and the country to which I owe my allegiance(while I am an American first, and the U.S.A. is my country, Israel is the capitol of a community of which I am a member that is spread across the globe, a nation that took over two millenium to recover). So while I don’t live there, it is as important to me as a Jew as Washington, DC is to me as an American.
Pretty recently, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ceded the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians, as dumb a move as Bill Clinton made with the assistance of the late terrorist/ Palestinian leader, Yassir Arafat, helping a man who had been a terrorist for almost three decades “win” a Nobel Peace Prize.
Israel is being given to the Arabs, component-by-component, by a Prime Minister who is apparently in leave of his senses.
I can’t lay the blame on too many things he does, because I don’t live in Israel, but I will say that a huge amount of the anti-Israel rhetoric we are bombarded with comes from the left and can be lain at the doorstep of influence generated by some of my fellow Jews.
Jewish American leaders urged Rice to change tactics and directly impose on Israel an agreement to re-open the Rafiah border, but even liberal leaders worry Israel’s security has been breached.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last week broke her previously stated policy of “guiding, but not directing” negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). Rice used “unusual personal involvement” to pressure Israel and the PA, according to the liberal New York Jewish daily The Forward.
Under the agreement, Israel agreed to drop its demand for direct surveillance at the Rafiah border and to rely on video cameras without having authority to intervene on matters of security.
Our government(the United States Government), particularly the State Department, is involved heavily in peace negitiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians. We know this and approve, assuming that our officials are sincere about wanting peace to reign in Israel.
The problem is that like the Global War on Terror being prosecuted by the Bush Administration, the very defense of the Jewish State is under attack by the left, not only in Israel and the United Nations, but by Jews here in the United States.
HOUSTON, Nov. 20 /U.S. Newswire/ — Representatives of the 1.5 million Reform Jews in North America voted overwhelmingly today to oppose the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito Jr. to the Supreme Court of the United States because it “would threaten protection of the most fundamental rights” that the Reform Movement supports.
“On choice, women’s rights, civil rights and the scope of federal power,” Alito would “shift the ideological balance of the Supreme Court on matters of core concern to the Reform Movement,” according to the resolution adopted by the more than 2,000 voting delegates from more than 500 congregations in all 50 states. The vote came at the closing session of the Union for Reform Judaism’s Biennial Convention, which met in Houston Nov. 16-20. The Union represents the largest branch of Judaism in North America.
Yes, the same folks who oppose the confirmation of a conservative SCOTUS justice candidate in the United States, someone whose beliefs echo those of our founding fathers and a political system based on the Constitution that has made America the greatest country in the world, include a more than significant number of Jews whose view, in and out of Israel, of a perfect world does not include the existence of Israel.
At least, their actions do not indicate any serious interest in any future for the Jewish State. I cannot say that all of these people, or even the majority of them wish harm to Israel, but I will say that too many of them are living in some fantasy world or other
These leftists, most of whom would indubitably resent being referred to thusly, are either living in some Utopian dream world where the general belief is that there is some remote possibility that the Palestinians will be satisfied with having a part of Israel as their own, and that once they have this parcel of real estate and the sovereignty of such political ownership, there will be peace.
They couldn’t be farther from the truth.
How could they, when they are such avid proponents of the Rafah Agreement, which negates important security features of the agreed-upon Roadmap treaty, so strongly undermining Israel’s authority to defend itself?
Muhammad Dahlan, one of the PA signatories on the agreement, emphasized in a post-signing press conference, “It was agreed that Israel will have no right to prevent any Palestinian citizen to pass through the Rafah Crossing after it is re-opened.” Wanted terrorists could thus pass safely between Gaza and Judea.
Israel will be able to monitor those who enter, via a joint control room in Kerem Shalom, to which data and video images will be sent from the Rafah Crossing in real time or near real-time. However, if a suspected terrorist is noted, Israel will not be able to demand that he be kept out or detained.
According to the agreement, however, Israel will no longer be able to unilaterally close the crossings in such situations. In case of terror alerts, Israel must first notify the US embassy in Tel Aviv, provide the specific information that motivated the request for a closure, and then wait for Washington to approve or refuse the request.
I fear that my fellow American Jews who embrace this idiocy(picture someone lying on the pavement with cardiac arrest, and the law stating that you must first call an 800 number and weather interminable telephone menus in order to obtain permission to administer CPR) are either completely out of touch with the world’s more brutal realities or, though I would hope to be wrong, anti-Israel.
The fact that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, a woman I hold in the highest respect and esteem, went along with the Rafah Agreement confuses and disappoints me to no end, because she is more than conversant with all things terrorist and knows that the more you give them, the more they’ll attack, considering concessions as signs of weakness and/or victories on their part.
Fatah(the party of the Palestinian Authority), Hamas, the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, Islamic Jihad and the rest of the Palestinian terrorist organizations(yes, I include the PA’s party) will not stop terrorizing until they have obliterated Israel. In the meantime, they play their game, patiently leering as the Israelis make concessions to the Palestinians that the U.S. Government pressures them to make while the Arabs concede nothing, in fact do quite the opposite, continuing to attack Israel.
It is unfortunate that so many of my fellow American Jews have taken the leftist approach to politics, whether they call themselves liberals or progressives, because the left’s dogma apparently requires that its practitioners suspend any notion of free thinking and go with the collective’s thinking 100%, in for a penny, in for a pound. Whatever the left’s agendas might be, there can be no exception to any detail, there is only one drum to march to.
The followers of the left march behind their leaders into the same brand of slavery and speech restriction, suspension of freedom and individual rights that the Russians did when they succumbed to the lure of communism.
And they don’t seem to perceive this reality.
And where is Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the man who is ceding territory to terrorism, in all of this?
My government is not giving me unmitigated support, so I need to create a new government!
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will announce on Monday that he intends to quit the Likud and form a new centrist political party, sources close to Sharon said on Sunday.
Sharon is to visit President Moshe Katsav on Monday and ask him to dissolve the Knesset. This would set off a process that would lead to elections in 90 days, unless an MK succeeds in forming a new coalition within the next three weeks.
If this man is allowed to continue and if the Israelis keep going along with the plans for it as outlined by the U.S., there will be no more Israel and we Jews will once again be without a political subdivision of our own.
WTF is wrong with these people!?
October 27, 2005
Every Chapter Is Exactly The Same, Word For Word
Briefly, though I’m sure most of us know about yesterday’s news,
A suicide bomber blew himself up Wednesday next to a food stand in the central Israeli town of Hadera, wounding at least 30 people and leaving a path of destruction at an open air market, police and rescuers said.
To update the above, there have been five resultant deaths. To me, that’s five cold blooded murders of innocent civilians, not to mention the crippling of numerous other soft targets.
How very nice, still more humanity from the Palestinian end of things.
Interestingly enough, it came on the heels of a prediction by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Palestinians would, through their terrorism, eventually destroy Israel and he even offered words of encouragement to that end.
RAMALLAH, West Bank — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday predicted a wave of Palestinian attacks that would erase Israel “from the face of the Islamic world,” just hours before a suicide bomber killed five Israelis in a marketplace.
The attack, which wounded about 30, also made a mockery of a major speech by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who appealed in Ramallah yesterday for an end to attacks that he said were undermining attempts to establish a Palestinian state.
Iran’s firebrand president called for Israel’s destruction at a conference in Tehran titled “The World Without Zionism.”
For the trillionth time or so, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the guy who let western governments, shamefully including ours, bully him into ceding Gaza to the Palestinians, said there would be no further talks with Mahmoud Abbas until he acts against armed groups.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has ruled out talks with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas until he takes “serious action” against armed groups, the Prime Minister’s Office said Thursday, a day after five Israelis were killed by a Palestinian suicide bomber in Hadera.
Israel and the Palestinians earlier this month had delayed a meeting set for mid-October, their first since Israel completed its Gaza pullout on September 12. Officials had said the summit could take place in late October or early November, but sporadic violence since then had cast doubt on that timetable.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice also called on Abbas to rein in militants, a PA official said Thursday. Rice called Abbas and they discussed Wednesday’s attack, the official said.
Impressively, liberal media icon New York Times manages to incorporate all the essentials into one article.
JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli army launched an offensive against Islamic Jihad militants Thursday, carrying out a series of airstrikes in what Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said would be a ”broad and nonstop” response to a suicide bombing that killed five Israelis.
The offensive will include airstrikes and artillery attacks in Gaza and arrest raids in the northern West Bank, where Wednesday’s bomber came from, a military official said on condition of anonymity under military regulations. As a last resort, Israel could re-enter Gaza, which it evacuated last month. Israeli media reported that troops would also retake Palestinian towns, and conduct house-to-house searches.
The threatened Israeli response to the bombing in the central town of Hadera ratcheted up pressure on Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to confront militant groups. Abbas has refused to crack down on armed groups such as Islamic Jihad, fearing civil war.
Sharon said the military operation was necessary because of Abbas’ refusal to take action and said it would be impossible to resume peace talks until the Palestinians rein in the militants.
”Unfortunately the Palestinian Authority has not taken any serious action to battle terrorism,” Sharon said before meeting the visiting Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov. ”We will not accept under any circumstances a continuation of terrorism. Therefore our activities will be broad and nonstop until they halt terrorism.”
”The state of Israel would very much have liked to move peace efforts forward,” he added. ”To my regret, as long as terror continues we shall not be able to move forward as we would have wished.”
So as I said, it’s just another chapter that is identical to all those that came before. In good faith, Israel makes concessions. Staying true to their track record, the Palestinians make terrorism.
It looks like this time out, an act of terrorism has been the straw that broke the camel’s back{no un-PC reference intended, at least maybe not}.
Bush, Blair and a whole bunch of other world leaders really have to wake up to the fact that there will be no peace in Israel as long as the Palestinian Authority(Fatah, who were once the military wing of the P.L.O. and who presently “own” other, active terrorist groups) or Hamas are recognized as valid political concerns in the quest for peace in the Middle East rather than being treated by the world community as the failures they are in order for Israel to achieve positive diplomatic results via negotiating with terrorists.
October 24, 2005
Good Shooting, Guys!
TULKARM, West Bank (Reuters) - Israeli troops on Monday shot dead a top Islamic Jihad commander in the occupied West Bank, the most senior Palestinian militant killed since the start of an eight-month-old ceasefire.
October 22, 2005
Same Old, Same Old
So nothing in the so-called “Middle East Peace Process” has really changed since Ariel Sharon, via what I believe would be more aptly named the “Roadmap To Hell,” gave Gaza to the Palestinians. Now they’ve got their new firebase and a staging point for attacks against Israel, and once they’ve gotten their seaport built, at the expense of U.S. and other nations’ taxpayers, they’ll have the perfect set-up for importing still more terrorists, such as al-Qaeda types.
The White House meeting between President George W. Bush and Palestinian Authority whip Mahmoud Abbas seems to have been a rather stagnant affair, nothing new to report, as it were, no problems resolved. They should’ve had their talk by telephone — Abbas could’ve used a $5.00 phone card and saved all the money he spent travelling to the U.S. Again, our tax dollars at work.
Mohammed Dahlan’s back from the hospital in Belgrade, and addressed his fellow Palestinians in Gaza.
Gaza strongman Mohammed Dahlan on Saturday praised his Fatah movement’s armed struggle against Israel, but called on gunmen to set aside their weapons and move toward democracy.
Right, and
Without the armed resistance, the Palestinians would not have made progress in their struggle, Dahlan told the crowd, in an apparent reference to Israel’s withdrawal last month from the Gaza Strip. However, he said, it was time for Fatah to control their arms, end the chaos in Gaza and focus on winning a January parliamentary vote.
“We are the pioneers in the Fatah movement and we should put an end to the division. We should be united. It’s time for democracy,” Dahlan said.
On the one hand, Dahlan praises the success of Palestinian terrorism against the Israelis — sure, he calls it armed resistance, but if blowing up soft targets like women and children is “armed resistance,” I wonder what he would call actually getting up on ones hind legs and going toe-to-toe with armed soldiers.
In the same breath as his praise for the murder of innocents and the destruction of property, he urges his terrorist brethren to lay down their arms and pursue democracy.
Until when? Until you’ve convinced the world of your sincerity, Mohammed, and foreign sources of funding have begun a deluge of largesse into your coffers to finance more mayhem when you believe the Israelis have let their guard down? Then you can praise your fellow terrorists some more when they’ve driven Sharon out of the West Bank, as well?
The Palestinians have proven that no matter who’s in charge, nothing changes. They renege on every condition they ever agree to in peace proceedings, which from their perspective is just fine as it’s okay for “the faithful” to lie to infidels, who don’t count.
Israel has been the side forced to make all the concessions in every peace attempt, the Palestinians have been asked only to disband and disarm their terrorist organizations. Israel has kept its end of every deal, the Palestinians have done nothing but accept these concessions, absorb money from numerous countries and then continue to terrorize.
Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz laid down the law, warning Abbas that if the PA doesn’t hold up their only end of the bargain and deal with the terrorist groups, diplomatic negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians will come to an end.
“We demand that the Palestinian Authority move from the talking phase and actively work against the terror organizations,” Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said following Sunday’s terror attacks in the West Bank.
“As long as the terror attacks persist Israel will not be able to continue the diplomatic process with the Palestinians,” Mofaz added.
Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem pointed an accusatory finger at Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas following the terror attacks in Gush Etzion and Binyamin, in which three people have been murdered and at least four were injured.
Abass’ meek approach allowed this attack. He is not doing what is necessary. It seems that the terror organizations are trying to send him a message, that he should stop working against them,” a diplomatic source told Ynet.
This entire diplomatic spectacle is just that. Even as the Israelis have given up Gaza and pursue peace talks, the terrorism continues.
The Israelis waxed a young bomber, expect some kind of violent response from the Palestinians, who become really angry when the Israelis kill one of these monsters in self defense. According to the Arab script, the Jews are supposed to cooperate and die.
A long time ago, former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said that “there will be peace in the Middle East when the Palestinians come to love their children more than they hate the Jews.” Well…
Woman carrying baby hides hand grenade
Earlier on Saturday, IDF troops arrested five wanted Palestinian militants during an arrest sweep in a village near the West Bank town of Nablus. The forces discovered in one militant?s home a suitcase containing 10 kg of explosives.
During the raids, troops also found a Palestinian woman hiding a hand grenade under her baby, an IDF officer said.
The woman, Aziza Jawabra, admitted the grenade was near her one-month-old son, but said she did not know it was in the pocket of the jacket she was wearing.
Lt. Col. Arik Chen said his troops finally searched Jawabra after they became suspicious of the way she was carrying the baby. The soldiers found she was holding the grenade just under the baby’s backside, he told The Associated Press.
“To see a woman using her baby to hide a grenade is not typical,” Chen said.
Right, sure, anything you say. I’m reminded of an incident awhile back in which a teenage Palestinian girl snuck out of the house, took a walk down an Israeli street and blew herself up in a suicide vest.
The father’s reaction was not concern over the loss of his daughter nor for the victims of the bombing.
It was anger that his daughter had left the house without his permission nor with one of her brothers as an escort, and the admonition that had his daughter survived, he would have beaten her to death.
It would appear that nothing’s changed in the violent landscape that is Israel, except that the Palestinians now own Gaza.
September 16, 2005
Terror Strip
I did a similar post to this one yesterday, but it was lost in the quagmire of the usual hotel(I’m travelling at the moment, and am staying at a hotel in Washington, DC) Internet access. There will be trackbacks at other sites I linked to, that lead to the since-deleted post that this one replaces.
So, yesterday Mahmoud Abbas claimed he had things under control in the Gaza Strip
The chaos at the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt has been brought under control, according to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.
“I think that the Palestinians are perfectly in control,” Mr Abbas said during a visit to the Rafah crossing.
Perhaps that was merely an indication of a profoundly distorted sense of reality at work, perhaps it was just a small fib to facilitate the opinion of the rest of the world that all is hunky dory in Gaza.
It’s difficult to believe that this could be even a remote possibility, considering that the man and his Fatah government couldn’t curtail terrorism, assuming he’d even wanted to, which I doubt, in the infinitely less stressful conditions that existed before the Israelis’ Gaza pullout. I say ‘less stressful’ because at the time, there weren’t thousands upon thousands of Palestinians on the move like a thundering herd of animals, looting, burning synagogues and generally acting like…well, animals.
According to the Jerusalem Post, the chaos in Gaza is still going great guns, and the Israelis are in overdrive implementing security measures, the job a major challenge as they’ve long since learned that they can’t depend upon the Palestinian Authority to be of any help. You know, the folks all those western leaders, including our own President{I’m sorry to say as I’m a Bush supporter on most issues and would vote for him again if he could run again}, apparently believe are somehow qualified to manage their territorial affairs of state.
Israel increased the security checks being conducted along the northern border of the Gaza Strip Friday, at the Karni goods crossing and the Erez crossing in northern Gaza, in an attempt to stop weapons and drugs from being smuggled to Gaza from Egypt.
Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, head of the Defense Ministry’s political and security division, said that Israel could not depend on the Palestinian Authority when it came to the security of Israel.
“The Palestinian Authority has always been considered able to make obligations to enforce law and order and unable to execute those obligations,” said Gilad.
Concerned over the growing chaos in the Gaza Strip and the incapability of the Palestinian Authority to enforce law and order, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz called for a security belt to be erected on the Palestinian side of the northern Gaza security fence to distance Israeli communities from the chaos in Gaza.
“The aim is to set up a no-man’s land which Palestinians will be barred from entering,” a Defense Ministry official said.
I’ve blogged on this before, and my opinion hasn’t altered one iota: Israel’s ceding the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians and the rest of the world giving the PA vast sums of money over the years do nothing to promote peace in the Middle East.
Giving them Gaza sends them a message that terrorism works, and that increasing same will get them an entirely Muslim, Jewish-free country over time. They made this plain at the outset of the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, when Hamas and friends acknowledged their victory and vowed to terrorize even more. Yet the evacuation continued and the funds are to keep flowing.
Thus far, more of the money(taxpayers’ dollars, pounds, francs, pesos, etc. from the U.S. and elsewhere) given to the Palestinian Authority seems to have found its way into the personal coffers of the late and unlamented-by-most Mr. Arafat and his Fatah cronies or been invested in weapons and explosives with which to murder Jewish civilians and any other soft targets who just happened to be in the immediate vicinity, than to bettering the lives of those Palestinians who simply want to live in peace and watch their children grow up.
All in all, the terrorists of Hamas, al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, Islamic Jihad and the rest are getting a great deal. A geographic subdivision all their own in which to stockpile weapons and explosives, congregate pretty much openly without fear of arrest as they plan and assemble the logistics for terror attacks within Israel and then stage these attacks, plus the financing, courtesy of yours and my tax dollars, to bankroll them. What a bargain!
To make self defense even harder for Israel, Gaza borders Egypt, and that country has long been one of the major ordnance conduits for Palestinian terrorist organizations. Despite any promises the Egyptians might make to secure their borders against a flow of arms to the Palestinians, they are an Arab country and Israel knows better than to place any aspects of their security in that quarter — so they’ll have to secure the Gaza-Egypt border themselves.
Israel has promised to deal “harshly” with the Palestinians in Gaza should the strip become a source of continued terrorism, and given the terror the Jews have had forced upon them by the Palestinians, I have no compunction about saying that when this inevitability occurs, the positive aspect will be that whatever the Israelis do, they won’t have to worry about any Jewish collateral damage in the Gaza Strip.
In Jewish World Review, Diana West asks What have we paid for with Palestinian handouts?
They say you get what you pay for. But what exactly have we paid for? As recently as Sept. 2, according to Palestinian Media Watch, the PA’s “Voice of Palestine” was sermonizing against “heretical” America, exhorting the Muslim faithful to attack Americans in Iraq — just the latest instance of anti-U.S. propaganda carried on PA-run radio. A few weeks ago, the PA’s so-called Ministry of Culture released its “Book of the Month,” a collection of poetry honoring murder-bomber Hanadi Jaradat. This “Rose of Palestine” killed 29 Israeli Jews and Arabs at a crowded Haifa eatery in October 2003, back when such carnage was still shocking. Palestinian Media Watch also noted a PA government newspaper report about female Hamas terrorists — photographed holding American-made automatic rifles.
All of which should make us wonder: Have we paid for a “peace process,” or have we financed holy war (jihad)? Have we supported a “peace partner”? Or have we just helped create a terrorist state?
I believe a grave error has been, and is continuing to be made, and that the result will be the engenderment of exponentially more violence between Israelis and Arabs than we have seen since 1973.
On a lighter note, Vinnie of Vince Aut Morire fame suggests an alternative location for a Palestinian state and, for those of you who plan to travel in the Middle East in the near future, a list of useful phrases that might make your trip more enjoyable.
August 25, 2005
Another Arafat Heir
If there was ever a reason for a government to indulge in what the KGB used to call mokri dela(wet affairs), the Israelis need to arrange an “accident” for this son of a bitch before he gets comfortable in the Gaza Strip.
He confers often with terrorist groups and regimes and called the attacks of September 11, 2001, “a lesson to the U.S.” saying it “was the first time that Arabic names entered every American household.” | As this column reported last week, the Tunis-based head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Farouk Qaddumi, whose official position on Israel is that it should be destroyed, will move into Gaza this summer. He is a possible successor and key rival to the Palestinian Authority’s current leader, Mahmoud Abbas. Mr. Qaddumi will be bringing with him a “volunteer popular army” of at least 1,500, according to Saudi press reports from August 3.
The PLO charter calling for the destruction of Israel was reportedly amended in 1996, but on an appearance on ANB TV on April 25, 2005, Mr. Qaddumi said that he “does not accept any amendment.” Furthermore, in an interview with an Israeli-Arab weekly on January 3, 2003, he openly stated that there is no difference between Hamas and the PLO vis-a-vis calling for the destruction of Israel. He said, “strategically we are no different from it.”
The Israelis definitely don’t need an asshat like that coming to town.
August 24, 2005
Jewish Settlement Pullouts Are A Done Deal
The Israeli Defense Force and police involved in the “Disengagement” have completed the job of evacuating residents of the Jewish settlements in Gaza and four in the West Bank, experiencing resistance only in the two West Bank settlements of Sanur and Homesh, resistance they overwhelmed quickly.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has said Israel’s withdrawal from all 21 Gaza Strip settlements and four isolated communities in the northern West Bank will improve Israel’s security by reducing friction with the Palestinians.
Right, Ariel, you just keep dreaming.
In the Arab-biased Middle East Online, the opinion is that Sharon has made a sound political move.
Again, there are some snags in the general game plan, such as evacuees not going with the program.
I tend to agree here with Bibi Netanyahu, as anyone who’s spent any time at this blog will know, that the evacuation is only going to embolden the terrorist factions among the Palestinians, who already have expressed their gleeful belief that the evictions of Jewish settlers were a direct result of their terrorism, and have stated their intention to increase those murderous operations, knowing now that they work. The end result, if they are successful, will be to realize the late Gamel Nasser’s intention of pushing all the Jews into the sea.
Netanyahu, however, said the pullout would only bring more terror. “Even the chief of IDF intelligence told MKs last week that terrorism would likely resume in force around springtime. The head of the Shin Bet concurred, saying terrorism will originate in the Gaza Strip.”
“The prime minister is tearing the nation apart and setting a precedent for further withdrawals. The pullout is a tragedy and completely superfluous, a giving in to terror in return for nothing. Sharon has created an Islamic terror state in Israel,” the Likud MK added.
The end of Israel ain’t happening, friends, the Israelis just happen to possess the most powerful war machine in the Middle East, but ceding the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians will result in an exponential increase in Israeli civilian deaths from terrorist attacks as Gaza becomes the terrorism equivalent of the old American west outlaws’ haven called ‘Hole In The Wall.’
The evacuation was much easier, even given the pockets of resistance encountered at a few of the settlements in Gaza, Sanur and Homesh, than many had anticipated, and the IDF expects to have all their assets and equipment out of Gaza by mid September.
Mahmoud Abbas expects to take over at that time. He’s another dreamer, that one. Hamas has other plans, and they answer to no one, including the Palestinian Authority{PA}, except themselves. In their incarnation as a Palestinian political party, they have their sights set on replacing Fatah(the party that is the PA, the party of the thankfully late Yassir Arafat) as the leaders of the Palestinians.
Abbas may well be out of his depth here: He inherited his position from Arafat, a seasoned terrorist leader who was wanted by the Israelis as far back as the early 1960s as a major player in Palestinian terror. Arafat was a master of the game, a brilliant strategist and a survivor who built the corruption known as the PA in his own image. Abbas is like the son of a seat-of-the-pants businessman who forged a business empire out of a hand-to-mouth existence, who inherits the business and then loses control, eventually ending up in bankruptcy court. Within a year or two, Hamas will eat him alive, one way or the other.
That’s when the Gaza Giveaway will really come back to kick the Knesset in the touchas.